HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-07 - Res. 2007 Budget Supplemental Appropriation Budget Transfer Notice of Hearings RESOLUTION ha 2007 BUDGE,T ppllefnentaU ApL rroprS tAom P udget Transfer Notice of Hearrflng WE EREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2007 Budget as au thorized by RCW 36.40.100 and RCW 3 6.40.195 for the following: Supplemental appropriations to the Current Ir;xpense Fund for unanticipated revenue from the State of Washington for City/County g ssistance and from unanticipated cash carryover (beginning fund balance). These unanticipated revenues will increase the budgeted ending fend balance in the Curre_it lr;xpense Fund. Supplemental pprroDriations to the Planning Department/Current Expense Fund for grants from the WA State Department of Community ?rade and Economic Development (CTEII)) for professional services and Water Resource Inventory Area (WR]A) 16 grants for professional services and other WRY operating expenses. Supplemental Appropriation to the Harstene Pointe Sewer Fund for the epartment of Ecology (DOE) loan proceeds that will be used for the I-I-arstene Pointe Outfall Design and Construction. Budget Transfers from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense Fund for a re -organization of Central Operations & the management of the Fair, additional public defender services in District Court, additional office support and an additional deputy prosecutor in the Prosecutor's Office, re -instatement of the Clerk position and other operating expenses in Emergency Management, an employment law training class in Human Resources, and the 2007 Membership in the Columbia -Pacific RC & r-DD in Non -Departmental. 11 l.p rEREFoR]E BE k RIHLSOLVI'I JD Y HE Board of Mason County Coaissioners: That the 27th of March 2007 at the hour of 6:30 PM i t the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of supplemental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2007 Budget as follows: Supplementall Approrlations: Current Expense Ii and in the estimated amount of $482,671 'Nanning Department/Current Expense Fund >ln the estimated amount offSC," 00 and Harstene Pointe Sewer Fund in the estimated aroinit o $39094930 B dgec Tsai �sferrs: J rom Ending Fund Balance/Current Expense Fund 'v© Central Operations & the Fain S58,980;:District Cast $40,000; Prosecutor $919636; Emergency Daaragement $399$9Human Resources $8 51; asd Non-Deparrtmentall $19000. Dated this day of March 2007. dieeer, a27-ttta---) Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 0 D OF COUNTY COM [SS -ONE i''. S MASON COUNTY, WASWNGI ON ai /Mei Ud t- g Erickson, Chair J ans-vic, nrrm Sheldon, Commissioner ss Gallagher, Commis er C: Accounting (2), Treasurer, Budget & Finance, Planning, Harstene Pointe Sewer, Central Operations, Fair, District Court, Prosecutor, Emergency Mgt. Human Resources, Non -Departmental. Diane Zoren Journal Publ 2t: 3/15 & 3/22 Bill: Planning, Harstene Pointe Sewer, Central Operations, Fair, District Court, Prosecutor, and Emergency Mgt Sipplemental Appropriations: Resources: 001-000-000 C! �rent ,xpense 308.00.00.0000 Beginning Fund Balance $ 336,396 001 Current Expense/Treasurer -260-000 336.00.98.0000 City County Assistance $ 146,275 Mobil] $ 482,371 Uses: 001-320=000 Current Expense/Other Reserves 508.00.00.0000 Ending Fund BSSil e ` $ d829! `IJ z 001-125-" 5 Current Expense/ oni munity SevelopinnenUPlan ling Resources $ i 2,000 334.04.26.0003 C T E J C06-63200-27 Grant Uses: Develop Planning 00' 0125=145 Current Expense/Community rnen 558.60.41.0020 Professional Services/Other $ 15,624 001 =320-000 Current Expense/Other Resefves 508.00.00.0000 I: rdung Fund Bafarce $ (3,624) iota 0 Us©s 12,000 001-125-145 Current Expense/Community Jeve pment/Planning ResoL rces 334.03.10.0009 WRIA 16 Watershed Council Grant d G0 (00109 $ t.,9503 Jses 558.60.41.1016 Watershed Council WRIA 16 $ `_ 3,500 001-125-145 Current Expense/Community Development/Planning Resources ` 5,S00 * 334.03.10.0002 WRIA 16 Base Grant #G9900020 $ Uses 558.60.41.0016 WRIA 16 $ 15,100 558.60.43.0016 WRIA ' 6 $ 400 $ 100 558.60.44.0016 WRIA 16 Total Uses $ 15,600 410-100-000 Harstene Pointe Sewer Resources * 382.80.00.0000 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds/DOE loan $ 3989493 Uses: Construction ` 398,463 594.35.63.0020 Harstene Pt utfall/Design & wore fal) L() g Lkite-0 IAN Q kAtAsiptcr. Pete, 3/7/2007 excel/ dget Amendments/Attachment A 3=27=O7.xls Budget Transfers: From: 001-320-000 Current Expense/Other Reserves 508.00.00.0000 $ (232,358) cund Endnno Balaaice To: $ 58,980 Reorganvzatac1 Central 84 Fairgrounds o perfta©ns 'public Defender o Dastroct Court $ 40,000 Support & Iepity Pr.secJtano Attorney Office Office $ 91,836 Prosecutor's $ 39,89' 1 Emergency Management Department of $ 851 MMuman Resources Empacyme it traa ling - .�aw $ 1,00C Columboa=Pacafic RC&FDD 2007 Me ibersh p $ 2327358 Tota $ o Total Current Expe ‘se C= and 3/7/2007 excel/budget amendments/Budget Transfers 3027=07