HomeMy WebLinkAboutEconomic Development CouncilAGREEMENT
This Agreement is between Mason County, a municipal corporation, hereafter referred to
as the "County" and the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, a non-profit Washington
corporation, hereafter referred to as the "EDC:
I. Purpose
The purpose of this Agreement is for the EDC to provide the County with economic
development services.
II. Responsibilities
The EDC agrees to perform the following:
Work with businesses and governmental organizations, develop and implement long-
range economic development plan and strategies. See Attachment A
County -wide economic development services will include:
1. Marketing: The EDC will work to recruit new business and industry by utilizing
web -based marketing including EDC website as well as the Washington State
Department of Commerce, Commercial Realtors, and public ports to develop
recruitment leads and coordinate market recruitment activities.
2. Infrastructure: EDC will advocate and plan for infrastructure improvements
including transportation, sewer, water, electrical power, telecommunications, and
natural gas improvements that facilitate economic development.
3. Partnership: Activities will include collaborating with Mason County Department
of Community Development on land use and regulatory issues related to
economic development.
4. Compile and rank the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
5. Business Support. Facilitating the retention and expansion of existing business
and industry in Mason County. The EDC will focus on the retention and expansion
of manufacturing jobs and other traditionally family wage jobs.
III. Independent Contractor
Both parties agree that the EDC is an independent contractor and is not an agent for the
County and that any personnel of the EDC used in connection with rendering services
contemplated by this Agreement shall be recognized as employees of the EDC, not of
the County, and such employees shall have no claim against the County for
compensation or benefits available to Mason County employees.
IV. Costs
The County will compensate the EDC for the services to be performed under this
Agreement for 2015 and 2016 calendar years, a sum not to exceed sixty eight thousand
dollars, ($68,000) per year for a total of $136,000 over the course of the contract.
V. Billing and Reimbursement
The County will pay the EDC the sum of $68 000 annually provided that all conditions of
this Agreement are met. Payments shall be made by the County upon receipt of a
quarterly invoice and accompanying report indicating the activities undertaken by the
EDC during the quarter to accomplish the stated II. Responsibilities.
VI. Indemnification/Hold Harmless
The EDC shall defend, indemnify and hold the County its officers, officials, employees
and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits
including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of
the EDC in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by
the sole negligence of the County.
VII. Insurance
The EDC shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance
against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in
connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the EDC, its agents,
representatives, or employees.
A. Minimum Scope of Insurance
The EDC shall obtain insurance of the types described below:
1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO
o ccurrence form CG 001 0-1 and shall cover liability arising from
premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and
advertising injury. The County shall be named as an insured under the
EDC's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the
work EDC performs as an independent contractor to the County.
2. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial
Insurance laws of the State of Washington.
B. M"nimum Amounts of Insurance
The EDC shall maintain the following insurance limits:
1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits
n o less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate.
C. Other Insurance Provisions
The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the
following provisions for Commercial General Liability:
1. The EDC's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with
respect to the County. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool
coverage maintained by the County shall be excess of the EDC's
insurance and shall not contribute to it.
2. The EDCs insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall
n ot be cancelled by either party except after thirty (30) days prior written
n otice be certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the
1. Acceptability of Insurers
Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not
less than A:VII.
2 Verificat"on of Coverage
The EDC shall furnish the County with original certificates and a copy of the
amendatory endorsements, including but not limited to the additional insured
endorsement evidencing the insurance requirements contained herein before
commencement of this Agreement.
VIII Effective Date
This Agreement is effective from the date the last signature is affixed hereto until
December 31, 2016
IX. Amendments/Termination
This Agreement may be amended or altered only by written agreement between parties
hereto and may be terminated by either party without cause upon thirty days (30)
written notice.
Dated this 23 of December, 2014.
Almanzor, Clerk of the oard
Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting
Terri Jeffreys, C
Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Randy Neather in
nn Longan,
ve Director
Attachment A
ualitative Outcomes:
Partnerships with Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council, local government, state
government, local organizations that are economic development minded, local educational
entities, and the business community.
Business Retention & Expansion
2015- 2016 Performance Targets:
• Conduct an economic assessment by visiting and/or surveying a minimum of 100
• Conduct 48 executive business visits to develop relationships and gage the business
• Provide technical assistance to businesses that are looking to expand.
Our organization will partner with the public and private sector to ensure that our young
people have the opportunity to live and work here in Mason County.
Strategies & Tactics:
1. Conduct outreach in order to connect our businesses to available services.
2. Sponsor regular meetings that serve a purpose of forums on business survival
and new business development.
3. When necessary, create focus groups to address issues that affect the
e conomy.
4. Examine the regulatory environment with an eye toward expanding the
o pportunities for business development
Marketing & Business Recruitment
2015 - 2016 Performance Targets:
• Develop a coalition of local leaders (A team) that will represent the area to companies
that are looking to relocate or expand in our county
• Prepare proposals to site selectors and/or businesses that are looking to expand or
relocate to our county.
• Develop a Business Vitality Index to use in marketing the County.
• Partner with groups from surrounding counties to explore ways to promote and market
our region.
The EDC recognizes that the idea of new business investment has changed dramatically in
this new economy where growth is starting to occur as we pass the point where the economy
has been stagnant There is still great opportunity in the economy where goods and services
continue to be traded. Mason County is in a good position to serve smaller companies that are
looking to fill niche markets.
Strategies & Tactics
1) Improve the image that Mason County has outside of our community and across the
State of Washington
2) Promote our most competitive resources.
3) Identify and develop resources for business recruitment leads.
4) The EDC will cultivate new partnerships and seek innovative and creative ways of
developing opportunities for all of Mason County.