HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-07 - Res. Off-Road Vehicle Activities Camp Govey Backcountry Trail Planning ProjectsenzAserwa/!/NllielN/!/.YINNIdiY.Y///leiedlmlNleAsoz2Y//!/l/l!l!N/lieallesone/!nY/a!ezarzslllHdlN/AY/l1f!/dilldalelall/J" i/u69'll2Y nzeildUdd.U/////d/f!///fN.Ulldada!/zZe./////d1d!/I!d/l/GU/dd/d///d//l/d//1/111Hd11 467.//ell/!/Y/ /l/Hf!//G%A?7WllllHldlbY!lllad//a..xced Vlll erArtrllull. /..XlNl1l,8'dlld11dale/YrYdHN/b9404flWNd//!/l/Nl,UJ///N/d/de;df/d.GYf.Vd/!/9
Nonhighway Off -read Veh!cle Activities
Norhighway Road, Nonmotorized or Offraoad Vehicles
Aurthoriz'nq Reso 1EL (,))r
Organization Name Mason County Parks and Trails Department Resolution No. 7 9 m 0 7
Project Name(s) Camp Govey Backcountry Trail Planning Project
A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Nonhighway and Off -Road Vehicles Activities Program (NOVA)
project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 46.09 ROW, Nonhighway and Off -Road
Vehicles Activities Program.
WHEREAS, our organization has approved a comprehensive plan that includes this project area; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of NOVA, state funding assistance is requested to aid in financing the cost of planning, land
acquisition, facility development, and/or maintenance; and
WHEREAS, our organization considers it in the best public interest to complete the planning, land acquisition, development, and/or
maintenance project described in the application;
1. The Board of County Commissioners [MAYOR, DIRECTOR, PRESIDENT, ETC. ] be authorized to make formal application to IAC for
funding assistance;
2 Any fund assistance received be used for implementation of the project referenced above;
3. Our organization hereby certifies that its share of project funding is committed and will be derived from
Appropriation — Cash, Donated Labor, Force Account — Labor [SPONSOR'S MATCHING RESOURCES];
4. We acknowledge that we are responsible for supporting all non -cash commitments to the sponsor share should they not
materialize; [IF APPLICABLE]
5. We acknowledge that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor
recreation facility and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by our organization and
IAC (generally, IAC approves removing facilities from the perpetuity requirement when the facilities have reached their designed
life expectancy, or because of extraordinary vandalism, acts of nature, fire, etc.) [IFAPPLICABLE];
6. This resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC; and
7. We provided appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application.
This resolution was adopted by our organization during the meeting held:
Location Shelton, Washington
Signed and approved by the following authorized representative:
Title Board of County Commissioners
Date July 10, 2007
Date July 10, 2007
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