HomeMy WebLinkAbout48-07 - Ord. Amending Ord. 82-96 County Code Chapter 17.04 Building Size in Rural Commercial 3 ZonesORDINANCE NUMBER r 8 -07 AMENDMENT TO THE 1 IASO \ CO \TY D KVELO VflENT1 82=96 AS , E V1IS D, AS CCO )W WD L MASN COU r I"Y CO REGARDNC ALIT dOWID BU1lLa N C SJ TS 1[ \ HU ^ COY Ct, 1V� I _, li \ S, Po, CHAPTERr 1.04, RC►AI, 3 7:,O 1S AN 0\ NC adopting amendments to Mason County development reg�,uations, new Mason C o un ty Code Chapters = 7 0 4, Artie ell R Arai C ommerci a= 3, under the authority of Chapters 36.70 and 36.70A RCW. WHERE L\ S, the Rural Activity Centers are areas that are intended. to serve the service and retail needs rural area and tourists in the area as recognized in the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and L ndcr the Washington State Growth Management ct; WHEREAS, EAS, the *'1.,ra; Commercia3 zoning district is intended to a:low for business providing to the needs of rural residents and tourists in the area while maintaining the rural character; WHEREAS, the largest building a- owed without a variance in a ural Commercial 3 zone is /,500 square feet principally to preserve rural character; WHEREAS, at time larger buildings are necessary to fulfill the needs of rural residents and tourists as documented through marketing studies and space analysis studies; WHEREAS, because for the above findings more flexibility in the size of buildings would be of benefit to the public and to the economy of Mason County, provided that such flexibility can be provided in a way that promotes does not interfere with other goals, policies, or requirements of le county plan and state Growth =Management Act; WHERE S, the Planning Advisory Co- issioners held a public hearing on March ; 9, 2007, to get comment on and consider this issuc and recommended fiat the Board of adopt amendments; and w COT T IHREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ment or. and consider t_Tis issue. NOW, Masons nel�� a p blic hearfng or May Ir,I E H ORE, BE _ �„1-1ETPBY 0 AILNl�-�1�, that the County hereby approves the arch 19, 2007 Planning 5, 200`/, to get oard of Commissioners of dvisory Commission Vinson. County C ��ndf_rT g T�� ce plumber 415 -07 J Page 2 Draft proposal with the modification rreeonc --tended by S D 4 IUD this 1. 5 h day of May, 200 Board oCommissioners Mason County, Washington ‘4, ing Erickson,/ C)mmisslor cr Tim Sheldon, Commissioner ss Gallagher, Cornmfssioner aff in the April 12, 2007 Memorandu in. IICLUSTERI HOA'1E SERVERIHOMEIRDFI WP1PLAN120071RC3 bld size15-15-07 ord.doc A.T 1'F S 0 i L_-9 *tee aye- Cle_ic of the Boa A PROV KD AS De 0 0 rosecuting Attorney Proposed amendment to the Mason County Development Regulations to amend building size restrictions for commercial zones in Rural Activity Centers. Approved by the Mason County Planning Advisory Committee on March 19, 2007 New text is underlined. Existing deleted text is struck -through. 1.04.340 Rural Commercial 3 (RC 3) 1.04.341 Purpose. (See Section 1.02.043) 1.04.342 Uses Permitted. A. USES: Convenience/general store, Retail, Restaurant, Small office, La indry Professional services, Personal &ervices, pnhlir mePting space, Nursery, Public facilities - Post office/Fire station/Fish hatchery/Library/Ranger station, Church, Local community and recreation centers, Lodging facilities, including motels, RV parks, Campgrounds and Bed and breakfast, Marina - Sales, Service and Storage Auto service and repair Medical/Dental clinic, Animal clinic, Winery, Commercial/government operated day care, Single-family residential accessory use or apartment. B. USES PERMITTED WITH SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Gas, Self storage. C. OTHER USES: Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section, but closely similar thereto, are determined by the Administrator. 1.04 343 Lot Requirements. A Density 1 residence per lot. B. Lot width and depth. All lots shall have a minimum average width of not less than one-third of the median length and a minimum width at any point of 50 feet; designate limited and safe access(es) to roads. C. Front yard setback. 30 feet. D. Side and rear yard setbacks. 15 feet for lots contiguous to lots zoned commercial or industrial use; otherwise, 25 feet Buffer plantings required in the first 10 feet of this setback. 1.04.344 Building Regulations. A Floor Area Ratio. 1:3, except for fire stations. B. Size. 7,500 sq. feet maximum unless a larger size building is peiiuitted by special use permit (See 1.04.0348). C. Height. Two floors not to exceed 35 feet maximum except for antennas or water tanks. 1.04.345 Signs. Signs are limited to: 1) a sign attached to the building with an area not to exceed 10 percent of the area of the building face, and 2) a detached sign with an area size not to exceed 10 percent of the building face that is free-standing, and with a height maximum of 25 feet or height of building, whichever is less. No flashing signs, or animated or moving signs are allowed 1.04.346 Off-street parking. Off street parking (stall number and arrangement) shall be provided according with the provisions of the Mason County Parking Standards. 1.04.347 Special Provisions for Recreational Vehicle Parks. DRAFT March 19, 2007 Page 1 of 2 H \WP\PLAN\2007\RC3 bld size\Commercial building size in RC3 PAC dft.doc • RV parks shall comply with the following additional standards- A. No recreational vehicle shall remain in the RV park for rental purposes or for a time period of more than 120 consecutive days and 180 days in a 360 day period (this standard applies to new occupants at existing mobile home and recreational vehicle parks, and to new mobile home and recreational vehicle parks) The RV park management shall maintain rental records identifying each RV and registered occupants and shall present them to the county on written request. Failure to maintain or to present these records on request shall be sufficient grounds to rescind the RV park permit. B. The recreational vehicle shall be built on a chassis and self-propelled or permanently towable, and shall not be set up in a RV park as a permanent structure for limited use. 1.04 348 Special Provisions for building size. Commercial buildings larger than 7,500 square feet may be allowed in RC3 zoned areas with the approval of a special use permit, which shall include the the following specific rnfoimation and standards: A. The site is located in a Rural Activity Center. B. The design of the site, structure and building facade shall be included in the special use permit review which shall consider the widths and heights typically found in the neighbormg commercial development This might be accomplished through indenting portions of the structure to separate portions of the facade usmg a variety of architectural styles and building matenals, onentmg the building so that larger areas of facade are not visible from public ways or parkmg areas, or by similar techniques C. The applicant shall provide market analysis that shows that the proposed size is appropnate to serve its market and that its market is pnncipally the surrounding rural area and tourist. DRAFT March 19, 2007 Page 2 of 2 H \WP\PLAN\2007\RC3 bld size\Commercial building size in RC3 PAC dft.doc