November 15, 2021
In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of
information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing.
This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all
inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners.
Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule.
To be in compliance with Proclamation by the Governor 20-25.14 and Order of the Secretary of Health
20-03.3, in-person attendance is restricted.
Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept public
comment via email dl_zoaco.mason.wa.us; or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 51h Street,
Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting
via your telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'office no later than 4
p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
Week of November 15, 2021
Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting*
Virtual Assembly
Monday and Thursday
8:00 A.M. Area Command Meeting*
Public Works Meeting Room A
100 Public Works Way
*This is being noticed as a Special Commission Meeting because a quorum of the Mason County
Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter
2,88.020 - Special Meetings
Monday, November 15, 2021
Commission Chambers
Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented
9:00 A.M. Interview of Planning Commission Applicant
9:10 A.M. Support Services — Mark Neary
9:45 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom
10:00 A.M. BREAK
10:05 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson
Utilities & Waste Management
10:25 A.M. Sheriff's Office — Sheryl Hilt
10:30 A.M. Economic Development Council —Jennifer Baria
10:40 A.M. 2022 Budget Workshop — Jennifer Beierle
Commissioner Discussion — as needed
Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version.
Last printed 1 I/10/21 at 3:35 PM
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
oN co
Mason County Support Administrator
are oyr� 411 North 5th Street
Shelton, WA 98584
360.427.9670 ext. 419
November 15, 2021
• Specific Items for Review
o Sandhill Park Host Contract—Diane
o October Financials—Jenn
o Financial Policy update—Jenn
0 2021 Budget Amendments—Jenn
o Adoption of 2022 Non-Union Pay Scale that includes a 1.75% increase— Mark
0 2022 County Health Insurance Contributions— Nichole
• Commissioner Discussion
J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\202I\2021-1 1-15.docx
FROM: Diane Zoren
DEPARTMENT: Facilities, Parks and Trails EXT: 747
if this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
X Legal ❑ Other— please explain
Renewal of Park Host contract for Sandhill Park.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions)
Clayton Casto is currently contracted as park host at Sandhill park. Park hosts perform
security and light maintenance. This contract is set to expire on 12/31/21 and the
recommendation is to renew the contract through December 31, 2022. The Sandhill
host only wishes to renew for 1 year.
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website,
community meetings, etc.)
Contract reviewed by Mason County Asst PA Tim Whitehead
Recommend to renew the Sandhill park host contract for 1 year.
Template of Mason County Park Host contract
Briefing Summary 11/8/2021
Park Host Contract Page 1 of 3
AGREEMENT made between Clayton Casto , of Mason County, hereinafter referred to as On-site Park Host
and MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT, State of Washington, County of Mason, State of
Washington, hereinafter referred to as Contractor.
RECITALS: Park Host is willing to be contracted by Contractor, and Contractor is willing to contract the Park
Host, on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth hereinafter including such terms, covenants and
conditions as may be set forth hereinafter.
SECTION ONE— DUTIES. Contractor hereby engages Park Host as the Park Host of MASON COUNTY PARKS
AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT, Sandhill Park, Belfair, Washington.
The duties of MASON COUNTY PARKS AND TRAILS Park Host specifically require:
♦ Being at the Mason County Park site during the hours of darkness and during the day on Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and Holidays. Time off during the week is allowable, please notify the contractor.
♦ Park Host will open and close the park daily in accordance with park hours as deemed so by Contractor. The
evening security round shall consist of ensuring the doors of all buildings or restrooms are locked, gates are
shut and locked, and all guests are off the grounds.
♦ Conduct a daily park inspection, advising Mason County Parks and Trails Department of any hazardous or
unsafe condition that may exist; any broken fixtures, lighting or plumbing and any vandalism to the park
♦ Perform light maintenance of park grounds as directed, i.e. stock and clean restrooms, litter pick-up, and
other duties as assigned.
♦ Park Host agrees to call the Mason County Sheriff if anything out of the ordinary is observed or heard; but
under no condition or situation will attempt to apprehend the person(s) so acting.
♦ Requests for off duty time shall be negotiated with the Contractor.
♦ Park Host is required to make the appropriate contacts if any situation should require intervention by parks
staff or law enforcement. Contact persons are:
1. Ross McDowell 360-427-9670, extension 806
Cell: 360-490-7646
Home: 360-751-2961
2. Carl Olson 360-427-9670, extension 535
Cell: 360-490-0539
Home: 360-432-0465
Emergency: 911
Park Host hereby accepts and agrees to such engagement, subject to the general supervision and pursuant to the
orders, advice and direction of related services and duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by
Contractor, subject to mutual consideration of Section Three.
SECTION TWO - TERMS. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2022 to December 31,
Park Host Contract Page 2 of 3
SECTION THREE - COMPENSATION TO PARK HOST/RESIDENT. Contractor shall provide for Park Host,
and Park Host shall accept from Contractor, in full payment for Park Host services the following: A designated
park host site located at the park. Be it understood that the Park Host shall be responsible for providing his/her
telephone carrier and long distance service. Contractor shall provide electrical utilities, water, septic and garbage
SECTION FOUR— PARK HOST/RESIDENT BENEFITS. It is understood and agreed by both Contractor and
Park Host that Park Host is not an employee of Contractor and shall not receive the benefits available to Mason
County Employees including, but not limited to: vacation time, sick leave, personal holiday, medical insurance,
dental insurance, vision insurance, etc. It is further agreed by the Contractor to carry Industrial Insurance
coverage on the Park Host.
SECTION FIVE —CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. Park Host shall maintain designated residential area in a neat,
orderly manner, and shall prevent the accumulation of debris, or any other material or objects which are not
compatible to the environment of the park area such as metal, lumber or wood products, abandoned vehicles or
appliances, tires or any other like materials.
No services or activities shall be undertaken on Mason County Parks Property which result in compensation or
benefit to the Park Host. There shall be no unauthorized or private use of park.
All residents at the County-owned premises shall undergo a Washington State Patrol Background Check that
indicates they are acceptable for involvement with youth activities. No illegal activities involving the Park Host
shall be undertaken or allowed to take place on or about the park properties or Park Host residence.
Only the Park Host shall be allowed to operate County-owned equipment, and then, only in the performance of
work approved by the County.
Residence in County-owned facilities is restricted to the Contractor and their immediate family. Residence shall
be defined as any extended stay of more than one week in a calendar month. Immediate family shall mean the
spouse and or legal dependents of the Contractor.
SECTION SIX - CONFLICTING OBLIGATION. In cases of emergency or conflicting obligation, the Park Host
is responsible for the continued completion of the duties specified in this contract. If the Park Host is unable to
resolve the conflict, Mason County Parks and Trails Director must be notified.
herein to the contrary, Contractor shall not have the right to make any contracts or commitments for, or on
behalf of the County without the written consent of the County
SECTION EIGHT- ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, together with any Attachments, represents the
obligations of both the County and the Contractor in their entirety. No other representations, whether verbal or
in writing, that are not contained herein, shall be binding upon the parties.
SECTION NINE - AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be changed or modified only with the
mutual agreement of both the Contractor and the Park Host, and only then upon approval through the
appropriate processes then in effect for the County for the obligations contained in any modification or change.
SECTION TEN - TERMINATION. This agreement may be terminated by either party, without cause, upon six
weeks written notice to the other. In case of any violation of the terms of this Agreement by Contractor, or the
physical inability of the Contractor to perform the required duties, the County may terminate employment
immediately, with compensation only to the date of such termination.
SECTION ELEVEN - SEVERABILITY. In the event that any competent court finds any specific term or
provision of this Agreement invalid, the remaining terms and provisions shall be in full force and effect as if such
provisions were not contained herein.
SECTION TWELVE - CHOICE OF VENUE. It is the intention of the parties that all suits and special
Park Host Contract Page 3 of 3
proceedings pertaining to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be in accordance with and pursuant to the
laws of the State of Washington. Any actions or matters shall come before the courts of Mason County,
Washington for actions and/or decisions.
SECTION THIRTEEN -TERMINATION FOR DISABILITY. Notwithstanding anything in this agreement to
the contrary, Contractor is hereby given the option to terminate this agreement in the event that Park Host shall,
during the term hereof, become permanently disabled, as the term permanently disabled is hereinafter fixed and
defined. Such option shall be exercised by Contractor giving notice to Park Host by registered mail, addressed to
him/her at(PO Box 1611 Belfair, WA 98528) or at such other address as Contractor shall designate in writing.
On the giving of such notice, this Agreement shall cease on the last day of the month in which the notice is
mailed, with the same force and effect as if such last day of the month were the date originally herein set forth
as the termination date thereof.
For the purpose of this agreement, Park Host shall be deemed to have become permanently disabled if, during
any year of the term hereof, because of ill health, physical or mental disability or for other cause beyond his/her
control he/she shall have been continuously unable or unwilling or shall have failed to perform his/her duties for a
total period of thirty (30) days, irrespective of whether or not such days are consecutive. For the purpose hereof,
the term any year of the term hereof, is defined to mean any 12-month calendar year period during the Park
Host's affiliation with the Contractor in the capacity of Mason County Parks and Trails Park Host.
SECTION FOURTEEN - SAFETY POLICY. It shall be a condition of employment to follow all safety practices
set forth in Mason County Accident Prevention Policy and the State of Washington.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement at Shelton, Washington on this, the
_day of .o` 20-'2A. .�
ON-SITE PARK HOST Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Sharon Trask, Commissioner
Date: DL,0 t2\
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of.the Board
Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecutor
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
FROM: Jennifer Beierie
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
ITEM: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: October 2021
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Review of Cash Balances, and Budget to Actual Revenues and
Expenditures for all County Funds through October 2021.
BUDGET IMPACTS: Budget to Actual Comparison of 2020 & 2021
ATTACHMENTS: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: October 2021
J:\Budget Office\Briefmg,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2021\13riefmg Summary 11.15.2021 -October 2021
Financial Report.doc
lS SJ•' 2021
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 1
2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Revenue Comparison
Revenue Revenue
Department Name 2020 Budget Collected Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget Collected Uncollected %2021 Actual dif 2020
Through End Through End vs 2021
of Month Revenue of Month Revenue
WSU Extension 20,500 11,937 (8,563) 58% 23,500 15,122 (8,378) 64% 3,185
Assessor 7,000 17,085 10,085 244% 7,000 12,688 5,688 181% (4,397)
Auditor 1,198,700 1,265,425 66,725 106% 1,130,017 959,534 (170,483) 85% (305,891)
Emergency Management 64,648 4,968 (59,680) 8% 121,585 36,661 (84,924) 30% 31,693
Facilities&Grounds - 5,275 5,275 0% 867 867 0% (4,408)
Human Resources - 40 40 0% 850 850 0% 810
Clerk 328,058 217,401 (110,657) 66% 366,348 203,041 (163,307) 55% (14,360)
Commissioners - - - 0% 725 725 0% 725
Support Services 700 476 (224) 68% 700 2,987 2,287 427% 2,511
District Court 978,652 797,388 (181,264) 81% 1,036,026 944,117 (91,909) 91% 146,729
Community Development 1,790,810 1,900,109 109,299 106% 2,177,600 2,543,175 365,575 117% 643,066
Historical Preservation - 0% 76,000 71,060 (4,940) 93% 71,060
Parks&Trails 44,000 7,739 (36,261) 18% 44,000 19,807 (24,193) 45% 12,068
Juvenile Court Services 1,161,972 1,038,594 (123,378) 89% 1,161,438 1,220,434 58,996 105% 181,841
Prosecutor 192,951 150,916 (42,035) 78% 248,575 137,431 (111,144) 55% (13,485)
Child Support Enforcement 209,515 153,353 (56,162) 73% 159,126 69,681 (89,445) 44% (83,672)
Coroner 35,000 24,640 (10,360) 70% 35,000 41,440 6,440 118% 16,800
Sheriff 1,126,875 941,264 (185,611) 84% 1,000,835 862,028 (138,807) 86% (79,236)
Indigent Defense 204,767 148,270 (56,497) 72% 260,423 184,912 (75,511) 71% 36,642
Superior Court 68,927 69,644 717 101% 78,656 107,620 28,964 137% 37,976
Family Court 2,500 2,200 (300) 88% 2,500 2,496 (4) 100% 296
Therapeutic Court 610,884 329,522 (281,362) 54% 720,875 291,519 (429,356) 40% (38,002)
Murder Expenditures - - - 0% - - 0% -
Treasurer 26,348,450 23,181,517 (3,166,933) 88% 26,206,041 26,280,510 74,469 100% 3,098,994
Non Departmental 3,956,682 3,040,092 (916,590) 77% 4,303,486 3,680,417 (623,069) 86% 640,326
Motor Pool - 0% 447,202 314,145 (133,057) 70% 1 314,145
Totals $ 38,351,591 $ 33,307,854 $ (5,043,737) 87% $ 39,606,933 1 $ 38,003,269 $ (1,603,664) 96% 4,695,415
Unaudited *Benchmark for Monfh fs 83.33%
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 2
Treasurer Department Receipts
Treasurer#001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021YTD This Month %2021
REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 10,383,385 9,168,070 3,046,227 88% 11,546,496 10,276,915 3,345,618 89%
SALES TAX TITLE PROPERTY - 125 125 0% - 1,720 0 0%
LOCAL RETAIL SALES&USE TAX 6,000,000 5,527,799 653,530 92% 6,250,000 6,927,433 741,526 111%
LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY-CITY 37,000 39,885 3,860 108% 37,000 42,170 4,199 114%
CRIMINALJUSTICE 600,000 671,275 75,302 112% 750,000 803,626 84,596 107%
LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 35,000 20,462 131 58% 26,000 23,158 180 89%
FOREST EXCISE TAX 225,000 222,449 0 99% 100,000 183,617 0 184%
FRANCHISE FEES 520,000 441,319 78,040 85% 500,000 435,998 76,712 87%
PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAX/B OF L 289,000 314,361 0 109% 315,000 331,886 0 105%
PUD PRIVILEGE TAX 725,000 734,058 0 101% 735,000 768,144 0 105%
DNR OTHER TRUST 2 100 104 0 104% 100 265 0 265%
LE&Cl LEG 1 TIME COSTS 0% - 255,892 0 0%
CITY-COUNTY ASSISTANCE 1,415,000 981,230 0 69% 1,415,000 1,654,705 0 117%
DNR PILT NAP/NRCA 4,000 - 0 0% 4,000 - 0 0%
CRIMINALJUSTICE-COUNTIES 680,000 753,661 191,600 111% 700,000 770,777 193,761 110%
ADULT COURT COST-JUVENILE OFFE 5,000 4,076 402 82% 5,000 3,538 382 71%
CRIMINAL JST-MARIJUANA ENFORCE 85,000 63,996 0 75% 85,000 74,163 0 87%
DUI-OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE A 15,400 15,765 4,275 102% 14,500 17,393 4,421 120%
LIQUOR/BEER EXCISE TAX 116,920 147,699 42,216 126% 125,000 167,219 44,656 134%
LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD PROFITS 205,000 150,436 0 73% 200,000 149,987 0 75%
IN LIEU OF-CITY OF TACOMA 190,000 168,700 0 89% 190,000 172,074 0 91%
TREASURER'S FEES - 23 0 0% - 38 0 0%
PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-MASON LK DIST 475 360 0 76% 360 360 0 100%
PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-SPENCER LK FND - 145 0 0% 100 145 0 145%
PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-ISLAND LK FND 120 290 0 242% 100 100 0 100%
CHARGES FOR SRVCS-MACECOM 1,300 1,324 0 102% 1,325 1,372 0 104%
RETURNED REMITTANCE(NSF)FEES 2,400 1,840 200 77% 2,500 1,640 160 66%
REET COLLECTION FEES 100,000 111,386 15,058 111% 100,000 165,310 17,249 165%
REET COLLECTIONS COSTS 9,000 7,256 873 81% 9,000 8,015 750 89%
TREAS.FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSM 15,000 13,654 3,392 91% 15,000 13,738 3,256 92%
Treasurer Department Receipts
Treasurer#001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021 YTD This Month %2021
TREAS OTHER WORD PROCESSING /S 132 57% 1)5 88 5 21%
DATA PROCESSING SERVICES - 106 0 0% - 100 0 0%
GAMBLING TAX PENALTY - 300 0 0% - 450 0 0%
REAL&PERSONAL PENALTY 350,000 296,824 18,315 85% 350,000 254,838 12,221 73%
PERSONAL PROP FILING PEN 5,000 16,793 1,613 336% 20,000 27,467 3,821 137%
PENALTY ON REAL&PERSONAL PRO - 6,191 854 0% - 4,606 41 0%
INTEREST&OTHER EARNINGS 800,000 407,961 21,040 51% 500,000 104,094 14,816 21%
INVESTMENT SERVICE FEES(TREAS. 25,000 12,615 679 50% 20,000 4,320 391 22%
INT.ON CONT.NOTES-ACCTS.HELD,S 8,500 11,927 1,030 140% 8,500 23,390 16,632 275%
EXCISE INTEREST 50 222 0 443% 50 283 129 566%
INV PURCHASED INT - (189) (145) 0% - (1,245) (283) 0%
INTEREST ON DELINQUENT PR TAX 650,000 517,474 40,119 80% 600,000 481,047 27,078 80%
RENTS/LEASES-DNR TRUST 1,000 16,368 40 1637% 10,000 23,238 0 232%
RENTS/LEASES-DNR TMBR TRUST 1 500,000 213,956 10,214 43% 250,000 838,494 122,109 335%
UNCLAIMED MONEY/PROCEEDS-SALES 60,000 60,945 0 102% 225,000 177,935 0 79%
CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER 20 116 20 578% 10 (381) (31) -3807%
TAX DISTRIBUTION ROUNDING - - 0 0% 10 (12) (15) -115%
MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 100 - 0 0% 100 26 0 26%
ROAD DIVERSION 2,160,000 1,956,994 643,682 91% 1,080,000 995,972 318,973 92%
SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY - (1,484) 30 0% - 87 0 0%
LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 5,000 2,690 31 54% 2,000 9 19 0%
TIMBER EXCISE TAX 53,000 52,487 0 99% 10,000 19,442 0 194%
DNR PILT NAP/NRCA 0 0% 900 (915) 0 -102%
DNR OTHER TRUST 2 50 (955) 0 -1910% 50 28 0 56%
OTHER INT-DNR INTEREST 50 81 7 162% 10 52 9 518%
RENTS&LEASES/DNR OTHR TRST 1 2,500 48,009 2,423 1920% 2,500 2,464 0 99%
SPACE AND FACILITIES LEASES 4,500 0 0% 73,212 12,950 0%
Grand Total $26,348,450 $23,181,517 4,855,314 88% $26,206,041 $26,280,510 5,046,323 100%
Unaudited *Benchmark for Month is 83.33%
2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Expenditure Comparison
Expenditures Expenditures Unexended
2020 Budget through End of Unexended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Budget %2021 Actual 0 1
Department Name g g g g g vs zozl
Month Budget Authority Month Authority
WSU Extension 293,274 228,051 65,223 78% 319,520 240,400 79,120 75% 12,349
Assessor 1,433,285 1,079,707 353,578 75% 1,420,286 1,098,731 321,555 77% 19,024
Auditor 1,738,549 1,453,896 284,653 84% 1,757,620 1,329,850 427,770 76% (124,046)
Emergency Management 232,009 239,588 (7,579) 103% 313,592 244,826 68,766 78% 5,238
Facilities&Grounds 1,309,792 872,211 437,581 67% 1,383,584 994,810 388,774 72% 122,600
HR/Risk Mngt 592,660 487,112 105,548 82% 608,086 465,781 142,305 77% (21,331)
LEOFF 100,044 54,809 45,235 55% 100,044 55,189 44,855 55% 380
Clerk 1,037,808 870,860 166,948 84% 1,126,730 903,759 222,972 80% 32,898
Commissioners 348,669 284,091 64,578 81% 355,610 285,823 69,787 80% 1,732
Support Services 716,397 576,705 139,692 81% 750,933 612,182 138,751 82% 35,476
District Court 1,291,480 1,020,566 270,915 79% 1,376,288 1,082,880 293,408 79% 62,315
Community Development 2,458,927 1,812,090 646,837 74% 2,801,269 2,209,431 591,838 79% 397,341
Historical Preservation - 0% 16,000 5,850 10,150 37% 5,850
Parks&Trails 547,442 365,897 181,545 67% 568,121 494,733 73,388 87% 128,836
Juvenile Court Services 1,943,451 1,496,256 447,195 77% 2,009,280 1,485,983 523,297 74% (10,274)
Prosecutor 1,668,998 1,189,488 479,510 71% 1,876,838 1,326,385 550,453 71% 136,897
Child Support Enforcement 210,658 154,766 55,892 73% 160,462 89,125 71,337 56% (65,641)
Coroner 321,934 254,065 67,869 79% 345,276 292,744 52,532 85% 38,679
Sheriff 11,233,473 9,247,511 1,985,962 82% 11,913,223 9,661,841 2,251,382 81% 414,330
Traffic Policing 2,160,000 1,760,838 399,162 82% 2,642,512 1,674,799 967,713 63% (86,039)
Courthouse Security 170,740 144,761 25,979 85% 259,587 202,815 56,772 78% 58,055
Indigent Defense 1,127,136 884,047 243,089 78% 1,280,757 989,912 290,845 77% 105,864
Superior Court 986,175 802,420 183,755 81% 1,081,638 878,721 202,917 81% 76,301
Family Court 2,500 1,070 1,430 43% 2,500 - 2,500 0% (1,070)
Therapeutic Court 617,849 384,208 233,641 62% 724,863 463,431 261,432 64% 79,223
Murder Expenditures 50,000 950 49,050 2% 50,000 39,541 10,459 79% 38,591
Treasurer 823,053 645,683 177,370 78% 872,579 665,797 206,782 76% 20,114
Non Departmental 4,328,914 3,326,905 1,002,009 77% 4,889,779 4,512,688 377,091 92% 1,185,784
Motor Pool 37,438 30,075 7,363 80% 49,538 28,010 21,528 57% (2,065)
Transfers Out to Other Funds 913,913 714,322 199,592 78% 91,339 85,656 5,683 94% (628,666)
Totals $ 38,696,569 $ 30,382,949 $ 8,313,620 79% $ 41,147,854 $ 32A21,692 $ 8,726,162 79% 2,038,744
Unaudited VenchmarkforMonthIs83.33%
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 5
Six Year Specific Revenue Streams Comparison
10/31/2016 10/31/2017 10131/2018 10/31/2019 10/31/2020 10/31/2021
Community Development Revenues 1,664,073 1,393,150 1,534,261 1,735,161 1,900,109 2,543,175
Detention &Correction Services 161,486 33,439 78,204 133,756 97,307 99,904
Current Expense Property Taxes 6,630,269 5,826,873 8,909,202 9,195,836 9,168,070 10,276,915
Road Diversion Property Tax 725,125 980,463 1,962,520 1,985,359 1,956,994 995,972
County Road Property Tax 5,837,756 7,436,889 7,820,321 8,115,347 8,165,227 8,334,410
Current Expense Sales Tax 3,784,971 4,078,708 4,467,302 4,990,391 5,527,799 6,927,433
Criminal Justice Taxes/Entitlements 1,181,042 1,220,505 1,319,678 1,419,377 1,508,774 1,669,497
Rural Sales& Use Tax Fund 489,988 530,304 578,512 675,373 708,515 849,454
s00,000 -
Com Srvcs-Homelessess Preven Filings 290,392 416,510 411,523 515,539 699,653 833,558
300,000 - -
Lodging (Hotel/Motel)Tax 261,064 269,441 312,187 392,156 405,805 729,836
REET 1 Excise Tax Only 586,002 824,493 948,179 950,508 1,343,874 1,798,775
REET 2 Excise Tax Only 586,002 824,493 948,179 950,508 1,343,874 1,798,775
.M5 000
450,000 I -
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 6
JANUARY $ 455,733.71 $ 571,994.75 $ 116,261.04
FEBRUARY $ 590,257.14 $ 705,713.58 $ 115,456.44
MARCH $ 449,177.66 $ 554,356.28 $ 105,178.62
APRIL $ 427,572.82 $ 561,429.19 $ 133,856.37
MAY $ 487,803.83 $ 740,012.36 $ 252,208.53
JUNE $ 460,999.44 $ 724,550.39 $ 263,550.95
JULY $ 628,587.98 $ 754,454.16 $ 125,866.18
AUGUST $ 702,582.07 $ 800,707.00 $ 98,124.93
SEPTEMBER $ 671,554.81 $ 772,689.33 $ 101,134.52
OCTOBER $ 653,529.82 $ 741,525.90 $ 87,996.08
NOVEMBER $ 703,295.80 $ (703,295.80)
DECEMBER $ 652,599.03 $ (652,599.03)
REVENUE BUDGETED $ 6,000,000.00 $ 6,250,000.00 $ 7,601,990.42
YET TO BE COLLECTED $ 677,432.94
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 7
Six Year Financial Recap
Current Expense Recap 10/31/2016 10/31/2017 10/31/2018 10/31/2019 10/31/2020 10/31/2021
Account Receivable from Belfair Sewer 1,200,000
General Fund Operating Reserves 6,520,791 6,817,603 10,044,540
Contingency Reserve 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Technology Replacement Reserves 200,000 200,000 264,295
Equipment&Vehicle Replacement Reserves 525,000 525,000 932,475
Accrued Leave Reserve 520,000 530,805 347,742
Current Expense Unreserved Cash 3,979,167 6,459,196 9,370,896
This Month Current Expense Cash 6,684,317 4,949,942 8,698,604 12,744,958 15,532,604 21,959,947
Adopted Budget on December 31st 40,787,973 38,545,163 36,930,990 41,404,349 49,581,229 53,464,511
Supplemental Appropriations 80,657 654,840 1,059,364 263,253 407,320 142,422
Total Budget including Supplementals 40,868,630 39,200,003 37,990,354 41,667,602 49,988,549 53,606,933
Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 8,019,728 7,309,944 3,061,750 5,786,719 11,636,958 14,000,000
Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 3,816,117 4,801,241 5,185,957 5,185,957 11,291,981 12,459,079
Revenue Budgets 32,687,588 31,890,059 34,928,604 35,880,883 38,351,591 39,606,933
Revenues thru This Month of each year 27,798,724 28,652,848 31,352,248 32,789,122 33,307,854 38,003,269
Budgeted Revenues Received 85% 90% 90% 91% 87% 96%
Expenditure Budgets 37,062,413 34,434,450 34,652,959 36,481,645 38,696,568 41,147,854
Expenditures thru This Month of each year 28,230,901 27,176,022 26,929,641 28,067,774 29,911,166 32,421,692
Budgeted Expenditures Expended 76% 79% 78% 77% 77% 79%
J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx
Special Fund Cash Balances 10/31/2016 10/31/2017 10/31/2018 10/31/2019 10/31/2020 10/31/2021
Rural County Sales&Use Tax Fund (.09) 462,179 465,957 508,267 675,187 887,143 1,310,531
Auditor's 0&M 249,099 252,040 282,685 289,968 321,863 420,714
County Roads Fund 10,252,306 9,042,787 9,295,488 8,714,792 10,840,407 14,375,551
Paths&Trails 229,093 241,818 256,053 267,688 277,521 286,775
Election Equipment Holding 255,263 270,867 158,094 170,212 228,158 248,138
Crime Victims 221,531 233,560 207,330 198,982 204,868 216,736
Victim Witness Activities 91,377 46,100 24,415 22,587 23,688 21,951
Historical Preservation Fund 37,164 40,295 49,399 28,596 42,005
Community Support Services Fund 385,587 418,554 632,936 775,936 979,341 1,784,858
Abatement/Repair/Demolition Fund 266,167 268,319 272,372 277,643 279,006 277,700
Reserve for Technology Fund 318,632 165,835 165,718 92,891
REET&Property Tax Admin Asst 66,933 78,144 72,787 77,357 71,878 85,003
National Forest Safety 86,828 39,465 47,752 33,076 21,533 6,032
Trial Court Improvement Fund 63,053 81,409 100,455 106,480 120,199 86,681
Sheriff Special Funds 247,128 242,530 267,616 246,188 -
Sheriff's Boating Program 111,329 109,920
Narcotics Investigation 86,738 98,061
Public Health Fund 195,030 187,192 223,241 350,777 992,287 1,337,306
American Rescue Plan Act 5,577,461
Law Library 79,532 83,151 78,796 73,244 62,663 51,378
Lodging(Motel/Hotel)Tax Fund 330,708 357,684 496,619 694,350 781,951 1,100,423
Mental Health Tax Fund 1,461,632 1,362,789 1,486,938 1,466,501 1,518,678 1,968,734
Treasurer's M&O Fund 71,079 102,022 122,050 80,522 190,420 139,429
Veterans Assistance 213,073 188,138 79,755 54,330 77,270 160,160
Skokomish Flood Zone 235,731 165,930 180,942 18,942 80,190 15,126
Mason Lake Management District 80,495 95,478 126,319 134,722 115,677 65,702
Spencer Lake Management District 1,060 6,059
Island Lake Management District 12,768 18,870 16,522 25,866 26,135 28,322
Capital Improvement/Reet 1 Fund 797,265 1,247,852 1,785,534 2,129,468 2,217,304 1,907,053
Capital Improvement/Reet 2 Fund 2,295,050 2,432,903 2,759,714 2,995,440 3,435,912 4,373,670
Mason County Landfill 891,146 707,433 505,573 620,106 845,847 1,736,805
N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 695,549 854,123 876,510 862,728 1,380,148 1,863,967
N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility Reserve 717 721 729 362 -
Wastewater System Development 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986
Rustlewood Sewer&Water 46,084 357,528 230,438 159,891 77,904 197,959
Beards Cove Water 276,065 342,493 419,243 457,903 537,366 595,515
Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 615,369 394,019 188,571 305,866 594,261 1,839,865
Reserve Landfill 509,539 513,096 487,399 470,383 446,422 443,456
Reserve Beards Cove Ulid 324,521 337,753 353,882 199,214 206,906 213,395
Storm Drain System Development 158,909 55,107 217,182 184,069 180,256 178,847
Information Technology 170,243 199,302 268,427 345,883 175,320 438,752
Equipment Rental&Revolving Fund 1,802,651 2,973,758 2,636,137 3,719,230 2,094,620 1,289,294
Unemployment Fund 171,828 180,211 175,769 162,141 181,507 200,691
TOTALS $24,671,310 $25,049,219 $26,061,643 $27,493,509 $30,719,767 $45,058,022
inancia s inancia s c o er Financia epor.x sx
y_ REPORT 2021
/h SJ
2021 Current Expense and Health Fund Motor Pool Budget to Actual Expenditures
ASSESSOR 34,908 34,908 28,884 6,024 82.74%
FACILITIES & GROUNDS 10,377 21,307 18,050 3,257 84.72%
COMMUNITY SERVICES 46,151 46,151 38,898 7,253 84.28%
PARKS &TRAILS 3,555 8,055 9,784 -1,729 121.46%
JUVENILE COURT SERVICES 8,480 8,480 5,791 2,689 68.29%
PROSECUTOR 6,646 6,646 5,379 1,267 80.93%
CORONER 25,717 25,717 33,673 -71956 130.93%
SHERIFF ADMIN 1,078,726 1,078,726 982,516 96,210 91.08%
MOTOR POOL 55,968 49,538 28,010 21,528 56.54%
Total 001 GENERAL FUND 1,270,528 1,279,528 1,151,248 128,280 89.97%
COMMUNITY SERVICES HEALTH 59,360 59,3601 43,087 16,273 72.59%
TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 59,360 59,3601 44,314 15,046 74.65%
Total GENERAL FUND &SPECIAL FUNDS 1,329,888 1,338,8881 1,195,562 143,326 89.30%
MOTOR POOL SALARIES & BENEFITS 38,672 38,672 26,985 11,687 69.78%
MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 10,300 10,300 71,697 -61,397 696.09%
MOTOR POOL FUEL 216,250 225,250 223,006 2,244 99.00%
MOTOR POOL LEASE 100 100 370,345 -370,245 370344.96%
MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 6,234 6,234 18,344 -12,110 294.26%
MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 79,836 79,836 47,059 32,777 58.94%
MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 45,719 45,719 7,019 38,700 15.35%
MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 559,158 559,158 13,537 545,621 2.42%
MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 373,619 373,6191 417,570 -43,951 111.76%
Total GENERAL FUND& HEALTH FUND 1,329,888 1,338,8881 1,195,5621 143,326 89.30%
Unaudited *Benchmark for month is 83.33% 10
2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Revenue Comparison
Revenue Revenue
Fund Collected Collected Actual dif 2020
No. Fund Name 2020 Budget Through End Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget Through End Uncollected %2021 vs 2021
of Month Revenue of Month Revenue
103 Sales&Use Tax 703,500 713,386 9,886 101% 728,500 850,348 121,848 117% 136,961
104 Auditor's O&M 118,500 126,486 7,986 107% 127,500 164,208 36,708 129% 37,722
105 lCounty Road 15,862,898 11,832,734 (4,030,164)1 75% 17,402,782 14,349,303 (3,053,479) 82% 2,516,569
106 Paths&Trails 12,695 9,282 (3,413) 73% 12,695 8,727 (3,968) 69% (556)
109 Election Equipment Holdings 38,500 67,480 28,980 175% 65,850 22,372 (43,478) 34% (45,108)
110 Crime Victims 41,910 66,720 24,810 159% 41,910 81,749 39,839 195`v° 15,030
114 Victim Witness Activities 55,683 37,484 (18,199) 67% 55,683 1,608 (54,075) 3% (35,876)
116 Historical Preservation 16,000 19,778 3,778 124% - - 0% (19,778)
117 lCommunity Support Services 2,002,005 2,123,551 121,546 106% 4,695,483 5,221,412 1 525,929 111% 3,097,861
118 Abatement 8,100 1,971 (6,129) 24% 7,920 332 (7,588) 4% (1,639)
120 REET&PropertyTax Admin 20,800 19,704 (1,096) 95% 20,250 22,510 2,260 111% 2,806
134 National Forest Safety 23,092 21,466 (1,626) 93% 21,457 20,996 (461) 98% (470)
135 Trial Court Improvements 22,800 11,336 (11,464) 50% 22,672 16,989 (5,683) 75% 5,653
140 Sheriff Special Funds 102,200 - (102,200) 0% - - 0% -
141 Sheriff's Boating Program 208,947 141,468 (67,479)l 68% 38,979 31,212 (7,767) 80% (110,256)
142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 96,797 92,096 (4,701) 95% 7,500 13,144 5,644 175`v° (79.952)
150 Community Services Health 2,238,822 2,458,742 219,920 110% 2,644,630 3,857,923 1,213,293 146% 1,399,181
155 American Rescue Plan Act - - 0% 6,484,451 6,486,079 1,629 100% 6,486,079
160 Law Library 25,373 15,523 (9,850) 61% 24,900 19,616 (5,284) 79% 4,093
163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 392,000 406,689 14,689 104% 392,000 729,949 337,949 186% 323,260
164 Mental Health 1,224,328 1,206,509 (17,819) 99% 1,231,968 1,260,356 28,388 102% 53,847
180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 195,025 189,170 (5,855) 97% 199,210 137,338 (61,872) 69% (51,832)
190 Veterans Assistance 145,060 129,941 (15,119) 90% 140,060 138,243 (1,817) 99% 8,302
192 Skokomish Flood Zone 80,500 87,383 6,883 109% 20,500 866 (19,634) 4% (86,516)
194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 36,000 32,803 (3,197) 91% 36,500 31,872 (4,628) 87% (931)
195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 14,051 (449) 97% 14,500 13,667 (833) 94% (384)
199 1 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 10,000 9,179 (821) 92% 10,000 9,258 (742) 93% 80
350 REET 1 Capital Improvements 1,220,000 1,358,102 138,102 111% 1,220,000 1,802,026 582,026 148% 443,924
351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 1,535,000 1,629,958 94,958 106% 1,210,000 2,012,994 802,994 166% 383,037
402 Mason County Landfill 4,209,280 4,447,524 238,244 106% 4,694,521 4,466,398 (228,123) 95% 18,874
403 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 1,835,584 1,871,745 36,161 102% 2,197,857 1,834,427 (363,430) 83% (37,318)
404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 1 - (1) 0% - - 0% -
411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 320,200 208,375 (111,825) 65% 376,725 344,500 (32,225) 91% 136,125
412 Beards Cove Water 227,560 188,753 (38,807) 83% 1 232,793 183,519 (49,274) 79`Y° (5,234)
413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 4,294,500 1,768,269 (2,526,231) 41% 7,475,158 5,714,320 (1,760,838) 76% 3,946,051
428 Reserve Landfill 6,000 3,213 (2,787) 54% 6,000 402 (5,598) 7% (2,811)
429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 11,500 9,906 (1,594) 86% 11,500 9,038 (2,462) 79% (868)
480 Storm Drain System Development 500 - (500) 0% 500 - (500) 0`Y° -
500 Information Technology Dept 751,746 751,305 (441) 100% 1 962,574 962,574 - 100% 211,269
501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 3,520,491 11213,643 (2,306,848) 34% 4,272,791 166,772 (4,106,019) 4% (1,046,871)
502 Unemployment Fund 73,150 73,073 1 (77) 100% 33,805 73,906 101 100% 833
Totals $ 41,701,547 $ 33,358,796 1 $ (8,342,751) 80% $ 57,182,124 $ 51,060,954 $ (6,121,169) 89% 17,702,158
J:1Financials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 11
2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Expenditure Comparison
Fund Expenditures Expenditures Actual dif 2020
Fund Name 2020 Budget through End of Unexpended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Unexpended %2021 vs 2021
No. Month Budget Authority Month BudgetAutharity
103 Sales&Use Tax 639,379 504,013 135,366 79% 663,051 526,471 136,580 79% 22,458
104 Auditor's 0&M 138,104 84,860 53,244 61% 88,667 71,466 17,201 81% (13,395)
105 County Road 20,704,939 10,379,657 10,325,282 50% 21,570,530 1 11,005,821 10,564,709 51% 626,163
106 Paths&Trails 1,903 1,346 557 71% 2,238 2,058 180 92% 712
109 Election Equipment Holdings 30,615 1,537 29,078 5% 52,040 1,926 50,114 4% 389
110 Crime Victims 93,234 67,594 25,640 72% 98,649 70,874 27,775 72% 3,280
114 Victim Witness Activities 60,234 42,384 17,850 70% 63,345 3,796 59,549 6% (38,588)
116 Historical Preservation 15,753 5,139 10,614 33% 60,000 48,147 11,853 80% 43,008
117 lCommunity Support Services 2,309,031 1,774,265 534,766 77% 4,807,444 4,482,156 325,288 93% 2,707,891
118 Abatement 54,518 1,171 53,347 2% 54,336 1,305 53,031 2% 135
120 REET&Property Tax Admin 64,283 17,714 46,569 28% 64,672 14,809 49,863 23% (2,905)
134 National Forest Safety 88,092 25,134 62,958 29% 41,457 30,994 10,463 75% 5,860
135 Trial Court Improvements 50,650 2,697 47,953 5% 51,380 1,822 49,558 4% (875)
140 Sheriff Special Funds 597,682 247,346 350,336 41% - - 0% (247,346)
141 Sheriff's Boating Program 38,187 30,300 7,887 79% 38,890 39,995 (1,105) 103% 9,695
142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 6,043 5,199 844 86% 8,204 6,032 2,172 74% 833
150 Community Services Health 2,306,857 1,995,515 311,342 87% 3,060,733 2,542,863 517,870 83% 547,348
155 American Rescue Plan Act - - 0% 6,484,451 908,618 5,575,833 14% 908,618
160 Law Library 36,365 25,989 10,376 71% 36,272 28,003 8,269 77% 2,014
163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 637,791 343,684 294,107 54% 762,548 395,804 366,744 52% 52,120
164 Mental Health 1,439,941 757,840 682,101 53% 1,500,623 687,922 812,701 46% (69,918)
180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 269,649 97,712 171,937 36% 293,195 92,706 200,489 32% (5,006)
190 Veterans Assistance 187,060 85,521 101,539 46% 191,422 77,692 113,730 41% (7,829)
192 Skokomish Flood Zone 108,543 29,152 79,391 27% 53,319 9,872 43,447 19% (19,281)
194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 129,000 18,629 110,371 14% 145,500 39,816 105,684 27% 21,186
195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 8,738 5,762 60% 19,650 14,402 5,248 73% 5,664
199 1 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 29,000 9,525 19,475 33% 40,650 11,203 29,447 28% 1,678
350 REET 1 Capital Improvements 2,304,898 1,340,992 963,906 58% 1 2,912,161 2,180,151 732,010 75% 839,158
351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 2,687,427 1,003,536 1,683,891 37% 2,090,995 786,610 1,304,385 38% (216,926)
402 Mason County Landfill 4,333,969 3,649,538 684,431 84% 4,876,235 4,135,163 741,072 85% 485,625
403 N.Bay/Case inlet Utility 2,124,568 1,376,320 748,248 65% 2,217,382 1,394,660 822,722 63% 18,340
404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 654 - 654 0% - - 0%
405 Wastewater System Development - - 0% 3,986 3,986 (0) 100% 3,986
411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 459,233 296,151 163,082 64% 482,065 223,067 258,998 46% (73,084)
412 Beards Cove Water 216,877 118,358 98,519 55% 218,444 133,159 85,285 61% 14,802
413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 4,166,524 1,682,896 2,483,628 40% 7,768,406 4,284,094 3,484,312 55% 2,601,198
428 Reserve Landfill 26,168 18,433 7,735 70% 301,780 1,780 300,000 1% (16,653)
429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 3,754 2,816 939 75% 4,286 4,286 - 100% 1,471
480 iStorm Drain System Development 1,850 1,339 511 72% 1,029 924 105 90% (415)
500 Information Technology Dept 999,366 845,604 153,762 85% 961,722 730,092 231,630 76% (115,512)
501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 4,128,801 2,355,717 1,773,084 57% 5,219,823 3,060,965 2,158,858 59% 705,248
502 Unemployment Fund 242,484 48,105 194,379 20% 230,005 53,603 176,402 23% 5,498
Totals $51,747,926 $29,302,468 $ 22,4451458 5756 $67,541,585 $38,109,114 $ 29,432,471 56% 8,806,646
J,Tinancials\2021 Financials\2021 October Financial Report.xlsx 12
FROM: Jennifer Beierle
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain
ITEM: Requests for Supplemental Appropriations and Amendments to the 2021 Budget- 3r,
Budget Hearing for 2021, & request to transfer $30,000 between the salaries & operating
budget of the Office of Public Defense
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Requests for the third and final budget hearing for supplemental
appropriations and amendments to the 2021 budget are attached.
Total increase to 2021 authorized expenditure appropriations: $3,634,622, breakdown:
General Fund (001): $1,232,622
Community Support Services (117): $1,524,000
Sheriff's Boating Program (141): $5,000
Community Services Health (150): $295,000
Landfill (402): $500,000
Information Technology (500): $78,000
Total impact to ending fund balances: Decrease of $1,063,480, breakdown:
General Fund (001): Decrease of $880,480
Sheriff's Boating Program (141): Decrease of $5,000
Landfill (402): Decrease of $100,000
Information Technology (500): Decrease of $78,000
PUBLIC OUTREACH: RCW 36.40.100 requires the Board to publish notice in the official
county newspaper for two consecutive weeks prior to the budget hearing.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request to set a public hearing for December
21St at 9:15 a.m. to consider and approve supplemental budget requests and budget
transfers to the 2021 budget, and request to transfer $30,000 between the salaries &
operating budget of the Office of Public Defense budget
ATTACHMENTS: Proposed 2021 Budget Amendment #3 Detail & Detailed Budget Entries
WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget
for the year 2021, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and amendments to the budget
as required by RCW 36.40.100,and RCW 36.40.195;and
WHEREAS,the revenue and expenditure adjustments to County funds, as listed in Attachments A& B to this
Resolution, are required in order to incorporate into the budget the revenues and expenditures now identified,which
were not known at the time of original budget adoption;and
WHEREAS,the net total of adjustments to 2021 authorized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund is
an increase of$1,232,622;and
WHEREAS, the net total of adjustments to 2021 authorized expenditure appropriations in funds other than
the General Fund is an increase of$2,402,000;and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commissioners:
That the 21"day of December, 2021 at the hour of 9:15 a.m.,in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in
Courthouse Building I,411 North 5th Street,Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public
hearing upon the matter of Budget Amendment Requests to the 2021 Budget as provided in Attachments A&B to
this Resolution.
Contact person:Jennifer Beierle, Budget Manager, (360)427-9670 ext. 532
A copy of this resolution and the proposed amendments to the 2021 budget is available by contacting
Kelly Bergh at(360)427-9670 ext. 644.
The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized,empowered,and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published
as provided by law.
DATED this 23`d day of November,2021
McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the
Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair
Kevin Shutty,Commissioner
Tim Whitehead,Chief DPA
CC: Auditor—Financial Services Sharon Trask,Commissioner
Publish 2x 12/2&12/9 bill to
411 North 5ch Street,Shelton
2021 2021
22 500 TECHNOLOGY 78,000 IN 2021
Page 1 of 2
2021 2021
GENERAL FUND TOTAL 352,142 1,232,622
OTHER FUNDS TOTAL 2,219,000 2,402,000
ALL FUNDS 1GRANDTOTAL 1 2,571,142 1 3,634,622
Page 2 of 2
Line Proposed
from Budgeted EFB
A Account Type I/D Revenue Expenditure EFB Change Total Description
1 001.000000.010.003.334.02.312267.0000.00. 2 1 8,000 WA ST DEPT OF AG-KNOTWEED III
1 001.000000.010.003.345.16.300006.0000.00. 2 1 3,197 ST PARKS
1 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 2 1 11,197 1,703,273 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
2 001.000000.010.003.334.02.310337.0000.00. 2 1 1,200 HOGWEED
2 001.000000.010.003.334.02.310177.0000.00. 2 1 3,400 PEPPERWEED
2 001.000000.010.003.345.16.300001.0000.00. 2 1 14,000 WEED SCS-10,000 YEARS INSTITUTE
2 001.000000.010.003.553.60.510600.0000.00. 2 I 17,100 EXTRA HELP
2 001.000000.010.003.553.60.545951.0000.00. 2 1 1,500 ER&R VEH
3 001.000000.030.034.367.00.300034.0000.00. 2 1 30,000 CTCL COVID GRANT
3 001.000000.030.034.514.40.535010.0000.00. 2 1 30,000 SMALLTOOL
4 001.000000.100.000.341.24.300000.0000.00. 2 1 6,000 CIVIL
4 001.000000.100.000.512.40.541052.0000.00. 2 1 6,000 DISPUTE RESOLUTION
4 001.000000.100.000.337.00.300000.0000.00. 2 1 4,435 PAYMENTS
4 001.000000.100.000.512.40.535098.0000.00. 2 I 841 IT TRACKABLE
4 001.000000.100.000.512.40.541050.0000.00. 2 1 3,594 INTERPRETER
5 001.000000.125.140.345.83.300000.0000.00. 2 1 15,000 PLAN CHECK
5 001.000000.125.140.558.50.541010.0000.00. 2 1 15,000 CONTRACT SERVICES
6 001.000000.205.267.342.10.300300.0000.00. 2 1 378 TREASURE ISLAND SECURITY
6 001.000000.205.267.342.10.301000.0000.00. 2 1 10,640 OFF DUTY/SHORT TERM
6 001.000000.205.267.521.22.512000.0000.00. 2 1 11,018 OVERTIME
7 001.000000.260.000.335.04.301000.0000.00. 2 1 255,892 LE&CJ
7 001.000000.205.270.594.60.564010.0000.00. 2 I 19,719 MACH&EQP
7 001.000000.205.265.521.10.535099.0000.00. 2 1 1,654 TRKBLTOOL
7 001.000000.205.267.521.22.535010.0000.00. 2 I 89,646 TACTICAL EQUIPMENT
7 001.000000.205.267.521.22.531030.0000.00. 2 1 64,704 AMMUNITION
7 001.000000.205.267.521.22.549020.0000.00. 2 1 7,600 TRAINING
7 001.000000.205.265.521.10.535010.0000.00. 2 1 3,595 SMALLTOOL
7 001.000000.205.265.521.10.541030.0000.00. 2 1 35,000 SOFTWARE
7 001.000000.205.265.594.21.564010.0000.00. 2 1 33,974 CAP EQUIP
8 117.000000.000.200.333.14.314231.0000.00. 2 I 600,000 ESG-CV
8 117.000000.000.200.333.21.301902.0000.00. 2 1 924,000 ERAP CARES
8 117.000000.000.200.565.40.510010.0000.00. 2 1 4,000 COORDINATOR
8 117.000000.000.200.565.40.510020.0000.00. 2 1 20,000 NEW POSITION
8 117.000000.000.200.565.40.541000.0000.00. 2 1 1,500,000 PROF SVCS
9 150.000000.100.000.333.21.301904.0000.00. 2 1 295,000 LHJ COVID OFM GRANT
9 150.000000.100.000.562.10.531020.0000.00. 2 1 20,000 COVID OPERATING SUPPLIES
9 150.000000.100.000.562.10.535010.0000.00. 2 1 10,000 COVID TEAM OFFICE NEEDS
9 150.000000.100.000.562.10.535098.0000.00. 2 1 15,000 COVID TEAM TRACKABLES
9 150.000000.100.000.594.12.562010.0000.00. 2 1 150,000 STORAGE BUILDING
9 150.000000.200.000.562.20.532500.0000.00. 2 1 100,000 COVID TESTS
10 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.00. 2 1 400,000 SRVC CHGS
10 402.000000.000.000.537.80.547040.0000.00. 2 1 400,000 SOLID WSTE
11 001.000000.010.003.553.60.535098.0000.00. 1 1 8,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.030.031.514.23.535098.0000.00. 1 1 2,000 IT EQUIP
it 001.000000.030.033.514.81.535098.0000.00. 1 1 3,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.030.034.514.40.535098.0000.00. 1 I 6,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.050.000.525.10.535098.0000.00. 1 I 2,000 IT EQUIP
it 001.000000.055.000.518.30.535098.0000.00. 1 1 6,000 IT EQUIP
it 001.000000.057.200.514.24.535098.0000.00. 1 1 8,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.070.000.512.30.535098.0000.00. 1 1 13,500 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.100.000.512.40.535098.0000.00. 1 1 11,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.100.173.523.33.535098.0000.00. 1 1 3,000 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.125.000.559.30.541019.0000.00. 1 1 3,500 IT EQUIP
11 001.000000.190.000.563.30.535098.0000.00. 1 1 3,000 IT EQUIP
Page 1 of 2
Line Proposed
from Budgeted EFB
A Account -Type I/D Revenue Expenditure EFB Change Total Description
11 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 69,000 1,634,273 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
12 001.000000.030.031.514.23.510048.0000.00. 1 1 3,200 FIN ANLYST
12 001.000000.030.031.514.23.520020.0000.00. 1 1 244 FICA/MED
12 001.000000.030.031.514.23.520030.0000.00. 1 1 327 RETIREMENT
12 001.000000.030.031.514.23.520045.0000.00. 1 1 5 WA PD FMLA
12 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 3,776 1,630,497 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
13 001.000000.090.000.513.10.510005.0000.00. 1 1 60,000 CO ADM NSTR
13 001.000000.090.000.513.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 14,520 ADMIN SUP
13 001.000000.090.000.514.20.510020.0000.00. 1 1 10,600 BUDGET MGR
13 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 85,120 1,545,377 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
14 001.000000.100.000.512.40.510620.0000.00. 1 1 37,792 JUDGE PRO TEMPORE
14 001.000000.100.000.512.40.541050.0000.00. 1 1 12,000 INTERPRETER
14 001.000000.100.000.512.40.546030.0000.00. 1 1 1,400 WITNESS FEES
14 001.000000.100.000.512.40.510020.0000.00. 1 1 2,500 CRTADMN
14 001.000000.100.000.512.40.535098.0000.00. 1 1 10,318 IT EQUIP
14 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 64,010 1,481,367 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
15 001.000000.125.141.522.30.541010.0000.00. 1 1 60,000 PROF SVCS
15 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 60,000 1,421,367 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.510600.0000.00. 1 1 25,000 EXTRA HELP
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.512000.0000.00. 1 1 2,100 OVERTIME
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.532777.0000.00. 1 1 4,000 MP FUEL
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.541010.0000.00. 1 1 50,000 PROF SVCS
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.542010.0000.00. 1 1 500 CELL PHNS
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.545020.0000.00. 1 1 2,300 SANICANS
16 001.000000.146.000.576.80.547020.0000.00. 1 1 17,000 WATER SVC
16 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 100,900 1,320,467 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
17 001.000000.190.000.563.10.532777.0000.00. 1 1 4,000 MP FUEL
17 001.000000.190.000.563.10.548777.0000.00. 1 1 8,000 MP MAINT
17 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 12,000 1,308,467 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
18 001.000000.205.267.594.21.564778.0000.00. 1 1 165,000 MP C-UPFIT
18 001.000000.205.270.523.60.531020.0000.00. 1 1 30,000 HEALTH SUP
18 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 1 D 195,000 1,113,467 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
19 001.000000.300.200.518.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 100,000 MP C-UPFIT
19 001.000000.300.312.518.90.546030.0000.00. 1 I 100,000 INSURANCE
19 001.000000.300.000.551.00.541000.0000.00. 1 1 101,871 HA PRO SVC
19 001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00. 1 D 301,871 811,596 END FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED
20 141.000000.000.000.521.22.548778.0000.00. 1 1 5,000 MP REPAIRS
20 141.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. 1 D 5,000 106,289 END FUND
21 402.000000.000.000.594.37.564000.0000.00. 1 1 100,000 MACH&EQP
21 402.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. 1 D 100,000 243,950 END FUND
22 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541010.0000.00. 1 1 78,000 PROF SVCS
22 500.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00. 1 D 78,000 4,457 END FUND
General Fund Total: 352,142 1,232,622 880,480
Other Funds Total: 2,219,000 2,402,000 183,000
All Funds Grand Total: 2,571,142 3,634,622 1,063,480
Page 2 of 2
FROM: Paddy McGuire, Auditor
Leo Kim CPA
DEPARTMENT: Auditor's Office EXT: 468
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Budget Amendment
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
The Election's CTCL (Center for Tech & Civic Life) Covid Grant was awarded in
September 2020. The funds were not utilized in 2020. It was later extended until
June 30, 2021.
Increase Revenue $30,000. Increase Expenditures $30,000
Approve Amendment
• Budget Change Form
• Grant Agreement and Extension
Date: 10/18/2021 Change Request#
X Supplemental Appropriation Non-Debatable Emergency Debatable Emergency Budget Amendment
For increased expenditures due to unanticipated For the relief of a stricken community For a Public emergency other than a For increased expenditures to be funded
federal,state,or local funds requiring immediate address;to meet non-debatable emergency which using ending fund balance or transfer of
mandatory expenditures required by law could not reasonably have been expenditures from one department's budget
foreseen at the time of making the to another within the general fund.
budget,requiring the expenditure of
money not provided for in the budget.
REVENUE/SOURCE 30,000.00 CTCL Covid Grant
a c From < >
u To + 30,000.00 CTCL Covid Grant
To +
M To +
Cr To +
c To +
a To +
v To +
:F- To +
M To +
y ReasonforChange:
Authorizing signature for
department requesting transfer, EXT:
7- '&
Title of authoftng signature: Aga Azolvf6 Date: j�2�
oAction taken by Budget Manager Change Approved Change Denied
� c
01 Budget Manager signature: Date:
September 15, 2020
Mason County, Washington
County Auditor
P.O. Box 400
Shelton, WA 98584
Dear Paddy McGuire,
I am pleased to inform you that based on and in reliance upon the information and materials
provided by Mason County, the Center for Tech and Civic Life ("CTCL"), a nonprofit organization
tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code ("IRC")section 501(c)(3), has decided to award a
grant to support the work of the Mason County Auditor("Grantee").
The following is a description of the grant:
PURPOSE:The grant funds must be used exclusively for the public purpose of planning and
operationalizing safe and secure election administration in Mason County in 2020 ("Purpose").
Before CTCL transmits these funds to Grantee, CTCL requires that Grantee review and sign this
agreement ("Grant Agreement") and agree to use the grant funds in compliance with the Grant
Agreement and with United States tax laws and the laws and regulations of your state and
jurisdiction ("Applicable Laws").Specifically, by signing this letter Grantee certifies and agrees
to the following:
1. Grantee is a local government unit or political subdivision within the meaning of IRC
section 170(c)(1).
2. This grant shall be used only for the Purpose described above, and for no other
3. Grantee has indicated that the amount of the grant shall be expended on the
following specific election administration needs: Non-partisan voter education, and
Temporary staffing.Grantee may allocate grant funds among those needs, or to other
public purposes listed in the grant application,without further notice to or permission
of CTCL.
4. Grantee shall not use any part of this grant to make a grant to another organization,
except in the case where the organization is a local government unit or political
subdivision within the meaning of IRC section 170(c)(1)or a nonprofit organization
tax-exempt under IRC section 501(c)(3), and the subgrant is intended to accomplish
the Purpose of this grant. Grantee shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any such
subgrant is used in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of this Grant
Agreement, including requiring that subgrantee agrees in writing to comply with the
terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement.
5. The grant project period of June 15, 2020 through December 31, 2020 represents the
dates between which covered costs may be applied to the grant. The Grantee shall
expend the amount of this grant for the Purpose by December 31, 2020.
6. Grantee is authorized to receive this grant from CTCL and certifies that(a)the receipt
of these grant funds does not violate any Applicable Laws,and (b)Grantee has taken
all required, reasonable and necessary steps to receive, accept and expend the grant
in accordance with the Purpose and Applicable Law.
7. The Grantee shall produce a brief report explaining and documenting how grant funds
have been expended in support of the activities described in paragraph 3.This report
shall be sent to CTCL no later than January 31, 2021 in a format approved by CTCL and
shall include with the report a signed certification by Grantee that it has complied
with all terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement.
8. This grant may not supplant previously appropriated funds.The Grantee shall not
reduce the budget of the County Auditor("the Election Department") or fail to
appropriate or provide previously budgeted funds to the Election Department for the
term of this grant. Any amount supplanted, reduced or not provided in contravention
of this paragraph shall be repaid to CTCL up to the total amount of this grant.
9. CTCL may discontinue, modify,withhold part of,or ask for the return all or part of the
grant funds if it determines, in its sole judgment, that (a)any of the above terms and
conditions of this grant have not been met,or(b) CTCL is required to do so to comply
with applicable laws or regulations.
10. The grant project period of June 15,2020 through December 31,2020 represents the
dates between which covered costs for the Purpose may be applied to the grant.
Your acceptance of and agreement to these terms and conditions and this Grant Agreement is
indicated by your signature below on behalf of Grantee. Please have an authorized
representative of Grantee sign below,and return a scanned copy of this letter to us by email
at grants@techandciviclife.org.
On behalf of CTCL, I extend my best wishes in your work.
IariarnJ, *cr,
Tiana Epps Johnson
Executive Director
Center for Tech and Civic Life
By: -J�;
PAD Dy J MC6v la
Title: ii"IQf on au&" 40ormp-
From: grants@techandciviclife.org
To: Paddy McGuire
Subject: CTCL COVID-19 Response Grant,Extension Request
Date: 30-Jan-2021 19:28
Attachments: CTCL COVID-19 Response Grant,Extension Request.html [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]
Message Id: 3a5a7d8a42f6954fa099ddbc195e5e6500000000010c#8E5FFODE5BD9650421DF58C84789152F0861B6D40B41BE3E796DEE
Hello from the CTCL team,
Thank you for submitting your CTCL COVID-19 Response Grant report and extension request for review.
We are pleased to share that upon review,CTCL has approved your request for a 6-month extension.With this extension,you
are provided until June 30,2021 to expend the remaining$31597.76 of your grant.
Additionally,per the terms and conditions of your grant agreement,a final report is to be submitted no later than July 31,2021.
This report is to be submitted via the reporting portal.
Thank you for all your hard work!And as always,let us know if you have any other questions by contacting us at
the CTCL team
FROM: Mark Neary
DEPARTMENT: Administrator EXT: 747
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Approval to amend the non-union salary resolution to reflect the 1.75%
across-the-board increase effective 1/1/22.
The 1.75% across-the-board increase was discussed in a 2022 budget workshop and
has been added to the preliminary 2022 budget. We are requesting
General Fund: salaries $93,186, benefits $16,371, Total GF: $109,557
Special Funds: salaries $50,180, benefits $9,056, Total SFs: $59,236
Grand Total: $168,793
Approval to place the resolution on the November 23 agenda
Briefing Summary 11/9/2021
Attachment A
29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080
Finance Manager 2010
Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 4022
Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139
Human Resources/Risk Manager 1154
Chief Deputy Assessor 1099
Administrative Manager 2149
Chief Deputy Clerk 1108
Juvenile Detention Manager TBD
28 Engineer II 4032
27 Elections Superintendent 1080
26 Engineer 1 4031
25 Program Manager 1 2200
Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199
23 Public Works Office Administrator 2045
21 Financial Analyst
Risk & Safety Compliance Manager 1057
Personnel Analyst 1152
Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226
Personnel & Risk Analyst
20 Office Manager 2040
19 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193
Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator 1192
Clerk of the Board/Records Specialist 1056
Administrative Clerk 1055
17 Administrative Assistant 1040
13 Administrative Secretary 1046
Legal Secretary 2152
Victim/Witness Advocate 2154
11 Senior Deputy Coroner 3071
10 Receptionist/Secretary 2041
Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185
1 Central Shop Assistant 4099
Page 12 of 2
Attachment A
47 County Administrator TBD
46 Community Services Director 1015
Public Works & Utilities Director 4005
Undersheriff 3000
Human Resources Director 2900
44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities &Waste Mgmt 4010
County Engineer 4008
43 Chief Public Defender 1160
Chief Criminal Deputy 3002
Chief Jail 3003
Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650
41 Jail Lieutenant 3005
District Court Chief Administrator
40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030
Central Services Manager TBD
Community Development Administrator
39 Chief Finance Officer 2000
Budget & Finance Manager TBD
38 DEM/IT/Parks & Trails Manager 2059
Water &Wastewater Manager 4015
Chief Civil Deputy 3001
County Surveyor 4058
Facilities Manager 2058
35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052
34 Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 4021
33 Engineer III 4033
Personal Health Manager 2171
Environmental Health Manager 2169
32 Project Support Services Manager 4201
31 Public Works Finance Manager 2011
30 Engineering & Construction Assistant Manager 4029
Page I 1 of 2
Proposed Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment r ' '
47 $:.:146,121.55 $ 12,176.80 $ 12,481.22 $ 12,793.25 $ 13,113.08 $ 13,440.90 $ 13,776.93 $ 14,121.35 $ 14,474.38 $ 14,655.31 $ 14,838.50 $ 178,062.06
46 $ :120,298.78 $ 10,024.90 $ 10,282.00 $ 10,545.63 $ 10,815.98 $ 11,093.35 $ 11,377.75 $ 11,662.19 $ 11,953.74 $ 12,103.17 $ 12,254.46 $ 147,053.47
45 $ 97,981.10 $ 8,165.09 $ 8,369.22 $ 8,572.05 $ 8,786.35 $ 9,001.86 $ 9,226.95 $ 9,458.11 $ 9,692.85 $ 9,814.01 $ 9,936.68 $ 119,140.20
44 $ .:.95,626.03 $ 7,968.84 $ 8,168.06 $ 8,368.53 $ 8,577.74 $ 8,787.52 $ 9,006.63 $ 9,231.76 $ 9,462.91 $ 9,581.20 $ 9,700.96 $. 116,411.57
43 $ 93,285.62 $ 7,773.80 $ 7,968.15 $ 8,162.71 $ 8,366.78 $ 8,570.81 $ 8,786.34 $ 9,004.22 $ 9,230.56 $ 9,345.94 $ 9,462.76 $ 113,553.15
42 $ 91,103.69. $ 7,591.97 $ 7,781.77 $ 7,971.28 $ 8,170.56 $ 8,368.53 $ 8,579.23 $ 8,793.54 $ 9,012.65 $ 9,125.31 $ 9,239.37 $ 110,872.48
41 $ :88,850.22 $ 7,404.18 $ 7,589.29 $ 7,773.80 $ 7,968.15 $ 8,163.85 $ 8,367.35 $ 8,576.83 $ 8,791.14 $ 8,901.03 $ 9,012.29 .$ 108,147.49
40 $ 86,755.47 $ 7,229.62 $ 7,410.36 $ 7,591.97 $ 7,781.77 $ 7,970.04 $ 8,169.93 $ 8,374.59 $ 8,584.06 $ 8,691.36 $ 8,800.00 $ 105,600.00
39 $ 84,631.91 $ 7,052.66 $ 7,228.98 $ 7,406.65 $ 7,591.81 $ 7,776.24 $ 7,970.04 $ 8,169.93 $ 8,374.59 $ 8,479.28 $ 8,585.27 $ 103,023.22
38 $ 82,609.44. $ 6,884.12 $ 7,056.22 $ 7,228.42 $ 7,409.1-3 $ 7,589.59 1$ 7,781.05 $ 7,972.42 $ 8,173.50 $ 8,275.66 $ 8,379.11 $ ,100,549.33
37 $, ..80,586.73 $ 6,715.56 $ 6,883.45 $ 7,051.44 $ 7,227.72 $ 7,405.41 $ 7,589.59 $ 7,779.85 $ 7,973.64 $ 8,073.31 $ 8,174.23 >_$ 98,090.71
36 $ 78,665.12: $ 6,555.43 $ 6,719.31 $ 6,884.12 $ 7,056.22 $ 7,228.42 $ 7,410.21 $ 7,595.68 $ 7,785.83 $ 7,883.15 $ 7,981.69 $ 95,780.29
35 $ 76,77157. $ 6,397.71 $ 6,557.66 $ 6,717.94 $ 6,885.89 $ 7,053.86 $ 7,229.62 $ 7,411.39 $ 7,596.86 $ 7,691.82 $ 7,787.97 $ 93,45S.60
34 $ 74,952.06. $ 6,246.01 $ 6,402.16 $ 6,556.67 $ 6,720.58 $ 6,885.32 $ 7,057.46 $ 7,234.43 $ 7,415.05 $ 7,507.74 $ 7,601.59 $ 91,219.04
33 $ 73,117.14 $ 6,093.10 $ 6,245.42 $ 6,397.71 $ 6,557.66 $ 6,717.94 $ 6,885.32 $ 7,057.46 $ 7,234.43 $ 7,324.86 $ 7,416.42 $ 88,996.99
32 $ 71,398.2Z.1$ 5,949.85 $ 6,098.60 $ 6,247.21 $ 6,403.39 $ 6,557.85 $ 6,721.54 $ 6,890.10 $ 7,062.30 $ 7,150.58 $ 7,239.97 $ 86,879.59
31 $ 69,607.01. $ 5,800.58 $ 5,945.60 $ 6,091.91 $ 6,244.21 $ 6,396.51 1$ 6,555.43 $ 6,720.32 $ 6,888.90 $ 6,975.01 $ 7,062.20 $ 84,746.42
30 $ 67,988.21 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,807.33 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,097.35 $ 6,246.01 $ 6,402.50 $ 6,560.23 $ 6,725.15 $ 6,809.21 $ 6,894.33 $ 82;731:90
29 $ .:66,341.81 $ 5,528.48 $ 5,666.70 $ 5,802.97 $ 5,948.04 $ 6,093.10 $ 6,247.21 $ 6,402.50 $ 6,562.65 $ 6,644.68 $ 6,727.74 $ 80,732.91
28 $ 64;752.07_ $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.91 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,807.33 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,096.70 $ 6,250.83 $ 6,407.34 $ 6,487.43 $ 6,568.52 $ 78,822.30
27 $ 63,177:71 $ 5,264.81 $ 5,396.43 $ 5,527.28 $ 5,665.47 $ 5,801.76 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,096.70 $ 6,248.45 $ 6,326.55 $ 6,405.63 $ 76,867.62
26 $ 61,675.15 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,268.09 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.91 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,805.37 $ 5,952.23 $ 6,101.54 $ 6,177.81 $ 6,255.03 $ 75,060.39
25 $ 60;158A. $ 5,013.18 $ 5,138.51 $ 5,263.57 $ 5,395.16 $ 5,526.12 $ 5,664.50 $ 5,904.19 $ 5,951.03 $ 6,025.42 $ 6,100.74 $ 73,208.85
24 $ 58,742.55 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,017.59 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,268.09 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.89 $ 5,668.13 $ 5,811.41 $ 5,884.05 $ 5,957.60 :$. 71,491.25
23 $ 57,297.13 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,894.13 $ 5,013.18 $ 5,138.51 $ 5,263.57 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.89 $ 5,668.13 $ 5,738.98 $ 5,810.71 $ 69,728.58
22 $: 55,939.87 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,778.20 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,017.59 $ 5,140.82 $ 5,268.39 $ 5,399.63 $ 5,534.49 $ 5,603.67 $ 5,673.71 $ 68,084.58
21 $ 54,566.98 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,660.93 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,894.13 $ 5,014.40 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,267.21 $ 5,398.45 $ 5,465.93 $ 5,534.25 $ 66,411.03
20 $ 53,252.45 $ 4,437.70 $ 4,548.65 $ 4,660.43 $ 4,776.95 $ 4,893.99 $ 5,015.58 $ 5,142.00 $ 5,269.61 $ 5,335.48 1$ 5,402.18 $ 64,826.11
19 $ _.51,966.25': $ 4,330.52 $ 4,438.78 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,660.93 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,016.78 $ 5,143.22 $ 5,207.51 $ 5,272.60 $. 63,271.23
18 $ 50,738.66 $ 4,228.22 $ 4,333.93 $ 4,438.90 $ 4,549.88 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,777.20 $ 4,897.61 $ 5,019.23 $ 5,081.97 $ 5,145.49 $ 61,745.89
17 $ 49,496.17 $ 4,124.68 $ 4,227.80 $ 4,331.72 $ 4,440.01 $ 4,548.49 $ 4,662.88 $ 4,778.40 $ 4,898.81 $ 4,960.05 $ 5,022.05 :$ 60,264.61
16 $-, .48,311.31 $ 4,025.94 $ 4,126.59 $ 4,228.22 $ 4,333.93 $ 4,438.90 $ 4,550.89 $ 4,664.08 $ 4,779.58 $ 4,839.33 $ 4,899.82 $ 58,797.85
15 $:. .47;141.10 I$ 3,928.43 $ 4,026.64 $ 4,125.88 $ 4,229.03 $ 4,330.52 $ 4,437.70 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,719.93 $ 4,778.93 $ 57,347.11
14 $ 46,000.44:1$ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.20 $ 4,024.76 $ 4,125.38 $ 4,225.82 $ 4,331.72 $ 4,440.11 $ 4,552.09 $ 4,608.99 $ 4,666.61 $: 55,999.26
13 $ 44,887.38 1$ 3,740.61 $ 3,834.13 $ 3,927.24 $ 4,025.43 $ 4,124.68 $ 4,227.02 $ 4,332.94 $ 4,441.33 $ 4,496.84 $ 4,553.05 $ 54,636.64
12 $. .43,804.11:1$ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.60 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.20 $ 4,024.76 $ 4,125.88 $ 4,229.44 $ 4,334.14 $ 4,388.32 $ 4,443.17 ,$ 53,318.09
11 $ 42;749.65 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,651.53 $ 3,740.61 $ 3,834.13 $ 3,927.24 $ 4,025.94 $ 4,127.10 $ 4,229.44 $ 4,282.31 $ 4,335.84 $ 52,030.07
10 $ . 41,737.93 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,565.11 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.60 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,928.43 $ 4,027.16 $ 4,128.30 $ 4,179.91 $ 4,232.16 $ . 50,785.86
9 $ 40,712.29: $ 3,392.69 $ 3,477.51 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,651.53 $ 3,740.61 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.65 $ 4,027.16 $ 4,077.50 $ 4,128.47 $ 49,541.66
8 $ 39,744.28 1$ 3,312.02 $ 3,394.82 $ 3,475.74 $ 3,562.63 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.82 $ 3,834.53 $ 3,930.87 $ 3,980.00 $ 4,029.75 $ 48,357.04
7 $ 38,761.62 $ 3,230.14 $ 3,310.89 $ 3,392.69 $ 3,477.51 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.82 $ 3,836.97 $ 3,884.93 $ 3,933.50 $ 47,201.95
6 $ 37,851.98 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,233.19 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.08 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,564.85 $ 3,653.94 $ 3,745.46 $ 3,792.28 $ 3,839.68 $ 46,076.16
5 $. 36,927.19. $ 3,077.27 $ 3,154.20 $ 3,230.14 $ 3,310.89 $ 3,392.69 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,564.85 $ 3,653.94 $ 3,699.62 $ 3,745.86 $ 44,950.37
4 $: 36,060.53 $ 3,005.04 $ 3,080.17 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,233.19 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.37 $ 3,481.78 $ 3,567.29 $ 3,611.89 $ 3,657.03 $ .,43,884.40
3 $ 35,178.96 $ 2,931.58 $ 3,004.87 $ 3,078.47 $ 3,155.43 $ 3,231.36 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.37 $ 3,481.78 $ 3,525.31 $ 3,569.37 $ 42,832.46
�21 $ 34.326.71.1 2.860.56 $ 2,932.07 $ 3,003.82 $ 3,078.92 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,232.54 $ 3,314.45 $ 3,396.37 $ 3,438.83 $ 3,481.81 $' 41,781.77
1 1 $ 93,517.43 1$ 2,793.12 $ 2,862.95 $ 2,931.58 $ 3,004.87 1$ 3,077.27 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,232.54 $ 3,314.45 $ 3,355.88 $ 3,397.82 $ 40,773.89
FROM: Mark Neary
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530
(If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information
Approval to amend Resolution 2021-069 to the proposed new Non-Represented Salary
Alignment Table structure with added steps and a 1.75% general wage increase
effective January 1, 2022 on the provided scale below.
The BOCC determined that a 1.75% general wage increase is needed to maintain parity
with the recommended increases proposed for the members of the current Collective
Bargaining Agreements within the County. Additionally, the BOCC requested Human
Resources review the salary scale alignments of the Non-Represented employees of
Mason County. The review identified the fact that these employees were BELOW
comparable salary ranges within Washington State by a factor of-10% to -20%.
Based on this information, the BOCC has asked to revise the Non-Represented Salary
Range Alignment Table to mitigate this out of balance issue. The following modifications
are proposed to be made to the Table to effectuate the mitigation.
1. Place a step between Step 0 and Step 1 — Step 0 and 1 are separated by 5%
difference, there will be a step in between at a 2.5% increase.
2. Place a step between Step 1 and Step 2 — Step 1 and 2 are separated by 5%
difference, there will be a step in between at a 2.5% increase.
3. All current employees in Step 0 and Step 1 will upon their next anniversary date
move to the next highest step in the new table that gives them the 5% increase.
4. At the end of the step range, currently Step 5, two (2) additional steps will be added
at 1.25% increases.
5. Step 0 will be recorded at Step 1 and all successive steps will increment by 1 step
6. Step modifications will be effective 1/1/2022
7. All employees at their top step on 12/31/2021 will receive the step increase on
1/1/2022 and their anniversary date will change to 1/1/21, all other employees will
move to their next step on their regular anniversary date.
8. All non-represented employees hired after the date of this modification will be based
on the new range table structure and receive incremental step increases on their
hire anniversary date.
Briefing Summary 1 1/10/2021
This will give the range table a total of ten (10) steps.
Approval to amend Resolution 2021-069 to the proposed new Non-Represented Salary
Alignment Table structure with added steps and a 1.75% general wage increase
effective January 1, 2022 on the provided scale below.
Proposed new Salary Alignment Table
Current Salary Table
Briefing Summary 11/10/2021
Proposed Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment
47 $ 146,121.55 $ 12,176.80 $ 12,481.22 $ 12,793.25 $ 13,113.08 $ 13,440.90 $ 13,776.93 $ 14,121.35 $ 14,474.38 $ 14,655.31 $ 14,838.50 $ 178,062.06
46 $ 120,298.78 $ 10,024.90 $ 10,282.00 $ 10,545.63 $ 10,815.98 $ 11,093.35 $ 11,377.75 $ 11,662.19 $ 11,953.74 $ 12,103.17 $ 12,254.46 $ 147,053.47
45 $ 97,981.10 $ 8,165.09 $ 8,369.22 $ 8,572.05 $ 8,786.35 $ 9,001.86 $ 9,226.95 $ 9,458.11 $ 9,692.85 $ 9,814.01 $ 9,936.68 $ 119,240.20
44 $ 95,626.03 $ 7,968.84 $ 8,168.06 $ 8,368.53 $ 8,577.74 $ 8,787.52 $ 9,006.63 $ 9,231.76 $ 9,462.91 $ 9,581.20 $ 9,700.96 $ 116,411.57
43 $ 93,285.62 $ 7,773.80 $ 7,968.15 $ 8,162.71 $ 8,366.78 $ 8,570.81 $ 8,786.34 $ 9,004.22 $ 9,230.56 $ 9,345.94 $ 9,462.76 $ 113,553.15
42 $ 91,103.69 $ 7,591.97 $ 7,781.77 $ 7,971.28 $ 8,170.56 $ 8,368.53 $ 8,579.23 $ 8,793.54 $ 9,012.65 $ 9,125.31 $ 9,239.37 $ 110,872.48
41 $ 88,850.22 $ 7,404.18 $ 7,589.29 $ 7,773.80 $ 7,968.15 $ 8,163.85 $ 8,367.35 $ 8,576.83 $ 8,791.14 $ 8,901.03 $ 9,012.29 $ 108,147.49
40 $ 86,755.47 $ 7,229.62 $ 7,410.36 $ 7,591.97 $ 7,781.77 $ 7,970.04 $ 8,169.93 $ 8,374.59 $ 8,584.06 $ 8,691.36 $ 8,800.00 $ 105,600.00
39 $ 84,631.91 $ 7,052.66 $ 7,228.98 $ 7,406.65 $ 7,591.81 $ 7,776.24 $ 7,970.04 $ 8,169.93 $ 8,374.59 $ 8,479.28 $ 8,585.27 $ 103,023.22
38 $ 82,609.44 $ 6,884.12 $ 7,056.22 $ 7,228.42 $ 7,409.13 $ 7,589.59 $ 7,781.05 $ 7,972.42 $ 8,173.50 $ 8,275.66 $ 8,379.11 $ 100,549.33
37 $ 80,586.73 $ 6,715.56 $ 6,883.45 $ 7,051.44 $ 7,227.72 $ 7,405.41 $ 7,589.59 $ 7,779.85 $ 7,973.64 $ 8,073.31 $ 8,174.23 $ 98,090.71
36 $ 78,665.12 $ 6,555.43 $ 6,719.31 $ 6,894.12 $ 7,056.22 $ 7,228.42 $ 7,410.21 $ 7,595.68 $ 7,785.83 $ 7,883.15 $ 7,981.69 $ 95,780.29
35 $ 76,772.57 $ 6,397.71 $ 6,557.66 $ 6,717.94 $ 6,885.89 $ 7,053.86 $ 7,229.62 $ 7,411.39 $ 7,596.86 $ 7,691.82 $ 7,787.97 $ 93,455.60
34 $ 74,952.06 $ 6,246.01 $ 6,402.16 $ 6,556.67 $ 6,720.58 $ 6,885.32 $ 7,057.46 $ 7,234.43 $ 7,415.05 $ 7,507.74 $ 7,601.59 $ 91,219.04
33 $ 73,117.14 $ 6,093.10 $ 6,245.42 $ 6,397.71 $ 6,557.66 $ 6,717.94 $ 6,985.32 $ 7,057.46 $ 7,234.43 $ 7,324.86 $ 7,416.42 $ 88,996.99
32 $ 71,398.22 $ 5,949.85 $ 6,098.60 $ 6,247.21 $ 6,403.39 $ 6,557.85 $ 6,721.54 $ 6,890.10 $ 7,062.30 $ 7,150.58 $ 7,239.97 $ 86,879.59
31 $ 69,607.01 $ 5,800.58 $ 5,945.60 $ 6,091.91 $ 6,244.21 $ 6,396.51 $ 6,555.43 $ 6,720.32 $ 6,888.90 $ 6,975.01 $ 7,062.20 $ 84,746.42
30 $ 67,988.21 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,807.33 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,097.35 $ 6,246.01 $ 6,402.50 $ 6,560.23 $ 6,725.15 $ 6,809.21 $ 6,894.33 $ 82,731.90
29 $ 66,341.81 $ 5,528.48 $ 5,666.70 $ 5,802.97 $ 5,948.04 $ 6,093.10 $ 6,247.21 $ 6,402.50 $ 6,562.65 $ 6,644.68 $ 6,727.74 $ 80,732.91
28 $ 64,752.07 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.91 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,807.33 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,096.70 $ 6,250.83 $ 6,407.34 $ 6,487.43 $ 6,568.52 $ 78.822.30
27 $ 63,177.71 $ 5,264.81 $ 5,396.43 $ 5,527.28 $ 5,665.47 $ 5,801.76 $ 5,948.63 $ 6,096.70 $ 6,248.45 $ 6,326.55 $ 6,405.63 $ 76,867.62
26 $ 61,675.15 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,268.09 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.91 $ 5,665.68 $ 5,805.37 $ 5,952.23 $ 6,101.54 $ 6,177.81 $ 6,255.03 $ 75,060.39
25 $ 60,158.18 $ 5,013.18 $ 5,138.51 $ 5,263.57 $ 5,395.16 $ 5,526.12 $ 5,664.50 $ 5,804.19 $ 5,951.03 $ 6,025.42 $ 6,100.74 $ 73,208.85
24 $ 58,742.55 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,017.59 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,268.09 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.89 $ 5,668.13 $ 5,811.41 $ 5,894.05 $ 5,957.60 $ 71,491.25
23 $ 57,297.13 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,894.13 $ 5,013.18 $ 5,138.51 $ 5,263.57 $ 5,396.01 $ 5,530.89 $ 5,668.13 $ 5,738.98 $ 5,810.71 $ 69,728.58
22 $ 55,939.87 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,778.20 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,017.59 $ 5,140.82 $ 5,268.39 $ 5,399.63 $ 5,534.49 $ 5,603.67 $ 5,673.71 $ 68,084.58
21 $ 54,566.98 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,660.93 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,894.13 $ 5,014.40 $ 5,139.60 $ 5,267.21 $ 5,398.45 $ 5,465.93 $ 5,534.25 $ 66,411.03
20 $ 53,252.45 $ 4,437.70 $ 4,548.65 $ 4,660.43 $ 4,776.95 $ 4,893.99 $ 5,015.58 $ 5,142.00 $ 5,269.61 $ 5,335.48 $ 5,402.18 $ 64,826.11
19 $ 51,966.25 $ 4,330.52 $ 4,438.78 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,660.93 $ 4,774.76 $ 4,895.21 $ 5,016.78 $ 5,143.22 $ 5,207.51 $ 5,272.60 $ 63,271.23
18 $ 50,738.66 $ 4,228.22 $ 4,333.93 $ 4,438.90 $ 4,549.88 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,777.20 $ 4,897.61 $ 5,019.23 $ 5,081.97 $ 5,145.49 $ 61,745.89
17 $ 49,496.17 $ 4,124.68 $ 4,227.80 $ 4,331.72 $ 4,440.01 $ 4,548.49 $ 4,662.88 $ 4,778.40 $ 4,898.81 $ 4,960.05 $ 5,022.05 $ 60,264.61
16 $ 48,311.31 $ 4,025.94 $ 4,126.59 $ 4,228.22 $ 4,333.93 $ 4,438.90 $ 4,550.89 $ 4,664.08 $ 4,779.58 $ 4,839.33 $ 4,899.82 $ 58,797.85
15 $ 47,141.10 $ 3,928.43 $ 4,026.64 $ 4,125.88 $ 4,229.03 $ 4,330.52 $ 4,437.70 $ 4,547.25 $ 4,661.66 $ 4,719.93 $ 4,778.93 $ 57,347.11
14 $ 46,000.44 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.20 $ 4,024.76 $ 4,125.38 $ 4,225.82 $ 4,331.72 $ 4,440.11 $ 4,552.09 $ 4,608.99 $ 4,666.61 $ 55,999.26
13 $ 44,887.38 $ 3,740.61 $ 3,834.13 $ 3,927.24 $ 4,025.43 $ 4,124.68 $ 4,227.02 $ 4,332.94 $ 4,441.33 $ 4,496.84 $ 4,553.05 $ 54,636.64
12 $ 43,804.11 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.60 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.20 $ 4,024.76 $ 4,125.88 $ 4,229.44 $ 4,334.14 $ 4,388.32 $ 4,443.17 $ 53,318.09
11 $ 42,749.65 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,651.53 $ 3,740.61 $ 3,834.13 $ 3,927.24 $ 4,025.94 $ 4,127.10 $ 4,229.44 $ 4,282.31 $ 4,335.84 $ 52,030.07
10 $ 41,737.93 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,565.11 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.60 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,928.43 $ 4,027.16 $ 4,128.30 $ 4,179.91 $ 4,232.16 $ 50,785.86
9 $ 40,712.29 $ 3,392.69 $ 3,477.51 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,651.53 $ 3,740.61 $ 3,833.37 $ 3,929.65 $ 4,027.16 $ 4,077.50 $ 4,128.47 $ 49,541.66
8 $ 39,744.28 $ 3,312.02 $ 3,394.82 $ 3,475.74 $ 3,562.63 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.82 $ 3,834.53 $ 3,930.87 $ 3,980.00 $ 4,029.75 $ 48,357.04
7 $ 38,761.62 $ 3,230.14 $ 3,310.89 $ 3,392.69 $ 3,477.51 $ 3,562.47 $ 3,650.34 $ 3,741.82 $ 3,836.97 $ 3,884.93 $ 3,933.50 $ 47,201.95
6 $ 37,851.98 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,233.19 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.08 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,564.85 $ 3,653.94 $ 3,745.46 $ 3,792.28 $ 3,839.68 $ 46,076.16
5 $ 36,927.19 $ 3,077.27 $ 3,154.20 $ 3,230.14 $ 3,310.89 $ 3,392.69 $ 3,478.16 $ 3,564.85 $ 3,653.94 $ 3,699.62 $ 3,745.86 $ 44,950.37
4 $ 36,060.53 $ 3,005.04 $ 3,080.17 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,233.19 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.37 $ 3,481.78 $ 3,567.29 $ 3,611.89 $ 3,657.03 $ 43,884.40
3 $ 35,178.96 $ 2,931.58 $ 3,004.87 $ 3,078.47 $ 3,155.43 $ 3,231.36 $ 3,313.24 $ 3,396.37 $ 3,481.78 $ 3,525.31 $ 3,569.37 $ 42,832.46
2 $ 34,326.71 $ 2,860.56 1$ 2,932.07 1$ 3,003.82 1$ 3,078.92 $ 3,154.33 $ 3,232.54 1$ 3,314.45 1$ 3,396.37 $ 3,438.83 $ 3,481.81 1 $ 41,781.77
1 $ 33,517.43 $ 2,793.12 1$ 2,862.95 1$ 2,931.58 1$ 3,004.87 $ 3,077.27 $ 3,154.33 1$ 3,232.54 1$ 3,314.45 $ 3,355.88 $ 3,397.82 1 $ 40,773.89
46 $ 118,229.76 $ 9,852.48 $ 10,105.16 $ 10,364.26 $ 10,629.96 $ 10,902.56 $ 11,182.06 $ 134,184.72
45 $ 96,295.92 $ 8,024.66 $ 8,424.62 $ 8,847.04 $ 9,068.26 $ 9,295.44 $ 9,526.14 $ 114,313.68
44 $ 93,981.36 $ 7,831.78 $ 8,224.60 $ 8,636.38 $ 8,851.72 $ 9,072.98 $ 9,300.16 $ 111,601.92
43 $ 91,681.20 $ 7,640.10 $ 8,022.32 $ 8,423.40 $ 8,635.22 $ 8,849.36 $ 9,071.80 $ 108,861.60
42 $ 89,536.80 $ 7,461.40 $ 7,834.18 $ 8,224.60 $ 8,431.68 $ 8,642.30 $ 8,857.64 $ 106,291.68
41 $ 87,322.08 $ 7,276.84 $ 7,640.10 $ 8,023.44 $ 8,223.44 $ 8,429.32 $ 8,639.94 $ 103,679.28
40 $ 85,263.36 $ 7,105.28 $ 7,461.40 $ 7,832.96 $ 8,029.42 $ 8,230.56 $ 8,436.42 $ 101,237.04
39 $ 83,176.32 $ 6,931.36 $ 7,279.26 $ 7,642.50 $ 7,832.96 $ 8,029.42 $ 8,230.56 $ 98,766.72
38 $ 81,188.64 $ 6,765.72 $ 7,104.10 $ 7,459.06 $ 7,647.22 $ 7,835.30 $ 8,032.92 $ 96,395.04
37 $ 79,200.72 $ 6,600.06 $ 6,930.16 $ 7,278.04 $ 7,459.06 $ 7,646.04 $ 7,836.50 $ 94,038.00
36 $ 77,312.16 $ 6,442.68 $ 6,765.72 $ 7,104.10 $ 7,282.76 $ 7,465.04 $ 7,651.92 $ 91,823.04
35 $ 75,452.16 $ 6,287.68 $ 6,602.40 $ 6,932.54 $ 7,105.28 $ 7,283.92 $ 7,466.20 $ 89,594.40
34 $ 73,662.96 $ 6,138.58 $ 6,443.90 $ 6,766.90 $ 6,936.08 $ 7,110.00 $ 7,287.52 $ 87,450.24
33 $ 71,859.60 $ 5,988.30 $ 6,287.68 $ 6,602.40 $ 6,766.90 $ 6,936.08 $ 7,110.00 $ 85,320.00
32 $ 70,170.24 $ 5,847.52 $ 6,139.76 $ 6,445.06 $ 6,605.94 $ 6,771.60 $ 6,940.84 $ 83,290.08
31 $ 68,409.84 $ 5,700.82 $ 5,987.14 $ 6,286.50 $ 6,442.68 $ 6,604.74 $ 6,770.42 $ 81,245.04
30 $ 66,818.88 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,846.32 $ 6,138.58 $ 6,292.38 $ 6,447.40 $ 6,609.48 $ 79,313.76
29 $ 65,200.80 $ 5,433.40 $ 5,703.16 $ 5,988.30 $ 6,139.76 $ 6,292.38 $ 6,449.78 $ 77,397.36
28 $ 63,638.40 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,846.32 $ 5,991.84 $ 6,143.32 $ 6,297.14 $ 75,565.68
27 $ 62,091.12 $ 5,174.26 $ 5,432.22 $ 5,701.98 $ 5,846.32 $ 5,991.84 $ 6,140.98 $ 73,691.76
26 $ 60,614.40 $ 5,051.20 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,568.24 $ 5,705.52 $ 5,849.86 $ 5,996.60 $ 71,959.20
25 $ 59,123.52 $ 4,926.96 $ 5,173.04 $ 5,431.08 $ 5,567.08 $ 5,704.36 $ 5,848.68 $ 70,184.16
24 $ 57,732.24 $ 4,811.02 $ 5,051.20 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,435.76 $ 5,570.64 $ 5,711.46 $ 68,537.52
23 $ 56,311.68 $ 4,692.64 $ 4,926.96 $ 5,173.04 $ 5,303.20 $ 5,435.76 $ 5,570.64 $ 66,847.68
22 $ 54,977.76 $ 4,581.48 $ 4,811.02 $ 5,052.40 $ 5,177.78 $ 5,306.76 $ 5,439.30 $ 65,271.60
21 $ 53,628.48 $ 4,469.04 $ 4,692.64 $ 4,928.16 $ 5,051.20 $ 5,176.62 $ 5,305.60 $ 63,667.20
20 $ 52,336.56 $ 4,361.38 $ 4,580.28 $ 4,809.82 $ 4,929.32 $ 5,053.56 $ 5,178.98 $ 62,147.76
19 $ 51,072.48 $ 4,256.04 $ 4,469.04 $ 4,692.64 $ 4,811.02 $ 4,930.50 $ 5,054.76 $ 60,657.12
18 $ 49,866.00 $ 4,155.50 $ 4,362.56 $ 4,581.48 $ 4,695.04 $ 4,813.38 $ 4,932.90 $ 59,194.80
17 $ 48,644.88 $ 4,053.74 $ 4,257.22 $ 4,470.26 $ 4,582.68 $ 4,696.22 $ 4,814.56 $ 57,774.72
16 $ 47,480.40 $ 3,956.70 $ 4,155.50 $ 4,362.56 $ 4,472.62 $ 4,583.86 $ 4,697.38 $ 56,368.56
15 $ 46,330.32 $ 3,860.86 $ 4,054.92 $ 4,256.04 $ 4,361.38 $ 4,469.04 $ 4,581.48 $ 54,977.76
14 $ 45,209.28 $ 3,767.44 $ 3,955.54 $ 4,153.14 $ 4,257.22 $ 4,363.74 $ 4,473.80 $ 53,685.60
13 $ 44,115.36 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,859.70 $ 4,053.74 $ 4,154.32 $ 4,258.42 $ 4,364.94 $ 52,379.28
12 $ 43,050.72 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,767.44 $ 3,955.54 $ 4,054.92 $ 4,156.70 $ 4,259.60 $ 51,115.20
11 $ 42,014.40 $ 3,501.20 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,859.70 $ 3,956.70 $ 4,056.12 $ 4,156.70 $ 49,880.40
10 $ 41,020.08 $ 3,418.34 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,767.44 $ 3,860.86 $ 3,957.90 $ 4,057.30 $ 48,687.60
9 $ 40,012.08 $ 3,334.34 $ 3,501.20 $ 3,676.28 $ 3,767.44 $ 3,862.06 $ 3,957.90 $ 47,494.80
8 $ 39,060.72 $ 3,255.06 $ 3,415.96 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,677.46 $ 3,768.58 $ 3,863.26 $ 46,359.12
7 $ 38,094.96 $ 3,174.58 $ 3,334.34 $ 3,501.20 $ 3,587.56 $ 3,677.46 $ 3,770.98 $ 45,251.76
6 $ 37,200.96 $ 3,100.08 $ 3,256.26 $ 3,418.34 $ 3,503.54 $ 3,591.10 $ 3,681.04 $ 44,172.48
5 $ 36,292.08 $ 3,024.34 $ 3,174.58 $ 3,334.34 $ 3,418.34 $ 3,503.54 $ 3,591.10 $ 43,093.20
4 $ 35,440.32 $ 2,953.36 $ 3,100.08 $ 3,256.26 $ 3,337.96 $ 3,421.90 $ 3,505.94 $ 42,071.28
3 $ 34,573.92 $ 2,881.16 $ 3,025.52 $ 3,175.78 $ 3,256.26 $ 3,337.96 $ 3,421.90 $ 41,062.80
2 $ 33,736.32 $ 2,811.36 $ 2,952.16 $ 3,100.08 $ 3,176.94 $ 3,257.44 $ 3,337.96 $ 40,055.52
1 $ 32,940.96 $ 2,745.08 $ 2,881.16 $ 3,024.34 $ 3,100.08 $ 3,176.94 $ 3,257.44 $ 39,089.28
Change Change
from from
lower Previous
Range step
1to2 2to3 3to4 4to5 5to6 6to7 7to8 8to9 9to10
21.47% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
22.78% 2.56% 2.56% 2.56% 2.56% 2.56% 2.50% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.46% 2.50% 2.42% 2.50% 2.45% 2.50% 2.51% 2.48% 1.25% 1.25%
2.51% 2.50% 2.45% 2.50% 2.45% 2.49% 2.50% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.39% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.44% 2.51% 2.48% 2.51% 1.25% 1.25%
2.54% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.42% 2.52% 2.50% 2.49% 1.25% 1.25%
2.41% 2.50% 2.43% 2.50% 2.46% 2.49% 2.50% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.51% 2.50% 2.45% 2.50% 2.42% 2.51% 2.51% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.45% 2.50% 2.46% 2.50% 2.43% 2.49% 2.51% 2.51% 1.25% 1.25%
2.51% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.44% 2.52% 2.46% 2.52% 1.25% 1.25%
2.44% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.46% 2.49% 2.51% 2.49% 1.25% 1.25%
2.47% 2.50% 2.45% 2.50% 2.44% 2.51% 2.50% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.43% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.44% 2.49% 2.51% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.51% 2.50% 2.41% 2.50% 2.45% 2.50% 2.51% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.41% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.44% 2.49% 2.50% 2.51% 1.25% 1.25%
2.57% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.41% 2.50% 2.51% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.38% 2.50% 2.46% 2.50% 2.44% 2.48% 2.52% 2.51% 1.25% 1.25%
2.48% 2.50% 2.43% 2.50% 2.44% 2.51% 2.46% 2.51% 1.25% 1.25%
2.46% 2.50% 2.40% 2.50% 2.44% 2.53% 2.49% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
2.49% 2.50% 2.44% 2.50% 2.43% 2.49% 2.53% 2.50% 1.25% 1.25%
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2.50% 2.40% 2.50% 2.41% 2.50% 2.48% 2.53% 1.25% 1.25%
FROM: Nichole Wilston
DEPARTMENT: Human Resources EXT: 643
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance -1 Human
i Legal -1 Other— please explain
RCW 36.16.070 states that the Board of County Commissioners shall fix the
compensation of all employees.
Contribution at $1,414 per month, per employee (2022 rate):
MEDICAL- It is recommended that the Board adopt, effective January 1, 2022, the
County's health insurance contribution rates for Elected Officials, eligible Non-
Represented Employees, and any Collective Bargaining Agreements (Community &
Family Health, Public Defenders, Probation and Deputy Prosecutors) in place and
ratified on January 1, 2022, who participate in PEBB medical and utilizing the pooling
method, and resulting in a distribution as follows:
$979.40 per month per Employee for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical
as an employee only (no dependent coverage). This contribution also covers
dental, vision, and basic life insurance.
$1,746.86 per month per Employee for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical
as an employee with one or more dependents. This contribution also covers
dental, vision, and basic life insurance.
Contribution at$1,362 per month, per employee (2021 rate):
MEDICAL- It is recommended that the Board adopt, effective January 1, 2022, the
County's health insurance contribution rates for any Collective Bargaining Agreements
(General Services) in place, but not ratified on January 1, 2022, who participate in PEBB
medical and utilizing the pooling method, and resulting in a distribution as follows:
$979.40 per month for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as an employee
only (no dependent coverage). This contribution also covers dental, vision, and
basic life insurance.
$1,694.86 per month those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as an employee
with one or more dependents. This contribution also covers dental, vision, and
basic life insurance.
The Board has determined that a $52 medical increase for Elected Officials and Non
Represented employees maintains parity with recommended increases proposed for the
members of the current Collective Bargaining Agreements within the County.
Approval to amend resolution 2020-84 for the County's 2022 health insurance
contributions to the following:
• effective January 1, 2022 for participants of the PEBB Medical program, which
allocates through the pooling method, $979.40 per month County contribution for
employees with single enrollments on medical, and $1,746.86 with dependent
enrollments, for Teamsters Probation and Community & Family Health and IWA
Deputy Prosecutors and Public Defense whose Collective Bargaining
Agreements are in place and ratified on January 1, 2022, and Non Represented
and Elected Officials, and;
• effective January 1, 2022, for participants of the PEBB Medical program, which
allocates through the pooling method, $979.40 per month County contribution for
employees with single enrollments on medical, and $1,694.86 for employees
with dependent enrollments, per month for Teamsters General Services
Collective Bargaining Agreement expires December 31, 2021 and not ratified by
January 1, 2022.
Attachment: Resolution 2020-84, Pooling Calculation Details, & PEBB Medical
Premium charts
PEBB-Medical and Dental 2022
The County premium contribution using the pooling method:effective January 1,2022,by Resolution 2021-XX:All pooled @ 2022 rate of$1,414
Copays Annual Deductibles Max out-of-pocket Employee EE/Spouse EE/Children Full Family
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $979,40 S1,799.64 $1,594.5S $2,414.72
CLASSIC $15 Primary Carc S175/Pason S200NP-nn COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1071.99 S1,746.86 $1,746.86 S1,746.86
Sao SpamW $525/Famil} S4000IFnmilp EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S52.73 None S667.36
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM S888.05 S1,616.95 $1,434,72 S2,163.62
VALUE $30 Primary Cam S250menon S?00(1/1"nn COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1,746.86 S%746.86 S1,746.86
SSo Spamlm S7501ramlly S6,000117-ily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S416.76
PREMIUM $807.55 $1.451.15 $1,304.83 $1,890.10
Kaiser Permanente WA CDHP I0%,pru i,Can S1.400111 xn S5,10e/1'crmn COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 $1,746.86 S1,746.36 $1746.86
10%sp-rilm S2,800/Familv S10.200,Tamdp EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S143.24
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $825.35 $1.491.53 $1,324.99 $1,991.17
SOUND CHOICE 011dmary Cem S1251?- 12.000/P_ COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 S1,746.S6 $1.746,86 $1,746.86
(Mud liyc nr work in Snohomi.h.King.Pi- I S%srm'li>t S375 Family S4.000/Family EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None $244.31
r,Th ion Cmmty)
Uni form:Medical Plan Classic PREMIUM $864.84 S1,610.51 S1,429.09 S2,154.77
15%Pro-Cam S250/P- S2.0001Pu COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,746.86 $1,746.86 S1,746.86
IS:spat.]." S750/Pamily S4.000/Fnmily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None $407.91
Uniform Medical Plan Select PREMIUM $813.89 SI,468.61 S1,304.93 $1,959.66
20%Pn.-Caro S7501Pnr.on S3,5001p- COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $0,00 $1,746.86 $1,746,86 SI,746.86
20%Spn'alkl S2,250.Tamily S7,000/Fvmil, EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S212.80
Uniform Medical Plan CDHP PREMIUM $804.95 $1,448.45 $1,302.13 S1,887.40
15%Pnmary Cam SI400H't S4.00fP-n COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 S1746.S6 $1.746.86 S1,746.S6
15%spaialin $2,800/Family S3.400?amily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S140.54
Uniform Medical Plan PLUS or PREMIUM $853.29 S1,547.42 $1.373.89 $2,068.02
Uniform Medical Plan Plus U1V 0%Primary Cam $1251Prxsxxr 52.0001Puwn COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,746.86 $1,746,86 $1,746.86
Medicine ACN
(Mu.:lire m Snnhnmieh.King.Kil.p.Pi IsG Spadand 13751Fnmily S4,000Ramily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S321.16
spokarm.Yakima skagil nr 11-1-County)
Tobacco Use Surcharge $25.00 S25.00 $25.00 S25.00
Spouse Waiver Premium Surcharge S0.00 S50,00 1 $0.00 $50.00
Medical Waived $159.16 S159.16 1 $159.16 S159.16
DENTAL Deductibles Mac out-or-pocket VISION BASIC LIFE AND AD&D insurance
Uniform Dental Group t13000 5s0/Person 51so/ram11y You pay amounts Included in medical plan Basic Life $35,000 Basic AD&D $5,000
Delta Dental PPO over$2,750 May enroll in supplemental Term Life Insurance without providing
No General Plan you pay any amount over S150 every 24 evidence of insurability if enrolled no later than 60 days after
Delta Care Group#3100 NONE months for frames,lenses,contacts and becoming eligible.
Managed care w/limited dentists Maximum fitting fees combined.Exception:for UMP
Willamette Dental No General Plan Classic,you pay any amount over$65 for May enroll in optional LTD within 31 days of initial eligibility for
NONE contact lens fitting fees. PEBB benefits.After 31 days must also complete Evidence of
Managed care&their facilities Maximum Insurability form.
PEBB-Medical Benefits&WCIF-Dental Vision Life Benefits 2022
The County premium contribution using the pooling method,effective January 1,2021,by Resolution 2020-84.All pooled @ 2021 rate of$1362
cora'n Annual Deductible Mas om-of-l-kel Employee EElSpouse EE/Children Full Family
I:aiscr Permanente WA CLASSIC PREMIUM 5891.33 $1,711.57 51.506.51 52326.75
slS Pmmrvcam S175Pcrem 52.WCT- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE S136.06 5136.D6 5136.06 $136.06
slosr-i.lie' S5254amdy skWaTm,uly PREMIUM TOTAL $1.027.39 $1.847.63 $1.642.57 52.462.81
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION SI,071.99 $1,694.86 $1.694.86 SI,694.86
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None 5152.77 None 5767.95
Kaiser Permanents WA PREMIUM 5799.98 $1.52R.88 $1,34665 32,075.55
VALUE S30 Primane S250 P- DWolp- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE S13G.06 $136.06 S136.06 5136.06
S50Spc6nl6t s"50/Fmik %JNTa`mly PREMIUM TOTAL $936.04 51.66494 $1,482.71 S2.211,61
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1 071.99 $1.694.86 SI.694.86 $1.694.86
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 5516.75
Keiser Pcrmnnente WA PREMIUM 5719.48 $1,363.08 $1.216.76 51,802.03
CDHP lmvW-rycam sIJWTenm S5.100?wn WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE 5136.06 $136.06 $136.06 $136.06
ImasKaahn r_swmem�y slo+W-Femily PREMIUM TOTAL V55,54 $1.499.14 51.352.82 SL93809
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION 51,07199 $1,694.86 $1,694.86 $I,694.8G
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 5243.23
Kiiser Permanente WA PREMIUM 5737.28 SI,40346 $1,236.91 SI903.10
SOUND CHOICE u Mmm cam 8125,P- S2.oWT-oo WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $136.06 $136.06 5136.06 5136.06
15•.S'ci.liv S375 Fumly s4.WaTamay PREMIUM TOTAL 5873.34 $1.539.52 51.372.97 52,039.16
(Must live or work in Snohomish, COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $I 07199 SI 694.86 $1694.86 51,694.86
King-Pierce or niurston County) EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 534430
Uniform Medical Plan Classic PREMIUM $796.77 $1.522.44 $1.341.02 S2 066.70
15°.Nmory core S250'N a 52.eWP- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $136.06 $13606 5136.06 SIS6.06
15•.sp-l", S75UTamy st.WO.Tamiy PREMIUM TOTAL 5932.83 51,658.50 $1477,08 S2.202.76
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 $1.694.86 S1,694.86 $1.694.86
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Pa-vro11 Deduction) None None None 5507.90
Uniform Medical Plan Select PREMIUM 5725.92 SI,380.54 SI 216.86 51.871.59
2m.Pr.iuy Ccm S7soT- 65SWT- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $136.06 5136.06 5136.06 5136.06
2m:Sr<dora r-'WT rally 67.Wommn%y PREMIUM TOTAL $861.88 51.516.60 S1 35292 $2,007.65
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION 50.00 SL694.86 $1.69486 SI,694.86
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 5312.79
Uniform Medical Plan CDHP PREMIUM $716.78 $1.360.38 $1.214.06 $1.799.33
15-.Fr-,Cmr Sl.(poret+mt st2oulp- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $136.06 5136.06 5136.06 5136.06
1 P.S'6A'm 52800T.rily Sa.4WT-1,, PREMIUM TOTAL 5852.84 51,496.44 $1350.12 51,935.39
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION SI.071.99 $1.694.86 $1,694,86 51,694.86
EMPLOYEE PAPS(Payroll Deduction) None None None $240.53
❑niform Mcdical Plan PLUS or PREMIUM $765.22 51,459.35 $I.285 82 $1.979.95
Uniform Medical Plan Plus UW (r.Pdm,ry Cam SI25'P- s2.9u0Pason WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 SI34.55 SI34.55 $134.55
;Medicine ACN
(M.,I,e is Sal-kh.K,nl,r:ima.N... 15•.spco.16. $1751Fvmry 54.W01Finalr PREMIUM TOTAL 5899.77 $1.593.90 S1,42037 $2,114.50
SPoUrc.Yekime.Skapn or Thu-Cou-)
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION 51,071.99 $1.694.86 $1.694.86 SI.694.86
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 5419.64
Tobacco Use Surcharge 525.00 525.00 S25 00 525.00
Spouse Waicer Premmm Surcharge 50,00 $50.00 $0,00 $30.00
WCIF Delta Dental VSP$175 Basic $24,1,0-0
Willamette(Managed care&their facilities) Reduced oremwm by 5 5.37 Frame Dependent $ 00
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Effective January 1,2022 County Pooling Contribution Calculations
Counts as of November 8 2021
2022 Contribution per Employee-Probation&Public Defenders
Com Family Health,Elected Officials,Non-Represented,&Deputy $1,414.00 minus $979.40 Highest Employee only premium = $434.60
2022 Contribution per Employee-General Services $1,362.00 minus $891.33 Highest Employee only premium = $470.67
2022 Contribution per Employee-Deputy Prosecutor $1,414.00 minus $891.33 Highest Employee only premium $522.67
2022 Contribution per Employee-Probation&Public Defenders $434.60 X 31 Employee only premiums = $13,472.80
Com Family Health,Elected Officials,Non-Represented,
2022 Contribution per Employee-General Services, $470.67 X 28 Employee only premiums = $13.178.76
2022 Contribution per Employee-Deputy Prosecutors $522.67 X 5 $2,613.35
1 Medical Waiver $1,414.00 minus $159.16 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount $1,254.84
2 Medical Waiver $1,414.00 minus $159.16 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount $1,254.84
3 Medical Waiver $1,414.00 minus $159.16 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount $1,254.84
4 medical Waiver $1,414.00 minus $159.16 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount $1,254.84
5 medical Waiver $1.414.00 minus $159.16 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount — $1,254.84
Total pooling per month for dependent coverage $34,284.07
$34,284.07 divided by 103 Employee+Dependent Coverages $332.86
2022 Contribution per Employee-Probation&Public Defenders
Com Family Health,Elected Officials,Non-Represented,&Deputy $1,414.00 + $332.86 Pooling amount per Employee+Dependent Coverages $1,746.86
2022 Contribution per Employee-General Services $1,362.00 + $332.86 Pooling amount per Employee+Dependent Coverages = $1,694.86
2022 Contribution per Employee-Deputy Prosecutor $1,414A0 + $332.86 Pooling amount per Employee+Dependent Coverages $1,746.86
Pooled County Contribution for Employee only Coverage — $979A0
Monthly #Months Annual Indiv
Premium Premium
2022 Contribution per Employee-Probation&Public Defenders
Com Family Health,Elected Officials,Non-Represented,&Deputy $1,746.86 12 $20,962.26
2022 Contribution per Employee-General Services $1,694.86 12 $20,338.26
2022 Contribution per Employee-Deputy
$1,746.86 12 $20,962.26
WHEREAS, RCW 36.40.080 states that the Board of County Commissioners shall fix and determine each
item of the budget separately and shall by resolution adopt the budget; and
WHEREAS, RCW 36.16.070 states that the Board shall fix the benefit compensation of all employees; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the County's contribution towards health insurance
premiums for Elected Officials, eligible Non-Represented employees, General Services, Community
Family Health, and Deputy Prosecutors shall increase by$52 per month for a total contribution of$1,362
(One thousand three hundred and sixty two dollars) per month, effective January 1, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the County's contribution towards health insurance
premiums for Elected Officials, eligible Non-Represented employees, and also those members of the
Collective Bargaining Agreements who participate in PEBB medical insurance to utilize the pooling
method; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, effective January 1, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners does
hereby establish the County's health insurance contribution rate for any Collective Bargaining
Agreement (Probation and Public Defenders) in place, but not ratified on January 1, 2021 utilizing the
pooling method, and resulting in a distribution as follows:
$1,071.99 per month for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as an employee only (no
dependent coverage). This contribution also covers dental,vision, and basic life insurance.
$1,485.24 per month those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as an employee with one or
more dependents. This contribution also covers dental,vision, and basic life insurance.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, effective January 1, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners does
hereby establish the County's health insurance contribution rate for any Collective Bargaining
Agreements (General Services, Community & Family Health, Deputy Prosecutors) and Elected Officials,
and Non Represented in place and ratified on January 1, 2021 utilizing the pooling method, and resulting
in a distribution as follows:
$1,071.99 per month per Employee for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as.an
employee only (no dependent coverage). This contribution also covers dental, vision, and basic
life insurance.
$1,537.24 per month per Employee for those individuals enrolled in PEBB medical as an
employee with one or more dependents. This contribution also covers dental, vision, and basic
life insurance.
Riftit.ed from Mason County DMS
Printed frorn Mason COUnty DMS
Approved this day of 2021
Sharon Trask, hairperson
Kevin S tty, ommissioner
Ran Neathe<in, Commissioner
McKenzie Smi h, Clerk of the Board
Approved as to Form:
Tim White hea , Chie y Prosecutor
cc: Financial Services, Payroll
Human Resources
All Elected Officials and Department Heads
Printed from Mason County DMS
Effective January 1,2021 County Pooling Contribution Calculations
Counts as of September 30,2020
2020 Contnbution.per Employee -
Probation&Pulil c Defenders ,:.�Y: $1F310:OQ minus $1;071.99 Highest Employee only premium = $238.01
2'021 Contribution. per Employee
General Services,Com Family.Health_-
Elected Officials;.Non=Represented;&: .
D_eputy Prosecutors( $1;362'.00 ! minus $1,071.99-Highest Employee onI premium = $240.01
{ .
2020 Contribut on.per Employee.
Probation&Public Defenders, $238.01 X 6 Employee only premiums = $1,428.06
2.021-Contribeition pei;.Einployee
Elected Officials;Non-Represented;&I
Deputy Prosecutors -
$290.01 X 49 Employee onlypremiums = $14 210.49
1 Medical Waiver; $1,310.00 minus $155.62 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount = $1,154.38
2 Medical`Waiver; $1,310.00 minus $155.62 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount = $1,154.38
3.Medical Waiver.l $1,310.00 minus $155.62 PEBB dental,vision,life only amount = $1,154.38
Total pooling per month for dependent coverage = $19,101.69
$19,101.69 divided by 109 Employee+Dependent Coverages
arn. wn:z
3 ro I U�L i
Printed Rnorn 1110asson*County WS
Effective January 1,2021 County Pooling Contribution Calculations
2020 Contribution perEmployee f
robahon&.Pubhc Defenders• `�._.�..,�__..; --._- - - $1',310.00. + $175.24 Pooling per Employee+Dependent Coverages
s•.,, a._. .•.. .,:_.....,
2021•Contribution per-Employee=.`
General Services,Com'Fatnily:Health,. r•
Elected Officials,Non Represented;&•- - �;
DeputyFrosecufors_ � ` $1362-.00 + $175.24 Pooling amount perEm loyee+Dependent Coverages
Pooled County Contribution for Employee+Dependent Coverage
Pooled County Contribution for Employee only Coverage
--M—on—fff y Annual Indiv
Premium #Months Premium
2020.Cgntnbution per Empioxee-
Probation&P.ub7ic Defenders $t,485,24�11 __l2 ;$`. I7.,822.94 i
General Services;Com°Fainily Health,
Deputy Prosecutors '$1;537.24 J 12;$ 1;8,44:6,9.4
2021 Contribution for.all Employee — J
,only Coverage $1,071.99 12 $12,863.88
rinte� finorn KaAson County D 'I'MRS
Printed from Mason Coul fy "?kjk
PEBB-Medical and Dental 2021
The County prgmlum,coptrihutlon.using•the pooling tpethod,of{ecftve;January' T,. .1„by.Resolution; All pooled @`2021'rate of$I;'362 ^'•- I
Copays Annual Deductibles Max oat-of-pocket Employee EFJSpouse EE/Childreu FuR Family
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $937.44 SL71927 $1,523.B1 $2,305.63
(Group Health Classic) Sis Primayc- S17541cson $2,000/Penon COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1,537.24 $1,537.24 $1,53724
$30 Speraal'ut S52UFamily 54,000/Fanily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S382.03 None -S768.39
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM S861.01 $1,56639 S1.390.05 $2,095.43
(Group Health Value) S30PnmayCare $750/Person S3,00NPason COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S3,071.99 . $1,537.24 S1,537.24 $1,537.24 1
S50 SpxJalin $750fFamily $6,00NFamily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None $29.15 None S558.19
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM S781.34 $1,401.91 $1,261.35 $1,823.59
(Group Health CDHP) IOY.rPdnvnycaro $1,400I1'asa 55,100/Pason COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,537.24 $1,537.24 $1.537.24
10%Spocialist S2.900/Faetily S10,200/Famuy EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None $236.35
Kaiser Permaneute WA PREMIUM S11M.48 $1,451.33 S1,289.37 S1,937.22
(Group Health Sound Choice) o Primary care $125/13eruen S2,OOWPason COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 S1,537.24 $1,537.24 $1,537.24
(Must iivc or nv&in Seohamid4 King•Picrca 15%s xialiat S375 Fatuity S4,000/ftn ily EMPLOYEE PAYS
or Thurston County) p y (Payroll Deduction) None None None $399.98
Uniform Medical Plan Classic PREMIUM $853.77 $1.551.91 S1,377.37 $2,075.52
` 15%Primvycae S250/Pvsan S2000/Person COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071-99 SI,537.24 $1,537.24 $1,537.24
15%Spocolist $750/Family S4,000/Famdy EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S14.67 None S53US
Uniform Medical Plan Select PREMIUM S785.55 $1,415.48 $1,258.00 $1,887.93
20N.Primary Cam $750/1'aon A1"Olpcnou COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S0.00 $1,53724 $1,537.24 $1,537.24
2f1%Specialist S2,250/Fauily S7,0Oa7anily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None' $35169
Uniform Medical Plan CDHP PREN11UM $780.57 $1,400.36 $1,260.00 $1,821.46
15%P&-y Can: SI,4001P- S4,200Rasoa COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,537.24 $1,537.24 SI;537.24
15%SpauGu s2,8o01Eanily 511,400/1'aaily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Paynell Deduction) None None None S284.22
Uniform Medical Plan PLUS or PREMIUM S820.84 $1,486.07 S1,319.76 $1,984.98
Uniform Medical Plan PlusUW O%Frkuycam $123/Pasan S2,0001Person- COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 SL537.24 S1,53724 $1,53724
Medicine ACN
(Must live in Snohatis6,IGng,Ktsep,Pierce, 15%Spaaalist $775/Family $4,000TmWly EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None $447.74
Spolmm Yakima,SLagitor Thurston Canty) r .
Tobacco Use Surcharge S25.00 S25.00 525.00- S25.00
Spouse Waiver Premium Surcharge - $0.00 SS0.00 $0.00 $50.00 r
Medical Waived $155.62 $155.62 $155.62 $155.62
DENTAL Deductibles Max outof-pocket VISION BASIC LIFE AND AD&D Insurance
Uniform Dental Group 83000 SSD/Person$150/1'amtN You pay amounts Included in medical plan Basic Life $35,000 Basic AD&D $5,000
Delta Dental PPO over$1,750 May enroll to supplemental Term Life Insurance without providing •
Delta Care Group#3100 No General Plan You pay any amount-$ISO every 24 evidence of Insurability N enrolled no later than 60 days after -
NONE months for frames,lenses,contacts and becoming eligible.
Managed care w/limited dentists Maximum fitting fees combined.Exception:for LIMP
Willamette Dental No Classic, unroll You pay any amount over$65 for May In optional LTD within 31 days of Initial eligibility for'. -
NONE General Plan contact lens fittingfees
Managed care&their facilities Maximum PEBB benefits.After3Insurability
urea il ttyfforust m complete Evidence of
Ca2aa fu Ay * ) 3 , •
t.�.-_ om RA c>, can Cot
PEBB-Medical and Dental 2021
V. rtie CougTy premwrfrcci3i l i i6n uslligdhe pDoling'rgethod;ef(ectiveJanuaryl;0.2.1 by Resolution. All pooled @ 2020 iate,of$1,310 �
Copays Annual Deductibles Max out-of-pocket Employee EE/Spouse EE/Children Full Family
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM S937.44 $1,719.27 $1,523.81 S2,305.63
(Group Health Classic) SisprimaryCarc $175/Person S2,000/Persoa COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1,495.24 $1,495.24 S1,48524
$30 Specialist S525/Finaily $4,000/F®ily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None $234.03 S38.57 $820.39
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $861.01 S1,566.39 $1,390.05 52,095.43
(Group Health Value) $30FdmaryCare s25omoaom S3,00o/Perron COUNTY POOLED CONTRMUTION $1,071.99 $1,48524 $1,485.24 $1,485.24
SSG Specialist S7501Famiiy' S6,000momily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S81.15 None S610.19
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $791.34 S1,40191. S1,261.35 $1,823.59
(Group HealthCDHP) loydprimatyCam SI,400/P-m S5,I00/Pasoa COUNTY POOLEDCONIRIBt7110N S1,071.99 $1,485.24 S1,485.24 $1,48524
IDS:Specialist S2,8o0/Family SIo,200/1'amily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S338.35
Kaiser Permanente WA PREMIUM $803.48 S1,45133 $I,289.37 $1.937.22
(Group Health Sound Choice) oRi-y Cnm $125/Pasan Sz,0owcome COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1,48524 $1,485.24 $1,485.24
(Must lin,or--k in Snohomish.King,Pi-
or or Thurston Cowry) Specialist $375 Family SI,000/F.Wly EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None 5451.98
Uniform Medical Plan Classic PREMIUM S853.77 $1,551.91 $1,377.37 S2,075.52
15%Primary Cam S250/Prawn $2,000/Person COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1,485.24 $1,485.24 S1,485.24
15%Specialist S750/Family S4.000/Family EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None $66.67 None 5590.28 '
Uniform Medical Plan Select PREMIUM S785.55 S1,415.48 S1,258.00 $1,897.93
20%PrivnoyCore S750/P-- S3,500I1'asm COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S0.00 S1,485.24 $1.485.24 $1,485.24
20%Spa3alist S2,250/Family S7.000/37amily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S402.69
Uniform Medical Plan CDHP PREMIUM S780.57 $1,400.36 $1,260.00 S1,821.46
15%primary Cam St,4003W= S4.200/Pasoa COMMPOOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,48524 S1,485.24 $1,48524
15%Specialist SZ11001famdly 58,400/Family EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S336.22
Uniform Medical Plan PLUS or PREMIUM S820.84 S1,486.07 $1,319.76 S1,984.98
Uniform Medical Plan Plus UW
Medicine ACN oY.lh wary cam s123/Pasoa $2 so.ootuFa COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1485 24 51,485.24 S1,485.24
(Must liw in Snohomish,King'Kitmp'Pierce' 15%SpaaGst S375/Famity 54.000/17 mily EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S0.83 None $499.74
Spolaae.Yakima,Sl ign orTfuastun County) .
Tobacco Use Surcharge S25.00 525.00 $25.00 525.00
Spouse Waiver Premium Surcharge SO.00 550.00 S0.00 S50.00
Medical Waived S155.62 $155.62 1 $155.62 $155.62
DENTAL Deductibles Maxout-of-pocket VISION BASIC LIFE AND AD&D Insurance
Uniform Dental Group 93000 $50/1erson Siso/Famay You pay amounts Included In medical plan Basic We $35,000 Basic AD&D $5,000
Delta Dental PPO over$1,750 May enroll In supplemental Term Life Insurance without providing
Delta Care Group#3100 No General Plan You pay any amount over WO every 24 evidence of Insurabllity If enrolled no later than 60 days after
NONE months for frames,lenses,contacts and becaming eligible.
Managed care w/llmited dentists Maximum fitting fees combined.Exception:for UMP
Willamette Dental Classic,you pay any amount over$65 for May enroll In optional LTD within 31 days of Initial eligibility for
NONE No General Plan contact tens fitting fees PEBB benefits.After 31 days must also complete Evidence of
Managed rare&their facilities Maximum Insurablllty form.
Rr I,, � C.a mc il t WH. L v 1
Printed fro!n RAC scan County DMS
PEBB-Medical Benefits&WCIF-Dental Vision Life Benefits 2021
( ;^:: --_- ;-•7heCoun _ _- -- -7
- --_„ __ ,ay premium contribution usir g the poing method_eIf e:Janua i 1,2021 by Resolution All'pooled @ 20'21;rafe of$13b2T - -
Copays Annual DedueuNu Macouo-of-pocket Employee EElSpouso EE/Chlldred Full Family
Kaiser Permanente WA(Group PREMIUM $850.76. S1,632.59 S1,437.13 S2,218.95
Health Classic) sishi-qc- SUIT- S2,OOomaoo WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 S134.55 $134.55 S134.55
$Da Spc"Iid- $525/Fina'ly S4.0DON-ay PREMIUM TOTAL $98531 S1,767.14 S1,571.68 52,353.50
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 S1,537.24 $1,537.24 S1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S229.90 S34.44 S816.26
Kaiser Permanente WA(Group PREMIUM S774.33 S1,479.71 $1.303.37 S2,008.75
Health Value) s30Psimayc.m $25O&- WOW- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE S134.55 $134.55 $134.55 S134.55
S50 Sp.d.16t $7501F.aay S6,ODO ..Wy PREMIUM TOTAL S908.88 $1,614.26 $1,437.92 S2,143.30
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1.537.24 $1,537.24 S1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S77.02 None S606.06
Kaiser Permanente WA(Group PREMIUM $694.66 S1,315.23 $1.174.67 S1,736.91
HealthCDHP) 10%4', c- $1.4004taso. $5.100rF-- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 $134.55 S134.55 S134.55
10%sp.eiani S2,800IF.mily $1o,20NF.miiy PREMIUMTOTAL $829.21 $1.449.79 S1,309.22 S1,871A6
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 SI,537.24 $1,537.24 S1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None Naae S334.22
Kaiser Permaneute WA(Group PREMIUM S716.80 $1,364.65 S7,202.69 S1,850.54
Health Sound Choice) OPAayC.tr S125/Pasm 12AWIP:a, WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 S134.55
15%sp.6.litt S375Fanily $4.00W..dy PREMIUM TOTAL S851.35 $1,499.20 $1,337.24 SI,985.09
(Must live or work in Snohomish,King, COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1.071.99 S1,537.24 $1,537.24 S1,537.24
Pierce or Thurston County) EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S447.85
Uniform Medical Plan Classic PREMIUM S767.09 $1.465.23 $1,290.69 $1.998.84
15Y.Pd..yC.m S250/Pamn $L000a-- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE S134.55 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55
15%sp.d.0n S75011F-ly UXOIFumfy PREMIUM TOTAL $901.64 $1,599.79. $1,425.24 $2.123.39
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION S1,071.99 $1.537.24 $1.537.24 $1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None S62.54 None $586.15
Uniform Medical Plan Select PREMIUM S689.87 $1,32R.80 S1,171.32 S1,801.25
20%P.k-y Cu. $7501P- $3500/Pos.n WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 S134.55
2oY.Sp.a.un S2,20W-dy $7OpmF-1y PREMIUMTOTAL $824.42 $1.463.35 $1,305.87 $1,935.30
COUNTYPOOLED CONTRIBUTION $0.00 S1,537.24 $1,537.24 $1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S3911.56
Uniform Medical Plan CDHP PREMIUM S693.89. S1.313.68 S1.173.32 SI.734.78
15%N4..yCLm S1A0mptnn. $4.20W- WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE S134.55 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55
15%sp..i.Rn S2jWW..ay SS,40W-iy PREMIUM TOTAL $928.44 $1.448.23 S1,307.87 S1,869.33
COUNTY POOLED CONTRIBUTION $1,071.99 $1,537.24 $1,537.24 $1,537.24
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S332.09
` Unifarm Medical Plan PLUS nr PRF.MHIM S734.16 SI.399.39 SI.233.08 S1.89830
Uniform Medical Plan PhuUW 0%Pi ,yQ. 312541asm SZAoomma WCIF DENTAL VISION LIFE $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 S134.55
Medicine ACN
N-L Li-i.S..b..d rj.&Kitmp,Piw 15%Spmi.lisr 5175IF.ma S4,000fF.mil PREMIUM TOTAL $868.71 $1,533.94 S1,367.63 S2,032.85
SPA-..Yddm..Singh a Th-lon Canty) Y Y
COUNTY POOIAD C.()N7RH;MON Sl 07199 S153724 S1 53774 S1:S1724
EMPLOYEE PAYS(Payroll Deduction) None None None S495.61
Tobaoco Use Surcharge =.Do $25.00 S25.00 525.00
Spouse waiver Premium Surcharge $0.00 S50.00 SO.00 S50.00
WCIF OelUDental-Reduce premiumby$3.93 VSP$175 Bask $24,000
W18amette(Managed Tare�thelr fadlRles) -Frame Dependent $1,000
i t s x - � ::
FROM: Casey Bingham
DEPARTMENT: Public Health EXT: 562
BRIEFING DATE: 11/15/2021
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Consolidated Contract CLH18253 Amendment 24
Amends Statements of Work for:
1. Covid-19 Coordinated Response: Adding 150,000 for Covid related
2. Foundational Public Health: adds 1,522,00 for the Biennium or 761,000
per year for the next two years.
3. Office of Drinking Water Group A program: redistributes unpent funds.
BUDGET IMPACTS: 657,309 in new funding for 2021 and 2022. The funding has
been budgeted for 2021 in an amendment but has not been budgeted in the 2022
Consolidated Contract to the Action Agenda.
Briefing Summary 11/9/2021
PURPOSE OF CHANGE: To amend this contract between the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH hereinafter referred to as
"DOH",and MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH,a Local Health Jurisdiction,hereinafter referred to as"LHJ",
pursuant to the Modifications/Waivers clause, and to make necessary changes within the scope of this contract and any
subsequent amendments thereto.
IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: That the contract is hereby amended as follows:
1. Exhibit A Statements of Work,attached and incorporated by this reference, are amended as follows:
❑ Adds Statements of Work for the following programs:
® Amends Statements of Work for the following programs:
• COVID-19 Coordinated Response-Effective July 1,2020
• Foundational Public Health Services(FPHS)-Effective July 1,2021
• Office of Drinking Water Group A Program -Effective January 1,2018
❑ Deletes Statements of Work for the following programs:
2. Exhibit B-24 Allocations, attached and incorporated by this reference, amends and replaces Exhibit B-23 Allocations
as follows:
® Increase of$657,309 for a revised maximum consideration of$6,029,776.
❑ Decrease of for a revised maximum consideration of
❑ No change in the maximum consideration of
Exhibit B Allocations are attached only for informational purposes.
3. Exhibit C-20 Schedule of Federal Awards,attached and incorporated by this reference, amends and replaces
Exhibit C-19.
Unless designated otherwise herein,the effective date of this amendment is the date of execution.
ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original contract and any subsequent amendments remain in full force
and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof.
Date Date
Assistant Attorney General
Page 1 of 25
DOH Program Name or Title: COVID-19 Coordinated Response-Effective July 1,2020.............................................................................................................3
DOH Program Name or Title: Foundational Public Health Services(FPHS)-Effective July 1,2021........................................................................................... 15
DOH Program Name or Title: Office of Drinking Water Group A Program-Effective January 1,2018......................................................................................21
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 2 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Exhibit A
Statement of Work
Contract Term: 2018-2021
DOH Program Name or Title: COVID-19 Coordinated Response- Local Health Jurisdiction Name: Mason County Public Health
Effective July 1,2020
Contract Number: CLH18253
SOW Type: Revision Revision#(for this SOW) 5 Funding Source Federal Compliance T e of Payment
®Federal Subrecipient (check if applicable) Reimbursement
Period of Performance: July 1,2020 through December 31,2021 ❑ State El Other ®FFATA(Transparency Act) ❑Fixed Price®Federal*Contractor ❑Research&Development
Statement of Work Purpose: The purpose of this statement of work is to provide supplemental funding for the LHJ to ensure adequate culturally and linguistically responsive
testing,investigation and contact tracing resources to limit the spread of COVID-19
NOTE: Pending execution of a new consolidated contract term or an extension to the 2018-2021 consolidated contracts which currently end December 31,2021,DOH plans to
continue the task activities and funding as noted in the task(s)below in a new or revised statement of work effective January 1,2022.
Revision Purpose: The purpose of this revision is to add additional funding to FFY20 ELC EDE LHJ ALLOCATION,adjust the funding period for BITV-COVID ED LHJ
ALLOCATION-CARES from 07/01/20-12/31/21 to 07/01/20-06/30/21,moving the remaining allocation of BITV-COVID ED LHJ ALLOCATION-CARES to FFY20 ELC EDE
LHJ ALLOCATION,and update task language,DCHS-Task 1 &2
Chart of Accounts Program Name or Title CFDA# BARS Master Funding Period Current Change Total
Revenue Index (LHJ Use Only) Consideration crease(+) Consideration
Code Code Start Date End Date
BITV-COVID ED LHJ ALLOCATION-CARES 21.019 333.21.01 1897129V 07/01/20 06/30/21 351,672 -327,606 24 066
FEMA-75 COVID LHJ ALLOCATION 97.036 333.97.03 1897129W 07/01/20 12/30/20 0 0 0
FFY21 COVID19 VACCINE SERVICES-CARES 93.268 333.93.26 74310209 07/01/20 12/31/21 14,582 0 14,582
FFY21 COVID GFS LHJ REGIONAL N/A 334.04.92 1897211G 12/31/20 06/30/21 0 0 0
FFY20 ELC EDE LHJ ALLOCATION 93.323 333.93.32 1897120E 01/15/21 12/31/21 657,521 477,606 1 135 127
FFY19 ELC COVID ED LHJ ALLOCATION 93.323 333.93.32 1897129G 01/01/21 12/31/21 294 029 0 294,029
*MASS VACCINATION FEMA 100% 97.036 333.97.03 934VO2 00 01/21/21 12/31/21 0 0 0
COVID 19 VACCINES 93.268 333.93.26 74310229 07/01/20 12/31/21 354,803 0 354,803
TOTALS 1,672,607 150,000 1,822,607
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
Participate in public health emergency preparedness and response activities for COVID-19.This may include surveillance,epidemiology,laboratory capacity,infection control,
mitigation,communications and or other preparedness and response activities for COVID-19.
Examples of key activities include:
• Incident management for the response
• Testing
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 3 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
• Case Investigation/Contact Tracing
• Sustainable isolation and quarantine
• Care coordination
• Surge management
• Data reporting
NOTE:The purpose of this agreement is to supplement existing funds for local health jurisdictions to carry out surveillance,epidemiology,case investigations&contact tracing,
laboratory capacity,infection control mitigation,communications community engagement,and other public health preparedness and response activities for COVID-19.
DCHS COVID-19 Response-Tasks 1 and 2—Unspent ELC funding can be carried forward into new contract term effective January 1,2022.
1 Establish a budget plan and narrative to be submitted to the Submit the budget plan Within 30 days of Reimbursement of
Department of Health(DOH)Contract Manager. DOH will and narrative using the receiving any new actual costs
send the"Budget narrative Template","Budget Guidance" template provided. award for DCHS incurred,not to
and any other applicable documents that may be identified. COVID-19 Response exceed$1,453,222
tasks. $','�z total.
DOH does recognize the public health response goes
beyond December 2021 and authorizes local health $24,066$ 2
jurisdictions the ability to maximize funding streams BITV-COVID ED
available to them by using short term funding first to LHJ
have longer term funding available to continue to ALLOCATION-
support the local health jurisdiction response activities CARES Funding
beyond December 2021 as applicable. (1VII 1897129V)
2 1) LFU Active monitoring activities.In partnership with Data collected and Enter performance $1,135,127
WA DOH and neighboring Tribes,the LIU must ensure reported into DOH metrics daily into DOH " 21 F20
adequate culturally and linguistically responsive testing, systems daily. identified systems ELC E LFU
investigation and contact tracing resources to limit the ALLOCATION
spread disease.LHJs must conduct the following Quarterly performance Funding
activities in accordance with the guidance to be provided reporting updates (h,II 1897120E)
by DOH. Funding end date
a. Allocate enough funding to ensure the following
Contact Tracing and Case Investigation Support: $294,029 FFY19
Hire a minimum of 1.0 data entry FTE to assure ELC COVID ED
system requirements for task 2.La. LFU
i. Contact tracing ALLOCATION
1. Strive to maintain the capacity to surge a Enter all contact tracing Funding
minimum of five(5)contact tracers for data in CREST following (MI 1897129G)
every 100,000 people in the jurisdiction,as guidance from DOH. Funding end date
needed,based on disease rates.DOH 10/18/2022
centralized investigations will count
towards this minimum.
Exhibit A, Statements of Work Page 4 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
2. Have staff that reflect the demographic
makeup of the jurisdiction and who can
provide culturally and linguistically
competent and responsive services.In
addition,or alternatively,enter into an
agreement(s)with Tribal,community-
based and/or culturally-specific
organizations to provide such services.
DOH centralized investigations will count
towards this minimum.
3. Ensure all contact tracing staff are trained
in accordance with DOH investigative
guidelines and data entry protocols.
4. Coordinate with Tribal partners in
conducting contact tracing for Tribal
5. Ensure contact tracing and case
investigations activities meet DOH case
and Contact Tracing Metrics. (Metrics to
be determined collaboratively by DOH,
LHJs and Tribes.)Work with DOH to
develop a corrective action plan if unable
to meet metrics.
6. Perform daily monitoring for symptoms
during quarantine period of contacts
ii. Case investigation
1. Strive to maintain the capacity to surge a Enter all case
minimum of five(5)case investigators and investigation data in
contact tracers for every 100,000 people in WDRS-following
the jurisdiction,as needed,based on guidance from DOH.
disease rates.DOH centralized
investigation will count toward this
2. Enter all case investigation and outbreak
data in WDRS following DOH guidance.
a) Strive to enter all case investigation
and outbreak data into CREST as
directed by DOH.
b) Ensure all staff designated to utilize
WDRS have access and are trained in
the system.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 5 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
c) Include if new positive cases are tied
to a known existing positive case or
indicate community spread.
d) Conduct case investigation and
monitor outbreaks.
e) Coordinate with Tribal partners in
conducting case investigations for
tribal members.
3. Ensure contact tracing and case
investigation activities meet DOH Case
and Contact Tracing Metrics.(Metrics to
be determined collaboratively by DOH,
LHJs,and Tribes.)Work with DOH to
develop a corrective action plan if unable
to meet metrics.
b. Testing
i. Work with partners and Tribes to ensure Maintain a current list of
testing is available to every person within the entities providing
jurisdiction meeting current DOH criteria for COVID-19 testing and at
testing and other local testing needs. what volume.Provide
ii. Work with partners and Tribes to ensure reports to DOH Contract
testing is provided in a culturally and manager on testing
linguistically responsive manner with an locations and volume as
emphasis on making testing available to requested.
disproportionately impacted communities and
as a part of the jurisdiction's contact tracing
iii. Maintain a current list of entities providing
COVID-19 testing and at what volume.
Provide reports to DOH on testing locations
and volume as requested.
c. Surveillance FTE support at a minimum of.5 FTE
Epidemiologist to support daily reporting needs
i. Ensure all COVID positive lab test results from Ensure all COVID
LHJ are entered in to WDRS by 1)entering data positive test results are
directly in to WDRS,2)sending test results to entered into WDRS within
DOH to enter,or 3)working with DOH and 2 days of receipt
entities conducting tests to implement an
electronic method for test result submission.
Exhibit A, Statements of Work Page 6 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
ii. Maintain records of all COVID negative lab test
results from the LHJ and enter into WDRS when
resources permit or send test results to DOH.
iii. Collaborate with Tribes to ensure Tribal entities
with appropriate public health authority have
read/write access to WDRS and CREST to
ensure that all COVID lab results from their
jurisdictions are entered in WDRS or shared
with the LHJ or DOH for entry.
d. Tribal Support. Ensure alignment of contact tracing Quarterly performance
and support for patients and family by coordinating updates related to
with local tribes if a patient identified as American culturally and linguistic
Indian/Alaska Native and/or a member of a WA competency and
tribe. responsiveness,tribal
e. Support Infection Prevention and control for high- prevention and control for
risk populations high-risk populations,
i. Migrant and seasonal farmworker support. community education and
Partner with farmers,agriculture sector and regional active monitoring
farmworker service organizations to develop activities. Performance
and execute plans for testing,quarantine and update should include
isolation,and social service needs for migrant status of all projects
and seasonal farmworkers. listed.
ii. Congregate care facilities: In collaboration
with the state licensing agency(DSHS),
support infection prevention assessments,
testing.Infection control and isolation and
quarantine protocols in congregate care
iii. High risk businesses or community-based
operations. In collaboration with state
licensing agencies and Labor and Industries,
partner with food processing and
manufacturing businesses to ensure adequate
practices to prevent COVID-19 exposure,
conduct testing and respond to outbreaks.
iv. Healthcare: Support infection prevention and
control assessments,testing,cohorting,and
isolation procedures.Provide educational
resources to a variety of healthcare setting
Exhibit A, Statements of Work Page 7 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
types(e.g.,nursing homes,hospitals,dental,
v. Non-healthcare settings that house vulnerable
populations:In collaboration with state
corrections agency(DOC)and other state
partners,support testing,infection control,
isolation and quarantine and social services
and wraparound supports for individuals living
or temporarily residing in congregate living
settings,including detention centers,prisons,
jails,transition housing,homeless shelters,
and other vulnerable populations.
vi. Schools:In collaboration with OSPI and local
health jurisdictions,support infection
prevention and control and outbreak response
in K-12 and university school settings.
f. Ensure adequate resources are directed towards
H2A housing facilities within communities,fishing
industries and long-term care facilities to prevent
and control disease transmission.Funds can be used
to hire support staff,provide incentives or facility-
based funding for onsite infection prevention
g. Community education. Work with Tribes and
partners to provide culturally and linguistically
responsive community outreach and education
related to COVID-19.
h. Establish sustainable isolation and quarantine Quarterly performance
measures. updates to include name,
i. Have at least one(1)location identified and address and capacity of
confirmed through contract/formal agreement identified location that
that can support isolation and quarantine can support isolation and
adequate to the population for your jurisdiction quarantine,and
with the ability to expand;alternatively, confirmation of
establish with an adjacent jurisdiction a formal appropriate planning and
agreement to provide the isolation and coordination as required.
quarantine capacity adequate to the population
for your jurisdiction with the ability to expand.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 8 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Task/Activity/Description *May Support PHAB Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
Number Standards/Measures Amount
ii. Maintain ongoing census data for isolation and Maintain ongoing census
quarantine for your population. data for isolation and
iii. Planning must incorporate transfer or receipt of quarantine for your
isolation and quarantine patients to from population.
adjacent jurisdictions or state facilities in the
event of localized increased need.
iv. Planning must incorporate triggers and
coordination to request state isolation and
quarantine support either through mobile teams
or the state facility to include site identification
and access
COVID-19 Vaccine Services-Task 3—will be extended through June 30,2022 in new contract term effective January 1,2022.Any unspent funds may be carried
3.A Identify activity/activities to support COVID vaccine Summary of the January 31,Annually Reimbursement of
response in your community,using the examples below as a engagement strategies to actual costs
guideline. be used with health care incurred,not to
Example 1:Develop and implement communication providers and other exceed:
strategies with health care providers,community,and/or partners,and the locally
other partners to help build vaccine confidence broadly and identified population to be $14,582
among groups anticipated to receive early vaccination,as reached. FFY21 COVID 19
well as dispel vaccine misinformation.Document and VACCINE
provide a plan that shows the communication strategies used SERVICES-CARES
with health care providers and other partners and the locally Funding
identified population anticipated to reach. (MI 74310209)
Example 2:Engage in other vaccination planning activities $354,803 COVID
such as partnership development,provider education, 19 VACCINES
vaccination point of dispensing(POD)planning,tabletop Funding(MI
exercises,engagement with communities,leaders,non- 74310229)
traditional provider,or vulnerable populations to develop
strategies to ensure equitable access to vaccination services
3.13 Implement the communication strategies or other activities, Mid-term written report June 30,Annually
working with health care providers and other partners to describing
reach the locally identified population,support providers in activity/activities and
vaccination plans,and support equitable access to progress made to-date and
vaccination services. strategies used(template
to be provided
3.0 Catalog activities and conduct an evaluation of the strategies Final written report, December 31,Annually
used showing the strategies
used and the final
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 9 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
progress of the reach
(template to be provided)
Regional Incident Management Team(IMT)Mass Vaccination Clinics—Task 4
*NOTE:Task 4 activities for Mass Vaccination Clinics *Reimbursement of
in this statement of work are NOT CONSIDERED eligible costs.
DOH reimbursement provided for local mass VACCINATION
vaccination clinic(see definition below)planning, FEMA 100%
implementation and operations in coordination between Funding
Unified Command and the Regional IMT to administer (NII 934V0200)
the vaccine as efficiently,quickly,equitably,and safely
in all regions of Washington State. State Supported, (See Program
Regionally Coordinated,Locally Implemented. Specific
Requirements for
Definition:Mass vaccination clinics defined as those Mass Vaccination
outside of the usual healthcare delivery.method such as Task 4 below)
pop-up clinics,mobile clinics,non-clinical facility
Leaders Intent about this work from DOH is included as an
Guidance on vaccination protocols must be followed as
provided by DOH and CDC.
4.A Local health jurisdiction(LHJ)will coordinate planning and Submit to DOH a mass Within 30 days of
implementation of mass vaccination clinics/sites provided vaccination plan contract amendment
within the county(s)with a regional incident management including: execution.
team/organization as approved by DOH. • type of site,
• site locations,
Request for regional IMT should be submitted through the • throughput,
normal process through WebEOC. • considerations
made to ensure
Local health jurisdiction is the coordinating agency for the equity to
mass vaccination plan within the county. historically
Regional IMT will be under the delegation authority of populations,
DOH and they are to provide support and coordination for . and to the extent
all efforts around vaccine planning,resource support and possible a
general guidance and information sharing in order to
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 10 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
regionally coordinate efforts. Local jurisdictions will regional map of
maintain all decisional authority around vaccination sites/locations.
planning and execution within their jurisdiction/district.
Provide any information as requested by the regional MIT.
4.13 Funding for eligible Mass Vaccination activities are Submit estimated budget Within 30 days of
reimbursed on actual costs as outlined in the DOH guidance for the mass vaccination contract amendment
to provide the services and to carry out the mission.Funding plan. execution.
will be dependent on full participation in the LHJ and IMT
processes and all documentation will be required to be Monthly Cost Summary Monthly
provided to fully close out funding requests by the end of Spreadsheet to the
the mission period of performance. IMT/IMO by the fifth of
the following month.
Allowable costs include expenses such as facility rentals,
staff to conduct planning,management,support and
operation of the site,medical personnel for vaccinations,site
security personnel,wrap around services for staff(meals,
travel,lodging),equipment(which must be pre-approved by
1MT/DOH if it exceeds$5,000 each),supplies for
vaccinations and site operation.LHJs should provide
narratives to help assist IMT and DOH finance know what
expenditures were necessary to carry out the mission.
4.0 Vaccination data—will be maintained according to current Submission of vaccine Daily
state and federal requirements. use into WA IIS database
within 24hrs of use.
Vaccine Registration Systems—If a local jurisdiction or Jurisdiction/Regions will
region does not have a registration system(s)the include ensure a fair and equitable
internet based,phone option and other methods to ensure process for registration of
equitable registration,the state PrepMod system and tools eligible Washingtonians
will be available for use. across all available
4.13 Regularly report on vaccinations sites and operational Provide monthly situation Monthly
activities(number of vaccinations,personnel to operate the report to IMTAMO on
site,challenges,successes to share for learning across the status of implementation
public health system). of mass vaccination plan,
or more frequently if that
is the LHJ procedure.
Sites operating for the
time period,vaccines
administered by site for
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 11 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task *May Support PHAB Payment
Number Task/Activity/Description Standards/Measures Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Frame Information and/or
the time period,estimated
costs for the time period,
any challenges/successes
of note,including
assistance requested.
*For Information Only:
Funding is not tied to the revised Standards/Measures listed here. This information may be helpful in discussions of how program activities might contribute to meeting a
Standard/Measure. More detail on these and/or other Public Health Accreditation Board(PHAB)Standards/Measures that may apply can be found at:
http//www phaboard or /g_wp-content/ulloads/PHAB-Standards-and-Measures-Version-1.0.pdf
Special Requirements
Federal Fundin¢Accountability and Transparency Act(FFATA)
This statement of work is supported by federal funds that require compliance with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act(FFATA or the Transparency Act).
The purpose of the Transparency Act is to make information available online so the public can see how the federal funds are spent.
To comply with this act and be eligible to perform the activities in this statement of work,the LHJ must have a Data Universal Numbering System(DUNS®)number.
Information about the LHJ and this statement of work will be made available on USASpeending.gov by DOH as required by P.L. 109-282.
Proffram Specific Renuirements/Narrative
COVID-19 Vaccine Services-Task 3
Regional Incident Management Team(INM Mass Vaccination Clinics—Task MASS VACCINATION FEMA 100%
DCHS COVED-19 Response-Tasks 1 and 2
Restrictions on Funds:Indirects are NOT allowable for CARES funding from September 2,2020 forward—LIU can charge administrative activities as direct costs but not
incur indirects from September 2,2020 through June 30 Deeember ,2021 for activities funded with CARES funds(COVID LOCAL CARES-COVID LHJ OFM
o Since the federal guidance was not updated until September 2,2020,DOH understands that indirects could be charged from March—August 2020.
Payment: Upon approval of deliverables and receipt of an invoice voucher,DOH will reimburse for actual allowable costs incurred. Billings for services on a monthly fraction of
the budget will not be accepted or approved.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 12 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Submission of Invoice Vouchers: The LHJ shall submit correct monthly A19-IA invoice vouchers for amounts billable under this statement of work to DOH by the 251 of the
following month or on a frequency no less often than quarterly.
COVID-19 Vaccine Services-Task 3—allowable activities https•//www doh wa gov/Portals/i/Documents/9240/AllowableUseFedOpsFunds.pdf
Mass Vaccination—Task 4
Program Manual,Handbook,Policy References
Emergency Response Plan(or equivalent)
Medical Countermeasure/Mass Vaccination Plan
Restrictions on Funds(what funds can be used for which activities,not direct payments,etc.):
Non-mass vaccination efforts are not allowable through this funding stream.
Duplication of billing(sending request for reimbursement)to entities outside of this agreement is prohibited.
Indirect rates are not applicable to these funds.
Special References(RCWs,WACs,etc.)
County Health Emergency Documentation if applicable
Monitoring Visits(frequency,type):
Occasional visits from DOH or IMT/IMO personnel for the purpose of monitoring and surveillance of mass vaccination activities may be expected.
Mass vaccination clinic are those outside of the usual healthcare delivery methods such as pop-up clinics,mobile clinics,non-clinical facility clinics(i.e.,fairgrounds,arenas,etc.).
Special Billing Requirements:
Monthly invoices must be submitted timely to the regional IMT/Organization for review/approval prior to submission to DOH for reimbursement.
Contract(MI)Code:934VO200 General Mass Vaccination
BARS Revenue Code:333.97.03 Mass Vaccination Reimbursement
Special Instructions:
The LHJ is considered a CONTRACTOR of DOH not a subrecipient for this portion of the statement of work.An allocation of funds is not provided as these FEMA funds are only
available as reimbursement of costs associated with implementation of the mass vaccination plan.
Detailed documentation must be maintained as directed by the regional IMT/Organization and DOH to substantiate costs associated with these activities for submission to FEMA
upon request by DOH.
Eligible costs from the timeframe of January 21,2021 through December 31,2021 include facility rentals,medical and support staff for planning,management,support,and
operations;as well as wrap-around services for staff(i.e.,meals,travel,lodging).Regular and overtime pay associated with this project is allowable for all staff working under this
project and must be billed as a direct charge;timesheets are required documentation and must be available upon request by DOH Indirect rates are not applicable to these funds.
Eligible equipment includes facility infection control measures,personal protective equipment(PPE),storage equipment,coolers,freezers,temperature monitoring devices,
portable vaccine units for transportation,supplies such as emergency medical supplies(for emergency medical care needs that may arise in the administration of the vaccine),
containers for medical waste,as well as proper storage as needed for canisters of liquid nitrogen or dry ice.Eligible equipment purchase costs should not exceed$5,000 per piece.
Equipment over$5,000 a piece must be preapproved by the IMT and should be leased rather than purchased.Any diversion from the list of pre-approved expenses will require a
narrative on the purchase rationale and will be subject to IMT approval prior to reimbursement.Timesheets are required documentation for all activities related to this project.Staff
time-in/time-out must be recorded,as well as a brief description of their activities.A general description of activities is acceptable for those working at the vaccine site;more
detailed/specific description is required for those not working at the vaccine site.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 13 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
DOH Program Contact
Alyssa Lavin,LHJ Contract Manager
1610 NE 1501h St,Shoreline,WA 98155
DOH BITV-COVID ED LHJ Allocation-CARES and DOH ELC Allocation Fiscal Contact(Tasks 1 and 2)
Christie Durkin
DOH,Office of Program Financial Management
PO Box 47840,Olympia,WA 98504-7841
DOH COVID19 Vaccine Services Program Contacts(Task 3)
Tawney Harper,MPA Sonja Morris,COVID-19 Operations Supervisor
Deputy Director I Operations Manager Enhanced Influenza and COVID-19 Response
Office of Immunization and Child Profile Office of Immunization and Child Profile
Department of Health Department of Health
PO Box 47843,Olympia WA 98504-7843 PO Box 47843,Olympia,WA 98504-7843
tawney.harper(@doh.wa.gov/360-236-3525 sonja.morrisna.doh.wa.gov/360-236-3545
DOH General Mass Vaccination Program and Fiscal Contact(Task 4)
Patrick Plumb Janice Baumgardt
COVID FEMA Project Management Analyst Financial Operations Manager
Washington State Department of Health Washington State Department of Health
Office of Financial Services Office of Financial Services
111 Israel Road SE,Tumwater,WA 98501 111 Israel Road SE,Tumwater,WA 98501
patrickplumb ,doh.wa.gov//(360)236-4291 janice.baumeardt adoh.wa.gov/(360)236-4505
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 14 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Exhibit A
Statement of Work
Contract Term: 2018-2021
DOH Program Name or Title: Foundational Public Health Services Local Health Jurisdiction Name: Mason County Public Health
(FPHS)-Effective July 1,2021
Contract Number: CLH18253
SOW Type: Revision Revision#(for this SOW) 1 Funding Source Federal Compliance Type of Payment
❑Federal<Select One> (check if applicable) ❑Reimbursement
® State ❑FFATA(Transparency Act) ®Periodic
Period of Performance: July 1.2021 through December 31.2021 ❑Other Distribution
Statement of Work Purpose: The purpose of this statement of work(SOW)is to specify how state funds for Foundational Public Health Services(FPHS)will be used for the
period of performance. Per RCW 43.70.512,these funds are for the governmental public health system to deliver FPHS services statewide in the most effective,efficient and
equitable manner possible with the funds available.
The FPHS Steering Committee with input from FPHS Subject Matter Expert(SME)Workgroups and the Tribal Technical Workgroup is the decision making body for FPHS
funds. For the 2021—2023 biennium,the Steering Committee is using an iterative approach to decision making. Determining investments first for SFY22(July 1,2021—
June 30,2022),then for SFY23(July 1,2022—June 30,2023). This means that additional tasks and/or funds may be added to an LHJ's FPHS SOW as these decisions are made.
These funds are to be used as directed and allocated by the FPHS Steering Committee. As the global COVID-19 pandemic and the public health response to it continues and
begins to abate,these FPHS funds can be braided with and used to supplement other short-term pandemic response funding as needed for FPHS activities during this period of
performance(07/01/21 12/31/21). Responding to pandemics,epidemics and public health emergencies are foundational services of the governmental public health system.
The total biennial funding allocation is for the period of July 1,2021 through June 30,2023. 2021-2023 biennial funding allocations will be divided into four six-month
lump sum amounts that will be disbursed at the beginning of each six month period as follows: July 1,2021;January 1,2022; July 1,2022;January 1,2023.Each year,
the July payment will be disbursed upon completion of the FPHS Annual Report.
The disbursement of funds scheduled for January 1,2022,July 1,2022 and January 1,2023 and deliverable due dates after December 31,2021 are included in this
statement of work for informational purposes only and will be carried forward into a new statement of work in the new consolidated contract term beginning January 1,
FPHS funds must be spent in the state fiscal year(SFY)in which they are appropriated by the legislature,allocated,and disbursed. Legislative appropriations lapse at
the end of each state fiscal year(RCW 43.88.140).
Spending and spending projections must be reported as required by the FPHS Steering Committee. Funds that are projected to be unspent by the close of the state
fiscal year must be reallocated per the process developed by the FPHS Steering Committee to assure that all funds appropriated by the legislature can be spent by the
governmental public health system to deliver FPHS within the year that the funds are appropriated. Unspent funds revert to the state treasury and must be returned to
DOH by July 15th of each year for return to the Office of Financial Management(OF1V1).
2021-2023 Biennium:
SFY22(July 1,2021-June 30,2022)
SFY23 (July 1,2022-June 30,2023)
Revision Purpose: The purpose of this revision is to revise language and add funding and tasks for FFY22.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 15 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Chart of Accounts Program Name or Title CFDA# BARS Master Funding Period Current Change Total
Revenue Index (LHJ Use Only) Consideration crease(+) Consideration
Code Code Start Date End Date
FPHS-LHJ-PROVISO 1 N/A 336.04.25 99202111 07/01/21 12/31/21 202,891 558,109 761000
Note:Total Consideration is for SFY22 07/01/21-06/30/22 . 0 0 0
TOTALS 202.891 558,1no 761,000
BARS Funds to rmo FPHS in: 21-23
Expenditure- FPHS Tasks/Activities/Short Description Your Other SFY22 SFY23 B1EVA7UJV1
Code562tr ilrisdiction Jurisdictions
10-17, All—CD,
20, 21,23-29 EPH, CCC Reinforcing Capacity(Assessment, CA EPH, CCC) X 235,000 235,000 470,000
40-53, 93 Assessment
10 Assessment CHAICHIP X 30,000 30,000 60,000
20, 21, 23-29, CD Communicable Disease(CD) X 162,000 162,000 324,000
24 CD Hepatitis C X 103,000 103,000 206,000
40-53, 93 EPH Environmental Public Health(EPH) X 231,000 231,000 462,000
TOTAL S761,000 S761,000 S2,522,000
Task Due Payment Information and/or
Number Task/Activity/Description Deliverables/Outcomes Date/Time Amount
0 FOUNDATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH FUNDING—ALL In coordination with FPHS Steering Committee Funds are available beginning
and Subject Matter Expert(SME)workgroups: July 1,2021. Half of the annual
allocation will be disbursed each
• Increase delivery of FPHS services in eoeh July upon reeeipt-completion of
juris N,Wen and-statewide as measured via the FPHS Annual Report for the
through FPHS annual reporting, indicators, previous state fiscal year and the
second half will be disbursed each
metrics and other data compiled and January.
analyzed by contractors, DOH and Subject
Matter Expert(SME)Workgroups. 44-ef Note: Funds must be spent in
Results are the state fiscal year(SFY)in
published in the annual FPHS Investment which they are appropriated by
Report. FPHS indicator metrics are the legislature,allocated,and
available here. disbursed.Unspent funds must
• Routine reporting of spending and be returned to DOH by
spending projections. Process and July 15"of each year for return
reporting template TBD and provided by to OFM.
the FPHS Steering Committee via DOH.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 16 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Due Payment Information and/or
Number Task/Activity/Description Deliverables/Outcomes Date/Time Amount
• FPHS annual reporting(template provided
by-the FPHS Steering Committee via
o For SFY22(07/01/21-06/30/22) By 08/15/22
FPHS annual mpe?Wng(templae
o Four SSFFY23by
(0/0 22-06/30/23) By 08/15/23
1. Reinforcing Capacity
These funds are to each LHJ to deliver FPHS in their own jurisdiction—In coordination with the FPHS Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert(SUE)
Workgroups,provide FPHS Communicable Disease(CD),Environmental Public Health(EPH),Assessment(Surveillance&Epidemiology)and I or any or all of the
other FPHS Cross-cutting Capabilities(CCC)as defined in the most current version of the FPHS definitions.
2. Assessment—CHAICHIP(FPHS definitions G.3)
These funds are to each LHJ to deliver FPHS in their own jurisdiction—In coordination with the FPHS Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert(SME)
Workgroups, conduct and complete a comprehensive community health assessment and identify health priorities arisingf•om that assessment, including analysis of
health disparities and the social determinants of health as defined in the most current version of the FPHS definitions.
• Conduct a local and/or regional comprehensive community health assessment(CHA)every three to five years in conjunction with community partners.
• Develop a local and/or regional community health improvement plan(CHIP) in conjunction with community partners.
These funds can be used for any CHA/CHIP activity or service(e.g., data analysis,focus groups, report writing,process facilitation)and may be used to contract
with other LHJs for staff time or services.
3. Communicable Disease(CD) (FPHS definitions C.1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
These funds are to each LHJ to deliver FPHS in their own jurisdiction—In coordination with the FPHS Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert(SME)
Workgroups,provide FPHS CD services as defined in the most current version of the FPHS definitions. These funds can(and actually are intended to)be braided
with temporary pandemic emergency finding such that when those funds run out,FPHSf nds can be used to retain staff there were hired with pandemic emergency
funds if the jurisdictions desires to retain them and/or to hire additional staff if needed, and/or contract with other LHJs for staff time or services for delivering FPHS
CD. As the pandemic response wain, staff funded with FPHS funds are to shift focus to providing some or all or the FPHS CD services. This includes maintaining
access to and use of data systems created during the pandemic and others under development and case investigation and contact tracing for sexually transmitted
disease and other communicable and notifiable conditions within the mandated timeframes. Emphasis should be placed on addressing syphilis and gonorrhea cases.
1. Provide timely,statewide, locally relevant and accurate information statewide and to communities on prevention and control of communicable disease and
other notifiable condition.
2. Identify statewide and local community assets for the control of communicable diseases and other notifiable conditions, develop and implement a prioritized
control plan addressing communicable diseases and other notifiable conditions and seek resources and advocate for high priority prevention and control
policies and initiatives regarding communicable diseases and other notifiable condition.
3. Promote immunization through evidence-based strategies and collaboration with schools, health care providers and other community partners to increase
immunization rates.
4. Ensure disease surveillance, investigation and control for communicable disease and notifiable conditions in accordance with local,state and federal
mandates and guidelines.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 17 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Due Payment Information and/or
Number Task/Activity/Description Deliverables/Outcomes Date/Time Amount
4. Communicable Disease—Hepatitis C(FPHS definitions C.4.o p)
These hinds are to select LHJs to deliver FPHS in their own jurisdictions—In coordination with the FPHS Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert(SME)
Workgroups, address Hepatitis C cases in the jurisdiction per guidance developed by the statewide FPHS Communicable Disease Workgroup, including, but not
limited to:shared priorities, standardized surveillance, minimum.standards of practice, common metrics and staffing models. The allocation of these funds is based
on burden of disease using the most current Hepatitis C data.Allocations will be revised biennially using updated data.
The priorities for the 2021-2023 biennium(July 2021—June 2023):
• Surveillance—entering labs into Washington Disease Reporting System(WDRS), enter acute cases into WDRS.
• Investigation—focus on acute cases: people aged 35 or younger, newly diagnosed,pregnant women,people seen in the ED/inpatient, Black, Indigenous and
People of Color or other historically marginalized population, and incorporate Hepatitis B work.
S. Environmental Public Health(EPH) (FPHS definitions B.3&4)
These funds are to each LHJ to deliver services in their own iurisdiction In coordination with the FPHS Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert(SME)
Workgroups,these funds are for each LHJ to deliver FPHS EPH services or which fees cannot be charged in their jurisdiction as defined in the most current version
of the FPHS definitions and specifically for:
• Develop, implement and enforce laws, rules,policies and procedures for maintaining the health and safety of retail food service inspections and shellfish
monitoring, that address environmental public health concerns. (B.3.b)
• Develop, implement and enforce laws, rules,policies and procedures for ensuring the health and safety of wastewater and facilities, including onsite septic
design and inspections, wastewater treatment and reclaimed water, that address environmental public health concerns. (B.3.e)
• Develop, implement and enforce laws, rules,policies and procedures for ensuring the health and safety of solid waste and facilities, including hazardous
waste streams(e.g. animal waste, solid waste permitting and solid waste inspections), that address environmental public health concerns. (B.3.,i
• Develop, implement and enforce laws, rules,policies and procedures for ensuring the health and safety of schools, including through education and plan
review that address environmental public health concerns. (B.3.g)
These funds can be used to retain, hire and/or contract with other LHJs for staff time or services and for staff training as needed to provide the following FPHS EPH
services that are not appropriately funded with fees. Each LHJ will be responsible to report on their progress on FPHS deliverables even if contracted with other
LHJs(FPHS funds are intended to build capacity and not intended to justify the reduction of existing fee revenue):
• Food Safety(FPHS definitions B.3.b)—Respond to food safety concerns that are not appropriately funded such as foodborne illness threats, requests for
technical assistance and addressing new and emerging business models. Every local jurisdiction in Washington is expected to respond to foodborne illness
outbreaks,food safety inquiries andprovide preventative education for the general public and technical assistance.
• Sewage Safety(FPHS definitions B.3.e f—Respond to sewage concerns and public health threats and provide technical assistance that are not
appropriately funded to ensure that sewage is handled appropriately to limit potential exposure to sewage. Every local jurisdiction in Washington is
expected to ensure sewage is properly managed. On-Site Septic(OSS)permitting, enforcement and providing technical assistance and education to OSS
owners are fee funded activities and should be funded through fees or local government who sets the fees. These FPHS funds provide resources to support
activities for which a fee cannot be charged such as: responding to OSS failures, surfacing sewage, OSS safety concerns, and similar issues. These funds
can also be used for concerns related to large on-site sewage systems, other OSS-related concerns that do not involve locally permittable systems, and other
sewage-related issues, regardless of whether they are related to a fee for-service activity. Examples of activities FPHS funds can be used for:
o Work with partners to educate and inform public on OSS monitoring and maintenance
o Work with the public,policy makers and partners to assess needs and develop plans and solutions for wastewater management in their communities.
o Respond to complaints, act as needed, and assure that failing OSS are identified and promptly repaired.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 18 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Due Payment Information and/or
Number Task/Activity/Description Deliverables/Outcomes Date/Time Amount
o Conduct Pollution Identification and Correction(PIC)investigations where water quality is impaired to identifyfailing septic systems and other
pollution sources.
o Ensure that sewage from both OSS and other sources is adequately handled to create barriers to potential exposure to sewage.
o Adequate qualified staff to evaluate proposals, inspect new installations and repairs, assess cause of OSS failure, and comply with requirements in state
• Schools Safety(FPHS definition B.3.g)—Assure safe and effective learning environments for children attending K-I2 schools—public,private and
parochial. Every local jurisdiction in Washington is expected to work collaboratively with DOH, ESDs and local school districts and use the model prograin
to assure consistency to regularly evaluate each K-/2 for health and safety concerns and provide mandated services per WAC 246-366. Initial priorities
o Build partnerships with school officials, local boards of education,parent teacher associations, education service districts, and other school focused
o Participate with statewide public health groups to standardize school program implementation.
o Focus on schools that have not previously been inspected to assess current conditions
o Focus on existing elementary schools for first phase of inspections program
■ Indoor Air Quality
■ Classroom
■ Healthy cleaning and indoor environments
■ Playground
■ Drinking water lead
Proeram Specific Reguirements/Narrative
Special References(RCWs,WACs,etc)
Link to RCW 43.70.512—RCW 43 70 512•Public health system—Foundational public health services—Intent.(wa.eovl
Link to RCW 43.70.515—RCW 43 70 515•Foundational public health services—Funding.(wa.gov)
FPHS Definitions
All FPHS Resources
www.doh.wa. ova /fphs or FPHS j Powered by Box
Special Instructions
There are two different BARS Revenue Codes for"state flexible funds"to be tracked separately and reported separately on your annual BARS report. These two BARS Revenue
Codes and definitions from the State Auditor's Office(SAO's)are listed below along with a link to the BARS Manual. 336.04.25 is the new BARS Revenue Code to use for the
Foundational Public Health Services(FPHS)funds included in this statement of work.
336.04.24—County Public Health Assistance
Use this account for the state distribution authorized by the 2013 2ESSB 5034,section 710.The local health jurisdictions are required to provide reports regarding expenditures
to the legislature from this revenue source.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 19 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
336.04.25—Foundational Public Health Services
Use this account for the funding designated for the local health jurisdictions to provide a set of core services that government is responsible for in all communities in the WA
state. This set of core services provides the foundation to support the work of the broader public health system and community partners.At this time the funding from this
account is for delivering ANY or all of the FPHS communicable disease services(listed above)and can also be used for the FPHS capabilities that support FPHS communicable
disease services as defined in the most current version of FPHS Definitions.
Public Health Budgeting,Accounting and Reporting System(BARS)Resources
Deliverables are to be submitted to Marie Flake at marie.flake(-),doh.wa.eov
DOH Program Contact
Marie Flake, Special Projects,Foundational Public Health Services
Washington State Department of Health
PO Box 47890,Olympia,WA 98504-7890
Mobile Phone 360-951-7566/Fax 360.236.4024/marie.flake@doh.wa.gov
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 20 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Exhibit A
Statement of Work
Contract Term: 2018-2021
DOH Program Name or Title: Office of Drinking Water Group A Program- Local Health Jurisdiction Name: Mason County Public Health
Effective January 1,2018
Contract Number: CLH18253
SOW Type: Revision Revision#(for this SOW) 10 Funding Source Federal Compliance Type of Payment
®Federal Contractor (check if applicable) ❑Reimbursement
® State ❑FFATA(Transparency Act) ®Fixed Price
Period of Performance: January 1,2018 through December 31.2021 ❑Other ❑Research&Development
Statement of Work Purpose: The purpose of this statement of work is to provide funding to the LHJ for conducting sanitary surveys and providing technical assistance to small
community and non-community Group A water systems.
Revision Purpose: The purpose of this revision is to correct distribution of Sanitary Surveys and Technical Assistance between years January 1,2018 thru December 31,2021
assigned in previous Revisions.
Chart of Accounts Program Name or Title CFDA# BARS Master Funding Period Current Change Total
Revenue Index (LHJ Use Only) Consideration Decrease(—) Consideration
Code Code Start Date End Date
Yr 20 SRF-Local Asst 15% FS SS N/A 346.26.64 24139220 01/01/18 12/31/18 0 0 0
Sanitary Survey Fees O-SW) SS-State N/A 346.26.65 24232522 01/01/18 12/31/21 57,400 -22,400 35,000
Yr 20 SRF-Local Asst 15% FS TA N/A 346.26.66 24139220 01/01/18 12/31/18 0 0 0
Yr 21 SRF-Local Asst 15% S SS N/A 346.26.64 24139221 01/01/18 06/30/19 11,200 1,600 12,800
Yr 21 SRF-Local Asst 15% FS TA N/A 346.26.66 24139221 01/01/18 06/30/19 0 0 0
Yr 22 SRF-Local Asst 15% O-SW)SS N/A 346.26.64 24239222 07/01/19 12/31/20 11,800 -1,600 10,200
Yr 22 SRF-Local Asst 15%)(FO-SW)TA N/A 346.26.66 24239222 07/01/19 12/31/20 0 0 0
Yr 23 SRF-Local Asst 15%)(FO-SW)SS N/A 346.26.64 1 24239223 1 01/01/21 12/31/21 345400 -22,400 12,000
Yr 23 SRF-Local Asst 15%)(FO-SW)TA N/A 1 346.26.66 1.24239223 1 01/01/21 12/31/21 8,000 -6,000 2,000
TOTALS 122,800 -50,800 72,000
Task Task/Activity/Description *May Support PHAB Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Payment Information and/or Amount
Number Standards/Measures Frame
1 Trained LHJ staff will conduct Provide Final*Sanitary Final Sanitary Upon ODW acceptance of the Final
sanitary surveys of small community Survey Reports to ODW Survey Reports Sanitary Survey Report,the LHJ shall be
and non-community Group A water Regional Office.Complete must be received by paid$400 for each sanitary survey of a non-
systems identified by the DOH Office Sanitary Survey Reports the ODW Regional community system with three or fewer
of Drinking Water(ODW)Regional shall include: Office within 30 connections.
Office. 1. Cover letter identifying calendar days of
significant deficiencies
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 21 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Task/Activity/Description *May Support PHAB Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Payment Information and/or Amount
Number Standards/Measures Frame
See Special Instructions for task significant findings, conducting the Upon ODW acceptance of the Final
activity. observations, sanitary survey. Sanitary Survey Report,the LHJ shall be
recommendations,and paid$800 for each sanitary survey of a non-
referrals for further community system with four or more
ODW follow-up. connections and each community system.
2. Completed Small Water
System checklist. Payment is inclusive of all associated costs
3. Updated Water such as travel,lodging,per diem.
Facilities Inventory
(WFI). Payment is authorized upon receipt and
4. Photos of water system acceptance of the Final Sanitary Survey
with text identifying Report within the 30-day deadline.
5. Any other supporting Late or incomplete reports may not be
documents. accepted for payment.
*Final Reports reviewed
and accepted by the ODW
Regional Office.
2 Trained LHJ staff will conduct Provide completed SPI Completed SPI Upon acceptance of the completed SPI
Special Purpose Investigations(SPI) Report and any supporting Reports must be Report,the LHJ shall be paid$800 for each
of small community and non- documents and photos to received by the SPI.
community Group A water systems ODW Regional Office. ODW Regional
identified by the ODW Regional Office within 2 Payment is inclusive of all associated costs
Office. working days of the such as travel,lodging,per diem.
service request.
See Special Instructions for task Payment is authorized upon receipt and
activity. acceptance of completed SPI Report within
the 2 working day deadline.
Late or incomplete reports may not be
accepted for payment.
3 Trained LHJ staff will provide direct Provide completed TA Completed TA Upon acceptance of the completed TA
technical assistance(TA)to small Report and any supporting Report must be Report,the LHJ shall be paid for each
community and non-community documents and photos to received by the technical assistance activity as follows:
Group A water systems identified by ODW Regional Office. ODW Regional . Up to 3 hours of work:$250
the ODW Regional Office. Office within 30 • 3-6 hours of work:$500
calendar days of a More than 6 hours of work: $750
See Special Instructions for task providing technical
activity. assistance. Payment is inclusive of all associated costs
such as consulting fee,travel,lodging,per
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 22 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Task Task/Activity/Description *May Support PHAB Deliverables/Outcomes Due Date/Time Payment Information and/or Amount
Number Standards/Measures Frame
Payment is authorized upon receipt and
acceptance of completed TA Report within
the 30-day deadline.
Late or incomplete reports may not be
accepted for payment.
4 LHJ staff performing the activities Prior to attending the Annually LHJ shall be paid mileage,per diem,
under tasks 1,2 and 3 must have training,submit an lodging,and registration costs as approved
completed the mandatory Sanitary "Authorization for Travel on the pre-authorization form in accordance
Survey Training. (Non-Employee)"DOH with the current rates listed on the OFM
Form 710-013 to the ODW Website
See Special Instructions for task Program Contact below for http://www.ofm.wa.gov/resources/travel.asp
activity. approval(to ensure that
enough funds are available).
*For information Only:
Funding is not tied to the revised Standards/Measures listed here. This information may be helpful in discussions of how program activities might contribute to meeting a
Standard/Measure. More detail on these and/or other Public Health Accreditation Board(PHAB)Standards/Measures that may apply can be found at:
http•//www phaboard org/wp-content/uploads/PHAB-Standards-and-Measures-Version-1.O.pdf
Program Specific Requirements/Narrative
Special References(RCWs,WACs,etc)
Chapter 246-290 WAC is the set of rules that regulate Group A water systems. By this statement of work,ODW contracts with the LHJ to conduct sanitary surveys(and SPIs,and
provide technical assistance)for small community and non-community water systems with groundwater sources. ODW retains responsibility for conducting sanitary surveys(and
SPIs,and provide technical assistance)for small community and non-community water systems with surface water sources,large water systems,and systems with complex
LHJ staff assigned to perform activities under tasks 1,2,and 3 must be trained and approved by ODW prior to performing work. See special instructions under Task 4,below.
Special Billing Requirements
The LHJ shall submit quarterly invoices within 30 days following the end of the quarter in which work was completed,noting on the invoice the quarter and year being billed for.
Payment cannot exceed a maximum accumulative fee of V i ,800$70,000 for Task 1,and$8,000$2,000 for Task 2,Task 3 and Task 4 combined during the contracting period,
to be paid at the rates specified in the Payment Method/Amount section above. When invoicing for sanitary surveys bill half to BARS Revenue Code 346.26.64 and half to BARS
Revenue Code 346.26.65.
When invoicing for Task 1,submit the list of WS Name,ID#,Amount Billed,Survey Date and Letter Date that you are requesting payment.
When invoicing for Task 2-3,submit the list of WS Name,ID#,TA Date and description of TA work performed,and Amount Billed.
When invoicing for Task 4,submit receipts and the signed pre-authorization form for non-employee travel to the ODW Program Contact below and a signed A19-1A Invoice
Voucher to the DOH Grants Management,billing to BARS Revenue Code 346.26.66 under Technical Assistance(TA).
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 23 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Special Instructions
Task 1
Trained LHJ staff will evaluate the water system for physical and operational deficiencies and prepare a Final Sanitary Survey Report which has been accepted by ODW.Detailed
guidance is provided in the Field Guide for Sanitary Surveys, Special Purpose Investigations and Technical Assistance(Field Guide).The sanitary survey will include an
evaluation of the following eight elements:source;treatment;distribution system;finished water storage;pumps,pump facilities and controls;monitoring,reporting and data
verification;system management and operation;and certified operator compliance. If a system is more complex than anticipated or other significant issues arise,the LHJ may
request ODW assistance.
• No more than 0 surveys of non-community systems with three or fewer connections to be completed between January 1,2018 and December 31,2018.
• No more than 28 surveys of non-community systems with four or more connections and all community systems to be completed between January 1,2018 and
December 31,2018.
• No more than 10 surveys of non-community systems with three or fewer connections to be completed between January 1,2019 and December 31,2019.
• No more than 29 surveys of non-community systems with four or more connections and all community systems to be completed between January 1,2019 and
December 31,2019.
• No more than 44 11 surveys of non-community systems with three or fewer connections to be completed between January 1,2020 and December 31,2020.
• No more than 2-1 20 surveys of non-community systems with four or more connections and all community systems to be completed between January 1,2020 and
December 31,2020.
• No more than 4-S 10 surveys of non-community systems with three or fewer connections to be completed between January 1,2021 and December 31,2021.
• No more than 49 25 surveys of non-community systems with four or more connections and all community systems to be completed between January 1,2021 and
December 31,2021.
The process for assignment of surveys to the LHJ,notification of the water system,and ODW follow-up with unresponsive water systems;and other roles and responsibilities of
the LHJ are described in the Field Guide.
Task 2
Trained LHJ staff will perform Special Purpose Investigations(SPIs)as assigned by ODW.SPIs are inspections to determine the cause of positive coliform samples or the cause of
other emergency conditions.SPIs may also include sanitary surveys of newly discovered Group A water systems.Additional detail about conducting SPIs is described in the Field
Guide.The ODW Regional Office must authorize in advance any SPI conducted by LHJ staff.
Task 3
Trained LHJ staff will conduct Technical assistance as assigned by ODW.Technical Assistance includes assisting water system personnel in completing work or verifying work
has been addressed as required,requested,or advised by the ODW to meet applicable drinking water regulations. Examples of technical assistance activities are described in the
Field Guide.The ODW Regional Office must authorize in advance any technical assistance provided by the LHJ to a water system.
Task 4
LHJ staff assigned to perform activities under tasks 1,2,and 3 must be trained and approved by ODW prior to performing work.LHJ staff performing the activities under tasks 1,
2 and 3 must have completed,with a passing score,the ODW Online Sanitary Survey Training and the ODW Sanitary Survey Field Training.LHJ staff performing activities under
tasks 1,2,and 3 must attend the Annual ODW Sanitary Survey Workshop,and are expected to attend the Regional ODW LHJ Drinking Water Meetings.
If required trainings,workshops or meetings are not available,not scheduled,or if the LHJ staff person is unable to attend these activities prior to conducting assigned tasks,the
LHJ staff person may,with ODW approval,substitute other training activities to be determined by ODW.Such substitute activities may include one-on-one training with ODW
staff,co-surveys with ODW staff,or other activities as arranged and pre-approved by ODW.LHJ staff may not perform the activities under tasks 1,2,and 3 without completing
the training that has been arranged and approved by ODW.
Exhibit A,Statements of Work Page 24 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Program Manual,Handbook,Policy References
DOH Program Contact DOH Fiscal Contact
Denise Miles Marcea Kato
DOH Office of Drinking Water DOH Office of Drinking Water
243 Israel Rd SE 243 Israel Rd SE
Tumwater,WA 98501 Tumwater,WA 98501
Denise.Miles@doh.wa.gov Marcea.Kato&doh.wa.gov
(360)236-3028 (360)236-3094
Exhibit A, Statements of Work Page 25 of 25 Contract Number CLH18253-24
Revised as of September 15,2021
Mason County Public Health ALLOCATIONS Contract Number: CLH18253
Contract Term:2018-2021 Date: September 15,2021
Indirect Rate as of January 2018:13.71
Indirect Rate as of January 2019:14.53% DOH Use Only
Indirect Rate as of January 2021:12.03% BARS Statement of Work Chart of Accounts Funding Chart of
Federal Award Revenue Funding Period Funding Period Period Accounts
Chart of Accounts Program Title Identification# Amend# CFDA* Code** Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Amount Sub Total Total
BITV-COVID Ed LHJ Allocation-CARES NGA Not Received Amd 24 21.019 333.21.01 07/01/20 06/30/21 07/01/20 06/30/21 ($327,606) $24,066 $24,066
BTTV-COVID Ed LHJ Allocation-CARES NGA Not Received Amd 19,22,24 21.019 333.21.01 07/0120 06/30/21 07/01/20 06/30/21 $263,754
BITV-COVID Ed LHJ Allocation-CARES NGA Not Received Amd 17,19,22,24 21,019 333.21.01 07/0120 06/30/21 07/O1/20 06/30/21 $87,918
COVID LHJ OFM Allocation-CARES NGA Not Received Amd 17,19,22 21.019 333.21.01 03/01/20 12/31/21 03/01/20 12/31/21 $1,389,600 $1,389,600 $1,399,600
SS Community Outreach PN NGA Not Received Amd 18,21 21.019 333.21.01 07/0120 06/30/21 07/O1/20 06/30/21 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
NEP 5-6 Onsite Sewage Management OOJ88801 Amd 2,8 66.123 333.66.12 01/01/18 06/30/19 10/01/14 08/31/19 $10,904 $85,330 $85,330
NEP 5-6 Onsite Sewage Management OOJ89801 N/A,Amd 8 66.123 333.66.12 01/01/18 06/30/19: 10/O1/14 08/31/19 $74,426
PS SSI 1-5 OSS Task 4 OIJ18001 Amd 2,8 66,123 333.66.12 01/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 ($13,337) $86,541 $86,541
PS SSI 1-5 OSS Task 4 OIJ18001 N/A,Amd 8 66.123 333.66.12 01/O1/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $99,878
FFY17 EPR PHEP BPI LHJ Funding NU90TP921889-01 Amd 2 93.069 333.93.06 01/01/19 06/30/18 07/01/17 07/02/18 $9,062 $28,979 $28,979
FFY17 EPR PHEP BPI LHJ Funding NU90TP921889-01 N/A 93,069 333.93.06 01/01/18 06/30/18 07/O1/17 07/02/18 $19,917
FFY18 EPR PHEP BPI Supp LHJ Funding NU90TP921899-01 Amd 5 93.069 333.93.06 07/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/18 06/30/19 $888 $49,341 $49,341
FFY18 EPR PHEP BPI Supp LHJ Funding NU90TP921999-01 Amd 4 93,069 333.93.06 07/01/19 06/30/19 07/01/18 06/30/19 $48,453
FFY21 PHEP BP3 LHJ Funding NJ90TP922043 Amd 23 93.069 333.93.06 07/01/21 12/31/21 07/01/21 06/30/22 $29,605 $29,605 $128,289
FFY20 PHEP BP2 LHJ Funding NU90TP922043 Amd 18 93.069 333.93.06 07/01/20 06/30/21 07/01/20 06/30/21 $19,737 $49,342
FFY20 PHEP BP2 LHJ Funding NU90TP922043 Amd 17,18 93.069 333.93.06 07/01/20 06/30/21 07/01/20 06/30/21 $29,605
FFY19 PREP BPI LHJ Funding NU90TP922043 Amd 10 93.069 333.93.06 07/O1119 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/20 $49,342 $49,342
FFY21 Overdose Data to Action Prev NU17CE925007 Amd 23 93.136 333.93.13 09/01/21 12/31/21 09/01/21 08/31/22 $50.000 $50,000 $150,000
FFY20 Overdose Data to Action Prev NU17CE925007 Amd 17,19 93.136 333.93.13 09/01/20 08/31/21 : 09/01/20 08/31/21 $50,000 $50,000
FFY19 Overdose Data to Action Prev NU17CE925007 Amd 11 93.136 333.93.13 09/01/19 08/3120 09/01/19 08/31/20 $50,000 $50,000
FFY18 Prescription Drug OD-Supp NU17CE002734 Amd 8 93.136 333.93.13 09/O1/19 08/31/19 09/01/18 08/31/19 $35,000 $110,000 $173,027
FFY18 Prescription Drug OD-Supp NU17CE002734 Amd 4 93.136 333.93.13 09/01/18 09/31/19 09/01/18 08/31/19 $75,000
FFY17 Prescription Drug OD-Supp U17CE002734 Amd 2 93.136 333.93.13 01/01/19 08/31/18 09/O1/17 09/31/18 $29,627 $63,027
FFY17 Prescription Drug OD-Supp U17CE002734 N/A 93.136 333.93.13 01/01/18 09/31/18 09/01/17 08/31/18 $33,400
FFY17 Increasing Immunization Rates NH231P000762 Amd 3,4 93,269 333.93.26 07/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/18 06/30/19 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600
FFY22 PPHF Ops NH23IP922619 Amd 22 93.268 333.93.26 07/0121 12/3121 07/01/21 12/31/21 $500 $500 $2,000
FFY21 PPHF Ops NH23IP922619 Amd 18 93.268 333.93.26 07/0120 06/3021 07/01/20 06/30/21 $250 $500
FFY21 PPHF Ops NH23IP922619 Amd 16,18 93.268 333.93.26 07/0120 06/3021 07/01/20 06/30/21 $250
FFY20 PPHF Ops NH23IP922619 Amd 9 93.268 333.93.26 07/O1/19 06/3020 07/01/19 06/30/20 $500 $500
FFY17 PPHF Ops NH231P000762 Amd 3,4 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/19 06/30/19 07/01/18 06/30/19 $500 $500
FFY17 317 Ops 5NH231P000762-05-00 N/A 93.268 333.93.26 01/01/18 06/30/18 04/01/17 06/30/18 $1,423 $1,423 $1,423
Page 1 of 4
Mason County Public Health ALLOCATIONS Contract Number: CLHIS253
Contract Term:2018-2021 Date: September 15,2021
Indirect Rate as of January 2018:13.71
Indirect Rate as of January 2019:14.53% DOH Use Only
Indirect Rate as of January 2021:12.03% BARS Statement of Work Chart of Accounts Funding Chart of
Federal Award Revenue Funding Period Funding Period Period Accounts
Chart of Accounts Program Title Identification# Amend# CFDA* Code** Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Amount Sub Total Total
FFY17 AFIX 5NH231P000762-05-00 N/A 93.268 333.93.26 01/O1/18 06/30/18 04/01/17 06/30/18 $4,293 $4,293 $4,293
FFY21 COVID19 Vaccine Services-CARES NH23IP922619 Amd 22 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/20 12/31/21 07/01/20 12/31/21 ($354,803) $14,582 $14,582
FFY21 COVID19 Vaccine Services-CARES NH23IP922619 Amd 20 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/20 12/31/21 07/01/20 12/31/21 $354,903
FFY21 COVID19 Vaccine Services-CARES NH23IP922619 Amd 19,20 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/20 12/31/21 07/01/20 12/31/21 $14,582
COVID19 Vaccines NH231P922619 Amd22 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/20 12/31/21 07/O1/20 12/31/21 $354,803 $354,803 $354,803
FFY21 VFC Ops NH23rP922619 Amd 16 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/20 12/31/20 07/01/2O 06/30/21 $2,800 $2,800 $10,628
FFY20 VFC Ops N112311>922619 Amd 9 93.268 333.93.26 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/O1/19 06/30/20 $5,600 $5,600
FFY17 VFC Ops 5NH231P000762-05-00 N/A 93.268 333.93.26 01/01/19 06/30/18 04/01/17 06/30/18 $2,228 $2,228
FFY19 COVID CARES NU50CK000515 Amd 16,19 93.323 333.93.32 06/01/20 12/31/21 06/01/20 12/31/21 $65,595 $65,595 $65,595
FFYI9 ELC COVID Ed LHJ Allocation NU50CK000515 Aind 20 93.323 333.93.32 01/01/21 12/31/21 01/01/21 12/31/21 $294,029 $294,029 $294,029
FFY20 ELC EDE LHJ Allocation NLTSOCK000515 Amd 24 93.323 333.93.32 01/15/21 12/31/21 01/15/21 12/31/21 5477,606 $1,135,127 $1,1359127
FFY20 ELC EDE LHJ Allocation NU50CK000S15 Amd 20 93.323 333.93.32 01/15/21 12/31/21 01/15/21 12/31/21 $657,521
FFY20 CDC COVID-19 Crisis Resp LHJ-Tribe NU90TP922069 Amd 14,19,20 93.354 333.93.35 01/20/20 12/31/21 01/01/20 12/31/21 $130,871 $130,871 $130,871
FFY22 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B0445251 Amd 23 93.994 333.93.99 10/O1/21 12/31/21 10/01/21 09/30/22 $16,924 $16,924 $276,121
FFY21 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B0440169 Amd 18 93.994 333.93.99 10/01/20 09/30/21 10/01/20 09/30/21 $67,694 $67,694
FFY20 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B04MC32578 Amd 10 93.994 333.93.99 10/01/19 09/30/20 10/01/19 09/30/20 $67,694 $67,694
FFY19 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B04MC32578 Amd 4 93.994 333.93.99 10/01/18 09/30/19 10/01/18 09/30/19 $67,694 $67,694
FFY18 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B04MC31524 Amd 2 93.994 333.93.99 01/01/19 09/30/18 10/01/17 09/30/18 $5,344 $56,115
FFY18 MCHBG LHJ Contracts B04MC31524 N/A 93.994 333.93.99 01/01/19 09/30/18 10/01/17 09/30/18 $50,771
FEMA-75 COVID LHJ Allocation Amd 19 97.036 333.97.03 07/01/20 12/30/20. 07/O1/20 12/30/20 ($263,754) $0 $0
FEMA-75 COVID LHJ Allocation Amd 17 97.036 333.97.03 07/01/20 12/30/20 07/01/20 12/30/20 $263,754
FY2 Group B Programs for DW(FO-SW) Amd 11 N/A 334.04.90 07/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 ($272) $4,728 $4,728
FY2 Group B Programs for DW(FO-SW) Amd 3 N/A 334.04.90 07/O1/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $5,000
GFS-Group B CFO-SW) Amd 10 N/A 334.04.90 07/01/20 12/31/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $2,500 $2,500 $7,500
GFS-Group B(FO-SW) Amd 10 N/A 334.04.90 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $2,500 $2,500
GFS-Group B(FO-SW) N/A N/A 334.04.90 01/O1/18 06/30/18 07/01/17 06/30/19 $2,500 $2,500
Op Permit Fees(FO-SW) Amd 11 N/A 334.04.90 02/01/19 02/28/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $272 $272 $272
Healthy Communities Amd 12 N/A 334.04.91 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 ($1,370) $0 $0
Healthy Communities Amd 10 N/A 334.04.91 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $1,370
Page 2 of 4
Mason County Public Health ALLOCATIONS Contract Number: CLHIS253
Contract Term:2018-2021 Date: September 15,2021
Indirect Rate as of January 2018:13.71%
Indirect Rate as of January 2019:14.53% DOH Use Only
Indirect Rate as of January 2021:12.03% BARS Statement of Work Chart of Accounts Funding Chart of
Federal Award Revenue Funding Period Funding Period Period Accounts
Chart of Accounts Program Title Identification# Amend# CFDA* Code** Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Amount Sub Total Total
FY20/21 COVID-19 Disaster Response Acct Amd 14,19 N/A 334.04.92 01/20/20 06/30/21 01/01/20 06/30/21 $119,129 $119,129 $119,129
FFY21 COVID GFS LHJ Regional Amd 20 N/A 334,04.92 12/31/20 06/30/21 12/31/20 06/30/21 ($175,000) $0 $0
FFY21 COVID GFS LHJ Regional Amd 19 N/A 334.04.92 12/31/20 06/30/21 12/31/20 06/30/21 $175,000
FPH Lead Case Mgmt-FPH Amd 12 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/20 $1,370 $1,370 $1,370
SFY2 Lead Environments of Children Amd 4 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/19 06/30/19 07/01/18 06/30/19 $1,500 $1,500 $4,500
SFY I Lead Environments of Children Amd2 N/A 334.04.93 01/01/18 06/30/18 07/01/17 06/30/18 $1,500 $3,000
SFYI Lead Environments of Children Amd 1 N/A 334.04.93 01/01/19 06/30/18 07/O1/17 06/30/18 $1,500
Rec Shellfish/Biotoxin Amd 22 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/21 12/31/21 07/01/21 12/31/21 $1,750 $1,750 $16,250
Rec ShellfishBiotoxin Amd 19 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/19 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $1,750 $7,000
Rec ShellfishBiotoxin Amd 16,19 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/19 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $1,750
Rec ShellfishBiotoxin Amd 9,16,19 N/A 334.04.93 07/O1/19 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $3,500
Rec ShellfishBiotoxin N/A N/A 334.04.93 01/O1/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $7,500 $7,500
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd 23 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/21 12/31/21 07/01/21 06/30/23 $15,000 $15,000 $165,000
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd 19 N/A 334.04.93 01/01/21 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $30,000 $30,000
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd 9,19 N/A 334.04.93 07/O1/20 06/3=1 07/01/19 06/30/21 $30,000 $30,000
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd 9,19 N/A 334.04.93 07/01/20 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $30,000 $30,000
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd5 N/A 334.04.93 07/O1/19 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $43,274 $43,274
Wastewater Management-GFS Amd 5 N/A 334.04.93 01/01/19 06/30/18 07/01/17 06/30/19 ($43,274) $16,726
Wastewater Management-GFS N/A,Amd 5 N/A 334.04.93 01/01/18 06/30/18 07/01/17 06/30/19 $60,000
FPHS-LHJ-Proviso(YRI) Amd 24 N/A 336.04.25 07/O1/21 12/31/21 07/01/21 06/30/23 $558,109 $761.000 $1,208,782
FPHS-LHJ-Proviso(YRI) Amd 23 N/A 336.04.25 07/01/21 12/31/21 07/01/21 06/30/23 $202,891
FPHS Funding for LHJs Amd 17,19 N/A 336.04.25 07/01/20 06/30/21 07/01/19 06/30/21 $160,891 $202,991
FPHS Funding for LHJs Amd 10,19 N/A 336.04.25 07/O1/20 06/30/21 07/O1/19 06/30/21 $42,000
FPHS Funding for LHJs Amd 17 N/A 336.04.25 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $160,891 $202,891
FPHS Funding for LHJs Amd 10 N/A 336.04.25 07/01/19 06/30/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $42,000
FPHS Funding for LHJs Dir Amd 3 N/A 336.04.25 07/O1/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $42,000 $42,000
YR 20 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-SS Amd 3 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/19 12/31/18 07/01/17 12/31/18 ($12,000) $0 $0
YR 20 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-SS N/A,Amd 3 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/18 12/31/18 07/01/17 12/31/18 $12,000
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)SS Amd 24 N/A 346.26.64 01/O1/19 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $1,600 $12,800 512,800
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)SS Amd 10 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/18 06/30/19 07/O1117 06/30/19 ($13,600)
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)SS Amd 7,10 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/19 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $800
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-SS Amd 6,10 N/A 346.26.64 01/O1/19 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $12,000
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-SS Amd 3,10 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $12,000
Page 3 of 4
Mason County Public Health ALLOCATIONS Contract Number: CLH18253
Contract Term:2018-2021 Date: September 15,2021
Indirect Rate as of January 2018:13.71%
Indirect Rate as of January 2019:14.53% DOH Use Only
Indirect Rate as of January 2021:12.03% BARS Statement of Work Chart of Accounts Funding Chart of
Federal Award Revenue Funding Period Funding Period Period Accounts
Chart of Accounts Program Title Identification# Amend# CFDA* Code** Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Amount Sub Total Total
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 24 N/A 346.26.64 01/O1/21 12/31/21 09/01/20 12/31/21 ($1,600) $10,200 510,200
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(IS%)(FOSW)SS Amd 22 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/21 12/31/21 09/O1/20 12/31/21 ($11,200)
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 15 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/19 12/31/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 ($1,800)
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(IS%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 12 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/19 12/31/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $11,200
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(IS%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 10,12 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/19 12/31/20 07/01/19 06/30/21 $13,600
YR 23 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 24 N/A 346.26.64 01/O1/21 12/31/21 09/01/20 12/31/21 ($22,400) $12,000 $12,000
YR 23 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 22 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/21 12/31/21 09/01/20 12/31/21 $12,000
YR 23 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)SS Amd 20 N/A 346.26.64 01/01/21 12/31/21' 09/01/20 12/31/21 $22,400
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)SS-State Amd 24 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/19 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 ($22,400) $35,000 535,000
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)SS-State Amd 22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/19 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 $23,200
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)-SS State Amd 15,22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/19 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 ($1,800)
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)-SS State Amd 12,22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/18 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 $11,200
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)-SS State Amd 7,12,22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/19 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 $800
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)-SS State Amd 6,12,22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/18 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 $12,000
Sanitary Survey Fees(FOSW)-SS'State N/A,Amd 3,6,12,22 N/A 346.26.65 01/01/18 12/31/21 07/01/17 12/31/21 $12,000
YR 20 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-TA Amr13 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/18 12/31/18 07/01/17 12/31/19 ($2,000) $0 $0
YR 20 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-TA N/A,Amd 3 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/19 12/31/18 07/01/17 12/31/18 $2,000
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)TA Amd 10 N/A 346.26.66 01/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 ($4,000) $0 $0
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(150/.)(FS)-TA Amd 6,10 N/A 346.26.66 01/01/18 06/30/19 07/01/17 06/30/19 $2,000
YR 21 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FS)-TA Amd 3,10 N/A 346.26.66 01/01/19 06/30/19. 07/01/17 06/30/19 $2,000
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)TA Amd 22 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/19 12/31/20 01/01/19 06/30/21 ($4,000) $0 $0
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)TA Amd 12 N/A 346.26.66 01/01/19 12/31/20 01/01/19 06/30/21 $2,000
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)TA Amd 10,12 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/19 12/31/20 01/01/19 06/30/21 $2,000
YR 23 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FO-SW)TA Amd 24 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/21 12/31/21 09/01/20 12/31/21 ($6,000) $2,000 $2,000
YR 23 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FOSW)TA Amd 22 N/A 346.26.66 01/O1/21 12/31/21 09/O1/20 12/31/21 $6,000
YR 22 SRF-Local Asst(15%)(FOSW)TA Amd 20 N/A 346.26.66 01/01/21 12/31/21 09/01/20 12/31/21 $2,000
TOTAL $6,029,776 $69029,776
Total consideration: $5,372,467 GRAND TOTAL $69029,776
GRAND TOTAL $6,029,776 Total Fed $4,430,245
Total State 51,599,531
*Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
"Federal revenue codes begin with"333". State revenue codes begin with"334".
Page 4 of 4
Exhibit C-20 Schedule of Federal Awards AMENDMENT#24
Date:September 15,2021
CONTRACT CLH18253-Mason County Public Health
CONTRACT PERIOD: 01101/201 8-1 2/31/2 0 21
DOH Total Amt Allocation Period
Federal Federal Start End Federal Award Federal Grant Award Name
Chart of Accounts Program Title BARS Contract Amt CFDA CFDA Program Title Federal Agency Name Identification Number
Award Date Award Date Date
SS COMMUNITY OUTREACH PN 333.21.01 NGA Not NGA Not 07/01/20 06/30/21 $20,000 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund Department of the Treasury NGA Not Received NGA Not Received
Received Received
COVID LHJ OFM ALLOCATION-CARES 333.21.01 NGA Not NGA Not 03/01/20 12/31/21 $1,389,600 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund Department of the Treasury NGA Not Received NGA Not Received
Received Received
BIN-COVID ED LHJ ALLOCATION-CARES 333.21.01 NGA Not NGA Not 07/01/20 06/30/21 $24,066 21.019 Coronavims Relief Fund Department of the Treasury NGA Not Received NGA Not Received
Received Received
Puget Sound Action Agenda:
Technical Investigations and Environmental Protection Agency 01.1181501 PUGET SOUND SHELLFISH
PS SSI 1-5 OSS TASK 4 333.66.12 OBI02/16 $S,DDD,DDD Ot/O1I78 O6/30119 $86,541 66.123 Implementation Assistance Region 10 STRATEGIC INITIATIVE LEAD
Puget Sound Action Agenda:
Technical Investigations and Environmental Protection Agency OOJ88801 PUGET SOUND RESTORATION
NEP 5-6 ONSITE SEWAGE MANAGEMENT 333.66.12 O1I09/11 $2,490,000 01/01/18 06/30/19 E65,330 66.123 Implementation Assistance Region 10 PROJECT
Public Health Emergency Department of Health and Human PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY
FFY21 PHEP BP3 LHJ FUNDING 333.93.06 05/27121 $11,574,298 07/01/21 12/31/21 $29,605 93.069 Preparedness Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP922043 PREPAREDNESS(PHEP)
Department of Health and Human PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY
FFY20 PHEP BP2 LHJ FUNDING 333.93.06 06/12/20 $11,365,797 07/01/20 06/30/21 $49,342 93.069 Public Health Emergency Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP922043 PREPAREDNESS(PHEP)
Preparedness and Prevention COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT
Department of Health and Human PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY
FFY19 PHEP BPI LHJ FUNDING 333.93.06 06/29/19 $11,307,904 07/01119 06/30/20 $49,342 93.069 Public Health Emergency Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP922043 PREPAREDNESS(PHEP)
Preparedness and Prevention COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT
Department of Health and Human PROGRAM AND PUBLIC HEALTH
333.93.06 08/01/18 $11,062.782 07/01/18 06/30/19 $49,341 93.069 Public Health Emergency Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP921889-01
Department of Health and Human HPP AND PHEP COOPERATIVE
Public Health Emergency
FFY17 EPR PHEP BPI LHJ FUNDING 333.93.06 07118/17 $11.062,782 01/01/18 06/30/18 $28,979 93.069 Preparedness Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP921889-01 AGREEMENT
and Prevention
Injury Prevention and Control Department of Health and Human WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT
FFY21 OVERDOSE DATA TO ACTION PREV 333.93.13 07/29/21 $4,390,240 09/01/21 12/31/21 $50,000 93.136 Research and State and Services Centers for Disease Control NU17CE925007 OF HEATLH OVERDOSE DATA TO
Community-Based Programs and Prevention ACTION
Injury Prevention and Control Department of Health and Human WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT
FFY20 OVERDOSE DATA TO ACTION PREV 333.93.13 11/06/20 $4,390.240 09/01/20 08131/21 $50,000 93.136 Research and State and Services Centers for Disease Control NU17CE925007 OF HEATLH OVERDOSE DATA TO
Community-Based Programs and Prevention ACTION
Injury Prevention and Control Department of Health and Human WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT
ces-Centers for Disease Control NU17CE925007
FFY19 OVERDOSE DATA TO ACTION PREV 333.93.13 08112/19 $4,390,240 09/01/19 08/31/20 $50,000 93.136 Research and State and Servi AC HEATLH OVERDOSE DATA TO
Community-Based Programs ad Prevention-National Center for ACTION
Injury Prevention and Control _
Injury Prevention and Control Department of Health and Human PRESCRIPTION DRUG OVERDOSE
FFY18 PRESCRIPTION DRUG ODSUPP 333.93.13 05/31/17 S6,223,623 09/01/18 08/31119 $110,000 93.136 Research and Slate and Services Centers for Disease Control U17CE002734 FOR STATES
Community Based Programs and Prevention
Injury Prevention and Control Department of Health and Human PRESCRIPTION DRUG OVERDOSE
FFY17 PRESCRIPTION DRUG ODSUPP 333.93.13 03/16116 $4,031,632 01/01/18 08/31/18 $63,027 93.136 Research and State and Services Centers for Disease Control U17CE002734 FOR STATES
Community Based Programs and Prevention
Page 1 of 3
Exhibit C-20 Schedule of Federal Awards AMENDMENT#24
Date:September 15,2021
CONTRACT CLH18253-Mason County Public Health
CONTRACT PERIOD: 01/0112018-12131/2021
DOH Total Amt Allocation Period
Chart of Accounts Program Title BARS Federal Federal Start End Contract Amt CFDA CFDA Program Title Federal Agency Name Federal Award Federal Grant Award Name
_ Award Date Award Date Date Identification Number
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY22 PPHF OPS 333.93.26 07/01/21 $1.961,462 07/01/21 12/31/21 $500 93,268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY21 VFC Ops 333.93.26 07/01/20 f9,082,252 07/Ot/20 12l31l20 $2,600 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY21 PPHF OPS 333.93.26 07/O1I20 $9,082,252 07/01I20 06130/21 $500 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY21 COVIDI9 VACCINE SERVICES-CARES 333.93.26 01/15/21 $68,807,053 07l01/20 12/31/21 E14,582 93.268 Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
Agreements and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY20 VFC OPS 333.93.26 07/01119 $9,234,835 07/Ot119 06/30/20 $5,600 93.268 Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
Agreements and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY20 PPHF OPS 333.93.26 07I01/19 $9,234,835 07/01l19 06l30/20 $500 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM
and Prevention
Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY17 VFC OPS 333.93.26 03/03/17 $1.201,605 01/01/18 06/30/18 $2,228 93.268 Immunization Cooperative Services Centers for Disease Control 5NH231P000762-05-00 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN'S
Agreements and Prevention PROGRAM
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY17 PPHF OPS 333.93.26 06/29/18 $3.634,512 07/01/18 06/30/19 $500 93.26E Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P000762 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN'S
and Prevention PROGRAM
Immunization Cooperative Services
FFY17 INCREASING IMMUNIZATION RATES 333.93.26 06/29/18 $1,722,443 07/01/18 06/30/19 $5.600 93.26E Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P000762 VACCINES PROGRAM
and Prevention
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY17 AFIX 333.93.26 03/03/17 $1,672.289 01/01/18 06/30/18 $4,293 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control SNH231P000762-05-00 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN'S
and Prevention PROGRAM
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human IMMUNIZATION GRANT AND
FFY17 317 OPS 333.93.26 03/03/17 $575,969 01101/18 06/30/18 $1,423 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control 5NH231P000762-05-00 VACCINES FOR CHILDREN'S
and Prevention PROGRAM
Immunization Cooperative Department of Health and Human CDC-RFA-IP19-1901 IMMUNIZATION
COVID19 VACCINES 333.93.26 03/31/21 $60,234,086 07/01/20 12/31/21 $354,803 93.268 Agreements Services Centers for Disease Control NH231P922619 AND VACCINES FOR CHILDREN
and Prevention
Epidemiology and Laboratory... .. __..... _. .. _. ._.._.._.. ..._ .-_.._._ -_...EPIDEMIOLOGY AND LABORATORY
Capacity for Infectious Diseases Department of Health and Human CAPACITY FOR INFECTIOUS
FFY20 ELC EDE LW ALLOCATION 333.93.32 01/14/21 5438,300,92E 01115121 12/31/21 $1,135,127 93.323 (ELC)-Building and Strengthening Services Centers for Disease Control NU50CK000515 DISEASES(ELC)-BUILDING AND
Epidemiology,Laboratory and and Prevention STRENGTHENING EPIDEMIOLOGY,
_ - - - - - Epidemiology and Laboratory - EPIDEMIOLOGY&LABORATORY
Capacity for Infectious Diseases Department of Health and Human CAPACITY FOR INFECTIOUS
FFY19 ELC COVID ED LHJ ALLOCATION 333.93.32 01/01/21 $177,231,546 01/01121 12/31/21 $294,029 93.323 (ELC}Building and Strengthening Services Centers for Disease Control NU50CK000515 DISEASES(ELC)-BUILDING&
Epidemiology,Laboratory and and Prevention STRENGTHENING EPIDEMIOLOGY,
Epidemlology and Laboratory EPIDEMIOLOGY&LABORATORY
Capacity for Infectious Diseases Department of Health and Human CAPACITY FOR INFECTIOUS
FFY19 COVID CARES 333.93.32 04123/20 $22.581,799 06/01/20 12/31/21 $65,595 93.323 (ELC)-Building and Strengthening Services Centers for Disease Control NU50CK000515 DISEASES(ELC)-BUILDING&
Epidemiology,Laboratory and and Prevention STRENGTHENING EPIDEMIOLOGY,
Page 2 of 3
Exhibit C-20 Schedule of Federal Awards AMENDMENT#24
Date:September 15,2021
CONTRACT CLH18253-Mason County Public Health
CONTRACT PERIOD: D1101/2 01 8-1 2131/2 0 21
DOH Total Amt Allocation Period
Name Federal Federal Start End Federal Award Federal Grant Award Name
Chart of Accounts Program Title BARS
Award Date Award Date Date Contract Amt CFDA CFDA Program Title Federal Agency Identification Number
Public Health Emergency Department of Health and Human CDC COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT
Response:Cooperative Agreement D FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE:
FFY20 CDC COVID-19 CRISIS RESP LHJ-TRIBE 333.93.35 03/16/20 $13,230,799 01/20/20 12/31/21 $130.871 93.354 for Emergency Response:Public Services Centers for Disease Control NU90TP922069 PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS RESPONSE
Health Crisis Response and Prevention CDC-RFA-TP18-1802
Maternal and Child Health Services Department of Health and Human MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH
FFY22 MCHBG LHJ CONTRACTS 333.93.99 10/13l21 f1,555,601 t0101121 12131/21 $16,924 93.994 Block Grant to the States Services Health Resources and B0445251 SERVICES BLOCK GRANT
Services Administration
Department of Health and Human MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH
Maternal and Child Health Services
FFY21 MCHBG LHJ CONTRACTS 333.93.99 02/08/21 $2,662,201 10/01/20 09/30/21 $67,694 93.994 Block Grant to the States Services Health Resources and BD440169 SERVICES BLOCK GRANT
Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health Services Department of Health and Human MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH
FFY20 MCHBG LHJ CONTRACTS 333.93.99 11/14I78 $2,225,977 t0101/19 09I30/20 f67,694 93.994 Block Grant to the Stales Services Health Resources and B04MC32578 SERVICES BLOCK GRANT
Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health Services Department of Health and Human MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH
FFY19 MCHBG LHJ CONTRACTS 333.83.99 11114/18 $2,225,977 10l01/18 09/30/19 $67,694 93.994 Services Health Resources and BD4MC32578 SERVICES BLOCK GRANT
Block Grant to the States Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health Services Department of Health and Human MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH
FFY78 MCHBG LHJ CONTRACTS 333.93.99 10/20117 f1,650,528 01I01/18 09I30118 $56,115 93.994 Block Grant to the Stales Services Health Resources and B04MC31524 SERVICES
Services Administration
TOTAL $4,430,245
Page 3 of 3
Attachment B
FROM: David Windom/Lydia Buchheit
DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 404
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Marijuana Prevention & Education
Program Amendment extending the contract from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
This contract began in 2016 and is being continued for another year for $25,000 to do
work in Mason County around Marijuana Prevention and Education.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website,
community meetings, etc.)
Move to Action Agenda
Choice Regional Health Network Contract Amendment N21986-17-6
Briefing Summary 11/10/2021
DocuSign Envelope ID:A48FB416-9CFE-409B-990E-BDCF387B76F0 CHOICE Regional Health Network
Mason County Public Health N21896-17-6
415N6' St #6
Shelton, WA 98584
The Contract identified herein, including any previous amendments thereto,is hereby
amended as set forth in item 5 below by mutual consent of all parties hereto.
The Contract identified herein, including any previous amendments thereto,is hereby
unilaterally amended as set forth in item 5 below pursuant to the changes and modifications
clause as contained therein.
The Subcontractor and CHOICE Regional Health Network have entered into the Youth
Marijuana Prevention and Education Program Agreement executed in 2016. All terms and
conditions set forth in that Agreement remain in full force and effect, except to the extent that
such terms and conditions are modified or in conflict with the provisions of this Amendment, in
which case this Amendment shall prevail.
The purpose of this amendment is to revise the following:
I. The term of this Contract shall begin July 1, 2021, and shall terminate on June 30, 2022.
b. Statement of Work
I. Participate in monthly meetings with other regional contractors and CHOICE YMPEP Coordinator.
II. Participate in monthly one-on-one meetings with CHOICE YMPEP Coordinator.
III. Participate in regional evaluation of YMPEP-funded efforts.
IV. Participate in regional needs assessments,strategic planning,and work plan development efforts.
V. Participate in at least one subcommittee meeting with CHOICE YMPEP Coordinator
VI. Supply budget spend down projections in January 2022.
VII. Plan for and execute at least 1 training per quarter for a total of 4 trainings minimum for the
community in cultural competency or harm reduction.Trainings may be planned and executed in
collaboration with other YMPEP contractors.
Vill. Gather data relevant to county and/or local policy,system,or environmental impacts on youth
cannabis use.Create one-pagers and media assets using this data for both the community level and
for decision makers at the city,county,or state level.At least one public document will be made for
each of these two audiences for a total of 2 documents minimum.
IX. Using data gathered and other materials as appropriate,engage with decision makers at Liquor and
Cannabis Board, local health board,city councils, county councils,district legislators or other
governing bodies to educate on policies,systems,or environmental impacts on youth cannabis use.
CHOICE Regional Health Network Amendment#5 Contract N21896-17
Page 1
DocuSign Envelope ID:A48FB416-9CFE-409B-990E-BDCF387B76F0
This can include engaging with parks departments at city and county level to update park signage to
reflect vaping and cannabis use in public spaces,or to update local ordinances pertaining to vaping.
X. Provide information and training/presentations on media literacy/awareness as it pertains to
cannabis. Present at least once in public to community members.
XI. Using relevant data,develop at least one social norms campaign focused on youth cannabis use,
beliefs,or behaviors aimed at youth or adults in the community.
XII. Provide safe and secure storage information to cannabis retailers for their customers,with at least
one documented engagement quarterly.May also/alternatively engage with local pediatrician(s)to
encourage safe storage during well child visits.
c. Compensation
I. For the services performed hereunder,the Contractor shall be paid $25,000.00
II. The Monthly Activity Reports are to be submitted to CHOICE by the 5th day of each month
for the previous month's activity, and the Expenditure Report and Request for
Reimbursement must be provided to CHOICE by the 15th day of the month for the
previous month's activity in order to receive reimbursement for the previous month. If
CHOICE does not receive the Monthly Expenditure Report and Request for
Reimbursement form by the end of the month,CHOICE may withhold approval and
payment, at its discretion, until the 30th of the month following submittal. CHOICE holds
the rights to deny payment submitted beyond what has been stated. If the monthly
invoice is not received within 30 days of the due date,the partner forfeits that payment.
III. Contractor will submit all reimbursement forms to finance@crhn.org and to YMPEP
Program Manager(lynchz@crhn.org).
IV. Reimbursement requests must include supporting documentation such as approved
timesheets, payroll records, and receipts for equipment, goods, services, related travel,
and payments to sub-contractors.
V. Expectations related to monthly billing will remain consistent. Late invoices will be
processed in the subsequent month. CHOICE will no longer accept end of year invoices
with less than ten days before final deadline submission to DOH to allow CHOICE finance
appropriate time to process all documents.
VI. Contractor will produce a required final 6-month expenditure plan by January 31st, 2022
to CHOICE YMPEP Program Manager and Coordinator explaining in detail how the
remaining YMPEP funds will be spent by June 30th, 2022. If CHOICE YMPEP Program
Manager does not receive a final 6-month expenditure plan by January 31st, 2022 and/or
the funds are not 50%spent by this date,CHOICE reserves the right to reallocate those
unspent funds for YMPEP enrichment activities, events,trainings, or other such relevant
i. This Amendment's Effective Date shall be July 1, 2021.
6. ❑ This is a unilateral amendment. Signature of contractor is not required below.
® Contractor hereby acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this amendment.
Signature is required below.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CHOICE and the Subcontractor have signed this agreement.
CHOICE Regional Health Network Amendment#5 Contract N21896-17
Page 2
DocuSign Envelope ID:A48FB416-9CFE-409B-990E-BDCF387B76F0
Randy Neatherlin Commissioner
Jean Clark CEO
CHOICE Regional Health Network Amendment#5 Contract N21896-17
Page 3
November 15,2021
Briefing Items
• Potential American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)Projects for Water/Wastewater
• Request for Proposals for On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping, Water Jetting and Video
Inspection of Sewer Lines Services
Discussion Items
• FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Pre-Application Grant for Skokomish Valley Road and
Utility Relocation Project.
Commissioner Follow-Up Items
Upcoming Calendar/Action Items
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson
_Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins
_Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson
Other(list below):
FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director &Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
� Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Potential American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Projects for County
Water/Wastewater Facilities
Public Work's U&W Management Division has the following potential ARPA projects
for County water/wastewater facilities:
1. Rustlewood Water — Well and reservoir electrical and control system upgrade/
6" Pressure reducing valve replacement: $200,000
2. Beards Cove — AC mainline replacement: $100,000
3. Belfair PS #1 Improvement Project: $150,000.
• Install automated sprinkler system on biofilter odor control unit
• Install bollards around well hatch
• Install third submersible pump and necessary electrical components
4. Belfair PS 3 Improvement Project: $180,000
• Replace the faulty double-mechanical seals and accompanying seal water
flush system with new Cyclo-Seal mechanical seals for both (2) existing
• In-kind replacement of impellers and repacking of bearings for both (2)
• Vibration test for both (2) pumps
• Replace inlet and exhaust fans and replace/reconfigure fan controls and
programming for PS-3 building.
No recommended actions at this time.
FROM: Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director/U&W & Mike Collins
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance n Human Resources
4 Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Request for Proposals: On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,
Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines Services
The County has an ongoing need for services involving sewer lift station
pumping to vacuum and dispose of wastewater and sludge; water jetting
to clean sewer lines, and sewer lift stations; storm drain pumping, storm
drain jetting and video inspection of sewer lines for the county road
system and wastewater facilities.
These services are often requested with very short notice due to
equipment failure or weather conditions and response times are critical
(within two (2) hours or less).
Public Works (U&W Management and Road Division) would like to have a
few contractor's on-call for these types of services to be more prepared
when these issues or emergencies occur.
The contract will have a yearly maximum payable amount of $50,000.00. The
contract will have a two (2) year term with up to three (3) additional one (1) year
automatic renewals.
Public Works U&W Management and County Road Fund will pay for these expenses
depending on which Division is requesting the service.
Recommend the Board authorize the Deputy Director, Public Works/Utilities and
Waste Management to advertise a Request for Proposals for On-Call Sewer Lift
Station Pumping, Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines Services. and
execute a two-year agreement with a renewal option.
1. Notice
2. RFP
Mason County Public Works
Request for Proposals for
On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,
Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines Services
November 22,2021
Mason County is currently requesting proposals for On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,
Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines Services throughout the County.
Performance of work in connection with this operation shall be for a period of two years with up
to three additional(1)year automatic renewals.Proposals due by 4:00pm on February 7,2022.
The Request for Proposals is made available as follows:
Free-of-charge access to the Request for Proposals is provided to Vendors by going
to www.bxwa.com and clicking on "Posted Projects", "Public Works",and "Mason County". This
online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download,
view,print, order f ill/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online
digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidders"Register" in order to receive automatic e-
mail notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the"Self-Registered Bidders
List". Bidders that do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to
periodically check the on-line plan room for addenda issued on this project. Contact Builders
Exchange of Washington at(425)258-1303 should you require assistance with access or registration.
Mason County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252,42
U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations,Department of Transportation,
Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary,Part 21,nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the
Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,hereby notifies all bidders that it will
affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,disadvantaged
business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race,color,or national origin in consideration for
an award.
Questions regarding the RFP or special language services shall be sent via email to
rdickinson@co.mason.wa.us.The Mason County contact will also receive written requests for
clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Proposal up to seven(7)business days prior to
the due date.
PUBLISH: 2-Times—Shelton-Mason County Journal 12/2/2021&12/9/2021
2-Times—Kitsap Sun 12/2/2021& 12/9/2021
2-Times—Daily Journal of Commerce 12/2/2021&12/9/2021
Bill: Mason County
Department of Public Works—U&W Management
100 W Public Works Drive
Shelton,WA 98584
�N C
Proposals are due by 4:00 pm on January 7, 2021
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
SOLICITATION DETAILS SECTION......................................................................................... 4
1.0 INTENT.................................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 BACKGROUND...................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ...................................................................................................... 5
4.0 COUNTY POINTS OF CONTACT......................................................................................... 6
5.0 SCOPE OF WORK................................................................................................................6-7
6.0 CONTRACT TERM................................................................................................................. 7
7.0 LICENSING/SECURITY REQUIREMENTS......................................................................7-8
8.0 PROPOSAL PACKAGE REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................8-11
9.0 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS &CONDITIONS......................................................... 11-12
10.0 SELECTION CRITERIA..................................................................................................... 12
11.0 PRICING............................................................................................................................... 13
12. PREFERENCE FOR LOCAL CONTRACTORS.................................................................. 13
13.0 CONTRACT AWARDS....................................................................................................... 14
14.0 SEQUENTIAL CONTRACT NEGOTIATION................................................................... 14
15.0 AGREEMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS.............................................................. 14
16.0 COLLUSION........................................................................................................................ 15
17.0 RIGHTS TO PERTINENT MATERIALS........................................................................... 15
SERVICE LOCATION MAPS.........................................................................16-19
REFERENCES -ATTACHMENT A...........................................................................................20
PRICING-ATTACHMENT B....................................................................................................21
SAMPLE OF PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE -ATTACHMENT C...................................22
RFPSIGNATURE PAGE ..................................................................................23
SAMPLEAGREEMENT SECTION......................................................................................24-40
SAMPLE TASK FORM....................................................................................41
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
1.1 Mason County Public Works, hereinafter referred to as "County", is soliciting proposals
from a qualified organization(s), hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", to provide
on-call sewer lift station pumping, water jetting and video inspection of sewer lines at
various locations throughout the County.
1.2 This solicitation is not intended to create an exclusive service AGREEMENT and multiple
agreement awards may be made. County retains the ability, at its sole discretion, to add
qualified CONTRACTORS at any time.
The County has an ongoing need for on-call services involving sewer lift station pumping to
vacuum and dispose of wastewater and sludge;water jetting to clean grease traps, sewer lines,
and sewer lift stations; storm drain pumping, storm drain jetting and video inspection of sewer
lines and storm drains at County facilities. These services are often requested with very short
notice due to equipment failure or weather conditions, and require quick response times, often
within two (2)hours or less.
3.1 Publish RFP December 2,2021 &December 9,2021
3.2 Deadline for Written Questions 4:00pm, December 31,2021
3.3 Written Response to Preliminary Inquiries January 4, 2022
Posted as an Addendum
3.4 Proposal Submittal Deadline 4:00pm,January 7,2022
3.5 Estimated Notification of Tentative Award January 2022
3.5 Estimated AGREEMENT Date January/February 2022
This schedule is subject to change as necessary.
Request for Proposal/Qualifications web page at www.masoncountywa.gov/r&/index.12hp or Builder's Exchange
www.bxwa.com under Mason County Goods and Services posted projects.Addenda will be posted on the websites the
day they are released.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
4.1 Questions and correspondence regarding this solicitation shall be directed to:
Primary Contact for the County Mason County Public Works Dept.
Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management
100 W Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
PHONE: (360)427-9670
FAX: (360)427-7783
Email: rdickinsonnco.mason.wa.us.
4.2 Contractors with questions about the proposal or needs language services may contact
Richard Dickinson at (360) 427-9670, ext. 652, or by email at
rdickinson(@co.mason.wa.us. The Mason County contact will also receive written
requests for clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Proposal up to seven
(7) business days prior to the due date as indicated in the CALENDAR OF EVENTS
herein. Questions submitted after the deadline will not be answered.
4.3 Only answers to questions communicated by formal written addenda will be binding.
5.1. CONTRACTOR shall provide services and staff, and otherwise do all things necessary
for or incidental to the performance of work, as set forth below:
5.2. CONTRACTOR shall provide on-call fully operated and maintained equipment as
directed by the County for the following services:
5.2.1. Sewer lift station pumping to vacuum and dispose of wastewater and sludge
5.2.2. Water jetting to clean grease traps, sewer lines, sewer lift stations and storm water
5.2.3. Storm drain pumping,
5.2.4. Video inspection of sewer lines, storm drains and storm water lines at County
facilities or in the County Right of Way.
5.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide County with two (2)printed copies of all video inspection
reports and two (2)electronic copies of all video inspections.
5.4. CONTRACTOR shall provide services as requested by an authorized County employee.
5.4.1. Services may include the use of a video truck,vacuum truck,and or jetting truck as
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
5.5. CONTRACTOR shall provide emergency services as requested,twenty-four(24)hours a
day, seven (7) days a week.
5.5.1. CONTRACTOR shall respond to emergency service requests within four(4)hours
of order placement by County and may be required during evenings,weekends,and
holidays. Time is of the essence for delivery during emergency situations. Delivery
location(s) and estimated arrival will be mutually agreed upon, by County and
CONTRACTOR, at time of order and will be determined based on need and
existing conditions. It is understood that current conditions, such as power outages,
road closures,and damages to CONTRACTOR's facility and/or equipment,will be
taken into consideration.
5.5.2. CONTRACTOR shall provide the name and contact information of a representative
who shall be available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, in the event of an
emergency. During the emergency, CONTRACTOR shall provide County with all
available supplies, materials, equipment and/or services on a priority basis.
6.1 The term of the AGREEMENT will be for a period of two (2) years with an option for
automatic AGREEMENT renewal for three (3) additional one (1) year periods for a total
contract length of five(5)years.
6.1.1 County is not required to state a reason if it elects not to renew.
6.2 CONTRACTOR must commence negotiations for any desired rate changes for
AGREEMENT renewals a minimum of sixty days (60) prior to the expiration of the
relevant term.
6.2.1 Both parties shall agree upon rate extension(s)or changes in writing. Any negotiation of
pricing in one of the renewal terms would require an agreement amendment and approval by
the Mason County Board of Commissioners.A renewal will not be for less than yearly
6.3 The AGREEMENT shall contain a clause that provides that County reserves the right to
cancel the AGREEMENT, or any extension of the AGREEMENT, without cause, with a
thirty day(30)written notice,or immediately with cause.
7.1 CONTRACTOR is to ensure that the insurance and required licenses under both state and
local jurisdictions are current during the full term of the AGREEMENT.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
7.2 CONTRACTOR shall be required to submit appropriate State level criminal background
clearance(s) for all personnel required to work within County facilities that are deemed
restricted or high security.
8.1.1 CONTRACTOR should provide the information as requested and as applicable to
the proposed goods and services. The proposal package shall be organized as per
the table below; headings and section numbering utilized in the proposal package
shall be the same as those identified in the table. Proposals packages shall include
at a minimum,but not limited to,the following information in the format indicated:
Proposal Package Layout:
Organize and Number Sections as Follows:
Section 7 APPENDIX
Section 1 Reauirements:
Cover Letter: All proposals must be accompanied by a cover letter not exceeding
two (2) pages and should provide firm information and Contact information as
Contact Info: The name, address, telephone number, and fax number of
CONTRACTOR's primary contact person during the solicitation process
through to potential contract award.
Firm Info: Description of the type of organization (e.g. corporation,
partnership, including joint venture teams and subcontractors) and how many
years it has been in existence.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Signed RFP Signature Page and Signed Addenda (if any addenda were released
for this solicitation):proposal packages submitted without this page will be deemed
non-responsive. All signatures must be manual and in BLUE ink. All prices and
notations must be typed or written in BLUE ink. Errors may be crossed out and
corrections printed in ink or typed adjacent, and must be initialed in BLUE ink by
the person signing the proposal.
Table of Contents
Section 2 ProposedgUroach for Meeting the Services Requested by the County as
Described in Section 5.0 Scope of Work:
Describe your proposed approach for providing the services described in Section
5.0 Scope of Work. Relevant considerations include the quality and feasibility of
your approach to providing these services, the manner in which you intend to
provide adequate staffing, and equipment or other resources to be provided by
you. Identify sub-consultants, if any, you propose to use to provide the services.
CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in writing that it meets all professional
qualifications necessary to provide the services as set forth in Section 5.0 Scope of
Work above.
Section 3 Key Staff, Experience.References, Violations:
Key Staff: CONTRACTOR shall identify key staff and their qualifications and
experience proposed for the services identified herein.
Experience & References: CONTRACTOR shall complete and submit
shall describe at least three (3) similar projects completed within the last five (5)
years for which it provided services similar to the scope of work described herein.
Please include phone number and email address if possible as the County will
conduct reference checks using this information.
Violations: CONTRACTOR shall submit copies of all notices of violations,
corrective action notices, enforcement actions or orders,warning notices,writings,
or other forms of permit violation/non-compliance documentation(such as OSHA)
received by CONTRACTOR, or any business organization owned or operated by
the CONTRACTOR which are its parent company and/or subsidiaries, from any
public agency during 2012 up to and including the present day.
Section 4 Pricing-Attachment B:
CONTRACTOR shall complete PRICING-ATTACHMENT B,attached hereto.
Pricing shall include the number of units available by type and capacity of each
truck in the CONTRACTOR's fleet. Specifications shall include at a minimum the
following information about each truck:
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Hydro-Jetting Trucks:
• Make
• Model
• Year
• Tank Capacity
• Jet pump GPM&PSI
• Hose diameter& length
Sewer/Hydro Pumping Trucks:
• Make
• Model
• Year
• Tank Capacity
Pricing shall clearly state rates for each truck for all fixed charges, unloading fees
and hourly rates for video-taping, pumping, jetting, hauling and discharging
waste/water. Clearly define any overtime rates and when they apply.
Sales Tax rate as per current County Sales Tax rates.
There shall be no travel reimbursement allowed during this Agreement.
Section 5 Sample of Previous Work/Experience-Attachment C:
EXPERIENCE -ATTACHMENT C, attached hereto,
Section 6 Exceptions:
Submit any and all exceptions to this solicitation on separate pages, and clearly
identify the top of each page with "EXCEPTION TO MASON COUNTY
Pumping, Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines. Each exception
shall reference the page number and section number, as appropriate.
CONTRACTOR should note that the submittal of an exception does not obligate
the County to revise the terms of the RFP or AGREEMENT.
Section 7 Appendix:
Appendices: CONTRACTOR may provide any additional information that it
believes to be applicable to this proposal package and include such information in
an Appendix section.
8.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS:To be considered"responsive,"submitted proposals
packages shall adhere to the following:
8.2.1 Four(4)sets of the proposal package(one(1)original proposal marked"Original'
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
plus three (3) marked"Copies") shall be submitted in response to this solicitation.
Each copy shall include a cover indicating the company name submitting, and
reference to "RFP On-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping, Water Jetting and
Video Inspection of Sewer Lines".
8.2.2 Proposals packages shall be prepared on 8-1/2" x I I" paper, preferably duplex
printed bound with front and back covers. Fold out charts, tables, spreadsheets,
brochures, pamphlets, and other pertinent information or work product examples
may be included as Appendices.
8.2.3 CONTRACTOR shall not use white-out or a similar correction product to make
late changes to their proposal package but may instead line out and initial in BLUE
ink any item which no longer is applicable or accurate.
82.4 To validate your proposal package, submit the RFP SIGNATURE PAGE
(contained herein)with your proposal. Proposals packages submitted without that
page will be deemed non-responsive. Proposal signature must be manual,in BLUE
ink, and included with the original copy of the proposal. Photocopies of the
Signature Page may be inserted into the remaining proposal copies. All prices and
notations must be typed or written in BLUE ink in the original proposal copy as
well. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in BLUE ink or typed
adjacent, and must be initialed in BLUE ink by the person signing the proposal.
package that is deemed by CONTRACTOR to be a trade secret by the CONTRACTOR
INFORMATION" at the top of the page.
9.1 Submittal Identification Requirements: ALL SUBMITTALS MAILED OR DELIVERED
Sewer Lift Station Pumping, Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines.
92 Mailing Address: Proposal packages shall be mailed to County at the mailing address
indicated on the RFP SIGNATURE PAGE of this solicitation.
93 Due Date: Proposal packages must be received by County ON OR BEFORE the time and
date specified in Section 3.0 CALENDAR OF EVENTS,at the location and to the person
specified on the RFP SIGNATURE PAGE of this solicitation. It shall be the sole
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to ensure that the proposal package is received at or
before the specified time. Postmarks,facsimiles, and a-mails are not acceptable. Proposals
received after the deadline will be deemed non-responsive and returned unopened.
9.4 Shipping Costs: Unless stated otherwise, the freight on board (FOB) for receivables shall
be destination (freight prepaid). Charges for transportation, containers, packaging and
other related shipping costs shall be borne by the shipper.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
95 Acceptance: Proposals are subject to acceptance at any time within 90 days after opening.
Mason County reserves the right to reject any and all proposal packages, or part of any
proposal package,to postpone the scheduled deadline date(s),to make an award in its own
best interest,and to waive any informalities or technicalities that do not significantly affect
or alter the substance of an otherwise responsible proposal package and that would not
affect a CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform the work adequately as specified.
9.6 Ownership: All submittals in response to this solicitation become the property of Mason
County. If a CONTRACTOR does not wish to submit a proposal package but wishes to
acknowledge the receipt of the request,the reply envelope shall be marked "No Bid".
9.7 Compliance: Proposal packages that do not follow the format, content and submittal
requirements as described herein, or fail to provide the required documentation, may
receive lower evaluation scores or be deemed non-responsive.
10.1 The selection of CONTRACTOR and subsequent contract award(s)will be based on the
criteria contained in this Solicitation, as demonstrated in the submitted proposal.
Methodology: 30
Proposed approach, including clarity of understanding of the scope of services to be
provided and appropriateness of the proposed solution services.
Pricing: 25
Cost to the County for the primary services described in the RFP.
Qualifications and Experience: 25
Firm's qualifications and experience, including capability and experience of key
personnel and experience with other public/private agencies to provide the services
listed herein; and history of successfully managing other contracts with
public/private agencies.
References: 15
Provide three(3)current customers or customers that were under contract within the
past year.
Local Vendor(if applicable) 5
Provides supporting documentation to show qualifications.
Total 100
10.3 AGREEMENT award will not be based on cost alone.
10.4 The award resulting from this RFP will be made to the CONTRACTOR(s)that submit a
response that, in the sole opinion of the County, best serves the overall interest of the
10.5 The award made from this RFP will be approved by the Public Works Department, but
may be subject to approval by the County Board of Commissioners.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
11.1 CONTRACTOR(s)will complete PRICING-ATTACHMENT B for the provision of
services as outlined within this RFP.
11.2 CONTRACTOR prices stated in PRICING-ATTACHMENT B shall be effective from
the date the proposal is submitted to the end of two (2) agreement term unless a written
notice of termination or cost adjustment is requested at least 60-days prior to the end of
the relevant term with option to renegotiate extend three(3) additional years.
11.3 Invoicing by CONTRACTOR(s)will clearly itemize but is not limited to the following:
11.3.1 County Department receiving services
11.3.2 Task order number under which the invoice is to be charged
11.3.3 Services provided
11.3.4 Dates of services
12.1 General Requirements: Each local supplier funded in whole or in part by County funds,
or funds which the County expends or administers, shall be eligible for a local preference
as provided in this section.
12-2 Definitions: For the purpose of this Section,the following terms have the meanings
12.2.1 "Area" means Mason County
12.2.2 'Bid" includes any competitive bid,whether formal or informal.
12.2.3 "Local Supplier" shall mean a supplier doing business in the Area for not less than
the past five (5)consecutive years.
12.2.4 "Supplier" shall mean a business or resident providing goods, supplies,or
professional services.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
13.1 No Guaranteed Value: County does not guarantee a minimum or maximum dollar value
for any AGREEMENT or AGREEMENTS resulting from this solicitation.
13.2 Board of Commissioners: The award(s) made from this solicitation may be subject to
approval by the County Board of Commissioners.
13.3 Interview: County reserves the right to interview selected CONTRACTOR before a
contract is awarded. The costs of attending any interview are the CONTRACTOR'S
13.4 Incurred Costs: County is not liable for any cost incurred by CONTRACTOR in response
to this solicitation.
13.5 Notification: All CONTRACTORS who have submitted a Proposal Package will be
notified of the final decision as soon as it has been determined.
13.6 In County's Best Interest: The award(s)resulting from this solicitation will be made to the
CONTRACTOR that submit(s) a response that, in the sole opinion of County, best serves
the overall interest of County.
County will pursue contract negotiations with the CONTRACTOR who submit(s)the best
Proposal or is deemed the most qualified in the sole opinion of County, and which is in
accordance with the criteria as described within this solicitation. If the contract
negotiations are unsuccessful, in the opinion of either County or CONTRACTOR, County
may pursue contract negotiations with the entity that submitted a Proposal which County
deems to be the next best qualified to provide the services, or County may issue a new
solicitation or take any other action which it deems to be in its best interest.
CONTRACTOR selected through the solicitation process will be expected to execute a
formal AGREEMENT with County for the provision of the requested service. The
AGREEMENT shall be written by County in a standard format similar to the "SAMPLE
AGREEMENT SECTION" herein. Submission of a signed bid/proposal and the RFP
ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS set forth in the pages of this solicitation and the
standard provisions included in the SAMPLE AGREEMENT Section herein. County
Day but is not required to consider including language from the CONTRACTOR'S
proposed AGREEMENT, and any such submission shall be included in the
EXCEPTIONS section of CONTRACTOR'S proposal.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
CONTRACTOR shall not conspire, attempt to conspire, or commit any other act of
collusion with any other interested party for the purpose of secretly, or otherwise,
establishing an understanding regarding rates or conditions to the solicitation that would
bring about any unfair conditions.
All responses, inquiries, and correspondence related to this solicitation and all reports,
charts, displays, schedules, exhibits, and other documentation produced by the
CONTRACTOR that are submitted as part of the submittal will become the property of the
County when received by the County and may be considered public information under
applicable law. Any proprietary information in the submittal must be identified as such
INFORMATION". The County will not disclose proprietary information to the public,
unless required by law. However, the County cannot guarantee that such information will
be held confidential.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
mason County Road Network
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Provide a list of at least three(3)customers for whom you have recently provided similar services
(preferably California State or local government agencies).Be sure to include addresses and phone
Reference Name: City:
Contact Phone No.: )
Dates Serviced:
Service Provided:
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Reference Name: City:
Contact Phone No.: )
Dates Serviced:
Service Provided:
Reference Name: City:
Contact Phone No.: )
Dates Serviced:
Service Provided:
Reference Name: City:
Contact Phone No.:
Dates Serviced:
Service Provided:
Reference Name: City:
Contact Phone No.: )
Dates Serviced:
Service Provided:
Failure to provide a list of at least three (3) customers may be cause for
rejection of this Solicitation.
--End of Attachment A
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pwnping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
(CONTRACTOR to Provide Specific Pricing within this Section)
--End of Attachment B--
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
(CONTRACTOR to Provide Examples of Previous Work within this Section)
--End ofAttachment C—
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
RICHARD DICKINSON,rickinson@masoncountywa.gov(360)427-9670,Ext. SHELTON,WA 98584
This RFP Signature Page must be included with your submittal in order to validate your proposal.
Proposals submitted without this page will be deemed non-responsive.
I hereby agree to furnish the articles and/or services stipulated in my proposal at the price quoted,subject to the instructions and conditions
in the Request for Proposal package.I further attest that I am an official officer representing my firm and authorized with signatory
authority to present this proposal package.
Company Name: Date
Signature: Printed Name:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email:
License No. (If applicable):
License Classification(If applicable):
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
This CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY"
and referred to as"CONTRACTOR."
WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to retain CONTRACTORS to provide on-call Sewer Lift Station Pumping, Water
Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Line at County Facilities and throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR warrants that it is qualified and competent to render the aforesaid services.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the CONTRACT made, and the payments to be made by
COUNTY, the parties agree to the following:
Special Conditions
All materials handling including handling, transportation, storage, deposition, disposal, and utilization will be subject
to current state and county regulatory codes. All activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable codes
and their intent to prevent illegal handling and disposal practices, and the resulting contamination from the same,
vector breeding, hazardous materials handling, and aesthetic and other public nuisances.
General Conditions
Scope of Services:
CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COUNTY the services and any materials as set forth as identified in "Exhibit A
Scope-of-Services," during the CONTRACT period. No material, labor or facilities will be furnished by COUNTY,
unless otherwise provided for in the CONTRACT.
Performance Period:
The performance period for this CONTRACT shall be for a period of two years from date of execution by the Mason
County Public Works, said date being
Services provided by CONTRACTOR prior to or after the term of this CONTRACT shall be performed at the
expense of CONTRACTOR and are not compensable under this CONTRACT unless both parties hereto agree to
such provision in writing. The term of this CONTRACT may be extended by mutual consent of the parties; provided,
however, that the CONTRACT is in writing and signed by both parties
After two years the duration of this CONTRACT may be automatically renewed annually up to three (3) one-year
terms for a total contract length of five years unless a written notice of termination or cost adjustment is requested at
least 60-days prior to the end of the relevant term. Any negotiation of pricing in one of the renewal terms would
require an agreement amendment and approval by the Mason County Board of Commissioners. A renewal will not
be for less than yearly increments.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
CONTRACTOR shall be tasked by Public Works to complete the task at hand at the costs stated in "Exhibit B
Compensation" dependent on service.
Independent Contractor:
CONTRACTOR's services shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor, and nothing
herein contained shall be construed to create a relationship of employer- employee. All payments made hereunder
and all tasks performed shall be made and performed pursuant to this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR as an
independent contractor.
CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the entire compensation for this CONTRACT is specified in "Exhibit B
Compensation" and the CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any benefits including, but not limited to: vacation pay,
holiday pay, sick leave pay, medical, dental, or other insurance benefits, or any other rights or privileges afforded to
employees of COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR represents that they maintain a separate place of business, serves
clients other than COUNTY, will report all income and expense accrued under this CONTRACT to the Internal
Revenue Service, and has a tax account with the State of Washington Department of Revenue for payment of all
sales and use and Business and Occupation taxes collected by the State of Washington.
CONTRACTOR will defend, indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers, agents or employees from any loss
or expense, including, but not limited to, settlements, judgments, setoffs, attorneys' fees or costs incurred by reason
of claims or demands because of breach of the provisions of this paragraph.
CONTRACTOR understands and acknowledges that COUNTY will not withhold Federal or State income taxes.
Where required by State or Federal law, the CONTRACTOR authorizes COUNTY to withhold for any taxes other
than income taxes (i.e., Medicare). All compensation received by the CONTRACTOR will be reported to the Internal
Revenue Service at the end of the calendar year in accordance with the applicable IRS regulations. It is the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to make the necessary estimated tax payments throughout the year, if any, and
the CONTRACTOR is solely liable for any tax obligation arising from the CONTRACTOR's performance of this
CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify COUNTY against any demand to pay taxes arising
from the CONTRACTOR's failure to pay taxes on compensation earned pursuant to this CONTRACT.
COUNTY will pay sales and use taxes imposed on goods or services acquired hereunder as required by law. The
CONTRACTOR must pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to, Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based
on the CONTRACTOR's gross or net income, or personal property to which COUNTY does not hold title. COUNTY
is exempt from Federal Excise Tax.
No Guarantee of Employment:
The performance of all or part of this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR shall not operate to vest any employment
rights whatsoever and shall not be deemed to guarantee any employment of CONTRACTOR or any employee of
CONTRACTOR or any sub-contractor or any employee of any sub-contractor by COUNTY at the present time or in
the future.
Accounting and Payment for CONTRACTOR Services:
Payment to the CONTRACTOR for services rendered under this CONTRACT shall be as set forth in "Exhibit B
Compensation." Where Exhibit"B" requires payments by the COUNTY, payment shall be based upon written
claims supported, unless otherwise provided in Exhibit "B," by documentation of units of work actually performed
and amounts earned, including, where appropriate, the actual number of days worked each month, total number of
hours for the month, and the total dollar payment requested, so as to comply with municipal auditing requirements.
Acceptable invoices will be processed within 30 days of receipt.
Unless specifically stated in Exhibit "B" or approved in writing in advance by the official executing this CONTRACT
for COUNTY or his or her designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Officer"). COUNTY will not
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
reimburse the CONTRACTOR for any costs or expenses incurred by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of this
CONTRACT. Where required, COUNTY shall, upon receipt of appropriate documentation, compensate the
CONTRACTOR, no more often than monthly, in accordance with COUNTY's customary procedures, pursuant to the
fee schedule set forth in Exhibit "B."
Withholding Payment:
In the event the CONTRACTOR has failed to perform any obligation under this CONTRACT within the times set
forth in this CONTRACT, then COUNTY may, upon written notice, withhold from amounts otherwise due and
payable to CONTRACTOR, without penalty, until such failure to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated.
Withholding under this clause shall not be deemed a breach entitling CONTRACTOR to termination or damages,
provided that COUNTY promptly gives notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR of the nature of the default or failure
to perform, and in no case more than ten (10) days after it determines to withhold amounts otherwise due. A
determination of the Administrative Officer set forth in a notice to the CONTRACTOR of the action required and/or
the amount required to cure any alleged failure to perform shall be deemed conclusive, except to the extent that the
CONTRACTOR acts within the times and in strict accord with the provisions of the Disputes clause of this
CONTRACT. COUNTY may act in accordance with any determination of the Administrative Officer which has
become conclusive under this clause, without prejudice to any other remedy under the CONTRACT, to take all or
any of the following actions: (1) cure any failure or default, (2) to pay any amount so required to be paid and to
charge the same to the account of the CONTRACTOR, (3) to set off any amount so paid or incurred from amounts
due or to become due the CONTRACTOR. In the event the CONTRACTOR obtains relief upon a claim under the
Disputes clause, no penalty or damages shall accrue to CONTRACTOR by reason of good faith withholding by
COUNTY under this clause.
Labor Standards:
CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, including but not limited to
those pertaining to payment of wages and working conditions, in accordance with RCW 39.12.040, the Prevailing
Wage Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
providing for weekly payment of prevailing wages, minimum overtime pay, and providing that no laborer or
mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to health and safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal Secretary of Labor and/or
the State of Washington.
Assignment and Subcontracting:
The performance of all activities contemplated by this CONTRACT shall be accomplished by CONTRACTOR. No
portion of this CONTRACT may be assigned or subcontracted to any other individual, firm or entity without the
express and prior written approval of COUNTY.
Conflict of Interest:
If at any time prior to commencement of, or during the term of this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR or any of its
employees involved in the performance of this CONTRACT shall have or develop an interest in the subject matter of
this CONTRACT that is potentially in conflict with the COUNTY's interest, then CONTRACTOR shall immediately
notify COUNTY of the same. The notification of COUNTY shall be made with sufficient specificity to enable
COUNTY to make an informed judgment as to whether or not COUNTY's interest may be compromised in any
manner by the existence of the conflict, actual or potential. Thereafter, COUNTY may require CONTRACTOR to
take reasonable steps to remove the conflict of interest. COUNTY may also terminate this CONTRACT according to
the provisions herein for termination.
Non-Discrimination in Employment:
COUNTY's policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms, conditions and privileges of employment for all
qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all laws prohibiting
discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion,
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status, except where such
constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification.
Furthermore, in those cases in which CONTRACTOR is governed by such laws, CONTRACTOR shall take
affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and treated during employment, without regard to their
race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status,
except where such constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. Such action shall include, but not be limited
to: advertising, hiring, promotions, layoffs or terminations, rate of pay or other forms of compensation benefits,
selection for training including apprenticeship, and participation in recreational and educational activities. In all
solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf, CONTRACTOR shall state that all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national
The foregoing provisions shall also be binding upon any sub-contractor, provided that the foregoing provision shall
not apply to contracts or sub-contractors for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, or to sole
proprietorships with no employees.
Non-Discrimination in Client Services:
CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital
status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status; or deny an individual or business any service or benefits
under this CONTRACT; or subject an individual or business to segregation or separate treatment in any manner
related to his/her/its receipt any service or services or other benefits provided under this CONTRACT; or deny an
individual or business an opportunity to participate in any program provided by this CONTRACT.
Waiver of Noncompetition:
CONTRACTOR irrevocably waives any existing rights which it may have, by contract or otherwise, to require
another person or corporation to refrain from submitting a proposal to or performing work or providing supplies to
COUNTY, and CONTRACTOR further promises that it will not in the future, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit any
person or corporation to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to or from performing work or providing supplies to
Certification Regarding Federal Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier
Covered Transactions:
CONTRACTOR further certifies, by executing this CONTRACT, that neither it nor its principles is presently
debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this
transaction by any Federal department or Agency.
CONTRACTOR also agrees that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transactions (a transaction
between CONTRACTOR and any other person) with a person who is proposed for debarment, debarred,
suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, and
CONTRACTOR agrees to include this clause titled "Certification Regarding Federal Debarment, Suspension,
Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction" without modification, in all lower tier covered
transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier transactions.
The "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-procurement
Programs" is available to research this information at hftp://epls.arnet.gov/.
Ownership of Items Produced:
All writings, programs, data, public records or other materials prepared by CONTRACTOR and/or its consultants or
sub-contractors, in connection with performance of this CONTRACT, shall be the sole and absolute property of
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
When CONTRACTOR creates any copyrightable materials or invents any patentable property, CONTRACTOR may
copyright or patent the same, but COUNTY retains a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to
reproduce, publish, recover, or otherwise use the materials or property and to authorize other governments to use
the same for state or local governmental purposes. CONTRACTOR further agrees to make research, notes, and
other work products produced in the performance of this CONTRACT available to COUNTY upon request.
Patent/Copyright Infringement:
CONTRACTOR will defend and indemnify COUNTY from any claimed action, cause or demand brought against
COUNTY, to the extent such action is based on the claim that information supplied by the CONTRACTOR infringes
any patent or copyright. CONTRACTOR will pay those costs and damages attributable to any such claims that are
finally awarded against COUNTY in any action. Such defense and payments are conditioned upon the following:
A. CONTRACTOR shall be notified promptly in writing by COUNTY of any notice of such claim.
B. CONTRACTOR shall have the right, hereunder, at its option and expense, to obtain for COUNTY the right to
continue using the information, in the event such claim of infringement, is made, provided no reduction in
performance or loss results to COUNTY.
CONTRACTOR, its employees, sub-contractors, and their employees shall maintain the confidentiality of all
information provided by COUNTY or acquired by CONTRACTOR in performance of this CONTRACT, except upon
the prior written consent of COUNTY or an order entered by a court after having acquired jurisdiction over
COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall immediately give to COUNTY notice of any judicial proceeding seeking disclosure
of such information. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officials, agents or employees
from all loss or expense, including, but not limited to, settlements,judgments, setoffs, attorneys' fees and costs
resulting from CONTRACTOR's breach of this provision.
Right to Review:
This CONTRACT is subject to review by any Federal, State or COUNTY auditor. COUNTY or its designee shall
have the right to review and monitor the financial and service components of this program by whatever means are
deemed expedient by the Administrative Officer or by COUNTY's Auditor's Office. Such review may occur with or
without notice and may include, but is not limited to, on-site inspection by COUNTY agents or employees, inspection
of all records or other materials which COUNTY deems pertinent to the CONTRACT and its performance, and any
and all communications with or evaluations by service recipients under this CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall
preserve and maintain all financial records and records relating to the performance of work under this CONTRACT
for six (6) years after CONTRACT termination, and shall make them available for such review, within Mason County,
State of Washington, upon request. CONTRACTOR also agrees to notify the Administrative Officer in advance of
any inspections, audits, or program review by any individual, agency, or governmental unit whose purpose is to
review the services provided within the terms of this CONTRACT. If no advance notice is given to CONTRACTOR,
then CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the Administrative Officer as soon as it is practical.
Insurance Requirements:
At a minimum, CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements detailed in "Exhibit
C Insurance Requirements."
Insurance as a Condition of Payment:
Payments due to CONTRACTOR under this CONTRACT are expressly conditioned upon the CONTRACTOR's
strict compliance with all insurance requirements under this CONTRACT. Payment to CONTRACTOR shall be
suspended in the event of non-compliance. Upon receipt of evidence of full compliance, payments not otherwise
subject to withholding or set-off will be released to CONTRACTOR.
Proof of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming COUNTY as the Certificate Holder must be provided to COUNTY within five (5)
days of CONTRACT execution.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Industrial Insurance Waiver:
With respect to the performance of this CONTRACT and as to claims against COUNTY, its officers, agents and
employees, CONTRACTOR expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the
Industrial Insurance Act, for injuries to its employees and agrees that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless provided in this CONTRACT extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of
CONTRACTOR. This waiver is mutually negotiated by the parties to this CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR Commitments, Warranties and Representations:
Any written commitment received from CONTRACTOR concerning this CONTRACT shall be binding upon
CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise specifically provided herein with reference to this paragraph. Failure of
CONTRACTOR to fulfill such a commitment shall render CONTRACTOR liable for damages to COUNTY. A
commitment includes, but is not limited to, any representation made prior to execution of this CONTRACT, whether
or not incorporated elsewhere herein by reference, as to performance of services or equipment, prices or options for
future acquisition to remain in effect for a fixed period, or warranties.
Defense and Indemnity Contract:
Indemnification by CONTRACTOR. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify,
defend and hold COUNTY and its departments, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers,
harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to court
costs, attorney's fees and alternative dispute resolution costs, for any personal injury, for any bodily injury, sickness,
disease or death and for any damage to or destruction of any property (including the loss of use resulting therefrom)
which 1) are caused in whole or in part by any act or omission, negligent or otherwise, of the CONTRACTOR, its
employees, agents or volunteers or CONTRACTOR's subcontractors and their employees, agents or volunteers; or
2) are directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with performance of this CONTRACT; or 3)
are based upon CONTRACTOR's or its subcontractors' use of, presence upon or proximity to the property of
COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of CONTRACTOR shall not apply in the limited circumstance where the
claim, damage, loss or expense is caused by the sole negligence of COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of
the CONTRACTOR shall not be limited in any way by the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51,
or by application of any other workmen's compensation act, disability benefit act or other employee benefit act, and
the CONTRACTOR hereby expressly waives any immunity afforded by such acts. The foregoing indemnification
obligations of the CONTRACTOR are a material inducement to COUNTY to enter into this CONTRACT, are
reflected in CONTRACTOR's compensation, and have been mutually negotiated by the parties.
Participation by County— No Waiver. COUNTY reserves the right, but not the obligation, to participate in the
defense of any claim, damages, losses or expenses and such participation shall not constitute a waiver of
CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under this CONTRACT.
Survival of CONTRACTOR's Indemnity Obligations. CONTRACTOR agrees all CONTRACTOR's indemnity
obligations shall survive the completion, expiration or termination of this CONTRACT.
Indemnity by Subcontractors. In the event the CONTRACTOR enters into subcontracts to the extent allowed under
this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR's subcontractors shall indemnify COUNTY on a basis equal to or exceeding
CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations to COUNTY.
Compliance with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations:
This CONTRACT shall be subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of the United States of America, the State of
Washington, political subdivisions of the State of Washington and Mason County. CONTRACTOR also agrees to
comply with applicable Federal, State, County or municipal standards for licensing, certification and operation of
facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals.
Administration of Contract:
COUNTY hereby appoints, and CONTRACTOR hereby accepts, the Mason County's Deputy Director, Public
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Works/Utilities and Waste, as COUNTY's representative, hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Officer, for the
purposes of administering the provisions of this CONTRACT, including COUNTY's right to receive and act on all
reports and documents, and any auditing performed by the COUNTY related to this CONTRACT.
COUNTY's Administrative Officer:
Richard Dickinson
Mason County Public Works Department
Deputy Director, Public Works/U&W
100 Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 427-9760, Ext. 652
E-mail: rdickinson@co.mason.wa.us
CONTRACTOR's Administrative Officer:
Except as set forth elsewhere in the CONTRACT, for all purposes under this CONTRACT except service of
process, notice shall be given by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY's Administrative Officer under this CONTRACT.
Notices and other communication may be conducted via e-mail, U.S. mail, fax, hand-delivery or other generally
accepted manner including delivery services.
Either party may request changes in the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed modifications, to be valid and binding
upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties.
Termination for Default:
If CONTRACTOR defaults by failing to perform any of the obligations of the CONTRACT or becomes insolvent or is
declared bankrupt or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency or makes an assignment for the benefit of
creditors, COUNTY may, by depositing written notice to CONTRACTOR in the U.S. mail, terminate the
CONTRACT, and at COUNTY's option, obtain performance of the work elsewhere. If the CONTRACT is terminated
for default, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payments under the CONTRACT until all work
called for has been fully performed. Any extra cost or damage to COUNTY resulting from such default(s) shall be
deducted from any money due or coming due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall bear any extra expenses
incurred by COUNTY in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage
sustained, or which may be sustained by COUNTY by reason of such default.
If a notice of termination for default has been issued and it is later determined for any reason that CONTRACTOR
was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the notice of termination had been
issued pursuant to the Termination for Public Convenience paragraph hereof.
Termination for Public Convenience:
COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part whenever COUNTY determines, in its sole discretion,
that such termination is in the interests of COUNTY. Whenever the CONTRACT is terminated in accordance with
this paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment for actual work performed in compliance with "Exhibit A
Scope-of-Services" and "Exhibit B Compensation." An equitable adjustment in the CONTRACT price for partially
completed items of work will be made, but such adjustment shall not include provision for loss of anticipated profit
on deleted or uncompleted work. Termination of this CONTRACT by COUNTY at any time during the term, whether
for default or convenience, shall not constitute breach of CONTRACT by COUNTY.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Termination for Reduced Funding:
COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part should COUNTY determine, in its sole discretion, that
such termination is necessary due to a decrease in available funding including State and/or Federal grants.
Whenever the CONTRACT is terminated in accordance with this paragraph, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to
payment for actual work performed in compliance with "Exhibit A Scope-of-Services" and "Exhibit B Compensation."
1. Differences between the CONTRACTOR and COUNTY, arising under and by virtue of the
AGREEMENT shall be brought to the attention of COUNTY at the earliest possible time in order that such
matters may be settled or other appropriate action promptly taken. For objections that are not made in the
manner specified and within the time limits stated, the records, orders, rulings, instructions, and decisions of the
Administrative Officer shall be final and conclusive.
2. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to additional compensation which otherwise may be
payable, or to extension of time for (1) any act or failure to act by the Administrative Officer of COUNTY, or (2)
the happening of any event or occurrence, unless the CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a written Notice of
Potential Claim within ten (10) days of the commencement of the act, failure, or event giving rise to the claim, and
before final payment by COUNTY. The written Notice of Potential Claim shall set forth the reasons for which the
CONTRACTOR believes additional compensation or extension of time is due, the nature of the cost involved,
and insofar as possible, the amount of the potential claim. CONTRACTOR shall keep full and complete daily
records of the work performed, labor and material used, and all costs and additional time claimed to be
3. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim any such additional compensation, or
extension of time, unless within thirty (30) days of the accomplishment of the portion of the work from which the
claim arose, and before final payment by COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a detailed written
statement of each element of cost or other compensation requested and of all elements of additional time
required, and copies of any supporting documents evidencing the amount or the extension of time claimed to be
Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto (which may be brought either in court or pursuant to
this arbitration provision), and consistent with the provisions hereinabove, any claim, dispute or controversy
between the parties under, arising out of, or related to this CONTRACT or otherwise, including issues of specific
performance, shall be determined by arbitration in Shelton, Washington, under the applicable American Arbitration
Association (AAA) rules in effect on the date hereof, as modified by this CONTRACT. There shall be one arbitrator
selected by the parties within ten (10) days of the arbitration demand, or if not, by the AAA or any other group
having similar credentials. Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this CONTRACT shall be determined by
the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall apply substantive law and may award injunctive relief, equitable relief(including
specific performance), or any other remedy available from a judge, including expenses, costs and attorney fees to
the prevailing party and pre-award interest, but shall not have the power to award punitive damages. The decision
of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and an order confirming the award or judgment upon the award may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction. The parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy between them regarding any dispute presented or pled before the arbitrator. At the request of
either party made not later than forty-five (45) days after the arbitration demand, the parties agree to submit the
dispute to nonbinding mediation, which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date; provided, that either party may
decline to mediate and proceed with arbitration.
Any arbitration proceeding commenced to enforce or interpret this CONTRACT shall be brought within six (6) years
after the initial occurrence giving rise to the claim, dispute or issue for which arbitration is commenced, regardless of
the date of discovery or whether the claim, dispute or issue was continuing in nature. Claims, disputes or issues
arising more than six (6) years prior to a written request or demand for arbitration issued under this Agreement are
not subject to arbitration.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management UP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Venue and Choice of Law:
In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of the terms of this
CONTRACT, the venue of such action of litigation shall be in the courts of the State of Washington and Mason
County. Unless otherwise specified herein, this CONTRACT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and
the State of Washington.
If any term or condition of this CONTRACT or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances is held
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or applications which can be given effect without the
invalid term, condition or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT are declared
Waiver of any breach or condition of this CONTRACT shall not be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent
breach. No term or condition of this CONTRACT shall be held to be waived, modified or deleted except by an
instrument, in writing, signed by the parties hereto. The failure of COUNTY to insist upon strict performance of any
of the covenants of this CONTRACT, or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall
not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenants or contracts, but the same
shall be and remain in full force and effect.
Order of Precedence:
A. Exhibit A- Scope of Services
B. Exhibit B - Compensation
C. Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements
D. Request for Proposal
Entire Contract:
This written CONTRACT, comprised of the writings signed or otherwise identified and attached hereto, represents
the entire CONTRACT between the parties and supersedes any prior oral statements, discussions or
understandings between the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR have executed this CONTRACT as of the date and
year last written below.
Signature Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director, Public Works/U&W
By and Title
Dated: Dated:
Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
A.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide services and staff,and otherwise do all things necessary for or
incidental to the performance of work,as set forth below:
A.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide on-call fully operated and maintained equipment as
directed by the County for the following services:
A.2.1 Sewer lift station pumping to vacuum and dispose of wastewater and sludge
A.2.2 Water jetting to clean grease traps,sewer lines,sewer lift stations and storm water
A.2.3 Storm drain pumping,
A.2.4 Video inspection of sewer lines,storm drains and storm water lines at County
facilities or in the County Right of Way.
A.3 CONTRACTOR shall provide County with two(2)printed copies of all video inspection
reports and two(2)electronic copies of all video inspections.
A.4 CONTRACTOR shall provide services as requested by an authorized County
A.4.1 Services may include the use of a video truck,vacuum truck,and or jetting truck as appropriate.
A.5 CONTRACTOR shall provide emergency services as requested,twenty-four(24)
hours a day,seven(7)days a week.
A.5.1 CONTRACTOR shall respond to emergency service requests within four(4)
hours of order placement by County and may be required during evenings,
weekends,and holidays. Time is of the essence for delivery during emergency
situations. Delivery location(s)and estimated arrival will be mutually agreed upon,
by County and CONTRACTOR,at time of order and will be determined
based on need and existing conditions. It is understood that current
conditions,such as power outages,road closures,and damages to
CONTRACTOR's facility and/or equipment,will be taken into consideration.
A.5.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide the name and contact information
of a representative who shall be available 24 hours a day,seven(7)days a week,in
the event of an emergency. During the emergency,CONTRACTOR shall provide
County with all available supplies,materials,equipment and/or services on a priority
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
NOTE-include billing/invoice specifics.
A. Compensation:
CONTRACTOR will be compensated based on County requested On-Call Sewer Lift Station, Pumping, Water
Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines Service Tasks. There is no minimum amount guaranteed to the
CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR will be paid by the requested task. The price per services is dependent on
prices shown in the below.
B. Requests for Payment:
1. At a minimum the invoice is to include: performance period; date of submission copy of signed Task;
CONTRACTOR's name, remittance address and phone number; invoice total; and any additional applicable
2. Submit via e-mail or hard copy as preferred to:
Richard Dickinson
Mason County
Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities and Waste
100 Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 427-9760 Ext. 652
E-mail: Rdickinson@co.mason.wa.us
3. Payment will be made to CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days of the receipt of a complete and accurate invoice
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
For the duration of this Agreement the Contractor shall maintain in effect all insurance as required herein and
comply with all limits, terms and conditions stated therein. Work under this Agreement shall not commence until
evidence of all required insurance and bonding is provided to the County. Evidence of such insurance shall consist
of a completed copy of the Certificate of Insurance signed by the insurance agent for the Contractor and returned to
the Mason County Deputy Director of Utilities/Waste Management. If for any reason, any material change in the
coverage occurs during the course of this Agreement; such change will not become effective until 45 days after
Mason County receives written notice of such change. The policy shall be endorsed and the certificate shall reflect
that Mason County is an additional insured on the Contractor's general liability policy with respect to activities under
this Agreement. The policy shall provide and the certificate reflect that the insurance afforded applies separately to
each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to limits of the company's liability.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide fire insurance for any equipment used by the Contractor. This fire
insurance shall cover the entire replacement value of the equipment insured.
A. MINIMUM Insurance Requirements:
1. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy
form CG 00 01, with an edition date prior to 2004, or the exact equivalent. Coverage for an additional insured
shall not be limited to its vicarious liability. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Limits shall be no less
than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than five million dollars
($5,000,000) general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, including without
limitation, blanket contractual liability.
2. Workers' Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with
employer's liability limits for the Contractors, with two (2) or more employees and/or volunteers, no less than
$1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses.
3. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned, non-owned and hired
autos, or the exact equivalent. Limits shall be no less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per accident,
combined single limit. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto
endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or the Contractor's employees will use
personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for
each such person.
4. Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance shall be written with limits not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000)
combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, cleanup costs and legal
defense expenses.
5. Umbrella or excess liability policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for underlying
coverages and covering those insured in the underlying policies. Coverage shall be "pay on behalf', with defense
costs payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross-liability exclusion of claims or suits by one
insured against another.
B. Certificate of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming County as the Certificate Holder must be provided to County within five (5) days
of Contract execution.
C. Basic Stipulations:
1. Contractor agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds
County, its officials, employees and agents, using ISO endorsement CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors, subcontractors, and anyone else involved in this Contractor on
behalf of the Contractor (hereinafter "indemnifying parties") to comply with these provisions.
2. Contractor agrees to waive rights of recovery against County regardless of the applicability of any insurance
proceeds, and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise.
3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by Contractor or required of others by Contractor pursuant to this
Contract shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation condition as to County, or must specifically allow the
named insured to waive subrogation prior to a loss.
4. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by
County. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of coverage that may affect County's
protection without County's prior written consent.
5. Contractor agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein, satisfactory to County, consisting of: a)
certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and, b) an additional insured endorsement to
Contractor's general liability policy using Insurance Services Office form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to
2004. Contractor agrees, upon request by County to provide complete, certified copies of any policies required
within 10 days of such request. County has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems
necessary to protect its interests. Any premium so paid by County shall be charged to and promptly paid by
Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor. Any actual or alleged failure on the part of County or any
other additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Contract in no
way waives any right or remedy of County or any additional insured, in this or in any other regard.
6. It is acknowledged by the parties of this Contract that all insurance coverage required to be provided by
Contractor or indemnifying party, is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to
any other insurance or self-insurance available to County.
7. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion of the insurance
required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party to self- insure its obligations to
County. If Contractor's existing coverage includes a self-insured retention, the self-insured retention must be
declared to the County. The County may review options with Contractor, which may include reduction or
elimination of the self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions.
8. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as County, or its employees or agents face an
exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this Contract. This obligation applies whether or not the
Contract is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until County
executes a written statement to that effect.
9. The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements. Should any
coverage carried by Contractor or a subcontractor of any tier maintain insurance with limits of liability that
exceed the required limits or coverage that is broader than as outlined above, those higher limits and broader
coverage shall be deemed to apply for the benefit of any person or organization included as an additional
insured and those limits shall become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections
of this Contract.
10. None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting
endorsement that has not been first submitted to County and approved of in writing.
11. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Contract to the extent that
any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
12. Unless otherwise approved by County, insurance provided pursuant to these requirements shall be by insurers
authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum A.M. Best rating of A-:VII.
13. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are
intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Contract limits the application of such
insurance coverage.
14. Contractor agrees require insurers, to provide notice to County thirty (30) days prior to cancellation of such
liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage, other than for non-payment
of premium. Contractor shall assure that this provision also applies to any subcontractors,joint ventures or any
other party engaged by or on behalf of contractor in relation to this agreement. Certificate(s) are to reflect that
the issuer will provide thirty (30) days' notice to County of any cancellation of coverage.
15. County reserves the right at any time during the term of the Contract to change the amounts and types of
insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such
change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the County and Contractor may renegotiate
Contractor's compensation.
16. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other requirements or as waiver of
any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of
clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive.
17. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to County of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of
the work performed under this agreement. County assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the
right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve County.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
For the duration of this Agreement the Contractor shall maintain in effect all insurance as required herein and
comply with all limits, terms and conditions stated therein. Work under this Agreement shall not commence until
evidence of all required insurance and bonding is provided to the County. Evidence of such insurance shall consist
of a completed copy of the Certificate of Insurance signed by the insurance agent for the Contractor and returned to
the Mason County Deputy Director of Utilities/Waste Management. If for any reason, any material change in the
coverage occurs during the course of this Agreement; such change will not become effective until 45 days after
Mason County receives written notice of such change. The policy shall be endorsed and the certificate shall reflect
that Mason County is an additional insured on the Contractor's general liability policy with respect to activities under
this Agreement. The policy shall provide and the certificate reflect that the insurance afforded applies separately to
each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to limits of the company's liability.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide fire insurance for any equipment used by the Contractor. This fire
insurance shall cover the entire replacement value of the equipment insured.
A. MINIMUM Insurance Requirements:
1. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial
General Liability" policy form CG 00 01, with an edition date prior to 2004, or the exact
equivalent. Coverage for an additional insured shall not be limited to its vicarious liability.
Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Limits shall be no less than two million
dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than five million dollars
($5,000,000) general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage,
including without limitation, blanket contractual liability.
2. Workers' Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with
employer's liability limits for the Contractors, with two (2) or more employees and/or volunteers, no less than
$1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses.
3. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned, non-owned and hired
autos, or the exact equivalent. Limits shall be no less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per accident,
combined single limit. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto
endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or the Contractor's employees will use
personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for
each such person.
4. Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance shall be written with limits not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000)
combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, cleanup costs and legal
defense expenses.
5. Umbrella or excess liability policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for underlying
coverages and covering those insured in the underlying policies. Coverage shall be "pay on behalf', with defense
costs payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross-liability exclusion of claims or suits by one
insured against another.
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
B. Certificate of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming County as the Certificate Holder must be provided to County within five (5) days
of Contract execution.
C. Basic Stipulations:
1. Contractor agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as
additional insureds County, its officials, employees and agents, using ISO endorsement CG
20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004. Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors,
subcontractors, and anyone else involved in this Contractor on behalf of the Contractor
(hereinafter"indemnifying parties") to comply with these provisions.
2. Contractor agrees to waive rights of recovery against County regardless of the applicability of any insurance
proceeds, and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise.
3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by Contractor or required of others by Contractor pursuant to this
Contract shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation condition as to County, or must specifically allow the
named insured to waive subrogation prior to a loss.
4. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by
County. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of coverage that may affect County's
protection without County's prior written consent.
5. Contractor agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein, satisfactory to County, consisting of: a)
certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and, b) an additional insured endorsement to
Contractor's general liability policy using Insurance Services Office form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to
2004. Contractor agrees, upon request by County to provide complete, certified copies of any policies required
within 10 days of such request. County has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems
necessary to protect its interests. Any premium so paid by County shall be charged to and promptly paid by
Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor. Any actual or alleged failure on the part of County or any
other additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Contract in no
way waives any right or remedy of County or any additional insured, in this or in any other regard.
6. It is acknowledged by the parties of this Contract that all insurance coverage required to be provided by
Contractor or indemnifying party, is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to
any other insurance or self-insurance available to County.
7. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion of the insurance
required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party to self- insure its obligations to
County. If Contractor's existing coverage includes a self-insured retention, the self-insured retention must be
declared to the County. The County may review options with Contractor, which may include reduction or
elimination of the self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions.
8. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as County, or its employees or agents face an
exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this Contract. This obligation applies whether or not the
Contract is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until County
executes a written statement to that effect.
9. The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements. Should any
coverage carried by Contractor or a subcontractor of any tier maintain insurance with limits of liability that
exceed the required limits or coverage that is broader than as outlined above, those higher limits and broader
coverage shall be deemed to apply for the benefit of any person or organization included as an additional
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Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
insured and those limits shall become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections
of this Contract.
10. None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting
endorsement that has not been first submitted to County and approved of in writing.
11. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Contract to the extent that
any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit.
12. Unless otherwise approved by County, insurance provided pursuant to these requirements shall be by insurers
authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum A.M. Best rating of A-:VII.
13. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are
intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Contract limits the application of such
insurance coverage.
14. Contractor agrees require insurers, to provide notice to County thirty (30) days prior to cancellation of such
liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage, other than for non-payment
of premium. Contractor shall assure that this provision also applies to any subcontractors, joint ventures or any
other party engaged by or on behalf of contractor in relation to this agreement. Certificate(s) are to reflect that
the issuer will provide thirty (30) days' notice to County of any cancellation of coverage.
15. County reserves the right at any time during the term of the Contract to change the amounts and types of
insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such
change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the County and Contractor may renegotiate
Contractor's compensation.
16. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other requirements or as waiver of
any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of
clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive.
17. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to County of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of
the work performed under this agreement. County assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the
right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve County.
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Richard Dickinson
Deputy Director/U&W Management RFP-On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping,Water Jetting and Video Inspection of Sewer Lines
On-Call Sewer Lift Station Pumping, Water Jetting and Video
Inspection of Sewer Lines Services
Task Number:
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement 2022- shall be in full force and effect
for this Task Assignment.
Location of Project:
Project Title:
Maximum Amount Payable per Task Assignment:
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
Agency Project Manager Signature: Date:
Contractor Signature: Date:
Agency Approving Authority: Date:
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FROM: Sheryl Hilt, Finance Manager
DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office EXT: 636
BRIEFING DATE: 11/15/2021
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Approval to purchase IA Pro software for internal investigations as a sole source
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
With the new legislation and expectations of law enforcement, the need to have
appropriate documentation and records retention of investigations is more important
than ever. Currently the investigation documents are held in private paper and
electronic files.
IA Pro is the leading professional standards software for internal investigations. Unlike
others (Agnovi, PTS, and Frontline Public Safety Solutions) this software will enable
the Sheriff's Office to document and track:
• internal investigations,
• citizen complaints,
• commendations,
• uses of force,
• dog tracks,
• supervisor/employee interactions, and
• early interventions.
• This software also has the ability to configure analytics for particular areas and
allows mobile login to ease workflow concerns.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police highlighted this product in its Police
Chief article Product Feature: Investigation Tools That Improve Erfciency at the
Station and in the Field, 'ICI Technologies offers a variety of software packages
designed to help investigations flow more quickly and more smoothly. One of its most
popular offerings for law enforcement is IAPro, currently in use by more than 500
police agencies in four countries. Unlike many other investigative tools, IAPro is not
designed to help officers' complete criminal investigations. Instead, it helps agencies
handle internal investigations and enforce professional standards in instances of police
Briefing Summary 1 1/9/2021
misconduct. Given the current environment of the intense scrutiny of police conduct,
internal investigative tools can begin to rival the importance of tools used for field
$19,149 purchase price to come from SB5092 receipted funds.
Approve sole source purchase under County Policy 2.21, Sole Source Purchases,
Paragraph D, Unique design: Requires unique features that are essential, aesthetic
requirements, or not practical to match to existing design or equipment.
Approve at the November 23rd action agenda meeting to expedite getting the software
implemented in 2021 using funds granted to the county under S135092.
Mason County Purchasing Policy 2.21
IA Pro purchase quote
Briefing Summary 11/9/2021
2.21.010 Purpose.
Purchasing facilitates the timely procurement of goods and services to help customers fulfill their missions by
providing cost effective opportunities to purchase quality goods and services at the best value while conducting
business in a legal,fair open and competitive manner.
Proper purchasing requires that:
•Actions of county employees are impartial and fair.
• Government decisions and policies are made in the proper channels of government structure.
• Public employment will not be used for personal gain.
• County employees may neither solicit,accept, nor agree to accept any gratuity for themselves,their
families or others that results in their personal gain which may affect their impartiality in making decisions on
the job. Discounts or concessions realistically available to the general population, items received that do not
result in personal gain,and samples to the county used for general county use are examples of items that are
not gratuities. Personal judgement should be used and questions regarding particular problems/events
should be referred to the employee's manager.
•To protect and enhance the reputation of the Mason County and its employees.
•To treat all citizens equally with courtesy and impartiality, and refrain from granting any special advantage
to any citizen beyond what is available to all citizens.
•To give efficient, productive, and economic service to the public.
•To avoid real or potential conflicts between private and public duties, remembering that the public interest
must be the principal concern.
•To keep confidential all information acquired by reason of one's position,which may be used for personal
or financial gain for the employee or other persons.
•To refrain from securing special privileges or exemptions for one's self or other persons that are not
available to all citizens.
•To avoid receiving,soliciting or otherwise obtaining anything of value that is greater than nominal intrinsic
value from any other public official, employee or citizen which is intended to influence the performance of
official duties.
•To disclose to the appropriate authority the nature and extent of any financial or personal interest in a
county contract, legislation, or in any type of transaction involving the county,when participating in the
development of or giving an official opinion on the matter.
'Editor's note(s)—Res. No. 106-16, §§ 1—III (Att.A), adopted Dec. 20, 2016, did not specify manner of inclusion,
hence, codification as Chapter 2.21, §§2.21.010-2.21.030 was at the discretion of the editor.
Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2021-09-09 15:01:59 [EST]
Page 1 of 7
• County employees shall:Certify, in writing,that they have read and understand this policy. Non-compliance
may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
Authority and references:
RCW 36.32.245
RCW 39.35A
RCW 39.80
RCW 39.04.280
(Res. No. 106-16, § I(Att.A), 12-20-2016)
2.21.020 Definitions.
The following words,terms and phrases,when used in this chapter,shall have the meanings ascribed to
them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
"Controlled commodity" means items which may fall under the quote dollar limit that require approval from
designated department directors, i.e. office products,communication equipment and computer equipment.
"Emergency purchases" means emergency purchases occur when an emergency situation arises that was
unforeseen and must be remedied immediately.
"F.C.B. (freight on board)" means the stated F.O.B. point is usually the location where title to the goods
passes from the seller to the buyer.The seller is liable for transportation charges and the risks of loss or damage to
the goods up to the point where title passes to the buyer.The buyer is liable for such charges and risks after
passing of title.
"Packing list" means a document which itemizes in detail the contents of a particular package or shipment.
"Personal service contract" means an employment contract with an independent contractor for the
rendering of personal services to the county.
"Point of origin" means the point where the shipment originates.
"Prepaid" means transportation charges that have been or are to be paid at the point of origin.
"Professional service contract" means an agreement with an independent contractor for the rendering of
professional services to the county.The county states a goal and objective and the provider, under his own
direction, accomplishes the goal.
"Public work" means a project including all work, construction,alteration, repair or improvement other than
ordinary maintenance.
"Sealed bid (formal bid)" means an advertised solicitation for a requirement in which the cost exceeds the
fifty thousand dollar bid limit.The bids are opened during a public opening.
"Specification" means a clear, complete,and accurate statement of the technical requirements descriptive of
a material, an item, or a service.
(Res. No. 106-16, §2(Att.A), 12-20-2016)
2.21.030 Policies.
(a) How to purchase materials,supplies, equipment or services:
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To purchase materials,supplies,equipment or contract for services,the proper procurement procedure shall
be followed.The following is a description of the various categories which determine which procurement process
to use.
Dollar thresholds for bidding and quoting are as follows:
$0.00 to$10,000.00—No bidding or quotes required.
$10,000 to$50,000—Three quotes.
Over$50,000—Formal sealed bid.
Note:All dollar limits include appropriate sales tax plus freight, handling,and set-up costs.
(1) Federal Funding. Requisitions for goods or services which involve federal funding must be noted
"federal funding" in the description section in the requisition using the project name or number by in
order to ensure compliance with appropriate federal regulations.
(2) Disadvantaged and Minority Vendors.Women and minority business enterprises shall have the
maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of work relating to the county's activities.To
this end,the county is committed to take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with state
and federal rules and regulations to ensure women and minority business enterprises the maximum
opportunity to compete for and to perform contracts.
(3) Insurance/licenses/prevailing Wages.When hiring anybody to do anything for the county,there are
four requirements that need to be met.
(A) Certificates of Insurance—Prior to the start of on-site work:
Certificates of insurance requirements must be stated during the solicitation process.
During solicitation contact the Risk Manager to assure the appropriate insurance requirements are
being addressed. Certificates of insurance must be submitted with the contract prior to on-site work.
(B) Washington State Contractor's License—Prior to the start of on-site work:
It is the department's responsibility to verify a current Washington State Contractor's License and
current Workers'Comp status.
The department will also verify that the contractor is not on the federal debarment listing.
(C) Business License—Prior to the start of on-site work:
It is the department's responsibility to verify current business with the department of revenue.
(D) Prevailing Wage Requirements—Ongoing.
(i) Prior to Getting an Estimate or a Quote—Notify the vendor that they are to pay prevailing
(ii) After a Vendor has been selected—The vendor is required to file a "Statement of Intent to
Pay Prevailing Wages"with the department of labor and industries.
(iii) After the work is completed—The vendor must also file an "Affidavit of Wages Paid"with
the department of labor and industries.
Payment will not be released until certified intents and affidavits have been received.
(4) When to utilize purchasing policy:
(A) Unit cost exceeds ten thousand dollars.
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(B) Combined total of identical items purchased at the same time or within a calendar years'time, in
which the cost exceeds ten thousand dollars or when it is determined by the budget manager
that volume discounts can be obtained by combining county-wide usage(i.e.office supplies,
laundry services,janitorial paper products, etc.).
(C) The items that are designed, or intended to be used together(i.e., water meter covers and lids),
and the cost exceeds ten thousand dollars.
(5) Exceptions:
(A) The following are stated under RCW 39.04.280 as exemptions for the competitive bidding
(i) Purchases that are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply(sole source);
(ii) Purchases involving special facilities or market conditions;
(iii) Purchases in the event of an emergency;
(iv) Public works in the event of an emergency.
Should the board of commissioners use one of the above exemptions,the following will apply.
Sole Source Purchases.
On a case by case basis,the bid or quote requirement may be waived and a sole source purchase approved.
There should be careful deliberation before going to a sole source as this type of purchase eliminates
A sole source purchase may be approved if one of the following conditions are met:
(A) Compatibility to existing county standard or to existing equipment, inventory,systems, data,
programs or service. Describe. List efforts to find other sources.
(B) Licensed or patented product with only one dealer.
(C) Only authorized service provider, repair and/or warranty services. Describe.
(D) Unique design: Requires unique features that are essential, aesthetic requirements, or not
practical to match to existing design or equipment. Describe.
(E) Used item:Surplus item bought through an auction or distributor that would represent good
value and is advantageous to the County. Describe.
(F) Delivery Date:Only one supplier can meet required delivery date: Describe and list efforts to find
other suppliers to meet the delivery date.
(G) Project or research continuity: Product,systems,services or data must comply with an ongoing
project, research, data,testing or analysis. Results would be interrupted or compromised without
continuity. Describe.
Authority to approve sole source purchases lies with the board of county commissioners.
Sole source or waiver over twenty-five thousand dollars.
The formal bid limit may only be waived by the board of county commissioners.A sole source or waiver over
twenty-five thousand dollars must be approved via resolution.The following steps to obtain approval are:
(A) The department must contact budget manager to discuss if a sole source situation exists.
(B) The department presents the sole sources justification to the board of commission for approval.
(C) The budget manager then forwards a copy of the adopted resolution to the department.
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(Supp. No.56,8-21)
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(D) Once approved,the department will place the order.
Emergency purchases five thousand dollars to twenty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars(ten
thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars for public works)
Emergency purchases occur when an emergency situation arises that was unforeseen and must be remedied
Examples:Acts of God, i.e.,flood damage
Machinery that is critical to the operation of the county and rendered out of service.
The board of commission in addition the public works director and the DEM manager may declare an
emergency. Contact them for guidance/direction on how to proceed.
Procedure to obtain an emergency purchase.
(A) Department recognizes an urgent/emergency situation has developed.
(i) Department estimates cost to correct the emergency.
(ii) Identifies potential vendor to perform service/supply materials. (PREVAILING WAGES AND
(B) Department staff obtains appropriate approval from department manager/director.
(C) Buyer enters requisition.
(D) Financial services will need the vendor name, reason for emergency, materials required and
anticipated cost.
Emergency purchases over fifty thousand dollars.
Mason County has two people that can declare emergencies through the board of county commissioners:
the public works director and the DEM manager.Contact them for further guidance/direction on how to
If an emergency situation exists and involves the purchase of materials or services that are over the sealed
bid limit:
(A) After receiving approval from their department director,the department may place the order for
emergency purchases.
(B) The department must initiate and prepare necessary information to advise board of county
commissioners that there had been an emergency situation requiring immediate action.
Controlled Commodities.There are items which are purchased that fall under the quote dollar limit which
still require approval from designated department directors.They are:
• Cell phones,telephone equipment,tablets—IT manager.
• Computers and related equipment,fax machines,copiers—Department manager.
•Anything information technology is requested or required to install,connect,service, maintain or
support—Use technology procurement request(TPR)process for these purchases
•Anything purchased using equipment rental and revolving(ER&R)funds must be purchased by
ER&R—O&M/ER&R manager.
Inter-Governmental Cooperative Purchases. RCW 39.34.030 permits governmental agencies to utilize other
entities contracts without going to bid.To determine if inter-local purchasing is feasible for a particular need,
contact the budget manager.The following criteria need to be met:
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There must be a current inter-local agreement, approved by council, or board of county commissioners and
signed by both parties,on file.
• It must have been advertised and competitively bid.
• The government entity, and the vendor, must be willing to share their contract pricing.
Professional and Personal Service Contracts.The board of county commissioners must approve all
professional and personal services contracts in excess of the approved budget authority and outside of
routine contracts approved via the budget or county road project(CRP) processes. Legal/risk must review
prior to their approval.
Architectural and Engineering Services.Architectural and engineering services are hired following RCW
39.80.The county will follow the guidance of the RCW and the board of county commissioners will approve
all architectural and engineering services contracts—no matter what the dollar amount. Legal/risk must
review prior to approval.
Equipment Leases. Bids are not required on equipment leases, however the legal department and budget
manager must review and the board of county commissioners must
(6) Procedures for ten thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars.The following should be documented by
the department when obtaining the informal three quotes.
(A) Requesting department personnel contacts at least three vendors for quotations. (Be sure
technical information defines acceptable quality and ensure vendors are quoting on equal and
comparable items, etc.)All vendors must be provided the same information. If one vendor offers
an acceptable alternate, it must be requoted using the alternate specifications.
(B) The county will not pay for any technical information from the vendor. If the information is to be
shared with other vendors, it must be stated so up front.
(C) No on-site demonstrations or delivery of preview/trial merchandise should be arranged without
prior approval from the department director.
(D) Obtain freight pricing, if not indicated by vendor,on the form. Include first and last name of
person contacted and phone number.
(E) Enter a requisition number or project name or number. Use the buyer's name and indicate
recommended vendor on your requisition form.Quotation forms should then be filed with the
purchase documents.
(F) Vendor authorization form is made by financial services on the recommendation of the
requesting department personnel.
(G) Order is confirmed and purchase order is issued, if appropriate.
(H) Quote documentation is filed according to department procedures.
(7) Greater than fifty thousand dollars—Sealed bid.Sealed bids are required whenever the cost of
materials,supplies,equipment or services exceeds fifty thousand dollars. Duties for bidding process
are specified via resolution.The board of commission will be notified when contract award during a
regular board meeting.
(8) Freight. Each department is responsible for due diligence when accepting freight on behalf of the
county.The following shall apply.
(A) Shipping Terms.When shipping an item that will incur freight charges,always request that it be
shipped FOB destination,freight prepaid.This means that the carrier owns the merchandise until
it reaches your door and there won't be a separate invoice for freight. If anything should happen
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to the merchandise during shipping,the carrier is responsible for filing the claims, instead of the
county. FOB determines at what point the ownership transfers. If an item is FOB origin,the
county owns the merchandise from the point of shipping while it is in transit. Freight prepaid or
collect refers to who is responsible for paying shipping charges-the county or the seller.
(B) Receiving Freight. It is the responsibility of the individual who signs for UPS or carrier's delivery
receipt to properly receive all cartons they are signing for.Anyone who accepts and signs for
receipt of goods, acknowledges that the item was received and accepted as delivered.
(i) Get what you sign for:
a. Confirm the package or carton is being delivered to the proper location.
b. Verify the number of cartons, crates or pieces is correct according to quantities
on the packing list.
C. Sign the delivery slip legibly.
d. Open packages and verify order is correct.
(C) Damaged Cartons.
(i) Visible Damage.Any person receiving freight must make a notation on the carrier's delivery
receipt of apparent damage to packages.The specific type of damage should be stated on
the delivery receipt and obtain the driver's signature(not just initials)on your copy of the
receipt.This is an example of why it is important that freight be FOB destination so that the
vendor files all claims.
(i i) Concealed Damage. If the shipment of goods received showed no sign of damage upon
receipt, but damage to the contents is found upon opening, concealed damage exists.
Action for concealed damage:
a. Call the carrier immediately upon discovery of the damage and request an
inspection. Notate the date and the person contacted.
b. All shipping cartons should be retained for inspection on any damage.
C. When making a request for an inspection, advise the carrier whenever possible
what the value of the damaged goods is. If the value is less than fifty dollars,
most carriers will frequently waive inspection. Indicate person contacted on the
claim form.
d. When an inspection is made, specific damages should be notated by both
parties and signed by both on the inspection report.
(Res. No. 106-16,§ III(Att.A), 12-20-2016)
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October 18, 2021
Undersheriff Travis Adams
Mason County Sheriff's Office
Email: TAdams@masoncountywa.gov
Off: 360-490-4461
Undersheriff Adams,
Thank you for your interest in our IAPro software for use by the Mason County Sheriffs Office.
I have prepared the below price quote covering costs with implementing IAPro and optional
Blue Team software at your agency.
I would be glad to answer any questions you may have on this proposal.
IAPro Price Quote
Item Purchase costs
IAPro Professional Standards software includes:
• Unlimited-use Site License c Unlimited
number of users
• Unlimited number of workstations
• Installation
• Pre-Load of employee information $ 8,000.00
2 Days On-Site or Remote Training
• IAPro User training
• System Configuration with core users $ 2,400.00
Travel Expenses for Trainer $ Included
Total for IAPro Software and Services $ 10,400.00
Optional BlueTeam
BtueTeam Field Support Services Software
• Unlimited-use Site License ii Unlimited
number of users
• Unlimited number of workstations
• Installation $ 6,000.00
1 Days On-Site or Remote BlueTeam training $ 1,200.00
Mailing Address/Remit Address:P.O.Box 57•Amherst,NH 03031•USA
Toll Free:(800)620-8504 Fax:800.620.8504 Web:kvww.iapro.com
Cl Technologies Inc.is the Sole Source Provider of the IAPro and BlueTeam Software
Travel Expenses for Trainer $ Included
Total with IAPro and Optional Blue Team $ 17,600.00
Annual Maintenance Commencing the 2nd Year of Ownership
IAPro $ 2,000.00
BlueTeam $ 1,500.00
Maintenance Totals $ 3,500.00
Officer Preload
CI Technologies offers a free service whereby we will import your employee information into
the IAPro database, prior to installing IAPro at your agency. This is a one-time service
offered at no additional cost.
Annual Maintenance
The first year of annual maintenance is provided free of charge. Thereafter annual
maintenance is provided on a year-to-year basis and can be discontinued at any time.
The agency's annual maintenance cycle will not commence until training occurs. The first
twelve (12) months of annual maintenance is provided free of charge.
Unless requested otherwise by the agency, the first maintenance invoice will be prorated to
bring the agency's invoice cycle up to a January thru December calendar year. Thereafter,
annual maintenance is invoiced on a calendar year basis, and will be disseminated each year
in January.
Annual maintenance includes all end user and technical support via our 800 # and our online
support website as well as any associated technical or user documentation. Annual
maintenance also includes all new versions of the IAPro software.
Important Note
The purchase of the IAPro system does not include hardware, OS licensing or SQL Server
Most agencies that purchase IAPro have an existing server with existing Microsoft SQL Server
licensing. IAPro can be installed on your existing hardware and within your existing SQL
Server instance.
Mailing Address/Remit Address:P.O.Box 57•Amherst,Ntl 03031•USA
Toll Free:(800)620-8504 Fax:800.620.8504 Web:www.iapro.com
Cl Technologies Inc.is the Sole Source Provider of the IAPro and BlueTeam Software
Employee Preload
CI Technologies offers a free service whereby we will import your employee information into
the IAPro database, prior to installing IAPro at your agency. This is a one-time service
offered at no additional cost.
IAPro training is conducted by an IAPro training specialists. Each IAPro training specialist is a
current or former law enforcement professional with extensive investigative experience.
IAPro training is heavily oriented towards hands-on usage. To this end, a special "training"
version of IAPro is installed on each workstation used for training. This is a full-featured
version of IAPro with demo/training database installed on the workstation hard drive. It is
strongly recommended that there be one trainee per training workstation. An LCD projector
is also needed for training.
HR Integration
If quoted in this proposal, the HR Integration process will be written as a SQL Stored
procedure and will integrate data from an existing SQL Server data source containing the
needed employee data elements.
*The integration process will bring in data elements that map to existing data elements
within IAPro. New data elements will not be added.
See the "HR Integration Overview" document for details on this process.
Data Migration
The purchase price of IAPro and Blue Team does not include data migration of existing data.
If the agency requests a quote can be provided for this service.
Considerations Regarding our Solution
Four aspects of our solution are distinctive and set us apart from our competitors. They are:
Unlimited use licensing - there are no additional or hidden additional licensing costs: IAPro
pricing is for unlimited use licensing in terms of both the number of users that can run the
software concurrently, and the number of workstations the applications can be run on. Our
pricing model ensures maximum flexibility for the customer, with all licensing costs paid at
Mailing Address/Remit Address:P.O.Box 57•Amherst,NH 03031•USA
Toll Free:(800)620-8504 Fax:800.620.8504 Web:www.iapro.com
CI Technologies Inc.is the Sole Source Provider of the IAPro and BlueTeam Software
point of initial purchase. The customers will never have to purchase additional licensing based
on increased or unforeseen future usage requirements. This is important since the
participation of front-line personnel - especially supervisors - is crucial in upholding the
integrity of the organization, and to constrain their use of the software would greatly limit, if
not cripple, its effectiveness.
A three-day annual user's conference is offered to our customers: Each year since 2004, CI
Technologies has hosted an Annual Users Conference for our IAPro customers. Our most recent
conference saw over 600 attendees. Each conference consists of a multitrack format that,
includes tracks for beginner-level users, advanced users, and users with specialized interests
such as designing early intervention programs.
These conferences are a key part of the support services offered to our customers, and meet
the following needs:
• Training of new customer staff based on turnover - Inevitably over time our customers
will experience turnover in staff, which requires that training be available on an
ongoing basis.
• Advanced training - Many customers benefit from advanced training, especially in-
depth coverage of features found in new releases of the software.
• Networking with peers - In order to share ideas and approaches to utilizing our
• Providing feedback directly to the vendor's staff - The opportunity to provide
feedback and suggestions directly to our staff is highly valuable to both our customers
and our company. This ensures that we have up-to-date information on how best to
improve our software and services.
Our Growing Customer Base: Over 950 public safety agencies in the US, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand currently run IAPro and IAPro with BlueTeam. These agencies range in size from
major to one-person IA Units in smaller departments. The size of our customer base reflects
our leading position in the Professional Standards software marketplace.
Purchase Orders
Training and installation are scheduled on a first-come-first-served basis.
Mailing Address(Reniit Address:P.O.Box 57•Amherst,NH 03031•USA
Toll Free:(800)620-8504 Fax:800.620.8504 Web:www.iapro.com
Cl Technologies Inc.is the Sole Source Provider of the IAPro and BlueTeam Software
Due to our current sales backlog, we request to be notified as soon as possible once a
purchase decision has been made. Please be sure to fax any purchase orders to us at
800.620.8504 for expeditious handling of your order.
This price quote will remain in-effect through June 30, 2022. Please call or email if you need
additional information or have any questions. Thank you again for your interest and
Best Regards,
Timothy Welter
Off: 1.800.620.8504 x728
Mailing Address[Remit Address:P.U.Box 57•Amherst,NH 03031•USA
Toll Free:(800)620-8504 Fax:800.620.8504 Web:www.iapro.com
Cl Technologies Inc.is the Sole Source Provider of the IAPro and BlueTeam Software
FROM: Diane Zoren/Jennifer Baria
DEPARTMENT: Central Services/EDC EXT: 747
BRIEFING DATE: November 15, 2021
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Approval to consider additions to the Mason County Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy (CEDS) List.
The 2021-2022 CEDS list was adopted by Resolution 2021-048 and Mason County has
received the following requests to be added to the CEDS list:
1) Port of Allyn — Port of Allyn Main Well Replacement Project - $450,000
2) PUD 1 —Jorstad Substation - $6 million
3) Belfair Water District #1 — Backup Emergency Generators - $197,000
4) Belfair Water District #1 — New Well for Belfair UGA Commercial Core - $550,000
With the number of requests to amend, the Commission asked the EDC to reopen their
CEDS process to allow all partners to submit new projects, assess the applications, and
update the Project List with the new submissions. In addition to the four projects
submitted directly to the County, the EDC received an additional four applications. The
EDC is re-submitting the re-opened CEDS Project List for approval.
BUDGET IMPACTS: None unless awarded County funds
Approval to amend the Mason County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
(CEDS) List.
Briefing Summary 11/9/2021
Organization ; %of funding Funding From State, Year
.................. ............................ . .. .......... Phase
Mason Count PW Mason County,CrtY o(Brem•rtan ..... ......... ......... ...........n"i..............__.._Jj
.......... ..... ...... ........................ .. __ .._........... ....
y 16.07% Belfair Sewer,North Extension Belfair Freight Corridor PSIC Ut Ice,Economico«eiopment
/ g / 14,000,000 00 $1,000 000 City of $2,250 000 State Final Design/Construction 2018
Bremerton 250000 construction
...................._...... ........ .. .................-�....._.._ _.._..1 .s ......................................._.................................. ... ._...................................
Mason County PUD No.l Bonn«ilb Power Administratlon,Mason County 37.09% :Manzanita Substation '.ptilinn !�������������
PUoS $ 3,361,175.00 $ 2,114,658.00 $ 1,246,517.00 PUD electrical bonds Design i 2020
____... ... .. ........__ ........................ ._. ....... .. ..... ......... ....._... ............... ......... ...........__..._...._ funds
and reserve
Mason Count PUD No. ....40,48% Union Regional uuim«... r................................_.............__ .._... .-........_.__ .. ......... ......... .................
y gional Water System Consolidation:Project B"Union: $ 84,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 34,000.00 PUD Reserves Construct ort 2020
!Ridge Water Main"
Mason County PUD3 Bon«iii•Power Administration,tonal I g0.00% (Substation:Belfair lUtilkln I$10,000,000- $6,000,000-18,000,000 $4,000,000- System Capacity Fee Planning Design 2020
D«•Inpers,Port of Shehonn Zj 30,000,000 12,000,000
Mason County PUD3 Bonwlll•Power Administratlo,tool 40.00% Substation:Dayton Shelton lumttw $ 10,000,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 $ 4,000,000.00 System Capacity Fee Planning Design 2020
Dwlop•rs,Port of Shehon
Mason County PUD3 Bonn«III•Power Admininrauon,Inca 40.00% Substation:Potlatch lutdnis $ 3,000,000.00 $ 1,8D0,000.00 $ 1,200,000.00 System Capadty Fee Planning Design 2020
D«Nop•n,Port of Shelton
Mason County PUD No.1 44.50% (Agate Beach Mainline Replacement Protect :utilities $ 900,620.00 $ 499,864.00 $ 400,756.00 PUD water bonds Design 2020
Mason County PUD No.1 Washington scat,D•partm•m of H•akh 50.00% !Shadowod Reservoir&Booster Station iUtllltie $ 2,500,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 DOH&PUD water Design Construction 2021
bonds proceeds
Mason County PUD No.1 Washington State Department of Heakh 50.00% Canal View Water Systems Rehabilitation I utilities,Public safety $ 468,260.00 $ 234,125.00 $ 234,135.00 DOH Drinking Water Planning Design Construction 2021
Revolving Fund
Belfair Water District 57.89% :New Well Belfair UGA and commercial core itnlliti•s $ 950,000.D0 $ 400,000.00 $ 550,000.00 PUD operating and Design 2021
._._.__-_--_. ....... reservefunds
.........................:.........................._._.............................................................................................................._............_....._...._........__.............................._.... -__..__. __ _ .................. ..... - __ -_...._......................................s ...s .................................................._..........................................
Mason County PUD3 65.58% iUnion Regional Water System Consolidation:Project B IUHlkin $ 581,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 381,000.00 PUD Reserves Planning Design Construction 2020
"Vuecrest&Union Ridge Intertie Project"
Mason County PW DDT,Mason Tramit,Utllhles 70.00% ;Trails Road Alternative-Razor Road Extension `:UHlitw,Tnmpo"""Public Safety,Unit $ 2,500,000.00 $ 750,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 State Design Construction i 2018
I Us•,is mic D«eiopmem
Belfair Water District NMFA 76.65% ;Backup Emergency Generators
=Utilkias o $ 257,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 297,000.00 PUDoperatingand Construction 2021
._..__................._._..._..............................___.._.____._...—i__ _ _.__.._.__.............................................................................. _........ .......................... __.... ....................... _.
reserve funds
Nortn eav Hb[odgl ..... ..._. ..... .. .....
Port of Allyn sociwy I 69.38% ;Sargent Oyster House ;Tounen $ 712,000.00 $ 218,000.00 5 494,000.00 Construction 2020
.._...._...._.._ ___..__..._.............................................__._..__._._._..—._..__........____..._....I..._.._.._—_...--_—.. —------__i_.........._.............__........................__.._—__�.__—_—_ _ __............_____...____
5quavin Hlaod Trio. t t —__....._...._..._...._.._............................................................._....__....__.._ ___._..._ .........._�....__..
CRy of Shehon 80.00% Membrane Treatment Plant Phase 1 Capacity Expansion ;Utllitb,Public safety,Land W, $ 7,500,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 City Rates&General Planning 2021
I Design and Construction Inelronmemal,Economic D«•lopm•m Facilities Charges
Mason County PUD No.1 80.23% Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project F ilnilitla $ 440,000.00 $ 87,000.00 $ 353,000.00 PUD Bonds or loans Design 2020
! "Alderbrook Mainline Replacement" i
Mason County PW DOT,Munn Tramit,e.Rair Communitv,utilities, 83.33% SR3 Freight Corridor-Romance Hill Connector itltilkl«,T.,spurtation,Publicsafecy,rand $ 1,320,000.00 $ 220,000.00 $ 1,100,000.00 State Design Construction 2018
PAC 'Us•,Economic D«elopmem
Port of Allyn Dept of Ecology 83.33% Replacement Well utilities I$ 600,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Credit line at bank, Design 2021
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ort water fund
Belfair Water District Mason coumy,EF w•rton 90.00% New Well-Pressure Zone 2 Innnl« �$ 500,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 450,000.00 BWD researve funds Design Construction 2021
__'.___._......___._—_____._........................._._...__._.._......_.._.�__ _. ---.............."_........." '-------'-----___._._.._._'...._.................... ..........................-.....................................--___.._..____.._._ _-__......_......_...._....—..___._..._..--..................._.._._._...__—.._-.._...................._.._................t........__._
Mason County PUD No.1 WA DNR %.03% lorstad Substation lutilnl« $ 6,300,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 PUDoperating and Design 2021
reserve funds I
Mason County PUD No.1&3 Bon«ill•Power Adminirtratto,Mason[curdy 300.00% :Electrinl System Intertie PUD3-PUD3 Iutilnla I$ 259,470.00 $ - $ 259,470.00 PUD operating and Construction I 2020
i reserve funds
Mason County PUD No.3 W50DT I 1D0.00% Hwy 1D8 Fish Culvert Projects Utiihies.Public Safety,Trampottatim, '$ 250,000.00 $ - $ 250,000.00 Internal Planning Design 2021
Mason County PUD No.1 Washington Star,D•p—nurm of Health 100.00% Lake Arrowhead Main Line Replacement U[111 les,Public safety $ 1,373,344.44 $ $ 1,373,344.44 PUD Reserves Planning Design Construction 2021
---.._ _........Ho .........--...................................__-.._-.._.._—... ...... ..__—..
Mason CountyPUD No.3 Hoodz Canal communiratiom,Inberone,NoaH•[, 100.00% Rural Broadband-Fiberhads iutnm«,Public Salery,H•akhran,Economic 000,000.00 buamnses,rxudenu,community groups wkhln i D«•iopm•nt !$ 5, $ $ 5,000,000.00 State Planning Design Construction 2018
ro•a areas !
Mason —_.__.P_...1..................................._...._ __ _.._.._._�.. ___.:......_._............ ___._.___. ...__________............................................._____ _..._.._......._.....................................__......................__
Mason CountyPUDl t_____.. _ ..... ............_.._.... !...._................................0........
I 100.00% Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project iUtllm•s :$ 500,000.00 $ $ 500,000.00 PUD goods or loans Design Construction 2020
I"Manzanita Reservoir Mainline ! '
Mason County PUD1 10000% 1 Union Regional Water System Co IdAi- P IedE itltllki•a 796,000.00 $ $ 796,000.00:PUDBondsorloan5 Design 2020
"Ald......................._,.... ....- ................................................................................ �. erbrook MamlineReplaceme t —,.,,,,
City of Shelton Evergreen Town Square Community Dex•lopm m $ 1,500,000.00 1 Design Construction 2019
City of Shelton squatln 6undTrMe 1 North Diversion Sewer Lift Station and Force Main lutlikiea $ 10,500,000.00 $ - Planning 2021
City of Shelton 7th Street Reconstruction $ 1,500,000.00 $ - Planning 2021
City of Shelton sew.in Island Tnb• 'Water Reclamation Plant Headworks Capacity Upgrades :tnnnl« $ 3,750,000.00 $ 187,500.00 $ 3,562,500.00 Planning 2021
City of Shelton Sit uayln Island robe Water Reclamation Plant Membrane Filter Replacements iWilitles !$ 5,000,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00 Planning 2022
Mason County PUD3 WSDOT Duckabush Bridge Replacement 'UtllRles,Tramportrtlon,Pubic safety,Ud $ 1,000,000.00 $ - $ 1,000,000.00 Planning 2020
......._..____._.................__......._.__._............... .... ................I.........._._--..._.. ...............___._... ......... ..._.............._.. _...._.......
_..._. __.._.... ___....___... .............................. ........ ....... ... ... .. ........ .........
eonowille row«Admmleration,Ind Union Re Zonal Waters stem Consolidation:ProectA $ 1,039,200.00 $ $ 1,039,200.00 De nConstruction 2020
Mason County PUD3 8 y 1 :Utlla4s 6
D«N—is.PM W She- 'MiMinita Water Reservoirs"
....._.... __......__.._._.........._...._..____ ' ....... ._.... __. __..____ ........ _____..___ ___..._....._..............._.....
Mason County PUD1 ;Union Regional Water System Consolidation:Project E I$ 353,000.00 $ - $ 353,000.00 Resign 2023
U illtNs
"Alderbrook Mainline Replacement"
...._.............._........................._..........._._.._........................_..........................................................................._.........__ .__....._ ......... - ..._'__ ......._ .. ._ "-__ ........................................ ........................._.___ ................................. ........ .. _ .. .. 0 ..... on r ........... ...................
Mason County PUD3 Noad6ml comet,[Fiber comet,Advanced jColoquallum Communities Rural Broadband Fiber Project ahllais,Public Afety,Emnomic Dweiopm•m$ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,000,000.00 Construction 2021
Stream,14-Net,businesses,residents j
Mason County PUD3 Energy Northwnt,WSDOT,MTA lElectrlc Vehicle Infrastructure uotNi,ile,rnmportrtion,Eronomk $ 100,D00.00 $ $ 100,000.00 Planning 2020
Mason County PUD3 CM of sheeoo,Mason Cwrdy,WSDOT,BOAS I ILED Streetlight Upgrades Wilkiea,Trarnpor i,xi,Sete,,Perks&Tralk,l$ 100,D00.00 $ $ 100,000.00 Planning Design Construction j 2020
Ewimnmental i
Mason County PW Mason Coumy i Belfair W RF Critical Equipment Replacement Project �UtllRln,Public safety,Emironm•ntal, i$ 370,800.00 $ $ 370,800.00 Construction ! 2021
j1 Economc Dwelopmem
Masan County PW Mason County Betfair W RF Resiliency Project 1Utlllties,Publicsafiny Ewironmemal, j$ 300,DOD.00 $ - $ 300,D00.00 Construction 2021
Economic 0welo mend
p I
....__.._.._....................._.................................._. .........................................................................._........._............................................................................................................................................................_.................................ubli.........ety....................ent...........................__..__.............0..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.....................
Mason County 'Mason Plan Update Utllkln,Public Sa/ety,Ewironm•md,
Mason County PW p $ 250,000.00 $ $ 250,000.00 Planning 2021
!E—kitc Dev.l,kin.nt i
Mason County PW Mason Coemy j North Bay Use Inlet WRF GSP/FP Update wniuiw,Pvmk sarety,rand us•, $ 106,000.00 $ $ 206,D00.00 Planning 2021
Emlronm•ntal,Emnomic D—l"kient
Mason County PW ooT,Port oI AINn,Masan Tssne,uNn SR3 Complete Street Improvements and Intersection Control 1MIlnles,Tranpartatbn,tend us•,Ewnomk TBD $ Planning 2018
C`"""u"m' jAnalysis(lU) ID•"drn
oP •nt
Mason Transit Authority WSDOT,Mason Coumy 'Allyn Transit Center Planning project Joirepartation $ 50,000.00 $ Planning 2019
Mason Transit Authority 'Construct Maintenance Wash Facility 'Transportation $ 500,000.D0 $ $ 500,000.00 Design Construction 2019
i � I
Mason Transit Authority WSDOT,Masan DourltylHoaAport Master Plan I Hoodsport Transit Center Planning iTraroParsstion j$ 50,000.00 $ - Planning 2018
Mason Transit Authority 'Johns Prairie Facility Upgrade/Construction 1Tcenport,tion $ 2,500,000.00 $ $ 2,500,000.00 Design Construction I 2019
._._...................................................................................................._..........................................................j..................................__.....-........._........................._........_......_................................................................_................................................................................. .................................................._._._._... _ ............................ .......
Port of Allyn (Port Security 'umme,Pubic Safety ;$ 60,000.00 $ - $ 60,D00.00 Planning Design 2020
omit Dw•lo m•M Plennl:Eton N ': 2018
P Aviation Business Park 20 000 000.00
Port of Shelton I$ S -
--......_..__.......___..._.__.._._.......---- ---'-"--'----.._.._..____........___..._....._....................................................—._...................................................._........................}_.................._...._.............._..........................................'................_............_ ............_......_.—._._......._........................................_..__.._......._........._...._.............._....._._.............._...................................................... ........
Port of Shelton Tenant Consolidation&Expansion 1Eccno cDevelopment $ 3,000,000.00 $ Manniry 2018