HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2022 Mason County Civil Service Commission
Notice of Special Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Civil Service Commission
will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
SAID meeting will be to hold public hearings to consider the following items:
1) Approval to revise Civil Service Rule 7.1 relating to Establishment of Eligibility
Lists. Add the following new language. G. Criminal Justice Training Commission
(CJTQ academy-certified entry for corrections officer and deputy sheriff only. (See
following page).
2) Approval to revise Civil Service Rule 7.2 C. Continuous Testing.
New language (See following page).
If questions prior to the hearing, please contact the Chief Examiner at(360) 427-
9670, Ext. 268.
DATED this 28th day of March, 2022.
Becky Rogers, Chief Examiner
c: Mason County Sheriff
Mason County Civil Service Website
Building 1 (Administration)Bulletin Board
Building 9(Human Resources)Bulletin Board
Shelton-Mason County Journal
iFiber One
If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Human Resources office,427-9670,
Ext. 268.
7.1 Establishment of Eligibility Lists: The chief examiner shall establish and maintain
such eligibility lists for the various classifications as are necessary to meet the needs of
the sheriff's office. The names of applicants who receive passing scores on
examinations shall be placed on the proper eligibility list in order of relative scores.
When tie scores exist, persons shall occupy the same relative position.
Types of eligibility lists that may be established in accordance with these rules include:
A. Entry Level
B. Lateral Entry for corrections officer and deputy sheriff only
C. Rehire
D. Recall
E. Extra Help
F. Promotional
G. Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) academy-certified entry for
corrections officer and deputy sheriff only
7.2 Duration: Each list shall remain in effect until it has fewer than five (5) names on it
or one (1) year unless extended by the Commission or unless stated otherwise in these
rules. However, a new eligibility list may be established pursuant to Civil Service Rule
A. Eligible persons not certified on expired eligibility lists are rendered no longer
eligible when a list expires.
B. Eligible persons certified prior to expiration for a vacant position(s) shall
continue to remain eligible for that vacant position(s) until filled. When that
position(s) has been filled, certified names not selected from the expired list
shall expire with the list.
C. Continuous Testing: The Gengngmq-'--- adept eentinueus testing feF the
A continuous or periodic examination may be ordered and administered by the
chief examiner for any class of positions for other than promotional
examinations. The chief examiner may close the filing period at any time after
ten days when a sufficient number of applications from qualified candidates are
received. Filing will be open, applications received, and the examinations
administered according to the needs of the service. The names of qualified
eligibles resulting from such examinations shall be entered on the eligibility list
and certifications for appointments shall be made in the same manner as from
any eligibility list. Names of eligibles from successive examinations in the same
program shall be entered on the eligibility list for the class at the appropriate
places as determined by final scores. Names may be withheld from certification
or removed from such eligibility lists in the same manner and for the same
reasons as from any eligibility list.
7.3 Removal of Names by Commission: The commission will remove a person's name from
any eligibility list if evidence disclosed in the pre-hire interview, polygraph test,
psychological examination, and/or background investigation establishes that the
person is unfit for service.
A. At least ten (10) calendar days prior to the date on which the commission is
scheduled to consider the proposed removal, the chief examiner shall deliver to
the person, or mail to the person's last known address, a notice containing the
reason for the proposed removal and the date upon which the commission will
consider the issue. This notice is intended to give the person an opportunity to
hear the specific issue being presented to the commission by the appointing
authority in support of the removal request. It is not a hearing for the applicant,
and it does not give the person any right to review records generated by the
appointing authority. The person may address the commission in writing or in
person, but the restoration provisions of section 7.5 do not apply to removals
under this section.
B. The commission shall review the applicant's background investigation file and
shall hear from the sheriff's representative and the chief examiner regarding the
proposed removal.
7.4 Removals of Names by Chief Examiner: The chief examiner may at any time
remove the name of an eligible person from an eligibility list for any one or more of the
following causes:
A. A request from the eligible person that his or her name be temporarily or
permanently removed.
B. Failure to respond to an inquiry by the commission or sheriff's office regarding
the eligible person's availability.
C. Failure to respond to any documented request for any form of contact within the
established and published period of time, or failure to provide requested
information in connection with any one of the following: medical examination,
background investigation, employment interview, polygraph examination, or
psychological examination.
D. Declining an offer of regular employment.
E. For attempted deception, fraud, or other impropriety in connection with any
application or test or the securing of an appointment; failure to pass a required
test; or if evidence disclosed in the pre-hire interview, polygraph test,
psychological examination, and/or background investigation establishes that the
person is unfit for service.
F. In any case where the chief examiner finds that an eligible person is or has in
any manner become disqualified for the position for which they are listed in
accordance with Rule 8.5.
G. Failure to notify the chief examiner of changes in address.
H. In the case of promotional lists only, upon separation, other than layoff, from
the classified service.
I. Failure to attain a score of 70% on the employment interview.
7.5 Restoration of Names to Eligibility List:
A. Whenever any person's name is removed from any eligibility list for the reason
stated in Section 7.4 A, the removal shall be confirmed in writing by delivering it
personally or mailing it to the person's last known address.
1. Such person may, at any time during the duration of the list, make a
written request to the chief examiner for restoration of their name to the
list for the duration of the eligibility list.
2. The chief examiner shall restore the name to the list within three (3)
working days of the request, and shall mail confirmation of the action.
B. Whenever any person's name is removed from an eligibility list for any reason
listed in Section 7.4 B through 7.4 H, the person shall immediately be given
written notice delivered in person or mailed to the person's last known
C. Such person may, within ten (10) working days from the date of removal, make
a written request to the chief examiner for restoration of his or her name to
such list for the duration of the eligibility list. The request shall clearly set forth
the reasons advanced for restoration of the name to the list.
1. The chief examiner, after full consideration of the request, may restore
the name to the eligibility list or may refuse such request. The person
shall be notified in writing of the chief examiner's action.
2. Should such a person wish to protest the chief examiner's decision, he or
she must so notify the commission in writing within ten (10) working
days of the notification of refusal to reinstate.
3. The commission shall then review the file, affirm or reverse the chief
examiner's action, and notify the person of its decision.
7.6 Use of New Examination: The commission may choose, at its discretion, to employ
a new examination for a particular class. If a new examination is used by the
commission, the commission reserves the right to require eligible persons to take the
new examination for the same class. Notice will be mailed a minimum of ten days
prior to the examination date to eligible persons informing them of the requirement
that they retest for the same class. The commission may then establish an entirely
new eligibility list for that class, based on the results of the new examination. Any
eligible person previously ranked on the eligibility list for that class who fails to retest
for the same class will be placed at the bottom of the new eligibility list for the
remainder of the original eligibility period.