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97-07 - Res. Amending Res. 123-05 County Road Project 1859
MASON COUNTY CCOMTI ISSIION E S RIESOILiIOI\ NO: 9 7 ®0 7 AMIENDI[ TG DS011 UT_O N 1123=05 COU v':Y LSO k D PRO ECL' NO. 1859 WHEREAS, or Mason County Road No. 0 = 4209 known locality as the Beeville Loop Road, and iluorre spec if➢calllly Lora Led in Sec 32 `7 21N, R 6W9 WM9 at L ie approximate mile posts llfisted below; work defined as "constniction" in the BARS Mar uall9 Page 1111-63, et seg9 is determined to be necessary and proper; and, r J H1 EREFORIE9 BE I'llRESOLVED BY "1"HE BOARD OIL COUNTY COMM_1ISSIIONERS that fit is their ➢nten l ion to: Remove existing, metal cross euaver and rrepfface with alLnhrnum box culvert. Work to be perTormed at approxfmatteliy mflleposL 3.08. SAID WORK fis to be perrzorrme© by day ilabor fin accordance wft i Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. 113E I FUR 7HER RESO proper; and the estimated costs o1 �V4,D that the descrribed County Road Drop ec1 fis necessary and said project are herewith se'- out as :io➢liowso CCon➢stirucctio n o $2829000 Right.: of Way: 15,000.00 'II he County Road project herein described in HEI necessity, and the CCoirnty Road V, IE grocer fis HEREBY ORD1 Y DEC MID AN ,A �D ED to be a public tU HO ZED to rce -vort and proceed thereon as by 11a w9 provided and fin accordance with WAC 113648 ATTEST: REBE DOW 'ED this 114th day of August, 2007 ietra_,,s() ,tr0 TA S. OGERS, Clerk of the Hoard cc: Con Commissioners Engineer /\ (j j(�� r JOURNAL: Pu b�° it: 8 / 2 3 / 0 / OfiiceR anagerr l a\uvp\cc r \11859-cru-Beev&ll kLp-Res-IlRJE;VIISIION BOA W OF , /O 1\ II Y MASON COUNTY W C1Cv LYNDA RING 1 TIM SH ERIC COMIVI1I SIONERS AS - INGTON ON, Chair ON, Commissione SS GALLAGHER, omrn➢ssioner