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95-07 - Res. Amending Res. 122-05 County Road Project 1858
MASON COui\ :Y COMMIISSIION ERS RIH SO Il A J'-'1¶ON NO: 9 5 0 7 AMEND I1 \TG RESSLUTJION 122=05 CCOUI\1Y ROAD PillOJECT NO. 11858 WHERE q S9 on Mason Cotmy Road No. 011420, known lloealllly as the Beeville oopRoad9 and more speedfficafldy Rocated in Ace 34, 211 N9 R 6W, WM9 at the approximate rae posts Misted bellow; work defined as "constriction" firi the B FRS Manuali9 Page 1I-1lm639 et seg9 is dletennhhed to be necessary and proper; and, HIERlEFORE9 TThE hat fit is their Ilnuention to: IESO dV 11'J A O R OF COU Y COIN SS ONE Remove existing metall cross cullvert and rre[3llaoe wit- concrete ccn1verrt0 Work t© be per orrr_ed at apprroxlrateliy milepost 5.1 n SAW /O =( is to be :3er/ orrmed by dew llalborr fin accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Masor CCo ntyo S 'UR'II" -HER IRK/SOLVED that the described County Road Project Ils necessary and proper, and the estimated costs o saidl project are herewith set ow` as ®liliows: Cons lrnoWion: $26O 000 L -light of Way: 21003.00* rhe County Road project herein described in THEREBY DEC_ AARE L to be a public necessity, and the County Road Errgfneer fis HIKR.FJBY (ORDERED AND AUTHOR O to report and proceed thereon_ as by iaw, prrovfdedl and in acccorda.nee with W AC 3648 ADO ATTEST: ED this 114th day of August, 2007. elizCCa 4 _I,...) REBECCA So ROGERS, Clerk of the Board cc Con Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: PuhU0 Ito 8/23/07 Off ceMall agerr hha\wp\crpU85 es p-Beevallle j-Iles-JViSI[OI�I OARED (F COUNTY COMMIISSHONERS MASON COUNTV9 WASIiNGTON 7a, K 0)4 A RING ERI SON, Chair TIM SHE _ 1 ON, Commissioner .467‘ R f/ SS GALLAGHER, C©mmfissfonerr