HomeMy WebLinkAbout42-07 - Res. 2007 Budget Supplemental Appropriation TransferS pplernen ta 1>�1� SOI T,T_ON N00 '12 O'/ 2007 BUDGET ppr©prrL o /Bu dgeTransfer .otk© ©f ,rEe rrzrag wE k S, by reason of conditions which cou=d. not be reasonably -foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007, it is necessary to make provisions for supplementall appropriations and a budget transfers to the 2007 Budget as authorized by RCW 36 40.100 and RCW 36 40o:95 for the foilowing: Stipp =e-•- enta_ Appropriations to the Fanning Department Budget for unanticipated revenue from Planning 1F� ees and Charges that wiI be used for professional services and software ; and a gran 'y from the WA State Dept of Kcology (DOE) for Webb mor itoringa A Supp:emen. appropriation to estalb-ish a new Capital Facilities Fund for the planning, designing, and construction of the new -i'airgroundso Budget Trans er from the Ending Fund Ba Grounds to hire a seasonal landscape aid ance in he Cul ent Expense Fund to F acL ltles ot 71-1[ERETFORE, BIB - 7 RESOLVED 3Y HE Board of Mason County Commissioners: That I e 1� St or May at the hour of 9 30 A�`� \/II in the Mason n 1� I ty Chambers ��e JL �Ll lL 1V1L 6iL y 2007 14.1LY �4/ / oaJ `O! 1 Jlvy� l'�.1L��-V.L�U'©� County ,/ Commissioners in Courthouse 1 �& i;cling 1, 411 North friffr Street, She=tole Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a piLb is hearing upol the matter of supp=erental appropriations and a budget transfer to the 2007 Budget as follows: SuppllementaI AppLr©prrIl1 tilons FJannti ig/CCurrrerati: Expense _ aS Ilra throe estmoited amount of $110 ,34110 Plzrarafrag/CCunrrrent Expert se Fund ftn the estfm ed amount ©f $6 ,©©©. Capfai f lofilltles = naIlrlgr©urn 01s fin the estflrrra teo1 imou t ©f $5$9fl0. u.mlget rilinan.sferroo Frown l racJIlrag Lrfianm1_ 3caterace/CCun' ;ra`i: ease Fund o 1 adlfi es Crrot nds S` 0,300. Dated this 1 7TIES�`o J ra Lai Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of th oard day of April BO 1,y; 2007. OF COUNTY COVV-SSv k SON COUNTY, WAS _- NGJON , trli3/411.t th Ring Eric ksgii, Chair t S -tS dim Sheldon, Commissioner rose,..ting Ross Gallagher, Corrmrmissio r C: A ccounting (2), 'treasurer, 11 udlget & Journal Pub" 2t: 4/19 & 4/26 Bi=lo Fanning, Capita_ 'Facilities Fairgrounds r'Mance, Planning, Facilities & Gro r nd, r'aci ities & Grounds -ids, Fair Sheet 1 Attachment A Supplemental Appropriations 001-125-145 Current Expense/Dept of Comm Dev/Planning Resources: 334.03.10.0016 DOE Webb Hill Monitoring Grant #G0700208 $ 68,000 * Uses: 558.60.41.1616 Professional Svcs/Webb Hill Monitoring $ 68,000 * Resources: 345.83.02.0000 Economic Environment $ 63,730 345.83.04.0000 Critical Area Review $ 16,781 345.83.05.0000 Development Regulations $ 20,830 Total $ 101,341 Uses: * Arc View Software License $ 1,500 558.60.35.0011 _GIS * 558.60.41.0021 Prof Svcs/Skokomish Valley Prof Services $ 20,830 * 558.60.41.0022 Prof Svcs/Critical Area Consultant $ 11,781 Prof Svcs/Critical Area Defense $ 5,000 * 558.60.41.0023 558.60.44.0146 Parks Plan $ 62,230 * Total $ 101,341 Total Current Expense Fund $ 169,341 *New BARS Line Items 4/16/2007 excel/budget amendments/attachment A 5-01-07 1 Sheet 2 Attachment A Supplemental Appropriation 370-000-000 Capital Facilities Fairgrounds Fund Resources: * 397.00.00.00162 Transfer In from Friends of Our Future Fair Fund $ 1,300 397.00.00.00163 Transfer In from Lodging Tax Fund $ 50,000 * 397.00.00.00351 Transfer In from REET 1 Capital Improvement Fund $ 7,500 Total $ 58,800 Uses: * 594.75.62.2001 Capital Improvements fairgrounds $ 58,800 - new *New BARS Line Items 4/16/2007 excel/budget amendments/Attachment A 05/01/07 1 Sheet 3 Attachment A Budget Transfer 001-000-000 Current Expense Fund From. 001-320-000 Other Reserves 508.00 00.0000 Ending Fund Balance $ (18,300) To: 001-055-000 Facilities & Grounds 518.30.10.0110 Landscape Aide/5 mos. 518.30.20.0010 Industrial Insurance 518.30.20.0020 Social Security 518.30.20 0030 State Retirement 518.30.20 0040 Medical Dental Total $ 18,300 4/16/2007 excel/budget amendments/attachment A 5-01-07 1