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Amending County Code 17.40 Airport Overlay Zonefl G�- L J\ C UM D) NaS R `` /4Z AIR?ORT -J L5®06 CCOU YC V AY 7 \i i\ AN ORDNANCE amending the [flew Masora County Code Chap ter be renumbered as Mason County Code Chapter ' dD 609 7D 0 Airport Over ay Zone to WHETEASS, the Masor County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance \Limbe 05, &Amendr.eres to the Mason County Comprehensive Phan, Resource Ordinance, Shore Master program, and Mason County Devetopmert RegiLatiors"; and i08- i r e W-ir,REAS, the adoption of new Mason County Cope C-apter ' 7D4O " irport overay Zone" was inc,uded in arend9� en:s of Ordinance Number 108-05; and WHEREAS, the Mason County Code Chapte Preservation and WK E R.EAS, the new Airport Over chapter number, ano 17.40 is an existing Chapter emit ed" st .; ri c y Zone chapn-er was incorrecty given an existing code WHEREAS, the new Airport Over u y Zone is row /snow- as , \anon County Code Chapter 17.6C (at:ached). oW, THr,R approves and 17.60. A ,FORE, BE IT HEREBY ORD fiN adopts the new Airport Ove f ED this 2.8 day of February, 2 retede Lerk of the Board 4 .AP PO L' To U�oRM: User- DPA Prosecuting Attorney the Mason County Board of Co r., y Zone known as Masor County O6 nim ssioners -ereby Code Chapter AR) OF COUN CIll'A USSU \ERS MASON COU TY, WASHDNGTON 4 da hi 4 di (-bia_ da Ring Eric on, Chairperson Jayni L. Kalil/ Co rflrnrnss one im Sheldon, Co 'imissioner !1 /l o 6 �i o LE Ar2 1 p s©hvi The ordi r a nce codified it this chapter sha Over ay Zone Ordinance." /06Co2 u '- °OS AN.® 0 r u pose le Airport Over,ay Zorie 0 „bek 0 r ra owr and dinance has two . unda C Tay be cited as the "Airport Tertapurposes° (A) To minimize the pubic9s expsure to excessive noise and safety hazards than - would resu ht i ro rrn i nconnpatib,e and use devempne n Lc around Sancerson Fie,d; anc CB) To protect Sanderson 'Jie„d from potentia, encroachment by lard incompatible with airport activities and that may impair the plea« me«t anc use of the airport. (2) hitert 7.6to03 he intent of this chapter is to: A) mperent poicies of the Mas•n County Comprehensive Shea&i, Sanderson Field Airport Master Pan. 3 ses that are ed develop - „an „an and tPh e Port of 3) Establish Land use zoning regu,ations around Sanderson Fie,d that are specifi- cally designed to address issues of compatibility between the airport and sur- rounding land uses. Regulations are established with respect to compatible land use, noise, safety, and heighirits (airspace protection). C APP Affected Y _and Use Athvities and Structures—Gener d Acppkabidity (A) In general, this chapter applies to the following activities anc struct res ated within the Airport overlay Zone established as :he Land Use Compatabi Zones (Map ) and the Airspace Protection Areas (Map 2): Proposed arid divisions. (2) Proposed new constructio 0 ity (3) Charges to ache existing uses of land or structures to the extent that such (2) L ses This c changes require review under other app,icab,e regu,ationso a 1 Strructu res t Affected napter does not apply to: H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16.O6.doc �o�o A) Existing deve parsion or cn f orm once wi opmenc as of the effective c a:e is is chapter for whichno ex- ar iges of ,se are proposed ever l if the existing uses are not th con h the standards herein. (B) Aviati •}< < and re purposes (C) The manner in which airc space. D 4 u DF ,e ,owing defini ,op Tent o r use of al port prope aft operate or the al rpo rtv .For aerorotica torin t ions appy for the purposes of this chapter: e surro yrndi ng al ,A) "Airport99 (means Sanderson Fieyd airport in Mason County. This is includes the termina�, fixed -base •-perations, and the area of ,and designated and set aside for the ,aiding and taking off of aircraft, incwuding anecessary taxiways, air- craft storage and tie -down areas, ha lgars, ard other necessary bui,dings, and open spaces, designated for the storage, repair,and operation of aircraft, and unitized or to be utilized in the interest of the public for such purposes. (B) "Airport Manager99 means the Port of Shelton Board of Commissioners or an- other person delegated to represent the Board for the ' Hshed in the Airport Over ay Zone Ordinance. (C) P4=ede P& Aviation Reguations (FAR) Part 11" means that'- part of federal regu- lations deaing with obstructions to air navigation° D) emporary Speciagiver ts" are ones such as baoon fairs or an air show at an airport) for which a facility is not designec and norma,„y iot used and for which extra safety precautions can be taken as appropriate. (E) PeResidential Density" means the number of dwelling units, incuding detached secondary units, on a specific parcel, site, or land use development divided by the gross acreage of the parcel, site, or development. (F) "Special Function Land U1seA9 means [and use for which the significant common element is the re,ative inabi ity of the people occupying the space to move out of harm's way; this inc"Jdes schools (K"2), hospita,s, nursi h,g homes, daycare centers, and other si mi ar uses. (G) "Structure49 means an obc,ect, inc,udirg a mobile objec sta,sec9 by man, inc,uding, bJt withoutimitation, bui,di cranes, smokestacks, ea ee a ted deve th fo nation, and constructed or in- 'gs, antennas, towers, overreact transmission ines0 .sage 0ntensity99 is the n,o m Pier of peope occupying a specific parce, site, or and use devesopmenL divided by the gross acreage of the paace,, site, or de- ve ,opne .a 0 cept reside Usage intensity criteria are appiicab,e to a 0 tiao types of and uses ex- Ho\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2016o06odoc u U o 6 RP 0 U ,h R ,,.Y ZON E. MAPS The area of the Airport Overay Zone is c (2 (2) (A Land TJse Co.mpatbiQity Zori e s (Ma The Lan . Airfie c conec by two maps as estabished be,owo d ,se Compatibsity Zones map depicts tne boundaries of the Sanderson i f ,uence area and airport land use zones for whicrl various compatibt- ity criteria are defined in tris chapter. ne Land Ilse Compatibiity Zone boundaries take into account ircompatih e and use activity, relative risks of aircraft accidents in various por:ions of the airoort environs, noise and other associated activities that may impact the operations of the airpc art in the fu- ture. ",B) Soecific factors upon which the 5 are deineated are as fo, ows: 1 urdaries of the and L seCCompati bi tity Zones ,1) Zone ` - Runway Protection Zone (RPZ): This lone is trapezoida, in shape and centered aoout the extended runway centers ne o 0 t jegi ns 200 feet beyond the end of the area usable for takeoff or landing. The RPZ diner sions are a It of the type of aircraft operating at the airpon: and the approach visibiity minimums associated with each runway end. Zone 2 - lln per Safety Zone (SZ: This Encompasses a rectangular area that is posi ionec. on the extended runway centerli ne, ano acU acent to the RPZ bound a ye fro- runway 5-23, Zone 2 extends approximate beyond the 'RPZ boundary. sy 2, 30c Zo7e 3 - nfer Turning Zone (e I Z boundary is defined by a Irian= guar shaped area tha: is positionec a ,ong each side of the RPZ and DSZ bcurdarieso For Runway 5-23, the U T Z extends approximately 4,500 feet from the inner width of the RPZ, within a 60 degree sector of the ex- tended runway centerline. (4) Zone 4 - Outer Safety Zone (OSZ): The OSZ is a rectangular area that is also centered on the runway. For Runway 5=23, the OSZ is 1,000 'Peet wide overall (extending 500 feet laterally from the runway centerline) and extends approximately 3,000 feet beyond the SZ Zone 5 - Sideline Safety Zone (SSZ): For Runway 5-23, the SSZ boundary is defined by a ` , 000 C foot centerline offset on each side of the runway that connects the 0 T Zs on each end of the runway. (5) A r6 Zone 6 - Traffic Pattern Zone (U DZ)o E rconpasses an area surrounding the runway of approximately 5,00C feet, as depicted in Airport Land Lse Zoning map. irspace ° rotoctio k:eas (Ma _P 2) The Airspace Protectio7 Areas map depicts the airspace surfaces defined for Sande -son Fie„c in accordance wit 'nraeoera. Aviation. Segu,auions, Part 77, Suopart Co For the purposes of this c-apter, ptai-ineo futire runway configuration or types of runway ap 3 H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16.06.doc proacnes are assu fined in the Airspace are defined by a set of five types f sL A) A primary surface is orgitu end of the runways The wic any point on the primary su point on the runway centeri ne o rotecdion Areas. The crotoce rfaces as foi ows: ao s oace surfaces dinay centered and extends 200 feet beyond each th is ` , 003 feet for Oyu -Nway 5 23Tice elevation of face is the same as the e,evatior of the nearest ° Approach surfaces are ongi tudi naay centered on the extended runway cente ine and extend outward and upward beginning at, and at the same e,evation as, eacr e ld of a primary surface. Approacn surface dimensions and smpes fo each P mway end are as fo ows a b c d unways 23: Onner edge width: Outer end width: ,030 .feet 6,000 feet. ,ength: 509 000 feet. 5 1 r- pe: 53 to foot vertica,y for each 50 feet horizont&„y) for the n feet of n II n e' inner 10,0 00 feet enn h ard 40 to 1 for the outer 401 -OO feet. J U ✓ � L � � lS � L J � J U the � outer l_y , LJ ✓-' U `� 4, o (2) Runways 5: (e) anenedge Moth: ' 9000 feet° (f) Outer edge width: 4,000 feet. (g) Length: 10,000 feet. (h) S ooe: 20 to 10 (C) Transition& surfaces extend outward from the sides of each primary surface nd each approach surface. These sfffaces scope Jpward one foot verticac,y for each seven feet horizontal,y (7o' ), measured at a 90 degree angle to the runway centerL i ne and extended runway centerline, and conti n Je to where tney intersect a horizontal or conic& surface. '=or those portions of a precision approach surface which extend 'through or beyond the limits of the conical sur- face, the adjacent transitiona surfaces extend a cistance of 5,000 feet hori- zontally from the edge of the approach surface, measure° at a 90 degree angle to the extended runway centerline. (D) A horizontal surface is estabished at an elevation of 254 feet above the highest point on airport runway 5, and 269 feet above the highest point on ai rpors run- way 23, speci-rica,y 4' 9 feet above mean sea yeve o The inner edge o. he horizontal surface is defined by its intersection with transitiona & surfaces. The outer edge is cefined by drawing arcs with radii of `0,000 feet centered on the runway centerline at each end of the primary surface of -unway 9=27, then connecing the arcs with ines ° raw tangent to them (E) A conic& surface extends outward for a distance of 4,000 feet from the pe- riphery of the horizont& surface and upwa r at a slope of one foot verticay for each 20 feet no(20:1) Th Ho\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16°06odoc Land U Co r oatibility Zones (Map 1) H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16.06.doc Airspace Protection Areas (Map 2) 2. ATi I 4...0•... 34, 8 0• 6. tir 3 l yr.vi, n . 44 I . lantgritHIASIt ::::::::::;:::::! 4 ill4 4 n 4 A litliptilifrail 'a �i. k4 7rr �1p1 n 7 y. R 1 !g i; yi noti relikefw FY. 5 w• ri t, • • 4.* • n. eel k eE e1 • •e. oy. • 54 5 is •:J. o'i1' oft;Ss 4 1. • . • r t 8 \ k. 1/4. h. f71i x ; 4•.��'2; i 1 !i k si '�y :r . :L �. s 'PAL ! 'Y, ► ��, � • Vpr � i�'i wy. L 0. • H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16.06.doc dab \SU T Y °-` \ IJ V 17, r TAII1ONS Resid ntiall. oevebpn"rt tensity Criteria J �- Any subdivision of property for the purposes of residertia, deveoprrrent within t .e and Use CompatibLicy zones sna compy with the foLowing density criteria: ',A) Land „sse Compati bi ity Zones 1, 2 and 5: No new residen ti aand divisiors are permitted. \o new reside ltia„ dweLings permitted, except irf i in Zone 5 as provided in subsection (8) of this section. (B) _and Use C. ompati i ty Zones 3 and 4: No new and divisions or the purpose of creating adcitiona, ru,ti = ami y reside tia, parce,s, except as permitted in Section 17.600060(4 Residentia„and divisiors for singe fami,y development are ,i mited to one dwe„i ng nit per five acres. I Cher residenti a, deve asprnent must compLy with usage intensity (Section 10 0 60. r 60 (4)) arc deed notification (Section 17 60.080) requirements. flnfid development is a„owed as provided in s„ bsection (8) of this section. (2) My ixed Use Development f residentiau Lses are proposed to be loca ed with nonresidentia, uses in the same or nearby buildings on the same site, they shall be treated as nonresidential deve cpment provided the residen Sias develoomen t does not exceed 30% of the overa„ scuare footage of the structures. The occL pancy of the residential portion shall be added to that of the nonresidentia, portion and evaluated with respect to the non- residential Lsage intensity criteria defined in Section ' 7 62060 (4). (3) Speda Fu nc_tf o J !J nand Use Special Function Land Uses as defined in 17.60.040(F) shag be prohibited in the _anc Lse Compatibiity Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4. New special function ,and uses are aka) prohibited in Z.ne 6; however, expansion of such existing uses is conditionea upon review for impacts to the airport. j4) Nonresidential Develc•pment Usage Ontensity Criteri Any propose° nonresidentia. construction or use of a id within the Land Use Com- patibility Zones shah not be permitted if they exceed the u o,owing usage irtersity imitations. A) Zo�-e 'r o No people other than aircraft occupants, airport person persons authorized by airport regulations. '3) Zone 2: No more than 5 people per acre average over the site. (C) Zone 3: \o more than 25 people per acre average over the site. D) Zone 4: No more than people per acre in bindings and no more than /5 peo- �eU, and other p,e per acre o"tside of bui,c.irgso 7 H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2e 16,06,doc (5) (E) Zone 5: \o more than 'Jsaoe tensity Caku 00 people per acre average ove ation Factors the site. The maximum number of people permitted on a site witin the Land Lse CCompati= bu icy zones sham be ca,cuLatei based on the .0 o„owing factors: (A) &,„ peop„e (e0g0 employees, customers, visitors, etc.) who nay be or the prop- erty are to be inc Ldec in the ca,cusationso (B) The ca.cu ations nr time, except tempo st refect the Iota„ numbe rary speci a U events. r of CDeo p ,e on the site at any (C) s isage intensities are ca,cuhated on a gross acreage basis in share of adj ace it roads and permarenty open ,ands. J) ntensity or the property under review shay be cacu c Jelling the use's ,ated or each acre of the site by a site pan identifying each ore acre area and the respective use and dersityo 'he one acre areas indicated are to be recta igwar in shape, not e,on- gated or irregu,ar,y shaped. To the exen. that the parcel is irreguar,y shaped, the site plan sia,„ show te best fit of the ore acre or portion of one acre areas consistent with the intent of this chapter. (6) Us ge me rsaty Data Sources The ,sage intensity of aindividuate yeses highly depends upon the specifics of the proposer. ,ano use and its design. Where necessary to determine the acceptabi ity of a particuar proposal wvcm.in the ...and Use Compatibility zones, the anticipated number of people per acre can be caated based any of the fo,owing methods: (A) The number of aut.m..-bile parking spaces required on the site: Lness a sub- stantial number of people would arrive at th t site by means other than auto= m.biLe (or would park off site), the anticipated number of people on the site can be estimated to be at least equal to the number of automobile parking spaces required for the use. A higher number shaL be assumed for uses that typically attract mre than one person per vehicdeo (8) International Building Code (IBC) occupancy levels: 71 he anticipated maximum number of people occupying indoor facilities on a site car be assL]med to be no higher than the total floor area of the proposed use divided by the minimum scuare feet per occupant requirements fisted in the IBC. Because the IBC c ri in feria represent righ ,y intensive levels of usage, the number obtained through phis cacuilati•n can na.rma,Vy be divided i R hary for the purposes of the usage inthis criteria section. (C) Documented Survey or Analysis Results: A project appica rt may provide evi- dence, such as surveys of existing uses simi sar to the type proposed, docu- menting that specific features of a proposal would resu t in a usage intensity ower than that. ass. med using the methods indicated above. Acceptance of such evidence sha be at the discretion of Mason Courtyo 8 Ho\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2016006odoc (G Farce s Lying vit sin Two of- Moe- Land [se come patibi ity Zones ll u a parce. proposed for reside ntial subdivision is spit by Land Use Conpatibi ity Zone boundaries, the tota, ru rtber of dwaing units permitted sba„ be cascutated as if the parce„ were mu:4,e parcels divided at the c scipatibLity zone boundary �ineo Sir Sa rly, iu a parce, proposed for 'nonresidertia. use is spit by compatibi ity zone bosnda.ries, the usage intensity shot, be ca,ctha ted as if tne parse, were di- vided at the compa'tibLity zone bordary Qn bo:h cases, however, the deve, opment density or intensity at,owed wit'ri 1 the more restricted portion of The par- ce, can ;and is encouraged to) be transferred to (cwstered on) the ,ess restricted portion even if the resustirg deve,opment in the latter area her exceeds the crite- ria for that compatibility zone. This transfer of deve,opment is a,so a„,owed with respect no muJtip,e parces proposed to be deve,oped as a singe pro�ecto (83) 0rfi Deve opment where substartia„ incompatible development already exists adaacent to the site of the proposa�, additicnainfi cevelopmest of simi,a r or Sess intensive ,and uses may be lowed to occsir even i i such ,and uses are not a,,owed e$sewhere it the Land Use Cornp ati hi lity Zones. Tiflis exception does not apply within Land use sou nnpati o bilit.y Tomes 1 or 2 A parcel can be considered for infix development if it meets all of tie f ol„owinQ criteria: Ahe parce, size is no arger than 2 acres. B) The site is at „east 65% bounded (excuding roads) by existing uses si mi ,ar to, or more intensive than, those proposed (C) - he proposed project woJA not extend the perimeter of tne area defined by the surrounding, a „ready developed, i ncompati b ae uses (D) The pro osed project would not, in the case of a resiaentia, subdivision, have a density greater than the average of that on other parcels within 300 feet of the perimeter of the parcel to be subdivided; or in the case of a nnresidential use, have a usage intensity more than 50% above the intensity permitted in ac- cordance with Section ' 7 60006O(4) of this chap¢�era (E) The proposed project wil not otherwise increase tre intensity and/or in- compatibility of use through special use permits, density transfers, or sub- divisions. io©jo070 RSPACE PRO Basis for Hei hic, 11 t Limits ON AR S G J A UONS Protection of navigab„e airspace from obstructions that can be hazards to aircraft Light requires essabUishnent of limits on theight of structires, trees, and other objects in the vicinity of Sande rso ;o 1 hese ,units are priman y based l por part 7/, Subpart C, of the edera„ Aviation Regi aiins (FAR), bit a„so may take into ac= coL nt the nitec States Standard for 11 ermi na, Dnstrument Procedires h ERPS) and applhcab,e airport design standards pubisd by the '=edera, Aviatio-t Administra- on n A . 9 H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2016o06odoc (2) a teri a (A) No structure sbapenetrate or be perrlitted to have a height exceeding that of the critic& airspace surfaces defined above, excecr as specifica.,y necessary forpo-Pt operations. (3) Variance proceedure height ad:ustments fror the height imit criteria may be permitteo subject to t'be Mason County deveoprie It code aid army if aof e r o;„owing conditions are Tet: t There is Located a iother existing object or obstruction terrain, trees, bui dings or other structures of greaser height) withi i a 200-foot radius of tree pro Posed okect (2) The owner of the property agrees to take responsi bi ity for e ls, ring that any obstrictioi tnarki rg and/or „fighting required by the Feder& Aviation Administration is insta,ed, operate°, and cfeaintained, un,ess the Airport Manager has agreed in writing to be responsib,e for such inst&lation, opo erasion, and mainter,ance (3) The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aerona;ti,ca1 study of the proposed ob; ec t and determined that the obi ect wou.d not create a hazard to the navigne airspace of the airport 3) Notification to Fecdera viado n „ cministration Nothing in tris chapter sh alc.i�F Finish _t he responsibility of project proponents co submit a Notice of Construction or Alteration to the Federa, Aviation Administration if rec b i red in accordance with Subpart B of Federal Aviation Regu PPcb:ects Affecting Navigab,e Airspace." . C.C8C C •IIER REQ1LR M Q Deed Notification (A) As a condition for approval of new development within the a O v Q C aticns Part 7/, oproach surfaces ('i76OO5O(2)(3)) snown on the Airspace Protection Areas Map (Map 2), or Land Use Coc"-patbi lity Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (Map % ); a notice shall be recorded wiL' the county auditor prior to final approva, of new subdivisions, short subdi- visions, buiydin permits, condition& use permits, special use permit or other similar permits, umess saki notice is already recorded on the property. said notice snag state: "This property is Located adjacent to an airport anc roJ tin,,ly sub;ect to overflight. activity by aircraft using tre airpot9 and residents and tenant s may experience i nco rvenience, annoyanc- or doscomfo ioise, sme„ or other effects of aviation activities." `\CFO14\\ NG C*� NS t from A) Land uses and structures not in conformance with this Airport Overay Zone Ordinance as of the effective cate of the chapter may continue i 1 use inner the fo„owThe cor .itions: 1r H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16.06.doc r7 C l Cortinuatior of the use must not be in cont. ,ict witn other deveopr ne t regu,ations. (2) Q norcorforming use may be changed 'to another nonconforming use on,y if the new use does not l nvoNe expacsio n of the affected and area, ar increase i�ml bui,ding size, or an increase 11 the intensity of usage iioeo the number of oeopae per acre). (3) Once a noncon f o miclg use or struct ire has been a Section ' o O5. o' 6 of he Masor County Deve future use of and or [Dui dings must conform son County eve opne� nt Reguations. ) Noting jr this section shabe irate existing uses and s t ruCures. R EVIL W PROCEDURES A) Appications .0 o sha, i ncude t bandoned as defined by pment Regu.aLions, then any tfe provisions of the Mao rpreted to prevert nornat raintelnarce of and uses or and use deve e ,0 c t. o V V II n g Il I! L formation: 0 �p reC 1t wi hin irport ve rtay Zone (1) Property boL idaries and acreage of the project/proposed use, including the geographic reationship to the ad ,„se CompaIabljty and Airspace 'protections Zones (2) _ocation, eevation, and height of aexisting and proposeo ouicings, structures, and utility tines. T rye appicacnt may a,so be asked for the yo= cation, e,eva do F, and height of trees. (3) A description of the proposed and use incwudi rag the number of dwedin units and/or number of peoo e expected to occupy the site. 3) hi consideration of an application for a building, structure, or other use, the reviewing official may require the applicant to submit a certificate from a reg- istered professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor clearly indicating the average ground e,evation, maximum elevations of proposed structure(s) and the critical airspace surfaces based on the established airport elevation and USGS oatumo The registered professions, engineer or a ,icensed and surveyor shall determine elevations p,us or minus one foot shown as mean sea level ;[ n�sl) elevation and maximum elevation above the airport runway elevation. (C) When requested the applicaion shad Ms* include the ana with respect `704000700 .view Crite g ysis of the proposa o the denthy and intensityimitations contained inn Section is (A) Dn reviewing such proposas, the Mason County ve,00ment shaL consider t f n e �uyo ,owi r, g factors: epartment of Commu he compatibility criteria adopted by the County, 2) Characteristics of the proposed ,and use deve V `A++' f '.!/ m e n t O ni :y De= H : \AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2.16. 06. doc The County may co 's dt with the Airport Manager or Washington i epa rbme T ransport Lion, Aviation Divisio, before maki a dDetercri ` 11 o O (3) Tie "eview of variances from height ini is u cons-icerec a Type 0 0 Ace minstrative variance° ider Section 7.4O O80 sha TC of be 12 H:\AOZ\Revised Adopted AOZ 2 e 16 e 06 e doc