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126-07 - Res. 2007 Budget Supplemental Appropriation
RIESOif ., 11: C I Cho 2©©7 BUDGE' 7jppLemerni taI Apjpro]prr t /Notice ©f Eez r rag V\ -iH EAS9 by reason of conditions ich d not be -neasonab y ©reseer at the time of making the budget for the year 2007, it is necessary to make provision for a supp ementa� appropriation to the 2007 Budget as authorized by RCW 36 40 100 and RCW 36 40 I95 for unanticipated indirect feclerai grant revenue received by the Sher:l T s Department for Terroris P:evention0 This grant wilbe used to purchase equipment. THEREJ ORE9 BE :11 RESO__N BY 1n 1 Board of Masora CourCommissioners: I hat the 11 th of December 2007 at -he hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Corgi issioners Chambers in Courthouse Building:, 41 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washingtor, is hereby fixed as the time acid pace for a public -tearing on the matter of a supplemental appropriatior L Al Ali Tim__ £ `l o Ld 200 i f JUge1 as toiows: AT CCu rr Da'-ec this vrn ti Expense 1-1• rae1/Sh cerftf 'itLc© )20 Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk Jthe Board S '1'0 FORM: • °rrl the estfirmateall Elmo day orNovennber 2007. eputy Prosecuting Attomey • MASON r' Cow Co 4/14 1rolt of 5 91f 20 v COMI IV' SS O IRS �, ^v9 WASH1ING ONT ,yn a Rirrg Erickson, Chair o don, Commissioner ss Galagher9 Co C: ccounting C2), Treasurer, Budget & Finance, Sheriff Publish: l ` /29 e 12/6 _iSin eriff ssione-A