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2021/06/14 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF June 14, 2021 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. coU��� 1854 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Lisa Frazier DEPARTMENT: Treasurer EXT: 484 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Resolution to Amend Resolution #40-08 — adding two additional recording cash drawers in the Auditor's Office. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): The Auditor's Office (Recording Department) has requested to add two additional cash drawers at$50 totaling an additional $100 and bringing their cash drawers from 2 to 4 totaling $200. Resolution #40-08 requires amending to update as requested. The Treasurer has approved the request. BUDGET IMPACT: Reduces the Auditor's (Recording Department) 2021 budget by $100. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) N/A RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the attached resolution amending Resolution #40-08. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Briefing Summary 6/8/2021 RESOLUTION NO TO AMEND RESOLUTION #40-08 MASON COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE CASH DRAWERS WHEREAS,Resolution No.40-08 amended Resolution No.127-00 and established two(2)cash drawers at $50 each totaling$100 for the Recording Department of the Mason County Auditor's Office WHEREAS,the Auditor's Office finds that they now need four(4)cash drawers at$50 each totaling$200 for the Recording Department WHEREAS, Resolution#33-07 authorizes that all requests or changes in petty cash funds be submitted to the Mason County Treasurer for review and approval before coming to the Board of County Commissioners for approval in an open public meeting WHEREAS,the Treasurer of Mason County has reviewed and approved the changes as submitted in this resolution to amend Resolution No.40-08 WHEREAS,on approval this resolution by the Board of County Commissioners,the Mason County Auditor is authorized to voucher$100 from the Recording Department Current Expense budget to fund the new cash drawers. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the Mason County Commission that Resolution#40-08 is amended to establish the cash drawers for the Recording Department in the Mason County Auditor's Office as follows: Recording Department (4)Cash Drawers$50 each for a total of$200 DATED this day of June,2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin,Chair Sharon Trask,Commissioner Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Attest: McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Approved as to form: Tim Whitehead,Chief Deputy Prosecutor Cc: Auditor,Auditor's Finance,Treasurer Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management ' ° �lr `- th Commissioner Administration 411 North 5 Street WA 98584 Emergency Management Shelton Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Labor Relations Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES June 14, 2021 • Specific Items for Review o May Financials -Jenn o Final review of 2022 Budget Guidelines -Jenn 0 2022 Budgeted Rates for Internal Cost Allocations, Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges, Motor Pool, & Unemployment—Jenn o Take Home Vehicle Request for Jeremy Seymour—Jenn o Open Space information from Russell Williams/Bernadine Knutz—Diane o Consider increasing Current Use application fee to keep up with increased recording fee— Diane o Parks &Trails Comp Plan Update - Ross o Building 10 change order for permanent certificate of occupancy- Frank o Consideration of reclassification for Assessor and Auditor's Office - Frank o Support Services Reorg and Reclass requests— Frank • Commissioner Discussion J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\2021\2021-06-14 FP.docx MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: May 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Review of Cash Balances, and Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for all County Funds through May 2021. BUDGET IMPACTS: Budget to Actual Comparison of 2020 & 2021 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: May 2021 J:\Budget OfficeTriefng,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2021\Briefng Summary 6.14.2021 -May 2021 Financial Report.doc #185-1 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY MAY2021FINANCIAL REPORT J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 1 +A COONT MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL s.. REPORT MAY2021 2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Revenue Comparison Revenue Revenue Department Name 2020 Budget Collected Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget Collected Uncollected %2021 Actual dif 2020 Through End Through End vs 2021 of Month Revenue of Month Revenue WSU Extension 19,000 11,937 (7,063) 63% 23,500 11,925 (11,575) 51% (12) Assessor 7,000 35 (6,965) 1% 7,000 12,688 5,688 181% 12,653 Auditor 11029,190 553,367 (475,823) 54% 1,130,017 1 468,087 (661,930) 41% (85,280) Emergency Management 64,648 3,863 (60,785) 6% 118,762 1,020 (117,742) 1% (2,843) Facilities&Grounds - 200 200 0% - 326 326 0% 126 Human Resources - - - 0% - - - 0% - Clerk 328,058 74,318 (253,740) 23% 366,348 97,929 (268,419) 27% 23,611 Commissioners - - - 0% - 725 725 0% 725 Support Services 700 66 (634) 9% 700 - (700) 0% (66) District Court 978,652 376,992 (601,660) 39% 1,010,757 537,098 (473,659) 53% 160,107 Community Development 1,790,810 877,150 (913,660) 49% 2,177,600 1,337,882 (839,718) 61% 460,733 Historical Preservation - - - 0% 76,000 59,362 (16,638) 78% 59,362 Parks&Trails 44,000 12,150 (31,850) 28% 44,000 9,747 (34,253) 22% (2,403) Juvenile Court Services 11161,972 452,375 (709,597) 39% 1,161,438 563,788 (597,650) 49% 111,413 Prosecutor 192,951 68,830 (124,121) 36% 248,575 77,404 (171,171) 31% 8,574 Child Support Enforcement 209,515 77,029 (132,486) 37% 159,126 51,154 (107,972) 32% (25,875) Coroner 35,000 11,200 (23,800) 32% 35,000 21,280 (13,720) 61% 10,080 Sheriff 1,126,875 435,498 (691,377) 39% 1,000,835 395,574 (605,261) 40% (39,924) Indigent Defense 204,767 71,021 (133,746) 35% 240,767 87,276 (153,491) 36% 16,255 Superior Court 68,927 9,086 (59,841) 13% 68,350 70,436 2,086 103% 61,350 Family Court 2,500 696 (1,804) 28% 2,500 912 (1,588) 36% 216 Therapeutic Court 610,884 156,643 (454,241) 26% 636,507 167,226 (469,281) 26% 10,583 Murder Expenditures - - - 0% - - - 0% - Treasurer 26,348,450 11,711,065 (14,637,385) 44% 26,206,041 13,297,530 (12,908,511) 51% 1,586,465 Non Departmental 3,829,804 1,141,055 (2,688,749) 30% 4,303,486 1,410,381 (2,893,105) 33% 269,327 Motor Pool - - - 0% 447,202 314,145 (133,057)1 70% 314,145 Totals $ 38,063,703 $ 16,044,574 $ (22,009,129) 42% $ 39,464,611 $ 18,993,895 $ �(200,470,616) 48% 2,949,322 U»atrdifed * enchmark for onYh is J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 2 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY -SJ FINANCIAL REPORT MAY 2021 Treasurer Department Receipts Treasurer##001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021 YTD This Month %2021 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 10,383,385 5,558,988 1,198,462 54% 11,546,496 6,465,664 1,051,517 56% SALES TAX TITLE PROPERTY - - 0 0% - - 0 0% LOCAL RETAIL SALES&USE TAX 6,000,000 2,410,545 487,804 40% 6,250,000 3,133,506 740,012 50% LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY-CITY 37,000 19,326 3,368 52% 37,000 20,662 4,394 56% CRIMINALJUSTICE 600,000 301,907 58,448 50% 750,000 370,213 85,086 49% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 35,000 7,405 0 21% 26,000 8,396 0 32% FOREST EXCISE TAX 225,000 24,787 24,787 11% 100,000 149,725 149,725 150% FRANCHISE FEES 520,000 242,238 85,096 47% 500,000 239,791 117,610 48% PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAX/B OF L 289,000 - 0 0% 315,000 - 0 0% PUD PRIVILEGE TAX 725,000 - 0 0% 735,000 - 0 0% DNR OTHER TRUST 2 100 12 0 12% 100 23 0 23% CITY-COUNTY ASSISTANCE 1,415,000 388,157 0 27% 1,415,000 496,212 0 35% DNR PILT NAP/NRCA 4,000 - 0 0% 4,000 - 0 0% CRIMINALJUSTICE-COUNTIES 680,000 370,314 0 54% 700,000 383,183 0 55% ADULT COURT COST-JUVENILE OFFE 5,000 2,058 412 41% 5,000 1,606 0 32% CRIMINAL JST-MARIJUANA ENFORCE 85,000 21,238 0 25% 85,000 21,410 0 25% DUI-OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE A 15,400 7,212 0 47% 14,500 8,550 0 59% LIQUOR/BEER EXCISE TAX 116,920 35,393 0 30% 125,000 83,848 0 67% LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD PROFITS 205,000 80,179 0 39% 200,000 50,071 0 25% IN LIEU OF-CITY OF TACOMA 190,000 31,951 0 17% 190,000 103,245 34,415 54% TREASURER'S FEES - 15 8 0% - 15 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-MASON LK DIST 475 - 0 0% 360 - 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-SPENCER LK FND 0 0% 100 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-ISLAND LK FND 120 0 0% 100 0 0% CHARGES FOR SRVCS-MACECOM 1,300 - 0 0% 1,325 - 0 0% RETURNED REMITTANCE(NSF)FEES 2,400 1,200 760 50% 2,500 1,000 520 40% REET COLLECTION FEES 100,000 34,915 8,117 35% 100,000 61,056 13,836 61% REET COLLECTIONS COSTS 9,000 3,130 620 35% 9,000 3,925 930 44% 3 Treasurer#001-260-000 2020 Budget 2020 YTD This Month %2020 2021 Budget 2021 YTD This Month %2021 TREAS.FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSM 15,000 9,125 2,347 61% 15,000 9,665 1,870 64% TREAS OTHER WORD PROCESSING 575 81 4 14% 425 80 3 19% PUBLIC DISCLOSURE CHGS SRVCS 5 - 0 0% 5 - 0 0% DATA PROCESSING SERVICES - 106 0 0% - 100 0 0% GAMBLING TAX PENALTY - 100 0 0% - 200 100 0% REAL&PERSONAL PENALTY 350,000 112,178 22,244 32% 350,000 149,601 30,182 43% PERSONAL PROP FILING PEN 5,000 11,755 3,514 235% 20,000 18,049 7,690 90% PENALTY ON REAL&PERSONAL PRO - 44,365 8,872 0% - 4,113 1,323 0% FAILURE TO LIST PERSONAL PROP - - 0 0% - 19 0 0% INTEREST&OTHER EARNINGS 800,000 302,563 38,466 38% 500,000 58,844 9,S85 12% INVESTMENT SERVICE FEES(TREAS. 25,000 8,180 1,317 33% 20,000 2,264 385 11% INT.ON CONT.NOTES-ACCTS.HELD,S 8,500 6,724 1,227 79% 8,500 4,163 797 49% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX INTEREST - 4 0 0% - 2 0 0% EXCISE INTEREST 50 30 2 61% 50 34 27 67% INV PURCHASED INT - - 0 0% - (812) 0 0% INTEREST ON DELINQUENT PR TAX 650,000 286,283 67,291 44% 600,000 287,511 79,900 48% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TRUST 1,000 3,157 0 316% 10,000 4,631 146 46% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TMBR TRUST 1 500,000 109,359 14,997 22% 250,000 319,418 120,112 128% UNCLAIMED MONEY/PROCEEDS-SALES 60,000 60,945 0 102% 225,000 177,935 0 79% TREASURER TAX FORECLOSURE TRUST 64,000 - 0 0% - - 0 0% CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER 20 350 (43) 1751% 10 (151) (329) -1506% TAX DISTRIBUTION ROUNDING - - 0 0% 10 - 0 0% MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER REVENUE 100 - 0 0% 100 26 0 26% ROAD DIVERSION 2,160,000 1,191,511 263,711 55% 1,080,000 627,639 107,622 58% SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY - (1,514) 0 0% - - 0 0% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 5,000 (298) 0 -6% 2,000 (1,511) 0 -76% TIMBER EXCISE TAX 53,000 5,849 5,849 11% 10,000 15,854 15,854 159% DNR OTHER TRUST 2 50 (955) 0 -1910% 900 (915) 0 -102% OTHER INT-DNR INTEREST 50 27 14 54% 50 17 6 34% RENTS&LEASES/DNR OTHR TRST 1 2,500 20,169 3,544 807% 10 18,655 12,753 186551% SPACE AND FACILITIES LEASES 4,500 - 0 0% 2,500 0 0% Grand Total $26,348,450 $11,711,065 7,301,737 44% $26,206,041 $13,297,530 2,586,0717551% Unaudited*Benchmark for Month is 41.67% 4 aP" MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL MAY 2021 REPORT 2020 vs 2021 Current Expense Expenditure Comparison Expenditures Expenditures Unexended 2020 Budget through End of Unexended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Budget %2021 Actual du1 2020 Department Name g g g g g vs zozl Month Budget Authority Month Authority WSU Extension 291,774 100,069 $ 191,705 34% 313,520 98,235 $ 215,285 31% (1,834) Assessor 1,433,285 565,289 867,996 39% 1,420,286 579,629 840,657 41% 14,341 Auditor 1,569,039 677,480 891,559 43% 1,705,618 625,439 1 1,080,179 37% (52,041) Emergency Management 232,009 111,793 120,216 48% 309,069 122,299 186,770 40% 10,506 Facilities&Grounds 1,309,792 433,141 876,651 33% 1,372,654 502,504 870,150 37% 69,363 HR/Risk Mngt 592,660 228,575 364,085 39% 608,086 212,511 395,575 35% (16,064) LEOFF 100,044 32,957 67,087 33% 100,044 28,888 71,156 29% (4,069) Clerk 1,037,808 421,595 616213 41% 1,108,730 479,865 628,865 43% 58,269 Commissioners 348,669 141,188 207,481 40% 355,610 142,827 212,783 40% 1,639 Support Services 716,397 289,957 426,440 40% 745,933 297,511 448,422 40% 7,554 District Court 1,291,480 486,224 805,256 38% 1,351,019 553,554 797,465 41% 67,330 Community Development 2,258,978 832,827 1,426,151 37% 2,700,009 1,089,908 1,610,101 40% 257,081 Historical Preservation - 0% 16,000 2,810 13,190 18% 2,810 Parks&Trails 547,442 170,943 376,499 31% 563,621 231,318 332,303 41% 60,375 Juvenile Court Services 1,943,451 746,096 1,197,355 38% 2,028,280 766,484 1,261,796 38% 20,388 Prosecutor 1,668,998 595,950 1,073,048 36% 1,876,838 641,900 1,234,938 34% 45,950 Child Support Enforcement 210,658 74,526 136,132 35% 160,462 44,870 115,592 28% (29,655) Coroner 321,934 117,135 204,799 36% 345,276 140,135 205,141 41% 23,000 Sheriff 11,233,473 4,315,381 6,918,092 38% 13,475,735 4,909,249 8,566,486 36% 593,868 Traffic Policing 2,160,000 930,878 1,229,122 43% 1,080 000 661,538 418,462 61% (269,340) Courthouse Security 170,740 56,360 114,380 33% 170,740 87,116 83,624 51% 30,7S6 Indigent Defense 1,127,136 439,025 688,111 39% 1,261,101 480,516 780,585 38% 41,490 Superior Court 986,175 391,506 594,669 40% 1,017,332 515,199 502,133 51% 123,693 Family Court 2,500 1,070 1,430 43% 2,500 - 2,500 0% (1,070) Therapeutic Court 617,849 202,281 415,568 33% 640,495 227,492 413,003 36% 25,211 Murder Expenditures 50,000 - 50,000 0% 50,000 6,110 43,890 12% 6,110 Treasurer 823,053 351,245 471,808 43% 872,579 371,151 501,428 43% 19,907 Non Departmental 4,202,036 1,079,679 3,122,3S7 26% 4,884,779 1,428,904 3,455,875 29% 349,225 Motor Pool 37,438 2,439 34,999 7% 55,968 10,823 45,145 19% 8,384 Transfers Out to Other Funds 913,913 620,258 293,655 68% 91,339 79,993 11,346 88% (540,265) Totals $ 38,199,731 $ 14,415,866 $ 23,782,865 138% $ 40,683,623 $ 15,338,777 $ 25,344,846 38% 9W31 Unaudited*BenchmarkforMonthis41.67% J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 5 MAY 2021 Six Year Specific Revenue Streams Comparison 5/31/2016 5131/2017 5/31/2018 5/31/2019 5/31/2020 1 5/31/2021 Community Development Revenues $ 734,679 $ 634,343 $ 712,380 $ 772,124 877,150 1,337,882 Detention &Correction Services 63,885 14,683 15,277 8,050 45,815 52,739 Current Expense Property Taxes 6,233,415 5,472,096 5,482,515 5,707,655 5,558,988 6,465,664 Road Diversion Property Tax 683,468 854,704 1,213,635 1,235,154 1,191,511 627,639 County Road Property Tax 3,766,309 4,671,437 4,839,226 5,060,153 4,989,998 5,293,793 Current Expense Sales Tax 1,675,850 1,850,299 2,010,239 2,252,892 2,410,545 3,133,506 Criminal Justice Taxes/Entitlements 563,793 590,130 639,256 651,579 702,728 784,963 Rural Sales & Use Tax Fund $ 221,609 $ 243,126 $ 262,474 $ 308,150 318,981 391,919 00,000 2 oo,000 Com Srvcs-Homelessess Preven Filings 171,298 173,528 172,329 254,014 288,402 398,118 400,000 200,000 Lodging (Hotel/Motel)Tax 122,799 121,104 134,570 162,675 138,436 245,586 300.000 150,000 -- --- - - - - ® REET 1 Excise Tax Only 260,241 392,890 435,750 456,106 421,936 691,377 REET 2 Excise Tax Only 260,241 392,890 435,750 456,106 421,936 691,377 750,000 --- -- 500,000 �- 250.000 --- �- J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 6 *1854 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAY2021 REVENUE MONTH 12020 REVENUE 1 2021 REVENUE DIFFERENCE JANUARY $ 455,733.71 $ 571,994.75 $ 116,261.04 FEBRUARY $ 590,257.14 $ 705,713.58 $ 115,456.44 MARCH $ 449,177.66 $ 554,356.28 $ 105,178.62 APRIL $ 427,572.82 $ 561,429.19 $ 133,856.37 MAY $ 487,803.83 $ 740,012.36 $ 252,208.53 JUNE $ 460,999.44 $ (460,999.44) JULY $ 628,587.98 $ (628,587.98) AUGUST $ 702,582.07 $ (702,582.07) SEPTEMBER $ 671,554.81 $ (671,554.81) OCTOBER $ 653,529.82 $ (653,529.82) NOVEMBER $ 703,295.80 $ (703,295.80) DECEMBER $ 652,599.03 $ (652,599.03) TOTAL COLLECTED REVENUE $ 6,883,694.11 $ 3,133,506.16 PROJECTED END OF YEAR REVENUE REVENUE BUDGETED $ 6,000,000.00 $ 6,250,000.00 $ 7,166,889.76 YET TO BE COLLECTED $ (3,116,493.84) ANTICIPATED INCREASE $ 916,889.76 12 MONTH ROLLING AVERAGE CHANG 13.3% PRIOR MONTH 12 MO. ROLLING AVG CHANG 9% J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 7 . arm CoCN� IX54 MAY2021 Six Year Financial Recap Current Expense Recap 5/31/2016 6/31/2017 5/31/2018 5/31/2019 5/31/2020 5/31/2021 Account Receivable from Belfair Sewer 1,200,000 General Fund Operating Reserves 6,520,791 6,817,603 10,044,540 Contingency Reserve 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Technology Replacement Reserves 200,000 200,000 264,295 Equipment&Vehicle Replacement Reserves 525,000 525,000 932,475 Accrued Leave Reserve 520,000 530,805 347,742 Current Expense Unreserved Cash 2,421,805 4,804,148 7,352,979 This Month Current Expense Cash 8,049,183 5,567,459 6,685,419 11,187,596 13,877,555 19,942,030 Adopted Budget on December 31st 40,787,973 38,548,029 36,930,990 41,404,349 49,581,229 53,464,511 Supplemental Appropriations - 2,866 30,000 - 109,432 - Total Budget including Supplementals 40,787,973 38,548,029 36,960,990 41,404,349 49,690,661 53,464,511 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 8,019,728 7,309,944 3,061,750 5,786,719 11,636,958 14,000,000 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 3,219,132 3,196,819 3,261,456 5,738,194 11,491,930 12,780,888 Revenue Budgets 33,632,301 31,238,085 33,899,240 35,617,630 38,053,703 39,464,511 Revenues thru This Month of each year 14,358,400 15,757,704 15,614,970 16,541,721 16,044,574 18,993,895 Budgeted Revenues Received 43% 50% 46% 46% 42% 48% Expenditure Budgets 36,666,979 35,270,322 33,669,534 35,666,155 38,198,731 40,683,623 Expenditures thru This Month of each year 13,574,587 13,454,653 13,206,175 13,313,602 14,415,866 15,338,777 Budgeted Expenditures Expended 37°A 38% 39% 37% 38% 38% 8 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx Special Fund Cash Balances 5/31/2016 5/31/2017 5/31/2018 6/31/2019 6/31/2020 5/31/2021 Rural County Sales&Use Tax Fund (.09) 268,009 255,102 277,382 846,882 595,405 904,517 Auditor's O&M 225,759 192,059 221,351 238,824 256,759 321,989 County Roads Fund 9,861,182 11,276,457 12,344,249 12,743,895 13,264,248 13,289,538 Paths&Trails 225,102 237,349 251,085 262,875 275,515 283,644 Election Equipment Holding 240,907 268,134 199,642 169,485 198,740 239,066 Crime Victims 230,612 222,582 224,422 181,680 203,440 216,329 Victim Witness Activities 86,502 69,804 26,740 27,706 29,683 21,736 Historical Preservation Fund 47,791 36,612 38,049 36,451 35,653 Community Support Services Fund 474,950 385,943 567,205 770,393 1,037,327 1,271,128 Abatement/Repair/Demolition Fund 264,623 267,164 270,890 275,893 279,478 278,528 Reserve for Technology Fund 94,180 212,254 133,337 48,622 REET&Property Tax Admin Asst 61,488 70,369 64,633 69,894 69,936 76,858 National Forest Safety 92,610 52,381 31,418 55,427 44,339 20,707 Trial Court Improvement Fund 57,386 69,682 94,687 109,543 122,759 82,703 Sheriff Special Funds 294,123 274,063 276,201 248,588 Sheriff's Boating Program 135,935 146,720 Narcotics Investigation 82,734 93,302 Public Health Fund 259,355 318,361 189,763 375,492 719,241 1,194,869 Law Library 83,500 83,846 78,845 75,221 66,522 55,399 Lodging(Motel/Hotel)Tax Fund 311,558 343,541 430,615 585,434 737,269 856,432 Mental Health Tax Fund 1,397,787 1,581,997 1,399,522 1,417,036 1,425,722 1,670,896 Treasurer's M&O Fund 120,233 142,739 148,310 171,322 204,893 99,911 Veterans Assistance 137,618 205,274 200,777 84,634 93,158 144,193 Skokomish Flood Zone 106,136 194,477 211,076 26,678 71,911 22,299 Mason Lake Management District 104,681 115,628 131,436 156,718 132,194 90,716 Spencer Lake Management District 9,114 13,832 Island Lake Management District 15,581 21,340 22,840 25,291 34,270 35,882 Capital Improvement/Reet 1 Fund 537,809 909,333 1,488,833 1,803,722 1,857,555 1,365,087 Capital Improvement/Reet 2 Fund 1,972,841 2,317,626 2,792,763 2,504,766 2,824,422 3,409,108 Mason County Landfill 853,038 840,514 937,693 504,246 794,220 1,771,121 N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility 491,782 777,668 844,896 829,591 1,400,057 1,712,417 N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility Reserve 716 719 726 548 Wastewater System Development 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 3,986 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 63,756 379,619 287,606 335,859 126,414 85,386 Beards Cove Water 253,627 310,573 395,068 429,547 511,073 570,108 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 770,765 171,152 169,682 259,425 878,567 1,282,620 Reserve Landfill 508,770 511,445 496,532 473,696 447,851 444,616 Reserve Beards Cove Ulid 320,407 333,009 348,275 195,110 205,172 211,972 Storm Drain System Development 203,544 54,670 225 187,439 181,156 179,534 Information Technology (1,167) 179,188 330,837 45,934 379,689 369,084 Equipment Rental &Revolving Fund 4,848,476 3,519,358 3,894,403 3,922,585 2,674,404 2,298,695 Unemployment Fund 158,015 192,060 185,624 119,085 119,916 134,328 TOTALS $26,048,040 $27,398,078 $30,011,622 $30,619,5251 $32,530,727 $35,269,254 9 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx MONTHLY FINANCIAL 5 , REPORT MAY 2021 2021 Current Expense and Health Fund Motor Pool Budget to Actual Expenditures FUND OR DEPARTMENT ORIGINAL REVISED YTD MP AVAILABLE % USED APPROP BUDGET EXPENDED BUDGET ASSESSOR 34,908 34,908 14,872 201036 42.60% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0 0 124 -124 0% FACILITIES&GROUNDS 10,377 10,377 9,222 11155 88.87% COMMUNITY SERVICES 46,151 46,151 18,812 27,339 40.76% PARKS&TRAILS 3,555 3,555 4,572 -1,017 128.61% JUVENILE COURT SERVICES 8,480 8,480 2,712 5,768 31.98% PROSECUTOR 6,646 6,646 2,672 31974 40.21% CORONER 25,717 25,717 11,817 13,900 45.95% SHERIFF ADMIN 1,078,726 1,078,726 416,049 662,677 38.57% MOTOR POOL 55,968 55,968 10,823 45,145 19.34% Total 001 GENERAL FUND 1,270,528 1,270,528 491,675 778,853 38.70% COMMUNITY SERVICES HEALTH 59,360 59,360 22,317 37,043 37.60% TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 59,360 59,360 22,317 37,043 37.60% Total GENERAL FUND&SPECIAL FUNDS 1,329,888 1,329,888 513,992 815,896 38.65% Unaudited *Benchmark for month is 41.67% TOTAL MOTOR POOL EXPENDITURES BY ORIGINAL REVISED YTD MP AVAILABLE %OF TOTAL OBJECT CODE APPROP BUDGET EXPENDED BUDGET MOTOR POOL SALARIES & BENEFITS 38,672 38,672 10,479 28,193 27.10% MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 10,300 10,300 43,935 -33,635 426.55% MOTOR POOL FUEL 216,250 216,250 97,666 118,584 45.16% MOTOR POOL LEASE 100 100 172,965 -172,865 172964.53% MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY 6,234 6,234 12,147 -5,913 194.86% MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 79,836 79,836 30,388 49,448 38.06% MOTOR POOL INSURANCE 45,7191 45,719 3,422 42,297 7.49% MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE 559/158 559,158 7,537 551,621 1.35% MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT 373,619 373,619 135,453 238,166 36.25% Total GENERAL FUND & HEALTH FUND 1,329,888 1,329,888 513,992 815,896 38.65% Unaudited *Benchmark for month is 41.67% 10 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAY 2021 2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Revenue Comparison Revenue Revenue Fund Fund Name 2020 Budget Collected Uncollected %2020 2021 Budget Collected Uncollected %2021 Actual dif 2020 No Through End Through End vs 2021 of Month Revenue of Month Revenue 103 Sales&Use Tax 703,500 323,054 (380,446) 46% 728,500 392,443 (336,057) 54% 69,390 104 Auditor's O&M 118,500 27,918 (90,582) 24% 127,500 37,443 (90,057) 29% 9,525 105 County Road 15,862,898 6,580,801 (9,282,097) 41% 17,402,782 1 8,023,208 (9,379,574) 46% 1,442,407 106 Paths&Trails 12,695 5,170 (7,525) 41% 12,695 4,013 (8,682) 32% (1,157) 109 Election Equipment Holdings 38,500 37,007 (1,493) 96% 65,850 11,831 (54,019) 18% (25,176) 110 Crime Victims 41,910 25,551 (16,359) 61% 41,910 43,717 1,807 104% 18,166 114 Victim Witness Activities 55,683 26,003 (29,680) 47% 55,683 1,243 (54,440) 2% (24,759) 116 Historical Preservation 16,000 7,744 (8,256) 48% - 0% (7,744) 117 Community Support Services 1,516,600 965,607 (550,993) 64% 1,675,600 1 1,618,649 (56,951) 97% 653,041 118 Abatement 8,100 1,605 (6,495) 20% 7,920 142 (7,778) 2% (1,463) 120 REET&Property Tax Admin 20,800 8,300 (12,500) 40% 20,250 10,293 (9,957) 51% 1,993 134 National Forest Safety 23,092 21,466 (1,626) 93% 21,457 20,996 (461) 98% (470) 135 Trial Court Improvements 22,800 11,336 (11,464) 50% 22,672 11,326 (11,346) 50% (10) 140 Sheriff Special Funds 102,200 - (102,200) 0% - 0% - 141 Sheriff's Boating Program 208,947 141,468 (67,479) 68% 38,979 31,212 (7,767) 80% (110,256) 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 96,797 87,759 (9,038) 91% 7,500 5,810 (1,690) 77% (81,950) 150 Community Services Health 2,218,822 1,184,700 (1,034,122) 53% 2,340,630 2,349,404 8,774 100% 1,164,705 160 Law Library 25,373 7,177 (18,196) 28% 24,900 9,386 (15,514) 38% 2,209 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 392,000 139,156 (252,844) 35% 392,000 245,649 (146,351) 63% 106,493 164 Mental Health 1,224,328 587,742 (636,586) 48% 1,231,968 1 605,442 (626,526) 49% 17,700 180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 195,025 156,867 (38,158) 80% 199,210 47,565 (151,645) 24% (109,302) 190 Veterans Assistance 145,060 76,744 (68,316) 53% 140,060 84,764 (55,296) 61% 8,020 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 20,500 67,886 47,386 331% 20,500 860 (19,640) 4% (67,026) 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 36,000 20,423 (15,577) 57% 36,500 20,490 (16,010) 56% 67 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 9,114 (5,386) 63% 14,500 8,788 (5,712) 61% (326) 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 10,000 5,367 (4,633) 54% 10,000 5,660 1 (4,340) 57% 294 350 FEET 1 Capital Improvements 1,220,000 433,706 (786,295) 36% 1,220,000 694,101 (525,899) 57% 260,396 351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 1,535,000 438,574 (1,096,426) 29% 1,210,000 843,164 (366,836) 70% 404,590 402 Mason County Landfill 4,209,280 1,709,392 (2,499,888) 41% 4,694,521 2,283,358 (2,411,163) 49% 573,965 403 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 1,835,584 952,161 (883,423) 52% 2,072,857 964,829 (1,108,028) 47% 12,668 404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 1 - (1)1 0% - 0% - 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 320,200 106,137 (214,063) 33% 376,725 105,496 1 (271,229) 28% (641) 412 Beards Cove Water 227,560 94,979 (132,581) 42% 232,793 84,945 (147,848) 36% (10,033) 413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 2,294,500 1,178,458 (1,116,042) 51% 4,307,203 4,637,684 330,481 108% 3,459,225 428 Reserve Landfill 6,000 2,626 (3,374) 44% 6,000 226 (5,774) 4% (2,399) 429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 11,500 5,413 (6,087) 47% 11,500 4,400 (7,100) 38% (1,012) 480 Storm Drain System Development 500 - (500) 0% 500 - (500) 0% - 500 1 Information Technology Dept 751,746 447,805 (303,941)1 60% 962,574 482,452 (480,122)l 50% 34,647 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 3,520,491 985,976 (2,534,515) 28% 3,620,291 81,574 (31538,717) 2% (904,402) 502 Unemployment Fund 73,150 - (73,150) 0% 73,805 - (73,805) 0% Totals $ 39,136,142 $ 16,881,191 $ (22,254,951) 43% $ 43,428,335 $ 23,772,566 $ (19,655,769)1 55% 6,891,3T4 J:\Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 11 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAY 2021 2020 vs 2021 Special and Other Funds Expenditure Comparison Fund Expenditures Expenditures Actual dif 2020 Fund Name 2020 Budget through End of Unexpended %2020 2021 Budget through End of Unexpended %2021 vs 2021 NO. Month Budget Authority Month Budget Authority 103 Sales&Use Tax 639,379 467,765 171,614 73% 663,051 474,580 188,471 72% 6,815 104 Auditor's O&M 134,979 53,674 81,305 40% 88,667 43,426 45,241 49% (10,248) 105 County Road 20,704,939 4,576,098 16,128,841 22% 20,791,930 5,765,739 15,026,191 28% 1,189,641 106 Paths&Trails 1,903 389 1,514 20% 2,238 476 1,762 21% 87 109 Election Equipment Holdings 30,615 477 30,139 2% 52,040 457 51,583 1% (20) 110 Crime Victims 93,234 31,324 61,910 34% 98,649 33,250 65,399 34% 1,926 114 Victim Witness Activities 60,234 20,095 40,139 33% 63,345 3,646 59,699 6% (16,449) 116 Historical Preservation 15,753 1,568 14,185 10% 60,000 48,147 11,853 80% 46,579 117 Community Support Services 1,773,626 623,204 1,150,422 35% 1,787,561 1,393,123 394,438 1 78% 769,919 118 Abatement 54,518 332 54,187 1% 54,336 288 54,049 1% (44) 120 REET&Property Tax Admin 64,283 15,179 49,104 24% 64,672 10,738 53,934 17% (4,441) 134 National Forest Safety 88,092 2,312 85,780 3% 41,457 16,319 25,138 39% 14,007 135 Trial Court Improvements 50,650 138 50,513 0% 51,380 138 51,243 0% - 140 Sheriff Special Funds 597,682 247,346 350,336 41% - - - 0% (247,346) 141 Sheriff's Boating Program 38,187 5,745 32,442 15% 38,890 3,195 35,695 8% (2,551) 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 6,043 5,032 1,012 83% 8,204 3,457 4,747 42% (1,574) 150 Community Services Health 2,286,857 813,463 1,473,394 36% 2,756,733 1,174,901 1,581,832 43% 361,438 160 Law Library 36,365 11,986 24,379 33% 36,272 12,109 24,163 33% 123 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 637,791 142,175 495,616 22% 762,548 155,494 607,054 20% 13,319 164 Mental Health 1,439,941 336,726 1,103,215 23% 1,500,623 330,846 1,169,777 22% (5,880) 180 Treasurer's M&O Fund 269,649 47,327 222,322 18% 293,195 42,450 250,745 14% (4,876) 190 lVeterans Assistance 187,060 50,499 136,561 27% 191,422 40,179 151,243 21% (10,320) 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 48,543 17,911 30,632 37% 53,319 2,693 50,626 5% (15,218) 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 129,000 242 128,759 0% 145,500 3,419 142,081 2% 3,178 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist#3 14,500 - 14,500 0% 19,650 1,750 17,900 9% 1,750 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 29,000 746 28,254 3% 40,650 46 40,605 0% (701) 350 REET 1 Capital Improvements 2,304,898 782,609 1,522,289 34% 1,727,776 1,614,193 113,583 93% 831,584 351 REET 2 Capital Improvements 2,687,427 438,862 2,248,565 16% 2,090,995 581,342 1,509,653 28% 142,480 402 Mason County Landfill 4,333,969 1,560,286 2,773,683 36% 4,876,235 1,917,808 2,958,427 39% 357,522 403 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility 2,124,568 578,536 1,546,032 27% 2,092,382 676,612 1,415,770 32% 98,076 404 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Res 654 - 654 0% - - - 0% - 405 Wastewater System Development - - - 0% 3,986 - 3,986 0% 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 459,233 150,013 309,220 33% 482,065 96,636 385,429 20% (53,377) 412 Beards Cove Water 216,877 55,945 160,932 26% 218,444 59,992 158,452 27% 4,047 413 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 2,166,524 675,906 1,490,618 31% 4,447,667 1 3,764,703 682,964 85% 3,088,797 428 Reserve Landfill 26,168 16,489 9,679 63% 301,780 445 301,335 0% (16,044) 429 Reserve Beards Cove ULID 3,754 939 2,816 25% 4,286 1,072 3,215 25% 133 480 Storm Drain System Development 1,850 411 1,439 22% 1,029 237 792 23% (175) 500 Information Technology Dept 1 999,366 248,660 750,706 25% 961,722 319,638 1 642,084 1 33% 70,979 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 4,128,801 1,612,332 2,516,469 39% 4,567,323 1,966,367 2,600,956 43% 354,035 502 Unemployment Fund 242,484 35,994 206,490 15% 230,005 46,060 183,945 20% 10,067 Totals $ 49,129,396 $ 13,628,732 $ 35,500,664 28% $ 51,672,027 $ 20,605,969 $ 31,066,058 40% 6,977,237 J:1Financials\2021 Financials\2021 May Financial Report.xlsx 12 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: June 7, 2021 ITEM: 2022 Budget Guidelines — Final Review of Draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The call for budgets goes out to departments by the second Monday in July, per RCW 36.40.010. The Board typically sends out budget instructions on the same day as the Auditor's call for budgets. The economic forecast for 2022 is uncertain due to the on-going implications of COVID-19. As the extent of social distancing declines, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that inflation-adjusted gross domestic product (real GDP) will return to its pre-pandemic level by mid-year, this year. Real GDP is expected to increase by an average of 2.6 percent per year over the 2021 to 2025 period. Changes made to the guidelines during the BOCC briefing on June 71h include: • Pg. 1, 11 & 2,d bullets under Revenue Levels': Current Expense Property Tax levy & Roads Property Tax levy will include no increase • Pg. 2, 5th bullet from the bottom under Expenditure Levels': Unemployment rates are attached. Unemployment rates are $200 per FTE based on 2021's adopted budgeted FTE counts. BUDGET IMPACTS: A conservative approach to the 2022 budget is recommended. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Permission to place on the June 22, 2021, Action Agenda for Board Approval and Signature ATTACHMENTS: Budget Guidelines—Draft J:\Budget Office\Briefing, Agenda,& Public Hearing Items\2021\Briefing Summary 6.14.2021 - Budget Guidelines.doc June 22, 2021 To: Elected Officials & Department Heads Re: Mason County Commissioner's 2022 and 2023 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines The following are the Board of County Commissioners guidelines for the Preliminary Budget. Preliminary budgets are due to the Auditor in the Munis Financial System by close of business on Monday,August 9, 2021. The economic forecast for 2022 is uncertain due to the on-going implications of COVID-19. Elected Officials and Department Heads are asked to present a 2022 status quo budget at 2021 adopted budget levels, and a 2023 "shadow budget" at 2022 levels.Approved contractual increases are added to the department's bottom line in a status quo budget. Please implement the following guidelines when developing both 2022 and 2023 Preliminary Budgets: BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (BFB) ■ BFB estimates are attached.Any differences in calculation should be communicated back to the Budget Office. REVENUE LEVELS ■ Current Expense Property Tax levy will include no increase. ■ Roads Property Tax levy will include no increase. ■ Budget with existing fees and service charge schedules; review for proposed fee increases if possible. ■ Grants should be budgeted conservatively with projected amounts to be received within the proper budget year. ■ Interest rates on investments will be .15%. ■Transfers in—Fill out the attached transfer form and send to the transferring department for signature, and return to the budget office.Transfers in without a form or equivalent transfer out offset will not be considered in the budget. ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental revenue budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as an expense in another fund via the attached form. Requests without a form or equivalent offset will not be considered in the budget.This includes departments receiving Mental Health Fund revenue. EXPENDITURE LEVELS ■ Salary& Benefit Projections will be emailed to Departments by the Budget Office. Differences in calculations should be entered into the spreadsheet provided and sent back with an explanation. 1 ■ Wages for union represented employees with signed union contracts should reflect general wage, step, and COLA increases as outlined in the contracts. ■ Wages for non-represented employees shall reflect step increases only.The BOCC may increase non-represented wages at a later date. ■ Wages for Elected Officials shall reflect the increase stated in Resolution No. 39- 19, except for Prosecuting Attorney wages in Resolution No. 22-19, and BOCC wages in Resolution No. 73-12. ■The total dollar amount of salary and benefits for each new position request should be entered on a BARS line titled "2022 Unapproved Budget Request". ■ 2022 Motor Pool rates are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 5xx777 &5xx778) ■ 2022 ER&R vehicle rates are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 545951). ■ Traffic Policing Diversion at$1,080,000—Funding from Roads Property Tax Levy. The BOCC may change the diversion amount during budget preparation. ■ Budget any debt service per the attached Treasurer's Debt Service schedule. ■Transfers out—The attached transfer form is signed by the transferring from department and returned to the budget office for processing during the budget year. ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental expenses budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as revenue in another fund and approved by the other department via the attached form. ■ Human Resources will supply the Benefit Rate Sheet and Medical Allocation (use budget expense accounts ending in 520040 for medical)for 2022 and 2023. Medical budgets should reflect maximum amounts paid by the County times the number of FTE's. ■ 2022 and 2023 Unemployment rates are attached. Rates are$200 per FTE based on 2021's adopted budget FTE counts. Elected Officials do not receive an unemployment rate charge. (Use budget expense accounts ending in 546096). ■ 2022 internal allocation amounts are attached—see tab A-1 (use budget expense accounts ending in 541019). ■ 2022 Information Technology charges are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 545952). ■ 2022 State Auditor Charges are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 541510). ■ Building remodel request forms emailed to departments should be returned to Facilities so that Facilities may budget accordingly. 2 ■ Expenditure authority shall be adopted as two bottom lines for all Elected Officials and County Department budgets, including Special Funds, in accordance with Resolution No. 26-17: one bottom line for the total salaries and benefits and one bottom line for operational expenses. Ending Fund Balance is not an appropriation. ■ Overall expenditures will be reviewed in relation to reserve requirements identified in Resolution No. 58-17. ■ Departments are encouraged to seek out new grant awards.Additional expenditure requests in order to hire a grant writer will be considered by the BOCC. MUNIS BUDGET Prepare your internal budget analysis via any mechanism you prefer in preparation of Munis entry.The Auditor will send processing instructions to submit budgets in Munis. The 2022 Munis budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1—Preliminary Budget Request—Budget Level 1 will be populated with 2021 adopted budget numbers at 1/1/21. Departments may change the numbers to the requested amounts. ■ Budget 2—Auditor's Preliminary Budget—The Auditor will make error correction changes to preliminary budget requests. ■ Budget 3- Maintenance Level Changes(MLC)—This is departments' 2021 adopted budget plus non-discretionary changes, i.e. CBA's in effect, L&I, DRS, and medical changes. Budget Level 3 will be entered by the Budget Office. ■ Budget 4—Policy Level Requests (PLR)—This is the difference between Budget Level 2 and Budget Level 3, and will populate automatically.The Budget Office will email the budget level spreadsheet to departments after August 9th.An explanation or justification and project number should be entered into the 'Comments' and 'Project No.' columns for any amount in Budget Level 4. In addition,the attached project form may be filled out for EACH new"project" requested in the 2022 budget. A project request may include multiple BARS lines, and both revenue and expenses to show how the "project" was derived.The following are considered projects: 1. New staffing request(s) 2. Capital &Vehicle Purchases 3. Operational requests by project 4. All other items over Maintenance Level Changes The 2023 Munis budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1—Enter any changes to the 2022 budget for the 2023 budget. 3 BUDGET NARRATIVES A Budget Narrative should include the following information and is due to the Budget Manager via email (no paper copies) by September 14th: ■ 2020, 2021, and 2022 FTE count, and Organizational Chart ■ FTE position allocations and funding sources, if any ■ Proposed Fee Increases ■ Workload Indicators—include a 3 year history comparison ■ Project Level Changes (Budget Level 4 in Munis—Instructions and training to follow) Countywide trainings will be provided by the Budget Manager in the Commission Chambers on July 1st at 9:00 am.There will be a Zoom option available for training. Departmental budget workshops with the Board will begin in October.The first workshop scheduled will be an overview of the entire budget. Sincerely, BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Commissioner Commissioner 4 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Review of Rates for the 2022 Budget for Internal Cost Allocations, Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges, Unemployment, & Motor Pool EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The budget office prepares several different types of rates for the county's budget each year. These rates serve as a starting point for the budget process. Below is a summary of the rates, and a synopsis of the basis of distribution for each: • Internal Cost Allocations: Allocates indirect costs to all departments and funds based on several different factors. 2022's rates are based on 2020's actual expenditures • Information Technology: Allocates shared county costs for information technology by FTE and phones by number of extensions. 2022s rates are based on 2020's actual expenditures • State Auditor's Office Charges: Allocates the 2022 budgeted amount to each fund based on 2021's adopted budget • Unemployment: 2022's rates are based on the 2021 Adopted Budget FTE numbers. Rates are $200 per FTE. Elected officials are exempt from unemployment • Motor Pool: Rates are based on the estimated cost of leasing and maintaining the County's General Fund and Community Services Health Fleet PUBLIC OUTREACH: Internal Allocations are reviewed by Leo Kim, CPA &Teresa Johnson, CPA BUDGET IMPACTS: Please see the attachments for detailed 2022 budget impacts. Totals: ➢ 2022's Internal Cost Allocations Receivable: $1,750,215 ➢ 2022s Information Technology Rates: $922,720 ➢ 2022's SAO Budgeted Rates: $140,000 ➢ 2022's Unemployment Rates: $73,620 ➢ 2022s Motor Pool Rates: $1,453,691 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request the Board review the rates for Mason County's 2022 annual budget. ATTACHMENTS: Rates for the 2022 Budget for Internal Cost Allocations, Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges, Unemployment, & Motor Pool J:\Budget Office\Briefing, Agenda,& Public Hearing Items\202 I\Briefing Summary 6.14.2021 -2022 Budget Rates.doc Mason County 2022 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan to Departments Plan Notes Using Data from the year ended December 31,2020 Cost Pool:Schedule A shows the summary of indirect costs by allocable department and the summary of the allocation base for total expenditures by department. Allocate Indirect Costs to Departments:Schedule A-1 shows the allocation of indirect costs by allocable department.Total allocated costs are shown in green in column W,allocated costs receivable from departments are shown in yellow in column X,and allocated costs not recoverable from departments are shown in orange in column Y. Assessor:The Assessor's Office expenditures are shown on Schedule A-2.The cost of the assessor's services have not been directly charged to county departments,and is allocated by property tax revenue.See Schedule F. Auditor:The Auditor's Office includes financial services, recording,licensing,and elections. These costs are shown on Schedule B-1. The cost of the financial services office has not been directly charged to County departments,and is allocated by number of 1E lines,shown on Schedule G-1. Facilities&Grounds: Facilities Services(Schedule B-3) provides janitorial and maintenance services to all County funds and departments. Facilities costs to functions other than central services are removed from the allocation. Facilities costs to support the central services were not directly charged to departments during the year and the cost has been allocated by budgeted full-time equivalent employee count(FTE)shown on Schedule E and E-1. Human Resources/Risk Management: Human Resources&Risk Management services are provided to the entire County.The costs for these services(identified on Schedule A-2)are allocated by budgeted full-time equivalent employee count(FTE)shown on Schedules E and E-1.The risk pool premium for insurance is paid from the Current Expense Fund as a non-departmental expense as are all liability claims and lawsuits against the County not covered by the risk pool. Those premiums and claims that are billed to departments directly have been excluded from the allocation. Commissioners and Support Services:The Commissioners and Support Services departments provide support to all county offices.Costs incurred for these functions are shown on Schedule A-2 and allocated to departments by total expenditures, less unallowed costs.See Schedules A and D. Treasurer: Cash management and receipting services(Schedule B-2) have not been directly charged to the County departments.These have been allocated based on journal entry lines coded GCR,shown on Schedule G-2. Non-Departmental Costs:The County incurred costs for several functions during the year that were accounted for separately from the costs of operating departments.Costs for these administrative functions include associations dues,air pollution control,and settlement payments. None of these costs were directly charged to any County department. Non-Departmental costs are shown in Schedule C. Non-County Expenditures:The County provides selected financial services to non-County Special Purpose Taxing Districts,to include Fire,ports,water,cemetery,and hospital.Treasurer and auditor costs for providing these services are allocated on the basis of number of JE lines and removed from the indirect cost charged to county funds. See Schedule A-1.Assessor costs are allocated by property tax revenue.See Schedule F. Unallowed Costs: Unallowed costs include other financing uses(e.g.,operating transfers),prior period adjustment expense,debt service payments,capital purchases,and nonexpenditures.See Schedule D. J:\Budget Adoption Info\2022\2022 Internal Allocations\2022 Internal Allocations.xlsx 1 6/8/2021 Mason County 2022 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2020 Schedule A-2020 Cost Pool 'Indirect Depaitmenta-FDaentiai Services Performed for the Benefit of Other Departments Total 2020 M Other Direct Unall0-ble Indirect Costs Assessor 020 1,289,525 27,220 1,316,745 Auditor-Financial Services 030 1,753,541 1,204,33S 549,206 Facilities&Grounds 055 1,072,920 822,183 250,737 Human Resources/Risk Management 057 546,637 546,637 Commissioners 080 341,002 341,002 Support Services 090 693,769 2,003 695,772 Treasurer 260 772,868 66,559 706,308 Non Departmental 300 4985608 4,67766,276. 309332 6, 9,354 Other Direct Charges to Departments Community Development 125 93,972 93,972 County Road 105 114 114 Community Health Services 150 21,878 21,878 Information Services 500 7,102 7102 5,8 6,769,354 Unallowable Allocation Base Total 2020 YTD Other Direct Department for Total UlredDepartments&Funds Dept/Fund No, Expended Costs Casts ExpendlWrp WSU Extension .,._ ,::'.i 283,617 Auditor-Non Financial Services 030 1,753,541 602,051 1,1S1,489 Emergency Management 050 286,786 286,786 LEOFF 058 61,136 61,136 Clerk 070 1,046,050 1,717 1,047,766 District Court 100 1,292,033 1,292,033 Community Development 125 2,295,387 72,095 2,367,482 Parks&Trails 146 484,923 198 484,724 Juvenile Court Services 170 1,826,780 2,251 1,829,031 Prosecutor 180 1,453,052 1,453,052 Child Support Enforcement 185 179,975 179,975 Coroner 190 315,542 315,542 Sheriff 205 13,528,916 111,495 647,245 12,993,166 Courthouse Security 208 173,983 173,983 Office of Public Defense 240 1,067,818 1,880 1,069,698 Superior Court 250 1,006,710 1,006,710 Family Court 255 1,070 1,070 Therapeutic Court 256 464,136 464,136 Murder Expenditures 258 5,240 5,240 Motor Pool 305 35,098 35,098 Transfers Out 310 2,914,039 2,914,039 - Sales&Use Tax 103 636,975 450,000 186,975 Auditor's O&M 104 96,406 96,406 County Road 105 14,254,520 45 3,930,567 10,323,998 Paths&Trails 106 1,813 1,813 Election Equipment 109 2,060 2,060- Crime Victims 110 81,595 81,595 Victim Witness Activity 114 50,005 50,005 Historical Preservation 116 9,837 9,837 Community Support Services 117 2,475,316 2,475,316 Abatement 118 1,579 1,579 REET Property Tax 120 18,954 18,954 National Forest Safety 134 30,622 30,622 Trial Court Improvement 135 62,718 62,718 Sheriffs Special Funds 140 247,346 247,346 - SherifPs Boating Program 141 31,744 31,744 Narcotics Investigation Fund 142 5,989 5,989 Community Services Health 150 3,332,996 101,709 3,231,287 Law Library 160 31,876 31,876 Lodging Tax 163 487,599 487,599 Mental Health Tax 164 1,222,197 588,087 634,110 Treasurer's O&M 180 202,305 202,305 Veterans Assistance 190 109,216 5 109,211 Skokomish Flood Zone 192 85,729 85,729 Mason Lake Management 194 75,398 75,398 Spencer Lake Management 195 8,738 8,738 Island lake Management 199 9,631 9,631 Public Works Facility Bond 205 1,001,000 1,001,OD0 - MC LTGO 2013 Bond 215 141,034 140,134 900 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 250 2,212,259 74,046 2,138,213 REET 1 350 3,829,620 3,302,764 526,856 REET 2 351 1,661,639 1,401,095 260,544 Mason County Landfill 402 4,574,235 46,370 4,527,865 NBCI Sewer Utility 403 1,865,669 656,527 1,209,153 NBCI Sewer Reserve 404 0 0 WW System Development 405 - - Rustlewood Sewer&Water 411 1,580,059 125,088 1,454,971 Beards Cove Water 412 152,431 29,945 122,487 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 413 7,472,329 1,399,536 6,072,793 Landfill Reserve 428 20,216 20,216 Beards Cove Reserve 429 3,754 3,7S4 Storm Drain System Development 480 1,796 1,796 Information Technology SOD 822,719 49,819 772,900 Equipment Rental&Revolving 501 2,791,705 994,309 1,797,397 Unemployment 502 48,594 48,594 Total Direct Expenditures: 82,228,053 189,483 18,701,869 63,715,667 Remove Auditor's Charges In Direct at Indirects: (1,753,541) (602,051) Unallowable Indirect Expenditures: 61,164 Total Expenditures: 91,930,382 218,705 18,160,981 Mason County Z022 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2020 Auditor(Financial Services) Treasurer Cash Mngt and Central Ops,BOCC,Now Assessor Cost Allocated by cost allocated by number of Facilities Maintenance Human Resources Cost ReceiptingSms cost allocated Dept Cost Allocated to by Schedule A-1-Allocate Indirect Costs to property tax revenues(2020 auditor-recorded JE lines cost allocated by FTE Allocated to departments by number of GCR JE lines total expenditures(2020 Other Direct De artments data 2020 data 2020 data by FTE(2020 data 2020 data data Charges _ Allooted Allocated Total'' Costs Costs Not Fund/ Alloca Receivable Receivable Dept Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Amount sts from De is from Depts 000 Beginning Fund Balance - 3,282 19,994 - - 165 3,498 - 23,492 23,492 010 WSU Extension 393 2,394 2.25 1,488.59 2.25 3,245.29 4 85 283,617 5 992 13,205 13,205 020 Assessor 645 3,929 14.00 9,262.30 14.00 20,192.93 9 191 33,575 33,575 030 Auditor 1,706 10,393 13.00 8,600.71 13.00 18,750.58 459 9,729 1151,489 24,327 71,801 71,801 O50 Emergency Management 513 3,125 1.33 879.92 1.33 1,918.33 6 127 286,786 6059 _ 12,110 12,110 055 Facilities&Grounds 1,796 10,941 5.50 3,638.76 5.50 7,932.94 8 170 22,683 22,683 057 Human Resources/Risk Mn mt 1,082 6,592 4.00 2,646.37 4.00 5,769.41 3 64 - 15,071 15,071 O58 LEOFF 279 1,700 61136 1292 2,991 2,991 070 perk 779 4,746 1250 8,269.91 1250 18,029A0 343 7,271 1,047,766 22,136 60,452 60,452 090 Commissioners 265 1,614 3.00 1,984.76 3.00 4,327.06 7,926 7,926 090 Support Services 751 4,575 6.65 4 99.59 6.65 9591.64 8 170 18,736 18,736 100 District Court 1,013 6,171 12.20 8,071.43 12.20 17 596.70 728 15,431 1,292 033 27,296 74 74,567 125 CommunityDevelopment 1861 11,337 1950 12 901.06 1950 28,125.87 901 19,099 67,482 50,017 93,972 215,4 215,453 146 Parks&Tralls 786 4,788 4.33 2,864.70 433 6,24539 14 297 484,724 10,241 24,436 24,436 170 Juvenile Probation 1,550 9 19.00 12,570.27 19.00 27,404.70 139 2,946 1,829 031 38,642 91,006 91,006 18O Prosecutor 778 4,740 12.20 8,071.43 12.20 17596.70 53 1,123 1,453,052 30,698 62,230 62,230 195 Child Support Enforcement 407 2,479 2.05 1356.27 2.05 2,956.82 22 466 179 975 3,802 ' 11,061 11,061 190 Coroner 368- 2,242 2.40 11587.82 2.40 3,461.65 2 42 315,542 6,666 ' 14,0D0 14,000 205 Sheriff 5,267 32,087 96.50 63 843.73 96.50 139,197.01 599 12,697 12,993,166 274,504 522,319 522,319 208 Courthouse Security15 91 173 983 3,676 _ 3,767 3,767 240 Office of Public Defense 1,672 10,196 7.00 4,631.15 7.00 10,096.47 39 827 1,069,698 22599 _ 48,340 48,340 250 Superior Court 1,936 11,794 7.58 5,014.88 7.58 10,933.03 160 3,392 1,006 710 21,269 52,402 52,402 255 FamilyCourt 2 12 56 1187 1070 23 1,222 1,222 256 Therapeutic Court - 629 3,832 330 2,183.26 3.30 4,759.76 35 742 464,136 9,806 21,323 21,323 258 Murder Expenditures - SO 61 - - - - - 5,240 111 172 172 260 Treasurer 10,114,897) 186,642 590 3594 8.00 5,292.74 8.00 11538.82 1,905 40,380 _ 247,449 247,449 300 Non Departmental 446 Z717 - 142 3,010 - 5,727 5,727 305 Motor Pool 115 701 - 3 64 35,098 742 �'i 1,506 1,506 310 Transfers Out - - 13 276 - - 276 276 103 Sales&Use Tax, 62 378 - 89 1,887 186,975 3,950 _ 6,214 6,214 104 Auditor's O&M 385 2,345 0.50 330.80 050 721.18 259 5,490 96,406 2,037 10,924 10,924 105 County Road (11,197,907) 206,626 5462 33,275 61.80 40886.45 61.80 89,13738 812 17,212 10,323,998 218,113 114 505,364 605,364 Sob Paths&Trails 43 262 - 75 1,590 1,813 38 ! 1,890 1,890 109 Election Equipment 43 262 - - 55 1,166 2,060 44 1,471 1,471 110 Crime Victims 267 1,627 1.00 661.59 1.00 1,44235 111 2,353 81595 1724 7,807 7,807 114 Victim Witness Activi 201 1,225 0.75 496.19 0.75 1081.76 12 254 50005 1056 4,113 4,113 116 Historical Preservation 87 530 - - - - 195 3921 9837 208 4,659 4,659 117 CommunitySupport Services 597 3,637 0.80 529.27 0.80 1,153.98 309 6,550 2,475,316 52,295 64,155 64,165 118 Abatement 43 262 - 39 827 1,579 33 1,122 1,122 119 Reserve for Technology22 134 - - _ 134 134 120 REET PropertyTax 57 347 - - - 227 4,812 18,954 400 5559 5,559 134 National Forest Safe 65 396 - - 5 106 30622 647 1,149 1,149 135 Trial Court Improvement 28 171 - - 12 254 62,718 1,325 1,750 1,750 140 Sheriffs Special Funds 48 292 - 71 1,505 426 426 141 Sheriffs BoatingProgram - 118 719 13 276 31,744 671 _ 2,536 2,536 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 85 516 47 996 5,989 127 2,141 2,141 150 Commun Services Health 2389 14,554 18.60 12,305.63 18.60 26,827.75 679 14,393 3,231,287 68,267 21,878 158,225 158,225 16O Law Ubra 304 1,852 0.06 39.70 0.06 8654 169 3,582 31,876 673 6,234 6,234 163 Lod in Tax 182 1,109 - 87 1,844 487599 10301 13,254 13,254 164 Mental Health Tax (219,385) 4 048 495 3,016 1.00 661.59 1.00 1,442.35 585 12,400 634,110 13,397 34,965 34,965 180 Treasurer's O&M 573 3,491 1.00 661.59 1.00 1,44235 301 6,380 202,305 4,274 16,249 16,249 190 Veterans Assistance 136,025 2,510 286 1,742 345 7,313 109,211 2,307 13, 13,873 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 169 1,030 - 54 1,145 95,729 1,811 3, 3,985 194 Meson Lake Management 71 433 - - 188 3,985 75,398 1,593 6,011 2,025 3,985 195 Spencer Lake Management 20 122 - - - 116 2,459 8,738 185 _ 2,765 306 2,459 199 I Island Lake Management 59 359 - 128 2,713 9,631 203 3,276 563 2,713 205 Public Works FacilityBond - - 10 212 - - 212 212 A-1 Allocate ind Cost to Depts 1 6/8/2021 Mason County 2022 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2020 Auditor(Financial Services) Treasurer Cash Mngt and Central Ops,BOCC,Non- Assessor Cost Allocated by cost allocated by number of Facilities Maintenance Human Resources Cost Rece[pting Srvs cost allocated Dept Cost Allocated to by Schedule A-1-Allocate Indirect Costs to property tax revenues(2020 auditor-recorded JE lines cost allocated by FTE Allocated to departments by number of GCR JE lines total expenditures(2020 Other Direct De artrnents data 2020 data 2020 data by FTE 2020 data 2020 data data) Charges Allocated Allocated Total costs Costs Not Fund/ Allocated Receivable Receivable De t Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount I Units Amount I I Amount Costs from Depts from Depts 210 Rural Development LTGO 2002 Bond - - - - - - " 235 MC LTGO 2013 Bond - - - - - - 52 1,102 900 19 1, 1,121 25o MC LTGO 2008 Bond - - - - - - 62 1314 2,138,213 45,174 _ 46, 46,488 350 REET 1 - 754 4,S93 - - - - 214 4,536 526,956 1 11,131 20,260 20,260 351 REET2 194 1,182 - - 214 4,536 260,544 1 5,504 _ 11,223 11,223 402 Mason County Landfill 1946 11,246 12.35 8,170.67 12.35 17,813.05 817 17,318 4,527 865 95,659 _ 150,207 150,207 403 NSCI Sewer Utility 1,663 10,131 6.03 3,989.41 6.03 8,69738 291 6,168 1,209,153 25545 54532 54,532 404 NBC[Sewer Reserve - - 3 64 0 0 64 64 405 W W System Development - - - - - - - - --- 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 2124 12,940 2.10 138935 2.10 3,02894 292 6,190 1,454,971 30,739 T 54,296 54,286 412 1 Beards Cove Water 1,238 7,542 0.91 602.05 091 1,31254 319 6,762 122,487 2588 18,806 18,806 413 BelfairWW&W Reclamation 1,594 9,711 2.56 1693.68 2.56 3,692A2 305 6465 6072,793 126299 149,961 149,861 428 Landfill Reserve 45 274 39 827 20,216 427 i 1,528 1,528 429 Beards Cove Reserve 1501,36 204 4,324 3,754 79 4,495 4,495 480 Storm Drain System Development - 43 - - 3 64 1796 38 i. 364 364 500 Information Technology871 4.69 3,102.87 4.69 6,764.63 25 530 772,900 16,329 7,102 39,1 39,134 501 Equi ment Rental&Revolvin - 3,217 855 5,656.62 855 12,332.11 341 7,228 1,797,397 37 973 82, 82,788 502 Unem to ment - 59 - - 8 170 48,594 1,0271,556' 1,556 625 Tax Foreclosure Trust 5 12 254 285 285 631 Claims Clearin 944 - 5,751 5,751 632 Payroll Clearing 130 792 - - 792 792 637 Community Health - - 51 1,081 - - 1,081 1,081 645 Treasurer's Trust - - 616 13,057 - - 13,057 13,057 646 Timber Tax - 15 318 - - 318 318 647 Treasurer's - - - 650 State Clearing 26,629,868) 491,380 - - 3,355 71,116 - - _ 562,497 562,497 658 Forest Fire Patrol - - - 324 6,868 _ 6,968 6,868 660 of Shelton 2,466,154 45,506 - 586 12,421 57,928 57,928 661 Shelton Park district (513,300) 9 472 - - 25S 5,405 - 14,677 14,877 662 Cemete (22,995 424 82 Soo 247 5,236 6,160 6,160 665 Fire Districts 13,013,559 240,129 9,482 57766 - 5,354 113,489 -_� 41M84 411,384 666 Housing Authority 11 67 33 700 767 767 668 Transit 1,481 9,022 - 664 14,075 - _ 23,097 23,097 670 Ports 1,319,629 24350 1,426 8,687 1,380 29,252 62,289 62,289 675 Hospitals 2,731,274 50,398 9,966 60,714 779 16,513 `127,625 127,625 680 PUD's 681 MACECOM 607 3,698 - 163 3455 7,153 7,153 682 Re lonal Libra (2,994 645) 55 258 - 351 7,440 fit, 62,698 685 School Districts 9,275 56,505 4189 88795 JAJ6 _ 1 145,299 690 Water Districts 1,981 12,069 959 20,328 32,397 Grand Totals: 71,359,638 90,150 378.99 RE-1 .99 33,321 63,715, 1,750,215 3,088,590 Schedule: F A G-1 A E&E-1 A A G-2 A Total Cost Pool: _ Difference: - A-1 Allocate ind Cost to Depts 2 6/8/2021 Tab A-2022 Phone Charges-Based on Phone Line Inventory as of 4.8.21 Count of 2022 INDIRECT PHONE CHARGES BY TOTAL Department Extension DEPARTMENT COUNT $ 147,404 Assessor 19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 32 6.9% $ 10,232 Auditor Account 5 CURRENT EXPENSE 331 71.8% $ 105,837 Auditor Admin 2 PUBLIC WORKS- COUNTY ROAD 39 8.5% $ 12,470 Auditor Electns 5 PUBLIC WORKS- GIS �_ 0.4% $ 639 Auditor Licns 4 HEALTH 34 7.4% $ 10,871 Auditor Record 4 MENTAL HEALTH TAX 1 0.2% $ 320 BOE 1 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE 4 0.9% $ 1,279 Clerk 18 UTILITIES-CSW 8 1.7% $ 2,558 Commissioners 17 ER&R 10 2.2% $ 3,197 COOP 16 Coroner 3 TOTAL: 461 100.0% $ 147,404 Courthouse 8 2022 DIRECT PHONE CHARGES BY DCD 32 DEPARTMENT 1,884 DEM 20 PUBLIC WORKS- ROAD 1,884 District Court 18 TOTAL DIRECT PHONE CHARGES: 1,884 ER&R 10 2022 GRAND TOTAL PHONE TOTAL Facilities 5 CHARGES BY DEPARTMENT COUNT $ 149,288 Health 29 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 32 6.9% $ 10,232 Health- Env 5 CURRENT EXPENSE 331 71.8% $ 105,837 Human Resources 9 PUBLIC WORKS - COUNTY ROAD 39 8.5% $ 14,354 Juvenile 22 PUBLIC WORKS- GIS 2� _ 0,4% $ , Parks 4 HEALTH _ - 34 7.4% $ 10,871 Prosecutor 18 MENTAL HEALTH TAX 1 0.2% $ 320 Public Defender 8 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE 4 0.9% $ 1,279 Public Works 39 UTILITIES-CSW 8 1.7% $ 2,558 Sheriff 77 ER&R 10 2.2% $ 3,197 Sheriff- Belfair 10 Superior Court 23 GRAND TOTAL: 461 100.0% $ 149,288 Support Services 3 Treasurer 12 Utilities 8 Utilities-Solid Waste 4 Public Works GIS 2 Mental Health Tax 1 Grand Total 461 Tab B-2022 Software&Machinery Based on 2020 FTE's 2020 Fund/ Budgeted 2022 SOFTWARE&MACHINERY IT TOTAL Dept Fund/Department Name FTE's CHARGES BY DEPARTMENT COUNT $773,431 001-010 WSU 2.25 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 19.50 5.21% $ 40,294 001-020 Assessor 14.00 CURRENT EXPENSE 238.54 63.73% $492,905 001-030 Auditor 13.00 AUDITOR'S O&M 0.50 0.13% $ 1,033 001-050 Emergency Management 1.33 PUBLIC WORKS-COUNTY ROAD 59.80 15.98% $123,567 001-055 Facilities&Grounds 5.50 PUBLIC WORKS-GIS 2.00 0.53% $ 4,133 001-057 Human Resources/Risk Management 4.00 CRIME VICTIMS 1.00 0.27% $ 2,066 001-058 LEOFF - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 0.80 0.21% $ 1,653 001-070 Clerk 12.50 HEALTH 18.60 4.97% $ 38,434 001-080 Commissioners 3.00 LAW LIBRARY 0.06 0.02% $ 124 001-090 Support Services 6.65 001-100 District Court 12.20 !WLITIES-SOLID WASTE 12.35 3.30% $ 25,519 001-125 Community Development 19.50 UTILITIES-CSW 11.60 3.10% $ 23,970 001-146 Parks&Trails 4.33 ER&R 8.55 2.28% $ 17,667 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 19.00 001-180 Prosecutor 12.20 GRANDTOTAL, 374.30 100.00% $773,431 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 2.05 001-190 Coroner 2.40 001-205 Sheriff 96.50 001-208 Courthouse Security - 001-240 Office of Public Defense 7.00 001-250 Superior Court 7.58 001-255 Family Court - 001-256 Therapeutic Court 3.30 001-258 Murder Expenditures - 001-260 Treasurer 8.00 001-300 Non Departmental - 001-310 Transfers Out 103 Sales Use Tax - 104 Auditor's O&M 0.50 105 County Road 59.80 105-100 County Road-GIS 2.00 106 Paths&Trails - 109 Election Equipment - 114 Victim Witness Activity 0.75 116 Historical Preservation - 117 Community SupportServices 0.80 118 Abatement - 119 Reserve for Technology 120 REET Property Tax 134 National Forest Safety 135 Trial Court Improvement 138 Family Law Facilitator 140 Sheriffs Special Funds - 150 Community Services Health 18.60 163 Lodging Tax 180 Treasurer's 0&M 1.00 190 Veterans Assistance - 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 194 Mason Lake Management 199 Island Lake Management 205 Public Works Facility Bond 210 Rural Development LTGO 2002 Bond 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 350 REET 1 351 REET 2 pi Mason County Landfill 12.35 403 NBC[Sewer Utility 6.03 404 NBCI Sewer Reserve - 405 WW System Development - 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 2.10 412 Beards Cove Water 0,91 413 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 2.56 428 Landfill Reserve - 429 Beards Cove Reserve 480 Storm Drain System Development - 500 Information Technology 4.69 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 8.55 502 Unemployment Fund Total 2018 Budgeted FTE's 378.99 Remove IT FTE's Total FTE's to Allocate: 374.30 MASON COUNTY FUND 500 Tab C-Total 2022 INFO TECHNOLOGY RATES- DRAFT FUND BARS 2022 DEPARTMENT $ 922,720 001.000000.125.000 518.80.541500 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 50,526 001.000000.300.000 518.80.541500 CURRENT EXPENSE $ 598,743 104.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 AUDITOR'S 0&M $ 1,033 105.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 PUBLIC WORKS-COUNTY ROAD $ 137,921 105,000000.000.100 518.80.541500 PUBLIC WORKS-GIS $ 4,772 110.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 CRIME VICTIMS $ 2,066.° 117.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES $ 10653 150.000000.100.000 518.80.541500 HEALTH $ 49,305 160.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 LAW LIBRARY $ 124 164.000000.100,000 518,80.541500 MENTAL. HEALTH TAX $ 2,386 402.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE $ 26,798 403.000000.100.020 518.80.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 13,789 411.000000,100.000 518.80.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 2,401 411.000000.200.000 518.80.541500 UTI LITI ES-CSW $ 2,401 412.000000.200.000 518.80.541500 UTI LITI ES-CSW $ 2,082 413.000000.000.000 518.80.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 5,855 501,000000.000.000 518.80.541500 ER&R $ 20,865 GRAND TOTAL: $ 922,720 Tab C-1-Total 2022 Information Technology Rates based on 2020 Actuals I __ _ - Tab A Tab B Tab C ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals phones& PC,software Total 2022 Draft 2022 Budget Notes internet-based &machinery- Budget on#of phone based on#of lines/extensions FEE's 500.000000.000.000.308.10.3000D0.0000.00. BUDGETD BEG FUD BAL-RESERVED (278,971) (177,684) (207,122)Projected 2022 BFB 500.000000.000.000.348.40.300000.0000.00. COUNTYWIDE TECHNOLOGY 105812 106791 500.000000.000.000.348.80.30D010.0000.00. INFO TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (196,711) (196,709) (922,720)2022 Rates from cell G49 500.000000.000.000.361.10.300010.0000.00. INVESTMENT EARNINGS 1500 82 100 500.000000.000.000.397.00.300001.0000.00. TRANSFER IN FROM CURRENT EXP (677,723) (547,723) 500.000000.000,000.508.10.500000.D000.00. END FUND RESERVED TOTAL REVENUE 1260 717 1028 989 1129 942 500.000000.000.000.514.20.541010.0000.00. BANKING DEBT SERVICES 400 500.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00. STATE AUDITOR CHARGES 1456 1076 1,076 1,076 1162 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510040.0000.00. SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST 16,352 14,242 14,242 14,242 15,921 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510770.0000.00. SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 73,878 77,309 77,309 77,309 82 267 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510780.0000.00. INFORMATION SERV MANAGER 32,246 31390 31,390 31,390 32,143 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510810.0000.00. SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 69217 76392 76,392 76,392 82267 500.000000.000.0D0.518.80.510820.0000.00. DATABASE/WEB TECH 56,406 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510840.0000.00. NETWORKENGINEER 87404 91299 91,299 91,299 97311 500.000000.000.000.518.80.510850.0000.00. TEMP PROJ DATABASE EB TECH 25,000 20,373 20,373 20,373 58,639 500.000000.000.000.518.80.512000.0000.00. OVERTIME 632 632 632 Do we need to budget 0T7 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520010.0000.00. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1080 873 873 873 1080 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520020.D000.00. SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE 25,615 23,464 23,464 23,464 28,242 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520030.DD00.00. STATE RETIREMENT 43,060 40,308 40,308 40,308 47,883 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520040.0000.00. MED DENT IS LIFE 72,310 63,541 63,541 63,541 80,824 500.000000.000.000.518.80.520045.0000.00. WASHINGTON PAID FMLA 492 459 459 459 542 500.000000.000.000.518.80.531010.0000.00. OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,050 38,793 38,793 38,793 10,000 upped this due to$4k spent through May of 2021 500.000000.000.000.518.80.535010.0000.00. SMALLTOOLS&MINOR EQUIPMENT 650 5,048 5,048 5,048 300 500.000000.000.000.518.80.535098.0000.00. IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 161000 29,913 29,913 29,913 500.000000.000.000.518.80.535099.0000.00. ITTRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 14110 14,110 14,110 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541010.0000.00. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 143,762 107,518 107,518 107,518 145,000 This is 2021's bud eted amount 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541019.0000.00. INTERNAL ALLOCATION 30,276 30,276 30,276 30,276 39,134 500.000000.000.000.518.80.542010.0000.00. PHONES S00 000 84 029 84,029 84,029 90,000 500.000000.000.000.518.80.543010.0000.00. TRAVEL 1000 - 500.000000.000.0D0.518.80.546010.0000.00. RISK POO CYBER INS 13,824 10,322 10,322 10,322 14,385 500.000000.000.000.518.80.546096.0000.00. UNEMPLOYMENT 938 938 938 938 938 500.000000.000.000.518.80.549010.0000.00. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2,100 7,075 7,075 7,075 500.000000.000.000.518.80.549020.0000.00. REGISTRATIONS MEMBERSHIP 7,000 3,520 3,520 3,520 7,500 500.000000.000.000.594.18.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - - 100,000 500.000000.000.000.594.48.564010.0000.00. CAP.EQUIP-COMPUTERS 50000 568 568 568 500.000000.000.0D0.594.48.564020.0000.00. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 113,598 - 500.000000.000.000.591.18.578010.0000.00. WA ST VOIP PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 45709 45709 45,709 45,709 500.000000.000.000.592.18.581010.0000.00. WA ST VOIP LOAN INTEREST 3,543 3,542 3,542 3,542 5D0.000000.000.000.594.18.564010.0000.00. CAPITAL SOFTWARE HARDWARE 44000 - - Total Information Technology: 1228 966 822,719 133,280 689,438 822,719 935,536 Direct Charges to Departments: _ 1,884 1,884 Indirect Charges to Departments: 131,396 689,438 820,834 935,536 16% 84% 100% 2022 Allowance<Surplus>for IT Cost Increase <D creasex 100,000 16,008 83,992 100,000 - Grand Total 2022 IT Rate: 922 1 719 149,288 773,431 922,720 935,536 Ending Cash Balance 31751 (206.270111 194 406 Mason County 2022 Budgeted SAO Audit Allocations SAO Allocation for 2022 Budget Based on 2021 Adopted Budget $ 140,000 Includes SAO Travel Cost Exempt from Allocation-paid by General Fund oa Fund Adopted Total Based %of No Fund Account Budget on Allowable Budget Allocation 103 Rural Co Sales&Use Tax(.09) 103.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 1,617,997 1,617,997 1.3% $ 1,800 104 Auditor's O&M 104.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 439,925 439,925 0.3% $ 489 105 Roads 105.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 30,126,873 30,126,873 23.9% $ 33,513 106 Paths&Trails Reserve 106.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 294,222 294,222 0.2% $ 327 109 Election Equipment Holding 109.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 271,987 271,987 0.2% $ 303 110 Co Share-20%RCW 7.68.035 110.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 191,910 191,910 0.2% $ 213 114 Victim Witness Activities 114.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 74,907 - 0.0% $ - 116 Historical Preservation 116.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 60,000 - 0.0% $ - 117 Community Support Services 117.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 2,371,173 2,371,173 1.9% $ 2,638 118 Abatement/Repair/Demolition 118.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 286,484 286,484 0.2% $ 319 120 REET Electronic Technology 120.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 64,672 64,672 0.1% $ 72 134 National Forest Safety 134.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 41,457 41,457 0.0% $ 46 135 Trial Court Improvement 135.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 134,658 134,658 0.1% $ 150 141 Sheriff Special Funds 141.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 150,179 150,179 0.1% $ 167 142 Sheriff Special Funds 142.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 97,500 97,500 0.1% $ 108 150 Public Health 150.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 2,756,733 2,756,733 2.2% $ 3,067 160 Law Library 160.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 96,373 96,373 0.1% $ 107 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 163.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 980,000 980,000 0.8% $ 1,090 164 Mental Health 164.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 2,458,683 2,458,683 2.0% $ 2,735 180 Treasurer's M&O 180.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 293,323 - 0.0% $ - 190 Veteran's Assistance 190.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 191,422 191,422 0.2% $ 213 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 192.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 114,662 114,662 0.1% $ 128 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 194.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 145,500 145,500 0.1% $ 162 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist. 195.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 19,650 19,650 0.0% $ 22 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 199.000000.001.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 40,650 40,650 0.0% $ 45 350 REET 1 350.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 2,760,255 2,760,255 2.2% $ 3,071 351 REET 2 351.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 3,710,000 3,710,000 2.9% $ 4,127 402 Landfill 402.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 5,659,365 5,659,365 4.5% $ 6,296 403 NBC]Sewer Utility 403.000000.100.020.514.21.541510.0000.00 2,678,297 2,678,297 2.1% $ 2,979 411 Rustlewood Sewer 411.000000.100.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 246,006 246,006 0.2% $ 274 411 Rustlewood Water 411.000000.200.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 246,006 246,006 0.2% $ 274 412 Beards Cove Water 412.000000.200.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 1,018,043 1,018,043 0.8% $ 1,132 413 Belfair WW/Water Rec 413.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 4,807,230 4,807,230 3.8% $ 5,348 480 Storm Drainage System Devel 480.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 180,717 180,717 0.1% $ 201 500 Information Technology(IT) 500.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 1,044,179 1,044,179 0.8% $ 1,162 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 501.000000.000.000.514.21,541510.0000.00 6,487,933 6,487,933 5.2% $ 7,217 502 Unemployment 502.000000.000.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 230,005 230,005 0.2% $ 256 001 General Fund 001.000000.300.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 53,464,511 53,464,511 42.5% $ 59,474 Excluded Paid by General Fund 001.000000.300.000.514.21.541510.0000.00 428,230 0.3% $ 476 Grand Totals: 125,853,487 125,853,487 100.0% $ 140,000 Mason County 2022 Unemployment Budget $200 per FTE-Based on 2021 Budgeted FTE's Elected Officials are Exempt from Unemployment General Fund Budgeted Total2022 Budgeted EO's FTE's for Unemployment Dept. General Fund Department FTE's Exempt Unemp. Budget Amount 001-000 Beginning Fund Balance 001-010 WSU 2.25 2.25 450 001-020 Assessor 13.00 1 12.00 2,400 001-030 Auditor 13.50 1 12.50 2,500 001-050 Emergency Management 1.33 1.33 266 001-055 Facilities& Grounds 5.50 5.50 1,100 001-057 Human Resources/ Risk Management 4.00 4.00 800 001-058 LEOFF - - - 001-070 Clerk 12.50 12.50 2,500 001-080 Commissioners 3.00 3 - - 001-090 Support Services 6.65 6.65 1,330 001-100 District Court 12.20 1 11.20 2,240 001-125 Community Development 21.50 21.50 4,300 001-126 Historical Preservation - - - 001-146 Parks &Trails 4.33 4.33 866 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 19.00 19.00 3,800 001-180 Prosecutor 13.25 1 12.25 2,450 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 1.00 1.00 200 001-190 Coroner 2.40 1 1.40 280 001-205 Sheriff 97.50 1 96.50 19,300 001-208 Courthouse Security - - - 001-240 Office of Public Defense 8.00 8.00 1,600 001-250 Superior Court 7.58 3 4.58 916 001-255 Family Court - - - 001-256 Therapeutic Court 3.30 3.30 660 001-258 Murder Expenditures - - - 001-260 Treasurer 8.00 1 7.00 1,400 001-300 Non Departmental - - - 001-305 Motor Pool 0.50 0.50 100 001-310 Transfers Out - - - 001-320 Ending Fund Balance - - Total General Fund 260.29 13.00 247.29 49,458 Mason County 2022 Unemployment Budget $200 per FTE-Based on 2021 Budgeted FTE's Elected Officials are Exempt from Unemployment Special Revenue Other Funds Budgeted Total2022 Budgeted EO's FTE's for Unemployment Fund Fund Name FTE's Exempt Unemp. Budget Amount 103 Sales Use Tax - - 104 Auditor's O&M - - 105 County Road 61.20 61.20 12,240 106 Paths&Trails - - - 109 Election Equipment - - - 110 Crime Victims 1.00 1.00 200 114 Victim Witness Activity 0.75 0.75 150 116 Historical Preservation - - - 117 Community Support Services 0.80 0.80 160 118 Abatement - - - 120 REET Property Tax - 134 National Forest Safety - - 135 Trial Court Improvement - - 141 Sheriff's Boating Program - - 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund - - - 150 Community Services Health 19.20 19.20 3,840 160 Law Library 0.06 0.06 12 163 Lodging Tax - - - 164 Mental Health Tax 1.00 1.00 200 180 Treasurer's 0&M 1.00 1.00 200 190 Veterans Assistance - - - 192 Skokomish Flood Zone - - - 194 Mason Lake Management - - - 195 Spencer Lake Management - - - 199 Island Lake Management - - - 205 Public Works Facility Bond - - - 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond - - - 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond - - - 350 REET 1 - - - 351 REET 2 - - - 402 Mason County Landfill 12.57 12.57 2,514 403 NBCI Sewer Utility 5.58 5.58 1,116 405 WW System Development - - - 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 1.95 1.95 390 412 Beards Cove Water 0.85 0.85 170 413 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 2.41 2.41 482 428 Landfill Reserve - - - 429 Beards Cove Reserve - 480 Storm Drain System Development - - - 500 Information Technology 4.69 4.69 938 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 7.75 7.75 1,550 502 Unemployment Fund - - Total Special&Other Funds 120.81 - 120.81 24,162.00 Grand Total All Funds 381.10 13.00 368.10 73,620.00 'ZZOZ u!aa!A1ae Olin 06 IIIM Aa411!se paleali ale,ap,o uo sa!0!4aA JIB'sasod,nd BuUeBPnq ZZOZ,ol'ws!Len,asum to aMes e4110 j 'leBPnq LZOZ a41 a1 PaPpe eq of Peeu Aew pue'sale,ZZOZ a41 wo,l panowe,eq Aew pue LZOZ u!elgvAed Pue enp eq osle IIYA slsoo 1Udn alo!4m es041'LZOZ u!93Wes olu!o0 Lew WON"OSO44 la ewOS OOZ'LBL SSO'E98 000 96C OOSYS OZL'9L - 009'SL OOZ'60 SEL'060 SE:Add LL Uaalj a114M BE ZS :.salsa a1-14-A Paaeal NNa4S ZZOZ I-101 009'90 EZL'9S0 Dog'LLZ SZZ'Z0 089'0 - 006'C 009'91. 8L9'9LL luawaael a,Bulpeau salol4eA pa>Iae,M a,e E EL LZOZ lol slsen ea a1a14aA 1111a4S 1e1o1 Udd IWO Mau a L:OL Add'C W-1=1 a1!4M D09 E ZES'9C ODS'LZ SZS'E OBE ODE Doti L09's 80 LZOZ f4jIln 1o1 sale{ul aallod p,oj 06C09 006069C Add ap10 BU!puad 0E89C60 LZOZ 009,E i ZE9'9E DOS'IZ SZS'C 09C ODE OOZ'L L►9's 80 LZOZ A!Ign,oldeo,aiul aallod P1oj 06'£Og 006069C Add 1aP1O BUIPued 0889£60 LZOZ 009,E ZES'9E ODS'LZ 9ZS'E OB£ Doe DOZ'L L09's 60 LZOL Alllln,oldeoism ea!Iod P1oj 06E08 00,6089E Add ,aP,O Bu!puad MGM LZOZ 009E ZE9'9E OOS'LZ SZS'E 09C DOC DOZ'L L09's 80 LZOZ Amin,oidaa,elul ea0od 01oj 06E08 00,6069E Add ,aP10 Bulpued K119C60 IZOL OWE W9'9E OOS'LZ SZS'E OBE we ODZ'L L09's 80 LZOZ 4IIU1,oldeole4u!aallod P1oj 06'E08 00,6065E Add 1.P,O 6u!puad 0£99E60 LZDZ Dove ZCS'BE DOSU, SZ9'C OBE Doe DOTE L09'6 B0 LZOL Amin,-id aa,aJul aa!!od P1oj to cog 00'6D69E Add ,aP10 54!Puad 6C991:60 LZOZ 009,E - ZCS'9C 00S'LZ SZS'C o9E DO£ OoZ1 L09's 80 LZOZ A!1!1n,aldaa,aiul a1110d P10j WWI? 006085C Add mp10 B41Puad 0C99E60 LZOZ Do9'E ZES'9C OoS'lZ 9ZS'C OK Doe OOZ'L L09's 80 LZOZ Apun Uoldaalalul aallod P10j 06'£OB 00,6069E Add ,ap,O Bu!puad Komi, LZOZ 009,E ZE9'90 OOS'LZ SZS'C age DOE OOZ'L L09's 90 LUZ Amin,01da Blul aallod P10j 06'£OB 006069C Add ,aP,O 6u!PUad 0E89E6o LZDZ D09'C ZES'BE OOS'LZ SZS'C age DOE ODZ'L L08'S B0 LZOZ fman,oldea,alu!a 10d Plod 08£09 00'6069E Add 1eP,0 Bu!puad 6C89E60 IZOZ O09'C 1,6I'ZZ D00'ZL SZC'Z OBE DOE OOZ'L 900'9 B0 LZOZ 0x0 adeos3 P1aj LS'OOS 00'6990Z held aP.4M IWO Bu!Puad C1,9901, LZOZ 009,E L6L'ZZ DW'ZL SZC'Z 09C DOE ooZ'L 900'9 B6 LZOZ 6x0 adea13 P,oj MODS 006890Z held a14.4M ,ap,O 6DIPuad Macao LZOZ 009C 9W,L0 OOS'ZE SZCI OBE Doe o0Z'1. CEE'01. B6 ZZOZ yon,11a0S 09Cj P1aj LO'L99 00'OLELE laalj eVgm ,aP,00u!puad 6lLUSI, LZOZ 00Y'0t ZEE'909 OOSb9 SCS'OL O00'0L - ODL'LL 009'CC L16'LLC SZ:Add'OL}said a114M 6C :E LE68'ZLCC'L LEN Io uoil eoaa/M OZOZ u!Pa1aP,O S3101 aA Uua4S lel01 ZES'9C OOS'LZ SZS'C D9E DOE ODZ L L09's B0 LZOZ .155,o4 aa,a Jul-!10d P,oj 06E09 006069C Add ,aP10 u!Puad £LE 690099V LZOUL L/£ 009-C y ZES'9C ODS'LZ SZS'C OK DOE OOZ'L L09's 90 LZOZ AII!in,0ldaa,aJul aallod plod 06£OB 006069C Add ,aP10 Bu!puad ZLC £S00990 LZOUtI/E 009'C LES'9E OOS'LZ SZS'C 09E Doc o0Z'L LoB's B0 LZOZ Aman,OidaalaJul aallod p,oj WEN 00,6069E Add ,aP10 B41Puad LLC 900099V LZOULL/E D09'C }SCULL OBE Doe o0Z'L 9L8'8 60 OZOZ 4111n,oldaa,a{ul aallod P1oj OS'9Z8 009009£ Add 1apo u0 6LL L6Z 990OL90 OZOZ/OC/9 009,E SLL'll OBE DOE o0Z'L 91.6'8 90 OZOZ 41!U],old..Iul aallod P1oj OS'Sze 00'9009£ Add 1.P,0 uO 09 96Z 0909L96 OZOUOE/9 009E :XEL Ogg Doe OOZ'L ZS0'LL B0 OZOZ lapuodsea wilod OSL-j P1oj Zf'096 06'91.91.1, Add a.,.S-ul CSL Z9Z 9ZEW90 OZOZ/OE/9 009,E _'LC EL 09E ODE oOZ'L Z91011, B0 OZOZ lapuodsea aallod OSL-A P,oj ZE1196 06'91,91,0 Add aawe5-ul ILL l9Z SZE9190 OZOUOE/9 D09'C �Lf'EL 09C ODE OOZ'L ZS✓LL 80 OZOZ ,.puodsaa aagod OS,-j p10j MKS 06'91.91.0 Add W.SSW O9 09Z BZC9L90 OZOUOC/9 009,E BLL'LL age ODE OWL 9L8'6 S0 OZOZ f4min loldaaelul a0110d P,oj OS'9L9 009009C Add ,apo uO L14 96Z £0Z9L96 OZOZ/OE/9 OOB'C Ul.'ZL OBE DOC OOZ'L LLEbt B0 {ZOZ A!Ilin loldaala Jul-spud P1oj 9Z'BS9 00'O£SLE Add 1.P,0 u0 L0 COE ZZZ9990 OZOULI/9 DD9'C -,LO'Zl DOE DOE DOZ'L SWOL 90 IZOZ A!I!U1,oldso,alu!aallod P,oj LZ'90B 00L969C Add 1.P,0 u0 OS Zoe 0Z61,990 OZOM1,19 OO9'C -,LO'ZL WE OOE OOZ'L SSVOL 90 LZOZ A!1!Ul,oldamalu!a 10d P10j LZ'909 00 L969C Add ,aP,O uO 00 LOE 0Z60990 OZOULL/9 009,E ;LO'ZL age DOE DOVE SWOL 80 LZOZ A!mn,oldaa,aw!aallod p,Oj LZ'909 00L969E Add ,.P,0 u0 90 ODE OZ60990 OZOULL/9 009,E 9'.0'ZL 09C Doe OOZ'L SSI'OL B0 LZOZ A.mn,oldaalalul aallod p,oj LZ'90H 00'L969f Add 1.P,0 u0 99L 66Z OZOO990 OZOZ/Ll/9 009'C -.0'ZL DBE DOC OOZ'L 59VOl B0 LZOZ JJ-mn,oldw,aJuI a I-d! P10A LZ9" 00L969E Add 1.P,O uO SLL 96Z 0Z80990 OZOULL/9 009,E ;C9'6 09C DOE OLS'B B0 OZOZ ,a,o!dx3 p,oj OZ'6EL 06'1,06EE held al!4M ssaao,d 6u!UUdn ul 80E 9EEO990 OZOZILL/9 DD9'C ::Es'e 099 DOE OLOV B0 OZOZ laoldx3 P,oj OZ'BEL 06'1.96ce held ai!4M ssaao,d Bu!UUdn ul LOC 9fCO990 OZOULL/9 009,E 'ES'6 09C ODE OL9'9 Bo OZOZ ,woldx3 P10j OZ'6£1 06196£E Uwlj al!VM ssaao,d Ou!Ugdn ul 90C 9C£0990 OZOULI/9 009'C ::Cgs DBE ODE OL9'9 B0 OZOZ 1.,oldx3 p,oj OZ GEL 06'ME£ held ay4ML ssaaold Bu!UUdn u1 SO£ 9£E0990 OZOZIL119 009,E 0E9'6 09E Doe OL9'9 90 OZOZ ,.,oldx3 plod OZ'6fL 05 1.86CE held e114M ss d 6u!UUdn ul 0OC BEE0990 OZOUL{/9 OWE L00'ZL on ODE Carl, LWOL 80 OZOZ OSIj P1oj 95'908 80'ZO69£ {said eU4M WaS-W ZLZ SZZ0990 OZOZ 009,E :00'ZL 09C DOE OUZ'L L►L'DL 80 OZOZ O9Lj P,oj BupMg 95909 B0'Z069C laalj 81!4M Wa5-ul LLZ SZZO950 OZOZ 009,E ;00'61. age Doe OoZ'L LIWOL 86 OLOZ OSLj P1oj as'SK B0'Z069E laalj e114M .,..Sul OLZ 9ZZ0950 OZOZ 009,E ;LL'ZL age DOE OOZ'L SLC'OL 80 OZOZ OSLj P1oj 09698 00'EZ9LE Add sseaald Bu!UUdn u1 BC 69Z Z090000 OZOZ 009,E v90'L1. 09C DOC OOVI, tote 90 OZOZ f4min loidea,eiul aallod P,oj EO'L9L Do 669CE Add 1.P,0 u0 ES 06Z LLL9Z90 OZOZ 009'C 190,1,E ON DOC OoL'L 00Z6 B0 OZOZ A111U11oidaamlu!aallod P10j CO'L9L DO'B6SEE Add ---S-ul E9 99Z LLLSZ90 DZOL 009,E v90'LL 09C Doe ooZ'L 00Z'8 90 OZOZ Alimn loldaamlul aaUOd p,oj EO'L9L 00'669Ee Add aa!,vaS-ul IS 99Z LLLSZ90 OZOZ DOVE :90'1.L 09E Doe OOZ'L 00Z'6 96 OZOZ Amin 1oJdea,aiui aollod P1od EO'L9L 00869CE Add oaPueS-ul 59 09Z LLLSZ90 OZOZ 009£ ;OB'LI OBE Doe oOZ'L 906'8 80 OZOZ f4min,oideawlul ea0od Plod SL'Sea 00,9009E Add aauuag-ul 991, C9Z LLWI,90 OZOZ 009,E ;OB'Ll OBE Doe OOZ'L S08'e 90 OZOZ A119n 1oida iul aallod P10j 92.'8Z9 00,9009E Add aa!A,aS-ul Z9 69Z LL9ZL90 OZOZ 009E SDB'LL 09£ DOE ooZ'L got's 80 OLOZ Allmn loldeweiul eaUOd plod 9L'SZ9 00,8009E Add n1'.9-ul 86 99Z LL9Z1,90 OZOZ DOWC ;�SOB'LL OBE ODE OOZ'L 508'6 80 OZOZ Amin loldaa,aJul aallod P,oj 9L'ON 00,8009E Add -WeS-ul 09 LSZ LL9ZL90 OZOZ 009,E L961L OBE Doc OOZ'l LOVOL 86 OLOL Alimn 1oldevalul a allod P1oj LL'LOB 00'W69C Add ssaaold BUlUUdn ul L9 99Z 0960"l, OZOZ 009'£ 4LO'9 09E DOC OWL 90 OZOZ ,.,.1&3 ploj load 1!ef OZ'81.9 00'OL06Z WH eU4M ..".Sul S9Z 6909990 OZOZ 009E =L0'8 age DOE OWL 80 OZOZ 1.,o!dx3 P,oj !ood l!af OZ'8 L9 00'OL06Z laalj a1!4M ".Sul 9ZL 09Z 6909990 OZOZ 009,E :�LO'9 age ODE OWL 86 OZOZ ,a,oldx3 P1oj 101a49 OZ'9l9 00'OLmZ held e1.4M ea!AwSul 6 CSZ 690BSS6 OZOZ 009E v609 Doc DOE KI,'L 90 OZOZ ,a9uaj uess!N 1ua61a9 906L9 SeC910C laalj eI!4M WaS-ul OSZ 9161090 OZOZ 009,E ESZ'OL OBE DOE E59'6 80 OZOZ ...oldx3 P,oj swept'6E'66L E0'6LLZE held a414M .aJu S-ul ZSZ 9Z61090 OZOZ 009'C 0SE'L D9C DOE 069'9 80 OZOZ OMV-WPId uess!N P1o}PeI Ell L99 090069Z held a1!4M aaweS-u! tSZ LZ6L090 OZOZ lanj aisw9s3 o6m40 aoj i9dn +ous,Nul aaj WRW se6us40 auLL KOL noel w,al ,eaA lopoy,! a>feyy -7aApa .-S UPV iunowV WAl snags '0N4aA 'oN 'oN ai0n0[.0,ap,O 19o1 LZOZ a!,dmlu3 39dn Is11dsO LLOL LZDZ 110 tLOZ IrBtlsO 6UIPOIoUI Paillai!deO saasldaa 4aA lelol LLOL Is1!dsO m410 LZOZ an0 'a leivaa 1e3o1 MaN R. A141uoW Idol ZZOZ col sa131y0A posee-1;uaijno jol slue, ed uuinoab pue ZZOZ pUe 6ZOZ Jo;sJapJp aPiyan aai}}p s, POI14g MON-y qel Tab B -Total 2022 Sheriff Motor Pool Vehicle Rates Removed vehicles from Outside 2022 rates,due to Capital Upfit Maint& replacement plan in Sheriffs Office Vehicle Counts for Invoice Date Veh ID Type Cust Name Base Lease &Radios Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wex Fuel Total 2021/2022: 2022 Rates: 03/31/2021 015 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 30.00 36.55 Veh No. Replaced with Total 2022 Leased PPVs: 035 03/31/2021 032 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 018 160 Total 2022 Owned PPVs: 011 02/02/2021 046 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 044 301 Total 2022 PPVs: 046 02/02/2021 048 PPV Masan County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 047 303 03/31/2021 054 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 050 302 Total 2022 Leased WF: 017 03/31/2021 055 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 051 265 Total 2022 Owned WF: 008 03/31/2021 061 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 053 294 Total 2022 WF: 025 03/31/2021 070 PPV Masan County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 061 256 03/31/2021 071 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 062 259 Total Special Vehicles: 003 02/26/2021 072 PPV Masan County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 064 257 03/31/2021 073 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 065 264 Total Sheriff Vehicle Count: 074 03/31/2021 118 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 30.00 36.55 123 03/31/2021 119 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 30.00 36.55 133 02/15/2021 155 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Traffic 6.55 30.00 36.55 134 03/31/2021 161 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 147 295 02/18/2021 168 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 150 03/31/2021 171 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 30.00 36.55 152 02/02/2021 174 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 153 262 02/05/2021 208 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 30.00 36.55 157 03/31/2021 NarcVanl SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 159 03/31/2021 SORTRK SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 160 03/31/2021 SWTVN SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 30.00 36.55 164 Total Monthly Billing Estimate for Non-Enterprise Leased Vehicles: 144 660 804 166 263 Annual Billing Estimate(based on March 2021's actual billing) - 1,729 7,920 9,649 170 Add 2022 Vehicle Rates from Tab A: 490,735 388,800 - 18,720 64,800 187,200 1,150,255 175 298 Other Additions/Adjustments: 71 20,200 22,800 43,071 Other Vehicle&Equipment charges not maintained by Enterprise Grand Total 2022 Sheriff Motor Pool Rates: 490,735 388,800 1,800 26,640 85,000 210,000 1,202,975 Object Codes: 564777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 Tab A-New Motor Pool Vehicle Orders for 2021 and 2022,and Recurring Payments for Current Leased Vehicles for 2022 Total 2021 Other Monthly Capital Upft Rental Fees- 2022 2022 Total Replaces Total Capitalized Including Vehicle 2022 Base 2022 OII 2022 Malnt 2022 Radios 8 Capital Upfit Enterprise Order Year Quote No. New Veh No. Veh.No. Type Amount Adtl Srvs Department Count Make Model Year Tenn Capital Lease 2021 Tlne Changes Fee Insurance Delivery Charges Estimate 2020 4561515 278 198 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Assessor 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6.116 150 360 - 6,625 2020 4561515 279 186 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Assessor 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 280 139 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Assessor 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 281 112 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Assessor 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 ISO 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 282 39 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Assessor 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6.116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 283 178 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 DCD-Building 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6.626 2020 4561515 284 162 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 DCD-Building 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 380 - 6,626 2020 4561515 309 137 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 DCD-Building 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 285 187 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Health-Enviro 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 287 138 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Health-Enviro 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6.116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 288 115 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Health-Enviro 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 289 114 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Health-Enviro 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 290 143 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Facilities 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 293 11 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 Probation 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 273 121 White Fleet 24443.00 509.66 DCD-Building 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 6,116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4561515 274 173 While Fleet 24443.00 509.66 DCD-Planning 1 Ford Escape 2020 48 8.116 150 360 - 6,626 2020 4558457 267 191 White Fleet 25018.48 527.90 Facilities 1 Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 6,335 150 360 - 6,045 2020 4449043 268 136 White Fleet 25444.48 535.85 Facilities 1 Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 6.430 150 360 - 6.940 2020 4449557 275 5 White Fleet 22811.00 481.74 Prosecutor 1 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 5,781 150 360 - 6.291 2020 4449557 276 8 White Fleet 22811.00 481.74 Health-Persona 1 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 5,781 150 360 - 6,291 2020 4449557 291 1 White Fleet 22811.00 481.74 Health-Persona 1 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 5.781 150 360 - 6,291 2020 4561530 292 199 White Fleet 2430.00 509.51 DCD-Planning 1 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 6,114 150 360 - 6,624 2020 4561530 277 120 White Fleet 2430.00 509.51 Health-Enviro 1 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 6.114 ISO 360 - 6.624 Total Motor Pool Vehicles Ordered in 2020: 23 140,191 - 3,450 - 8,280 - - 151,921 2020 310 194 White Fleet 33086.75 779.91 Coroner 1 Ford Transit-150 Cargo 2020 48 9,360 150 360 9,870 2021 4936909 207 White Fleet 35198.00 756.87 Parks 1 Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 9,082 ISO 360 7,000 16,592 2021 4936918 209 White Fleet 35198.00 756.87 Parks 1 Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 9,082 150 360 12,000 21,592 2021 4936904 103 White Fleet 38361.00 819.19 Parks 1 Ford F350 XL 4x4 Supe 2022 48 9.830 150 360 10,340 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2021: 4 37,355 - 600 - 1,440 19,000 - 58,395 Total 2022 Motor Pool Leased Vehicle Rates•: 27 177,546 - 4,050 - 9,720 19,000 - 210,316 •Some of the vehicles ordered for 2022 may go into service in 2021.This may create a need for a budget amendment in 2021. Tab B -Total 2022 Motor Pool Vehicle Rates Outside Owned Vehicle Capital Upfit Maint& Vehicles ID Cust Name Base Lease Fees Maint Fee Insurance supplies 1Ahx Fuel Total 1 5 Mason County-OEM 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 39 Mason County-Motor Pool 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 103 Mason County-Parks 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 122 Mason County-Facilities 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 128 Mason County-Probation 6.55 30.00 36.55 I 1 129 Mason County-Probation 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 136 Mason County-Coroner 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 143 Mason County-Facilities 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 194 Mason County-Coroner 6.55 30.00 36.55 1 202 Mason County-Facilities 6.55 30.00 36.55 Total Monthly Billing: 66 300 366 Annual Billing Estimate(based on June 2020's actual 786 3,600 4,386 Add New Vehicle Orders from Tab A: 177,546 19,000 9,720 4,050 - 210,316 Other Additions/Adjustments: 14 1,500 34,500 36,014 Grand Total 2022 Rates: 177,546 19,000 800 13,320 5,550 34,500 250,716 Outside Capital Upfit Maint& Leased Owned Total No.of Vehicles for the Totals by Department for 2022 Budget: Base Lease Fees Maim Fea Insurance supplies Yl12KFUd Total vehicles Vehicles Budget Assessor 30,580 - 1,800 750 4,000.00 37,130 5 5 OEM 80 360 150 400.00 1 1 Facilities 18,881 240 2,160 900 5,550.00 27,731 3 3 6 DCD-Building 24,464 - 1,440 600 6,000.00 32,504 4 4 DCD-Planning 12,230 720 300 1,500.00 14,750 2 2 Prosecutor 5,781 360 150 400.00 6,691 1 1 Motor Pool 8o 360 150 550.00 1,140 1 1 Coroner 9,360 160 11080 450 3,200.00 14,250 1 2 3 Health-Environmental 30,578 - 1,800 750 4,000.00 37,128 5 5 Health-Personal 11,562 720 300 200.00 121782 2 2 Probation 6,116 160 1,080 450 200.00 8,006 1 2 3 Parks 27,995 19,000 80 1,440 600 8,500.00 57,615 3 1 4 Grand Total 2022 Motor Pool Rates: 177,546 19,000 800 13,320 5,550 34,500 250,716 � 27 10 37 Object Codes: 564777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: 2021 Take Home Vehicle assignment approval by Board of County Commissioners for the following individual in the position of Road Operations & Maintenance Manager: Jeremy Seymour EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Take-Home Vehicles are only to be assigned to those meeting the IRS requirements of qualified non-personal use vehicles as identified in Publication 5137, or meet the Emergency Response, Specialized Equipment, or Economic Benefit as defined by IRS and outlined in the Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 13, Vehicle Use Policy. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) N/A RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request to place on the June 22, 2021 Consent Agenda consideration of one Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Forms effective from March 1611 through December 311, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: Vehicle Take-Home Assignment Authorization Request Form Briefing Summary 6/8/2021 Vehicle Take-Home Authorization Re Employee Name -Q_ve_v,,A -e_ ^(rjLev- Department l C U J Title/Position (�,A CJr� 0 uVlu e. - Division Vehicle No&Type PZ County of Residence ; Primary Work Station 1p1 V ;,ii(AkN_aCurrent Odometer Reading Y 6 �( Daily Commute Miles lr ileage outsite of County(if Daily Business Miles 2 ?2 applicable) Number of emergency call-outs in previous years: April 1-Sept.30: Oct.1-March 31: Per Mason County Personally policy adopted April 2017 resolution..........,requests to authorize Take-Home vehicles must meet at least of of the following criteria. ❑ Emergency Response: The employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee is called out at least 12 times per quarter. A"call-out"is defined as a directive to an employee to report to work site during off duty time. Documentation listing the number and nature of call-outs for the six month period from the prior year. In addition,there must bean explanation of why alternate transpiration cannot be used and why a County vehicle cannot be picked up from a designated County parking area.Attach all justification and back-up documentation to this form. ❑ Economic Benefit: There is an economic benefit to the County.This means the cost of travel reimbursement would exceed the costs associated with Take-Home vehicle. A calculation of this benefit must be submitted with the Take-Home Vehicle request. The cost of lost productivity cannot be part of the calculation. Attached all justification and back-up documentation to this form. Special Equipment: The Employee has the primary responsibility for responding to emergency situations which require immediate response to protect life or property and the employee needs a special vehicle and or carries specialized equipment other than communications equipment in order to perform their work outside of normal working hours. A description of this equipment must be submitted with Take-Home Vehicle requests. Attach all justifications and back-up documentation to this i form. ❑ Union Contract: Collective bargaining agreement may provide general language for department director to approve Take-Home Vehicle assignment. Provide union name,contract number,and attached a copy of relevant contract language. Union Local: Note:A County owned Take-Home Vehicle is a fringe benefit that generates a tax liability.If your request fora Take-Home Vehicle assignment is appr ed,you are requited to check with payroll to determine your liability. Zr R uestor's * n re Date nave re nd nderstand the County Policy governing Take-Home vehicles and County Vehicle use. I certify that this request meets the requirements. De rtment Director Date Ice ��at this request meets the requirements of the County Policy and recommended the BOCC approve the request. ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Chair of BOCC Date 'Please submit this form to the Risk Manager by September 30th of each year. Original to Risk Management Payroll Take-Home Log Special Equipment Justification Documentation Vehicle#1 180 a)Searchlight b) Flood Lights c) Emergency Strobe Lights d)Tool Box with emergency response items such as road flares, chain saw, hand tools, etc. e) CB radio f)Company 2 way vhf radio g) Permanently mounted bull<fuel tank&dispenser This vehicle is used for 24 hr callouts. It contains specialized equipment needed to respond to wind, rain,floods, slides, accidents, road hazards, and snow/ice events, natural disasters, Per agreement with Frank Pinter and the BOCC, record keeping not required MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Zoren DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Open Space application from Russell Williams/Berndine Knutz EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2020 Open Space applications were previously reviewed on May 24, 2021 and authorization was granted to schedule a public hearing. The public hearing will be scheduled for July 6, 2021. The Assessor and Community Development Administrator recommended denial of this application because no information was provided to substantiate the benefit to the public in exchange for the Open Space tax reduction. The applicant has submitted the attached information and the recommendation to deny stands. BUDGET IMPACTS: None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Final decision will be made at the July 6 public hearing. This information is provided in preparation for the hearing. Attachment: Information from Williams/Knutz Briefing Summary 6/8/2021 Survey for Verification of Open Space Land Use Chapter 84.34 RCW { Name of Owner(s)A2\u,��S^ &,i f-"`, j_,.`i� i t t (( %S, 1�"Y"Y 1txGC (Xt �V�LA..L-'_" Address: �lqq Parcel Number(s): 2 Total Acres in Program: Indicate what category of open space your land is currently used for(more than one may apply): Conserve or enhance natural,cultural,or scenic resource: ✓ Protect streams,stream corridors,wetlands, natural shorelines,or aquifers:'✓ Protect soil resources, unique or critical wildlife,or native plant habitat: ✓ Promote conservation principles by example or by offering educational opportunities: c./'� Enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighbing parks,forests,wildlife preserves, nature reservations or sanctuaries, or other open spaces: Enhance recreation opportunities: Preserve historic or archaeological sites: Preserve visual quality along highway, road,street corridors,or scenic vistas:".✓ Retain, in its natural state,tracts of land not less than one acre situated in an urban area and open to public use on such conditions as may be reasonably required by the granting authority: 1. Describe the present use of the land (attach additional pages if needed). 2. Is the land subject to a lease or agreement which permits any other use than its present use?(If yes, attach a copy of the lease agreement.) N�:7 3. Describe the present improvements(residence, buildings,etc.) located on the land. Olt— 4. Is the land subject to any easements?(If yes,describe the type of easement,the easement restrictions,and the length of the easement) ED URBY1 JUN - 8 2021 MASON COUNIT ASSESSOR °epa`trietLof Application for Classification or Reclassification Revenue (@ Washington state Open Space Land Chapter 84.34 RCW File With The County Legislative Authority e��n�d; �� Name of Ownerl(ss)): kev L Phone No:?�(to Email Address: Address: Parcel Number(s): 1`2_ c%r Legal Description: Total Acres in Application: Indicate what category of open space this land will qualify for: nserve or enhance natural, cultural, or scenic resources Protect streams, stream corridors,wetlands, natural shorelines or aquifers q rs Elrotect soil resources, unique or critical wildlife,or native plant habitat ,LI Promote conservation principles by example orb offering educational opportunities Y 9 ❑ Enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring parks, forests,wildlife preserves, nature eservations or sanctuaries,or other open spaces Enhance recreation opportunities ❑ P eserve historic or archaeological sites Preserve visual quality along highway, road, street corridors,or scenic vistas Lt1 Retain in its natural state tracts of land not less than one acre situated in an urban area and open to public use on such conditions as may be reasonably required by the granting authority ❑ Farm and agricultural conservation land previously classified under RCW 84.34.020(2),that no longer meets the criteria ❑ Farm and agricultural conservation land that is"traditional farmland"not classed under Chapter 84.33 or Chapter 84.34 RCW,that has not been irrevocably devoted to a use inconsistent with agricultural uses,and has a high potential for returning to commercial agriculture REV 64 0021 (08/02/17) 1 1. Describe the present use of the land. 2. Is the land subject to a lease or agreement which permits any other use than its present use? ❑Yes `&No If yes, attach a copy of the lease agreement. f 3. Describe e present improvements(residence, buildings,etc.)located on the land. o testa.rn) 6 tx lao� c 4. Is the land subject to any easements? Y'Yes ❑ No If yes,describe the type of easement,the easement restrictions, and the length of the easement. �>' u , 'k-> ? 5. If applying for the farm and agricultural conservation land category, provide a detailed description below about the previous use,the current use, and the intended future use of the land. NOTICE: The county and/or city legislative authorities may require owners to submit additional information regarding the use of the land. As owner of the parcel(s)described in this application, I hereby indicate by my signature below that I am aware of the additional tax, interest,and penalties involved when the land ceases to be classified under the provisions of Chapter 84.34 RCW. I also certify that this application and any accompanying documents are accurate and complete. The agreement to tax according to use of the property is not a contract and can be annulled or canceled at any time by the Legislature(RCW 84.34.070) Print the name of each owner: Signature of each owner: Date cif J The granting or denial of an application for classification or reclassification as open space land is a legislative determination and shall be reviewable only for arbitrary and capricious actions. Denials are only appealable to the superior court of the county in which the land is located and the application is made. REV 64 0021 (08/02/17) 2 Statement of Additional Tax, Interest, and Penalty Due Upon Removal of Classification 1. Upon removal of classification, an additional tax shall be imposed which shall be due and payable to the county treasurer 30 days after removal or upon sale or transfer, unless the new owner has signed the Notice of Continuance. The additional tax shall be the sum of the following: (a) The difference between the property tax paid as"Open Space Land"and the amount of property tax otherwise due and payable for the last seven years had the land not been so classified; plus (b) Interest upon the amounts of the difference in (a), paid at the same statutory rate charged on delinquent property taxes; plus (c) A penalty of 20%will be applied to the additional tax and interest if the classified land is applied to some other use except through compliance with the property owner's request for withdrawal as described in RCW 84.34.070(1). 2. The additional tax, interest, and penalty specified in(1) shall not be imposed if removal resulted solely from.- (a) Transfer to a governmental entity in exchange for other land located within the State of Washington. (b) A taking through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or sale or transfer to an entity having the power of eminent domain in anticipation of the exercise of such power. (c) A natural disaster such as a flood, windstorm, earthquake,wildfire, or other such calamity rather than by virtue of the act of the landowner changing the use of such property. (d) Official action by an agency of the State of Washington or by the county or city where the land is located disallows the present use of such land. (e) Transfer of land to a church when such land would qualify for property tax exemption pursuant to RCW 84,36.020. (f) Acquisition of property interests by State agencies or agencies or organizations qualified under RCW 84.34.210 and 64.04.130 (See RCW 84.34.108(6)(% (g) Removal of land classified as farm &agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2)(0 (farm home site). (h) Removal of land from classification after enactment of a statutory exemption that qualifies the land for exemption and receipt of notice from the owner to remove the land from classification. (i) The creation, sale, or transfer of forestry riparian easements under RCW 76.13.120. (j) The creation, sale, or transfer of a conservation easement of private forest lands within unconfined channel migration zones or containing critical habitat for threatened or endangered species under RCW 76.09.040, (k) The sale or transfer of land within two years after the death of the owner of at least a fifty percent interest in the land if the land has been assessed and valued as designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW, or classified under this chapter 84.34 RCW continuously since 1993.The date of death shown on the death certificate is the date used. (1) The discovery that the land was classified in error through no fault of the owner. REV 64 0021 (08/02/17) 3 FOR LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY USE ONLY rj 14 Date application received'. -" By: Amount of processing fee collected: $ • Is the land subject to a comprehensive land use plan adopted by a city or county? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, application should be processed in the same manner in which an amendment to the comprehensive land use plan is processed. If no, application must be acted upon after a public hearing and notice of the hearing shall have been given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area at least ten days before the hearing. • If the land is not subject to a comprehensive land use plan, is the land located within an incorporated part of the county? ❑Yes ❑ No If yes, application must be acted upon by three members of the county legislative authority and three members of the city legislative authority. See RCW 84.34.037(1)for details. If no, application must be acted upon by three members of the county legislative authority. ❑Application approved ❑ In whole ❑ in part ❑Application denied ❑ Date owner notified of denial (Form 64 0103): If approved, date Open Space Taxation Agreement(OSTA)was mailed to owner.- Signed OSTA received by Legislative Authority on: Copy of signed OSTA forwarded to Assessor on: To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired, please call 360-705-6705.Teletype(TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. For assistance,contact your local county assessor's office. REV 64 0021e(6/26119) REV 64 0021 (08/02/17) 4 Auttontisipn 10.63033D70-6F4D-40CB-ADDC•146EF3F6sA2E Change of Designation (Chapter 84.33 RCW) File with Coup Assessor .Applicant's Name: Russell Williams& Bernadine Knutz County: Mason Address: 547 W Deckerville Road Tax Code Area: V j City,State,Zip: Matlock. WA 98560 Phone Number: 360463-6998 Land Subject To This Application: (legal description) See Attached MASON COUNTY ASSESSORS Parcel No.or Account No.: 62015-12-00000 Change in Designation l 0 The land is currently designated as forest land under the provisions of Chapter 84.33 RCW and meets the definition of one of the following and I/we request reclassification as: (Check approprlate box) Open space land as provided under RCW 84.34.020(1). (Attach completed form REV 64 0021) ❑Farm and agricultural land as provided under RCW 84.34.020(2). (Attach completedform REV 64 0024 or 64 0108) ❑Timber land as provided under RCW 84.34.020(3), unless county has merged their timber land classification into their designated forest land program. (Attach completed form)F,V 64 0109 or 64 0111 and a timber management plan Amrmation As owner(s)or contract purchaser(s)of the land described in this application,Uwe hereby indicate by my/our signature that I/we am aware of the potential tar liability involved when the land ceases to be classified under the provisions of Chapter 84.34 RCW. If this land is removed from classification before ten years have elapsed,compensating tax may also be due for part of the period it was designated as forest land. See reference to RCW 84.33.145 on page two. Signature(s)of All Owaer(s)or Contract Purehaser(s) July 29,2020 w Date � +� � CD.WiL, 07/29n020 Attachments: aauatwalsa6 w por ❑ REV 64 0021 ❑ REV 64 0108 ❑ REV 64 0111 07rz9rz020 ❑REV 64 0024 ❑ REV 64 0109 wpm ❑Timber Management Plan Assessors use Only If the pareel(s)subject to this transfer document is considered contiguous,as defined in RCW 84.33.035(4),with other parcels having different ownerships, verify all remaining designated parcels with different ownerships are still: FA Adjoining Being managed as part of a single operation ❑ Meeting the definition of"family"as defined in RCW 84.34.020(6)(b)(ii)with the owner of an adjoining parcel REV 64 0038e(W) (WM14) See next page Aathentisign ID:63033D70-6F4D-4DCB-AD -146EFV65AH �- Change of Designation (Chapter 84.33 RCW) File with Conn so r Asm Applicant's Name: Russell Williams&Bernadine Knutz — County: Mason Address: 547 W Deckerville Road lax Code Area: City,State,Zip: Matlock, WA 98560 Phone Number: 360-463-6998 Land Subject To This Application: (legal description) See Attached Parcel No.or Account No.: 62015-12-00000 C hunoe in Itk""nation The land is currentl, of one of the follow ALICIA Y DALSEG 3205 121 E VINE MAPLE LANE Open space I UNION,WA 98592 9&M3%W51 El Farm and ag — � d� of / L1k7E K 64 O 1�8) PAYTO T!ie 1 //// ❑ ORDE Timber land ,� T� into their deg occu .Sax 1670 P Dm° 520 W.Cdw Shemn,WA BOW Out Community "t Union to As owner(s)or cont K)R signature that I/we a '! 1• 3 2 5 18 2 3 5 7 t: 7 8 9 16 0 5 S 4 0 18 II' provisions of Chapti 3 2 0 5 1f this land is remnvrct tr�nm ipcc�t�rgflnn }nw run�,og.c Aovs P1o.soi1 n...,,���,t.,,,n t���� wt�^�yNV=v.Wort nr the period it was designated as forest land. See reference to RCW 84.33.145 on page two.' rW v Signature(s)of All Owner(s)or Contract Purchaser(s) July 29.2020 Date 07292o2a Attachments: - wMfth*2'P0MT El REV 64 0021 ❑ REV 64 0108 ❑ REV 64 0111 � k 0729/2020 ❑ REV 64 0024 ❑ REV 64 0109 riR43PMPM ❑Timber Management Plan Assessors Use Only If the parcel(s)subject to this transfer document is considered contiguous,as defined in RCW 84.33.035(4),with other parcels having different ownerships, verify all remaining designated parcels with different ownerships are still: ❑ Adjoining ❑ Being managed as part of a single operation ❑ Meeting the definition of"family"as defined in RCW 84,34.020(6)(bxii)with the owner of an adjoining parcel REV 64 0038e(w) (63/14) See next page AuoW"4P O fO @"&4OU4RA-/AOA4=4F63F150 I Aufh.r0619n10:1E030N-6f14 12AF-8fdd-Ac55E0A3IE2t I -EXHIS,T"A" 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION i For AP;4,(S): 62015-12-00000 That portion of the Northeast ono ,.,arter of• ' 1 S,Township 20 North,Range 6 West,W.M,described as t follow gar of Section BEGINNING at the North one quarter cc;r0,of sir Sion i 5; Thence S 03° 52' 17" W along the North-South eerrterlW tat e of said Section 15,21.90 feet to the Southerly right-of--way of Deckerv111e road n'rd the TRUE POINT OF 1 1313GIiti'NINO; Thence continuing o S 03- 521 17 W, 274.85 fee: to an existing � C fence and a Point hereinafter refer red to as"point A";Th nce N 521 SO' 33" W along said fence.5.29 feet; Thence N 04° 17' 26" E along said Pena, 86.53 feet; Thence N 04° 23, 48" E along said fence, 16.82 feet; Thence N 04° 10' 35" E i along said fence, 132.33 fce;Thence N 031 52'06"E aiong said fence,8.47 feet; Thence N 040 271 i 9"E along said fence,32'.81 feet tc the Souther;y right-Of--way Of Deekerviile road; Thence S 86° 01' 48 E along spid Souther) ri ht-of--way, ' 2.60 feat to the TRUE POINT OF SEO NN1�G. y i3 -- i i , i 1 i I I F.Sos cc& Elisabeth Frazier �'�P. ti�`� Mason County Treasurer Misc Receipt • :i a , 411 N 5th Street,Building 1 2020-67151-MISC-08/04/20-Ronnie Shelton,WA 98584 360-4 429 I IIIIII IIIII(IIII IIIII IIIII IIII II I III IIIII IIII (IIII IIIII(IIII 11111360.427-9670 Ext.475 1 1 0 1 8 t G 3 7 8 8 3 1I* Receipt#: 2020-67151-MISC-08/04/20- Receipt T Receipt Date: 8/4/2020 P Type: Collection Received By: Ronnie Received From: TREASURER TRUST/RECLASSIFICATION Fund Bars Obj Line Func Description Amount 645.000000.000.000 389.90 300000 0000.00 TREASURERELL TRUST/LLIAMS RECLASSIFICATION/ RUS & BERNADINE 500.00 TREASURERS TRUST KNUTZ/ 62015-12-00000 500.00 PAYMENT ITEMS Paid By Tender Type Check# Amount ALICIA M DALSEG Check 3205 (500.00) (500.00) 102051 MiscReceipt www.terrascan.com Misc Receipt Printed on 8/4/2020 3 43 57 PM Page 1 of 1 Authent,gn ID 8649FDC9-EC38J04S-AC90-9999D7r,-a"' Mason County WA GIS Web Map Ory sad. t I` / 1 T i f i J f' i 1 I� 7/23/2020 140 38 PM 1.6.142 Q 0 0.05 01 0.2 mt County Boundary 0 007 0.15 03km Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30.000) S--s Ean HERE Gomm Yerma sp na —t P C. P GESCO USGS FAO NPS NRCAN Geo8aae IGN Kadastar NL (>drtanca Survey Esn Japan METI Esn China I.Hong Kong) i0 OpenStreetUm cnr*btaon and I*GIS User Community Mason Gourny yW GIS Woo Map Avoca!-w Er, HERE Gunn FAO USGS EPA NPS I Ri r—d Dul I Authent sign ID 6b59FDC9-EC38.4D4S-AC90-999909 E 71I �V1ason County WA GIS Web Map -. 1 ( *. .r 3§ 41k .�� . 7/23/2020. 3 54 14 PM F 1 3.071 r-, 0 003 005 0 1 ml u County Boundary i 1 1 1 0 + f 0 0.04 008 0 16 km Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000) S"ce Eui Ma.ar GaoEfiv FwThttar CNESAObua DS USDA USGS AeroGRIO IGN.ula ft GIS Ufer Commw4y Maxr C,nluttr VW1 G.IS Wab Mao Apdrarm R Khwd Ow I EarMjtar Ceograpn,rs Authem-qn iD 6659FDC9.EC18.4045-AC90-999909CEA711 Sod Ma y g a Map—Mason County Washington s a f� ... ribiY�LDeckcrvllle Rd Ofr . Laq OL A ~4 r r • mar,: jF '�:•: t lw' s � •F g h. IT IS 75'N .i 3 k I"�P sale:1:2,350 f ptr�d m A patrat(&s'x 11�shed. . N MKWS o ao 00 1Z teD - A0 we MD 4m t� KV Ixotmm:Web Mermtor Caner marilietm%W% Edge tm UTM bwe ION VVGS84 Am Natural Resources WPh Soil Survey 7/27/2020 Conservation Service National CDuperative Sot Survey Page 1 of 3 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Zoren DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Consideration of increasing the per parcel fee, currently at $500, for new applications and reclassifications for the Open Space, Farm and Agriculture and Designated Forest Land programs due to the increase of recording fees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Pursuant to RCW 84.34.030, "An owner...desiring current use classification...The application shall be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee if such processing fee is established by the city or county legislative authority..."; Resolution No. 2020-13 established the fee at $500 per parcel. The fees for recording documents will be increasing by $100 in July 2021 and the Current Use agreements are recorded bringing the minimum recording fee to $206.50. In addition to the recording fee there is a legal notice for the public hearing, staff time and postage. Staff recommends the fee be increased by $100. BUDGET IMPACTS: Revenue increase to offset the expense of program. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to place a resolution on the June 22 agenda increasing the fee to $600 per parcel for new applications and reclassifications for the Open Space, Farm and Agriculture and Designated Forest Land programs. Attachment: Resolution 2020-13; RCW 84.34.030 Briefing Summary 6/8/2021 Resolution No. 2020-13(formally known as 20-13) Amends Resolution No. 42-17 Fee Schedule for Current Use Assessment Programs and Designated Forest Land WHEREAS, the Open Space Taxation Act, enacted in 1970, allows property owners to have their Open Space, Farm and Agricultural, and Timber Lands valued at their current use rather than their highest and best use; WHEREAS, RCW 84.34.030 states "An owner...desiring current use classification...The application shall be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee if such processing fee is established by the city or county legislative authority..."; WHEREAS, RCW 84.33.130 (2) states "An owner of land desiring that it be designated as forest land...The application shall be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee when the county legislative authority has established the requirement for such a fee." WHEREAS, the fee was established by adoption of Resolution 42-17 at$500 for each application and reclassification and the Assessor has recommended this$500 fee be established per parcel; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO amend the fee to $500.00 per parcel for new applications and reclassifications for the Open Space, Farm and Agriculture and Designated Forest Land programs. Effective this 4th day of February, 2020. Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Mason County, Washington M issa rewry, CI& of the Board Sharon Tr,a,,skk,, Chair I'I�(�VETTAS TO FORM: / l� � - ��� Randy Neatherlin, ommissioner Timothy tehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney lk��w Kevin ShuttW,Commissioner Printed From Mason County DMS Printed from Mason Gotinty QMS Resolution No. .zo -13 Amends Resolution No. 42-17 Fee Schedule for Current Use Assessment Programs and Designated Forest Land WHEREAS, the Open Space Taxation Act, enacted in 1970, allows property owners to have their Open Space, Farm and Agricultural, and Timber Lands valued at their current use rather than their highest and best use; WHEREAS, RCW 84.34.030 states "An owner...desiring current use classification...The application shall be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee if such processing fee is established by the city or county legislative authority..."; WHEREAS, RCW 84.33.130 (2) states "An owner of land desiring that it be designated as forest land...The application shall be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee when the county legislative authority has established the requirement for such a fee." WHEREAS, the fee was established by adoption of Resolution 42-17 at$500 for each application and reclassification and the Assessor has recommended this$500 fee be established per parcel; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO amend the fee to$500.00 per parcel for new applications and reclassifications for the Open Space, Farm and Agriculture and Designated Forest Land programs. Effective this 4th day of February, 2020. Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Mason County, Washington 4 A0 .L21��Zd.4 M sa rewry, CI&of the Board Sharon Trask,Chair OVE 0 FORM: Y L Rancfy Neatherhn, ommissioner Timothy tehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ' Kevin Shu , Commissioner Printed From Mason County Cyr Printed from Mason County QMS 6/8/2021 RCW 84.34.030:Applications for current use classification—Forms—Fee—Times for making. RCW 84.34.030 Applications for current use classification—Forms—Fee—Times for making. (1) An owner of land desiring current use classification under RCW 84.34.020 must make application as follows: (a) Application for classification under RCW 84.34.020(2) must be made to the county assessor upon forms prepared by the state department of revenue and supplied by the county assessor. (b) Application for classification under: (i) RCW 84.34.020(1); or (ii) RCW 84.34.020(3), unless the timberland classification and designated forestland program are merged under RCW 84.34.400 must be made, for (b)(i) or (ii) of this subsection, to the county legislative authority upon forms prepared by the state department of revenue and supplied by the county assessor. (2) The application must be accompanied by a reasonable processing fee if a processing fee is established by the city or county legislative authority. The application may require only such information reasonably necessary to properly classify an area of land under this chapter with a notarized verification of the truth thereof and must include a statement that the applicant is aware of the potential tax liability involved when the land ceases to be classified as open space, farm and agricultural or timberland. Applications must be made during the calendar year preceding that in which classification is to begin. (3) The assessor must make necessary information, including copies of this chapter and applicable regulations, readily available to interested parties, and must render reasonable assistance to such parties upon request. [ 2014 c 137 § 6; 1989 c 378 § 10; 1973 1st ex.s. c 212 § 3; 1970 ex.s. c 87 § 3.] https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=84.34.030 1/1 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Ross McDowell DEPARTMENT: Parks &Trails EXT: 806 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Parks &Trails Comp Plan Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): I have been assigned the Update of the Parks and Trails Comp Plan. Looking at the past 2013 -2018 plan several of the future projects have been completed by the Parks Staff and assorted contractors. Most of the project involve REET 2 funding to extend the use or provide more activity in the Mason County Parks. There are still several park projects listed in the 2013-2018 Parks and Trails Comp Plan that are attainable and will remain in the updated plan. I have contacted Bob Droll reference assisting with the updating of the 2018 Parks and Trails Comp Plan since he was part of the update from the 2013 plan. He stated that he would be willing and able to assist with this updating project to make the deadline of December 31, 2021. Bob Droll will furnish me a project outline and a contract for his services as soon as possible. The project outline will include meetings (both north and south county) with citizen for input, meetings with the Parks and Trails Advisory Board for input and any desired "district projects"from the Board of County Commissioners. BUDGET IMPACT: The updated Parks and Trails Comp Plan should remain under $50,000, if it exceeds this amount I will advise the BOCC. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) This Parks and Trails Comp Plan will involve public outreach but not at this time. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Just for information at this time, I will bring the project outline and contract back to the BOCC when it arrives. ATTACHMENTS: N/A Briefing Summary 6/9/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 BRIEFING DATE: 06/14/2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: J If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information ITEM: Building 10 Phase 1.5 Civil / Sitework for Permanent Certificate of Occupancy Background: As the County has completed Phase 1 of the Building 10 remodel, by developing a facility that will accommodate the ability to hold Superior Court and District Court socially distanced in-person Jury Trials, the planning component of Phase 1.5 will begin. However, because the City of Shelton has put conditions on the County in order to get the Certificate of Occupancy for the ability to use the facility as planned in Phase 1 we have to complete Civil and Sitework improvements that would not have been necessary until Phase 2, specifically Helix Design Group Civil Engineering - $5,500 Landscape Design - $3,025 Architectural Drawings - $10.800 Construction Management- $25,000 Total - $44,325 Colvos Construction Proposed Change Order #12 Total $660,865.37 Grand Total $705,190.37 RECOMMENDED ACTION: At the June 22, 2021, Regular Meeting of the BOCC, authorize the Director of Support Services to approve and pay above invoices when received. Attachment: Helix Proposal Colvos Construction PCO #12 Briefing Summary 6/10/2021 Helix design group March 23,2021 Frank Pinter, Support Service Director Mason County Bldg. 1 411 B. 5-1'Street Shelton,WA 98584 RE: District Court House Remodel,414 W.Franklin Street,Shelton. Phase 1 Sitework Construction. Dear Mr. Pinter: Per your request,we are pleased to submit the following proposal for Phase 1 Sitework Construction support services,and permit documentation to address City of Shelton requirements. Services required and proposed include: • Architecture • Civil Engineering • Landscape Design We are pleased to submit the following proposal for your consideration. A. SERVICES 1. CIVIL ENGINEERING Please see attached proposal from Momentum Civil. FEE: $5,500 Momentum Civil,Construction Support: $5,000 Helix Mark-up @ 10%: 500 2. LANDSCAPE DESIGN Please see attached proposal from Lyon Landscape Architects. FEE: $3,025 Lyon-Construction Support: $2,750 Helix Mark-up @ 10%: 275 3. ARCHITECTURE Site Work Permit tasks include: • Update Phase 2 concept plan for parking calculations. • Provide campus map drawing for parking calculations to show how parking requirements will be met. FEE: Hourly/Not to Exceed $10,800 Construction Support tasks include: ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS GRAPHICS PLANNING • Coordination with consultants. • Support construction process. • Respond to construction questions, RFI's,etc. • Attend virtual meetings. • Prepare punchlist at substantial completion phase. FEE: Hourly/Not to Exceed $25,000 TOTAL Not to Exceed $44,325 4. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable expenses,e.g. copies; prints; mileage;will be invoiced as incurred at cost plus 10%; personal auto mileage at$0.575/mile. Reimbursable expenses are not included in our proposal fees. 5. ASSUMPTIONS a. 3-month construction schedule. We hope this proposal is acceptable. If so, please sign in the"Approval"block below and return a copy to us by e- mail. If you have any questions,please let us know. Thank you! Sincerely yours, HELIX DESIGN GROUP, INC. Approval to proceed with services as outlined above- (Signature) tTrtle) Bruce McKean,AIA Principal (co,npany) (Date) ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS GRAPHICS PLANNING oU__ -2t- -,Veet E2'.L =tlf'e_ 1 _.^ME. .:.'1'�p$� -1.�Lc r__ ' ,ij. ::Y.Il?' r ?fg'C,p ne' c011vos PCO #012 Colvos Construction Project: -21-025 Mason County Courthouse Exterior 711 Court C 414 West Franklin St Tacoma,Washington 98402 Shelton,Washington 98584 Phone:(253)844-4640 Prime Contract Potential Change Order #012: Phase 2 Exterior Improvements TO: Mason County FROM: Colvos Construction 411 North Sth St 711 Court C Shelton Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402 PCO NUMBER/REVISION: 012/0 CONTRACT: 1-21-025 Mason County Courthouse Exterior Prime Contract REQUEST RECEIVED FROM: CREATED BY: Casey Angeline(Colvos Construction) STATUS: Pending-In Review CREATED DATE: 6/8/2021 REFERENCE: 5.03.21 Permit Drawings PRIME CONTRACT None CHANGE ORDER: FIELD CHANGE: No LOCATION: ACCOUNTING METHOD: Amount Based SCHEDULE IMPACT: 84 days PAID IN FULL: No EXECUTED: No SIGNED CHANGE ORDER RECEIVED DATE: TOTAL AMOUNT: $650,855,37 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER TITLE: Phase 2 Exterior Improvements CHANGE REASON:Client Request POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION:(The Contract is Changed As Follows) Mason Coun Courthouse-Phase 2 Clarifications Estimate and clarifications below is based on the May 3,2021 civil drawings permit submittal plans Division 1:General_Conditions-12 Week Duration(84 calendar dam from mobilization to site • Includes full-time onsite supervision • Includes Project Management and Project Engineering Includes Temporary Job Trailer • Includes onsite portable restroom facilities,fencing dumpsters,and safety supplies/inspections for the duration of the project. • Includes an allowance of$10.000 for Traffic Control services and will be re-evaluated once the plan is approved. • Includes Site Cleaning at the end of the project • Payment and Performance Bond, Builders Risk Insurance and Maintenance Bond included Division 2:ExistincLConditions • Survey Scope Field Control Establishment Sawcut Staking (1)Set of Line and Grade Staking for Concrete Curbs (1)Set of Line and Grade Staking for Edge of Concrete and Valley Gutters (1)Set of Line and Grade Staking for Driveway Approach Staking (1)Set of Line and Grade Staking for Curbed ADA Ramp Includes necessary Field Coordination and Office Calculations Division 5:Metals • Includes 40 LF of Guard Rail at the NW Approach Division 22.Plumbing Colvos Construction Page 1 of 4 Printed On.6/9/2021 04.04 PM "ll`'oS PCO #012 • Design-Build Budget of$7,500 for potential hose bibs if needed. Division 31_Earthwork • Temporary Erosion Control Set-Up • Demolition of Concrete&Asphalt • Exporting 80 yards of Unsuitable Soils Additional export will be charged at a rate of$40/Yard • Import 140 yards of Structural Fill Additional Import will be charged at a rate of$50/Yard • Prep and Installation of Trench Drains • Removal of Existing Fire Hydrant and Relocation/Installation of New Hydrant • New Storm System Complete Division 32:Exterior Improvements • Site Concrete Scope Concrete Traffic Curbs Curb&gutter Valley Gutters with Fiber Mesh 4"Sidewalk 6"Drive Approaches Truncated Domes at Approaches • Asphalt Paving 3"HMA 1/2 on prepared grade on-site 5"HMA 112 on prepared grade off-site Striping 4 EA-Parallel Parking Stalls 62 EA-Parking Stalls 3 EA-Handicap Stencils with Blue Background and White Border 2 EA-ADA Walkway 3 EA-Handicap Sign on Surface Mounted Posts 13 EA-Concrete Wheelstops in front of Handicap Signs 27 EA-"Compact"Stencils Yellow Painted Curb 530 LF-Extruded Concrete Curb attached with Cement Slurry Glue 1 EA-Installation of Existing Stop Sign on New Post and S83 Base 1 EA-Thermoplastic Crosswalk 1 EA-Thermoplastic Stop Bar 25,500 SF-Powerbroom and Blow Clean with Application of 1 Heavy Coat of Special Asphalt XLR8 Sealcoat fin lieu of Fog Seat) Restriping of Items Listed below 45 Days after Opening • 4 EA-Parallel Parking Stalls • 62 EA-Parking Stalls • 3 EA-Handicap Stencils with Blue Background and White Border • 2 EA-ADA Walkway • 27 EA-Compact Stalls • Landscaping Material and Installation of Landscaping indicated on Sheets L1.0-L1.3. Design Build Irrigation Exclusions • Field Surveying/Office Calculations for Earthwork Quantities • Field Surveying for Remedial Grading except as noted in drawings • Engineering Services • Wet Utility Certifications not Specifically in Scope Listed above • Site Furnishings • Water Meter • Electrical Sourcing Cotvos Construction Page 2 of 4 Printed On,6/9/2021 04,04 PM Co1vos PCO #012 • Asphalt Patching that is not described above • Joint Utility Trenching • Plumbing Trenching Street Light Trenching • Fencing • Street light relocations Unforeseen conditions • Delays due to City permit comments and jurisdictional shutdowns • New utility connection or jurisdictional fees for street use and ROW permits • Building permit and fees • Work to the building of any kind • Other work than listed above • Permit comments or updates beyond the plan set listed above ATTACHMENTS: Phase 2 Subcontractor Duotes.pdf # Budget Code Description Amount 1 01-30-20.0 Project Executive.Other $3.000.00 2 01-30-13.0 Project Superintendent.Other $5D.400.00 3 01-30-19.0 Project Manager.Other $11.040.00 4 01-30-23.0 Project Engineer.Other $23.520.00 5 01-30-26.0 Project Administration.Other $6.700.00 6 01-30-32.0 Fuel/Oil/Maint/Parts.Other $1.500.00 7 01-32-13.0 Blueprints/Drawings/Specs,Other $150.00 8 01-51-36.0 Temporary Water.Other $375.00 9 01-52-17.0 Safety Supplies/Inspections.Other $1,800.00 10 01-02-19.0 Sani Cans.Other $1.050.00 11 01-52-13.0 Temporary Field Of6ce.Other $4,500.00 12 01-53-09.0 Temporary Fencing.Other $6.000.00 13 01-55-25.0 Traffic Control.Other $11.000.00 14 01-74-13.0 Continuous Cleanup.Other $8.400.00 15 01-74-19.0 Dumpster.Other $1,00.00 16 01-74-23.0 Final Cleaning.Other $5.000.00 17 05-50-30.0 Metal Railings.Other $6.000.00 18 22-40-01.0 Plumbing.Other $7,500.00 19 31-10-10.0 Earthwork Other $126.415.00 20 02-21-13.0 Site Survey.Other $17,000.00 21 03-47-03.0 Site Conc rete.Other $135.161.52 22 32-12-15.0 Asphalt Paving.Other $28,690.00 23 32-17-23.0 Pavement Markings.Other $19,525.00 24 32-80-13.0 Landscaping.Other $35,OD0.00 25 32-80-23.0 1 rrigati on.Other $15.000.00 26 90-10-72.0 Bond.Other Construction Bond $8.500.00 27 90-10-72.0 Bond.Other 3-Year Maintenance Bond $2.500.00 Colvos Construction Page 3 of 4 Printed On:6/9/2021 04:04 PM C01VOS PCO #012 # Budget Code Description Amount 28 90-10-16.0 Builders Risk Insurance.Other Project Builder's Risk Insurance $5.000.00 Subtotal: $540,326.52 Liability Insurance(1.50%Applies to all line Rem types.) $8,104.90 Contractor Fee(10.00%Applies to all line item types.): $54,843.14 B80 Tax(=0.69%Applies to all line Rem types.). $4,138.46 Sales Taxes(8.80%Applies to all line item types.) S53,452.35 Grand Total: $660,865.37 Bruce McKean(Helix Design Group) Mason County Colvos Construction 6021 12th St E.Suite 201 411 North 5th St 111 Court C Tacoma,Washington 98424 Shelton Washington 98584 Tacoma,Washington 98402 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE Colvos Construction Page 4 of 4 Printed On:6/9/2021 04.04 PM June 2021 NpenWN' e,l �Aca1,t June2021 July 2021 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY May 30 31 Jun 1 2 3 4 5 B:OOam American 9:OOam VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource 9:OOam VFW#1694 American Legion Legion,Auxiliary S:OOpm 4-H Meetings Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) (AL#31 sponsored) (MH) 7:OOpm American (MH) 11:00am Republican Legion 31 Women's_Group 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:OOam Narcotics 9:OOam VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 8:30am VAB Veterans DAV-Veterans Resource American Legion .... ..Anonymous(MH) ' S:OOpm 4-H Club Advisory Board (MH) Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694(MH) Meeting 9:00am VSO(MH) 3:OOpm Veterans of Foreign War Post 3:OOpm VFW meeting_____ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:OOam Narcotics 9:OOam VSO(MH) B:OOam American 9:OOam VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource, 9:OOam VFW#1694 American Legion Anonymous(MH) Legion,Auxiliary S:OOpm 4-H FAMILY Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) Meeting(MH) ROBOTICS (Memorial 3:OOpm District Court (MH) 9;OOam VSO WHY Hall) Probation Veterans Services (MH)___ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:OOam Narcotics 9:OOam VSO(MH) 9;p0am VSQ(MH) 9:OOam VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource American Legion Anonymous(MH) S:OOpm 4-H Club 6:OOpm Shelton Farmers' _ Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694(MH) Meeting Market Executive 3:OOpm Veterans of Mtgs(MH)_ Foreign War Post 3:OOpm VFW 1694 27 28 29 30 Jul 1 2 3 9:OOam Narcotics 9:OOam VSO(MH) 9:OOam VSO(MH) 9:OOam VSO(MH) Anonymous(MH) Memorial Hall 1 6/8/2021 9:36 AM July 2021 N��vy)Dv��� a�I July202, August202, Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Jun 27 28 29 30 Jul 1 2 3 DAV-Veterans Resource 9:00am VFW#1694 American Legion Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) (MH) 11:00am Republican Women's Group 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9:00am Narcotics Independence Day 9:00am V50(MH) .' 9:00am VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource; American Legion Anonymous(MH)_ Observed(MH) 7:00pm American 5:00pm 4-H Meetings Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) Legion 31 (AL#31 sponsored) 3:00pm Veterans of 5:00pm 4-H Club (MH) Foreign War Post Meeting 3:00pm VFW meeting 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 8:30am VAB Veterans DAV-Veterans Resource 9:00am VFW#1694 American Legion Anonymous(MH) Advisory Board (MH) Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) 9:00am VSQ(MH)_ 3:00pm District Court (MH) Probation Veterans Services_(MH) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH)_ 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource j American Legion Anonymous(MH) 5:00pm 4 H Club 5:00pm 4 H FAMILY Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW_#1694_(MH) Meeting ROBOTICS (Memorial 3:00pm Veterans of _Hall) Foreign War Post 3:00pm VFW 1694_ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource' American Legion Anonymous(MH) 6:00pm Shelton Farmers __ Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694_(MH) Market Executive Mtgs(MH) _ Memorial Hall 1 6/8/2021 9:36 AM August 2021 021 M-e nh D� cl l T I A L L August 2021 September 2021 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Aug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource 9:00am VFW#1694 American Legion Anonymous(MH) 5:00pm 4-H Club 7:00pm American 5:00pm 4-H Meetings __Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) Meeting Legion 31 _ _ (AL#31 sponsored) , (MH) (MH) 11:00am Republican Women's Group 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00am Narcotics 9:OOam VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 8:30am VAB Veterans ; DAV-Veterans Resource', American Legion Anonymous(MH) Advisory Board (MH) Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 3:00pm Veterans of Foreign War Post 3;OOpm VFW meeting 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) DAV-Veterans Resource 9:00am VFW#1694 American Legion Anonymous(MH) 5:00pm 4-H Club 5:00pm 4-H FAMILY Event Setup(MH) Auxiliary Workshop #31/VFW#1694(MH) Meeting ROBOTICS (Memorial 3:00pm District Court (MH) Hall) Probation Veterans Services (MH) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00am Narcotics 9:OQam VSO(MH)_ 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH), DAV-Veterans Resource American Legion Anonymous(MH) 6:00pm Shelton Farmers', Event Setup(MH) #31/VFW#1694(MH) Market Executive 3:00pm Veterans of Mtgs(MH)___ Foreign War Post 3:00pm VFW 1694 29 30 31 Sep 2 3 4 9:00am Narcotics 9:00am VSO(MH) 9:00am VSO(MH) Anonymous(MH) Memorial Hall 1 6/8/2021 9:36 AM MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kell Rowen &Alex Paysse DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 286 & 279 BRIEFING DATE: 6/14/2021 ITEM: Monthly Permitting and Complaints Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Permits May 2020 May 2021 Change MCCS Permits submitted 396 517 +30% MCCS Permits issued 262 340 +30% Includes permits from Building, Planning, Fire, and Environmental Health Average Permit Review Time for May 2021 (submittal to issuance) • New Single-Family Residence 69 days • New Manufactured Home 42 days • Residential Mechanical/ lumbin over the counter 2 days • Residential Re-Roof(over the counter) 1 day • Garage/ Storage 60 days • Carport/ Deck/ Covered 59 days • Addition or Remodel 62 days • New Commercial Permit 17 days • Change in Tenant 7 days • Site Pre-Inspection 24 days • Residential Sewage Disposal Permit 17 days • Commercial Sewage Disposal Permit L 23 days Complaints May 2020 May 2021 Change Complaints received 24 28 +16% Complaints resolved/closed it 6 -45% Includes complaints from Building, Planning, Fire, and Environmental Health RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: No formal requests currently. • Briefing Summary 6/8/2021 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: David Windom DEPARTMENT: MCCS EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: 14 June 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information NA INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain Frank Pinter ITEM: DCD year to date financials EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): DCD brief financial report for 1 Jan 2021 to 31 May 2021 BUDGET IMPACT: Please see the attached document PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) Briefing RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Briefing only ATTACHMENTS: DCD May 2021 Briefing Summary 6/9/2021 DCD Financial Brief 2016 - 2021 DCD Revenue vs Expense 200000 150000 100000 Z) 50000 z w 0 -50000 -100000 -150000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 -25997 -40830 -39071 49095 45850 -63838 75719 83216 21338 -8103 -28335 -1559 �2020 14386 67222 7901 -90959 45770 -21229 75717 16303 -14702 -12393 -82612 -98987 �2021 22812 -28873 74752 174439 5142 Revenue and Expense 2021 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Expense �Revenue Budget JAN-MAY 00 M m w 2020 2021 DCD Financial Brief REVENUE SOURCE Fines and Penalties, Misc,$22 $7,33� Licenses and permits, $588,570 Good and Services, $712,618 Intergovernme ntal,$29,340 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING June 14,2021 Briefing Items • Ecology Local Solid Waste Funding Assistance (LSWFA) Grant Application • Revise the Small Works, Consulting and Vendor Roster Resolution (replacing Resolution No. 56-17 and amending Ch. 3.48 of the Mason County Code) to reflect new procurement laws. Discussion Items Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items • Public Hearing for June 22, 2021 @ 9:15am to receive public comment of the updates to Ch. 12.08 —"Highway Approaches" of the Mason County Code. Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask Richard Dickinson Other(list below): MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director-Utilities and Waste Management DEPARTMENT: Public Works/ U&W Management EXT: 652 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Ecology Local Solid Waste Funding Assistance (LSWFA) Grant Application EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2021-2023 state capital budget included funding for Local Solid Waste Funding Assistance (LSWFA) grants through the Department of Ecology. Mason County was allocated $390,657 over the 7/1/21— 6/30/23 biennium which includes $119,528 for solid waste enforcement and $271,129 for planning and implementation. Application for funds must be made by June 8, 2021. The purpose of Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance (LSWFA) is to: • Provide financial assistance for local solid and hazardous waste planning. • Promote regional solutions and intergovernmental cooperation for eligible projects. ■ Promote efficient implementation of programs contained in local solid and hazardous waste management plans. ■ Help local governments prevent or minimize environmental contamination through compliance with state and local solid and hazardous waste laws and rules. Mason County Solid Waste uses this grant to offset costs associated with the recycling and household hazardous waste programs. These programs are free of charge to residents. Fund #402 budget pays vendors to dispose of HHW and recycling materials and then the county is reimbursed by Ecology. The $271,129 grant represents a reimbursement of about 30% of the expenses Mason County will incur during the two-year period. The remaining costs are covered by solid waste tipping fees. BUDGET IMPACTS: This grant reduces the ratepayer cost to carry out the County's current household hazardous waste disposal and recycling operations. It does not encumber the County to participate in any programs that are not already budgeted and in operation. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve submittal of the 2021 — 2023 LSWFA grant application to the Department of Ecology and authorize the Public Works Director and/or Deputy Director/Utilities and Waste Management to sign the necessary agreements. Attachment: 1. Grant Questionnaire Mason County GRANT QUESTIONNAIRE Date: Office/Department: Public Works Contact Person: Richard Dickinson 1) Name of Grant/Program 2021 -2023 Ecology Local Solid Waste Funding Application 2) New Grant ® Renewing Grant ❑ Term (# of years) 2 3) Is the grant unchanged, and does not require Current Expense funding? Y X N 4) How will this grant benefit the County's citizens? Grant funds will be used to support the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)and recycling programs. at Mason County solid waste facilities in Shelton, Union, Hoodsport, and Belfair. Funds will go toward paying vendors that the County uses to dispose of HHW and recycling materials. 5) Is this a program grant or an equipment grant? This is a solid waste program implementation grant. 6) Is this a "one-time only grant" or is it renewable? If renewable, how long is grant anticipated to last? It is not renewable but Mason County has regularly received funding in previous state budgets. 7) If this is a new grant how will the grant support a current program OR how will the program change? This grant will support the HHW and recycling portions of the County Solid Waste Program_ It will not change current operations. only provide funding support for existing operations. 8) Does this grant require up front funds? Y X N If so, what is the source of the up-front funds needed to cover costs prior to initial and continuing reimbursements being received? HHW and recycling expenses are paid for out of Fund#402 budget and then reimbursed by Ecology. The Ecology grant has traditionally covered --30% of the County's HHW and recycling Costs,over the 2 year period. The remaining expenses are paid for by solid waste tipping fees. 9) How many employees (new or current) will be paid by the grant? N 0 C 0 a. If this grant requires new hire(s) and grant ends, how will unemployment costs be funded? Page 1 rev. 3-11 10) Will the grant require matching funds; i.e., in-kind, cash, Employment Security, Social Security, FICA, PERS, etc? Y X N If so, what? Thp grant requires a 25% match from the County Since the gjaIIionly covers 30% of our actual costs for operations, our match will be much larger than the required minimum. 11) Would the grant allow for an annual COLA in salary, increase in medical insurance premiums or increases in any personnel benefits? Y_N/A 12) What fund would support a cash match (if required)? Solid Waste Fund#402 13) If required what is the TOTAL cost of the match over the life of the grant? $97,664.25`d 14) What fund would support the administration of the grant?Solid Waste Fund #402 15) Will the grant allow for the County cost allocation plan to be funded? Y X 16) Would the grant require the county to provide office space and/or additional equipment to administer the program? If so, what are the requirements? No 17) Would the program require use of a county vehicle or personal vehicle? Y N X 18) If so, would the grant provide for the cost of the automobile and/or liability insurance? Y N 19) Would the grant require activities by other county offices/departments? (i.e. legal review, technology services assistance, new BARS numbers.) Y X N If so, what activities? The final agreement will need to be reviewed and approvedy the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. 20) Would acceptance and completion of the grant project in any way OBLIGATE the County to create/enact new ordinance or policies? Y N X If so, what obligations? 21) Does this grant project include any activities that may fall outside the county`s standard policies (personnel policies on travel, hours of work, training required, reimbursement for meeting refreshments, paying for meeting space, etc.?) No Page 2 rev. 3-11 22) Will outside consultants be solicited to work on the grant and if so, is a process in place for appropriate selection and oversight of consultant activities? Y N X If so, what is the funding source for consultant fees? 23) For a program grant, how would the program be funded after the grant expires? (It should be understood that once grant funding ends, either the program ceases OR the funding for the program needs to be absorbed within the department's or office's existing budget) OR justification must be provided that the program has been and will continue to save or benefit taxpayers. Most of the(2 portPd hy/ipyng fees now If State funding cPacaS in tha filti ire tipping fees maV need to be increased to cover the costs that are now reimbursed by Ecoloay. 24) Please provide (attached to questionnaire) a synopsis of the grant or a copy of the fact sheet. Please feel free to submit additional information as needed. Official signature of requesting office/department: Elected Official/Department Head Date Approved by: Chair, Board of County Commissioners Date Page 3 Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance The Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance program provides funding to local governments for solid and hazardous waste planning and implementation, as well as enforcement of solid waste rules and regulations. 1 want to... Apply for or manage a grant or loan > Get guidance for managing a.grant or loan Funding cycle Amount offending available:$24 million Funding allocated: Grant award limit Formula based allocation Amount of matching funds required;25 percent, Application information Who's eligible .Eligible projectrypes Enforce solid'waste rules and regulations. Develop and maintain local solid and hazardous waste plans. Implement eligible programs in local solid and hazard waste plans;includmr, Moderate risk waste. Waste reduction and recycling Organics Eligible project types pplicabons ate currently being accepteii tart date:May 25.2021 d date:jun 22.2021 e will accept 2021 applications from 8 am.May 25,until 5 p m.june 22. o stay Informed aboutotherLSWFAinforrnatiom please join our em IJL Eligible project types ending is available forthe following entities: Eligible local governments—typically counties,cities;or jurisdictional health departments. .More information about this funding program fiA�JXXW AmZ iideIines Seefundinfr history on the fcolmGrants�and Loans tELa mao Read additional information about this funding o ortunity. M21-2023 funding pram g 'dui elines> 2021-2023 aRplication instructions I,, 2019-J�21 fur•.din¢jQgmmm guidelinese. Generai measiir ment standards and rmxftne g.d lines e ELe-quently asked uestions-Product stewardship and LSN.FA G Related links Local Solid Waste Financial AsslstanOtemaii lista Public Participation Grants Waste Reduction and Recycling Education Grants MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Resolution Update for the Small Works, Consultant and Vendor Rosters EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mason County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution 56-17 on October 3, 2017, allowing the county to use a Small Works, Consultant and Vendor Rosters as an alternative contracting process to fulfill small to medium sized contracting needs more efficiently. In July of 2019, Legislation passed ESSB 5418 that made a number of changes to the procurement laws impacting counties, including two that require updating the County Small Work, Consultant and Vendor Rosters resolution to reflect and utilize these changes: • increasing small works roster limits from $300,000 to $350,000 • increasing the limited public work process from $35,000 to $50,000 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve the revised Small Works, Consulting and Vendor Roster Resolution that replaces Resolution No. 56-17 and amends Ch. 3.48 of the Mason County Code. ATTACHMENT: 1. Resolution RESOLUTION NO. REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 56-17 FOR MASON COUNTY SMALL PUBLIC WORKS,CONSULTANT AND VENDOR ROSTERS A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON,ON THE SUBJECTS OF ESTABLISHING A SMALL PUBLIC WORKS ROSTER PROCESS TO AWARD PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS,A CONSULTING SERVICES ROSTER FOR ARCHITECTIURAL, ENGINEERING,AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND A VENDOR ROSTER FOR GOODS AND SERVICES NOT RELATED TO PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS. WHEREAS,RCW 39.04.155,was recently amended and other laws regarding contracting for public works by municipalities,allow certain contracts to be awarded by a small work and other laws regarding contracting for public works by municipalities,allow certain contracts to be awarded by a small works roster process;and WHEREAS,Ch.39.80 RCW and other laws regarding contracting for consulting services by municipalities allow certain contracts to be awarded by a consultant roster process;and WHEREAS,RCW 39.04.190,regarding purchase of materials, supplies,or equipment not connected to a public works project,allows certain purchasing contracts to be awarded by a vendor roster process; NOW,THEREFORE,THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Resolution No. 56-17 hereby replaced,amending Chapter 3.48 of the Mason County Code. Section 2. MRSC Rosters. The County has contracted with the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington(MRSC)to have their official rosters hosted in the online database for County use for small public works contracts,consulting services,and vendor services developed and maintained by MRSC through MRSC Rosters and the Public Works Director is authorized to sign the contract. Section 3. Small Public Works Roster.The following small works roster procedures are established for use by the County pursuant to RCW 39.04.155: 1. Cost.The County need not comply with formal sealed bidding procedures for the construction, building,renovation,remodeling,alteration,repair,or improvement of real property where the estimated cost does not exceed Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars($350,000),which includes the costs of labor,material,equipment,sales,or use taxes as applicable.Instead,the County may use the Small Public Works Roster procedures for public works projects as set forth in this resolution.The breaking of any project into units or accomplishing any projects by phases is prohibited if it is done for the purpose of avoiding the maximum dollar amount of a contract that may be let using the small works roster process. Page 1 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution 2. Publication. At least once a year,MRSC shall,on behalf of the County publish in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality's jurisdiction a notice of the existence of the small works roster and solicit the names of contractors for the small works roster.MRSC shall add responsible contractors to the small works roster at any time that a contractor completes the online application provided by MRSC,and meets minimum State requirements for roster listing. 3. Telephone,Written,or Electronic Quotations.The County shall obtain telephone,written,or electronic quotations for public works contracts from contractors on the appropriate small works roster to assure that a competitive price is established and to award contracts to a contractor who meets the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1).The County may establish supplementary bidder criteria under RCW 39.04.350(2)to be considered in the process of awarding a contract. a) A contract awarded from a small works roster will not be advertised. Invitations for quotations shall include an estimate of the scope and nature of the work to be performed as well as materials and equipment to be furnished.However,detailed plans and specifications need not be included in the invitation. b) Quotations may be invited from all appropriate contractors on the appropriate small works roster.As an alternative,quotations may be invited from at least five contractors on the appropriate small works roster who have indicated the capability of performing the kind of work being contracted, in a manner that will equitably distribute the opportunity among the contractors on the appropriate roster. "Equitably distribute" means that the County may not favor certain contractors on the appropriate small works roster over other contractors on the appropriate small works roster who perform similar services. If the estimated cost of the work is from one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000)to three hundred fifty thousand dollars($350,000),the County may choose to solicit bids from less than all the appropriate contractors on the appropriate small works roster but must notify the remaining contractors on the appropriate small works roster that quotations on the work are being sought. The County has the sole option of determining whether this notice to the remaining contractors is made by: (i) publishing notice in a legal newspaper in general circulation in the area where the work is to be done; (ii) mailing a notice to these contractors;or (iii) sending a notice to these contractors by facsimile or email. c) At the time bids are solicited,County staff shall not inform a contractor of the terms or amount of any other contractor's bid for the same project; d) A written record shall be made by County staff of each contractor's bid on the project and of any conditions imposed on the bid. Immediately after an award is made,the bid quotations obtained shall be recorded,open to public inspection and available by telephone and/or electronic request. Page 2 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution 4. Limited Public Works Process. The County may award a contract for work,construction, alteration,repair,or improvement project is estimated to cost less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000),the County may award such a contract using the limited public works process provided under RCW 39.04.155 (3).For a limited public works project,the County will solicit electronic or written quotations from a minimum of three contractors from the appropriate small works roster and shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder as defined under RCW 39.04.010.After an award is made,the quotations shall be open to public inspection and available by electronic request. For limited public works projects,the County may waive the payment and performance bond requirements of chapter 39.08 RCW and the retainage requirements of chapter 60.28 RCW, thereby assuming the liability for the contractor's nonpayment of laborers,mechanics, subcontractors,material men, suppliers,and taxes imposed under Title 82 RCW that may be due from the contractor for the limited public works project. However,the County shall have the right of recovery against the contractor for any payments made on the contractor's behalf. The County shall maintain a list of the contractors contacted and the contracts awarded during the previous 24 months under the limited public works process, including the name of the contractor, the contractor's registration number,the amount of the contract,a brief description of the type of work performed,and the date the contract was awarded.County staff using this process shall submit the required information to the IS Department to add to the award list that is kept on the Mason County webpage. 5. Determining Lowest Responsible Bidder.The Board or authorized designee shall award the contract for the public works project to the lowest responsible bidder provided that,whenever there is a reason to believe that the lowest acceptable bid is not the best price obtainable,all bids may be rejected and the Board may call for new bids.A responsible bidder shall be a registered or licensed contractor who meets the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria established by RCW 39.04.350 and who meets any supplementary bidder responsibility criteria established by the County. The mandatory bidder responsibility criteria of RCW 39.04.350 now includes a requirement for the County to verify a bidder has received training on prevailing wage and public works requirements or that the bidder is exempt from this training because they have completed three or more public works projects and have had a valid Washington business license for three or more years. This verification is required prior to awarding a contract for prevailing wage public works projects. In addition,as required by RCW 39.06.020,a public works contractor must verify responsibility criteria for each first-tier subcontractor and a subcontractor of any tier that hires other subcontractors must verify responsibility for each of its subcontractors.Verification shall include that each subcontractor,at the time of subcontract executions,meets the responsibility criteria listed in RCW 39.04.350 and, if appropriate,possesses licenses required by Chapter 19.28 RCW or 70.87 RCW.This verification requirement, as well as the responsibility requirement,must be included in every public works contract and subcontract of every tier. 6. Award. All of the bids or quotations shall be collected by County staff. Page 3 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution a) County staff shall then present all bids or quotations and their recommendation for award of the contract to the Board.The Board shall consider all bids or quotations received, determine the lowest responsible bidder,and award the contract; or b) The Board may delegate authority to a County department to request informal or formal bids and to award public works contracts to the lowest bidder for projects costing more than the authorized County department purchasing thresholds. Section 4. Consulting Services Roster.The following consulting services roster procedures are established for use by the County pursuant to RCW 39.80.030: 1. Consulting Services.Consulting services are professional services that have a primarily intellectual output or product and include architectural and engineering services as defined in RCW 39.80.020. 2. Publication. At least once a year,MRSC shall,on behalf of the County publish in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality's jurisdiction a notice of the existence of the consulting services roster and solicit the names of consultants for the consulting services roster. MRSC shall add responsible consultants to the consulting services roster at any time that a consultant completes the online application provided by MRSC,upload a Statement of Qualifications,and meets minimum State requirements for roster listing. 3. Review and Selection of the Statement of Qualifications Proposals.The County shall use the following process to select the most highly qualified Architectural or Engineering firm off of the Consulting Services Roster to provide the required services: a) County staff shall have an established criterion that must be consider in evaluating Architectural or Engineering firms for a given project. Such criteria shall include a plan to ensure that minority and women-owned firms and veteran-owned firms are afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for and obtain public contracts for architectural or engineering services. The level of participation by minority and women- owned firms and veteran-owned firms shall be consistent with their general availability within the jurisdiction of the county. b) County staff shall evaluate the written statements of qualifications and performance data on file with the county at the time that architectural or engineering services are required; c) Such evaluations shall be based on the criteria established by County staff. d) County staff shall conduct discussions with one or more firms regarding anticipated concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of approach for furnishing the required services. e) The firm deemed most highly qualified by the agency to do the project will be selected. Page 4 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution 4. Award. a) The Board considers the proposal received and awards the contract;or b) The Board may delegate authority to a County department to award projects for consulting services for projects costing more than the authorized County department purchasing thresholds. Section 5. Vendor List Roster.The following vendor list roster procedures are established for use by the county pursuant to RCW 39.04.190: 1. Purchase of materials,supplies or equipment not connected to a public works project in an amount of$10,000 or less. The County is not required to use formal sealed bidding procedures to purchase materials,supplies or equipment,not connected to a public works project where the cost will not exceed$10,000.The County will attempt to obtain the lowest practical price for such goods and services. 2. Purchase of materials,supplies or equipment not connected to a public works project in an amount between$10,000 and $50,000.The County may use the following vendor list procedure.Purchases more than$50,000 require Formal Competitive Bidding. a)Publication.At least twice per year,MRSC shall,on behalf of the County publish in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality's jurisdiction a notice of the existence of the vendor list roster and solicit the names of vendors for the vendor list roster. MRSC shall add responsible vendors to the vendor list roster at any time when a vendor completes the online application provided by MRSC, and meets minimum State requirements for roster listing. b)Telephone,Written,or Electronic Quotations. The County shall use the following process to obtain telephone,written or electronic quotations from vendors for the purchase of materials, supplies,or equipment not connected to a public works project: (i) A written description shall be drafted of the specific materials,supplies,or equipment to be purchased, including the number,quantity,quality,and type desired,the proposed delivery date,and any other significant terms of purchase; (ii) County staff, shall make a good faith effort to contact at least three(3)of the vendors on the roster to obtain telephone or written quotations from the vendors for the required materials,supplies,or equipment; (iii) County staff, shall not share telephone,written or electronic quotations received from one vendor with other vendors soliciting for the bid to provide the materials, supplies,or equipment; (iv) A written record shall be made by County of each vendor's bid on the material, supplies,or equipment,and of any conditions imposed on the bid by such vendor; Page 5 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution 3. Determining the Lowest Responsible Bidder. The County shall purchase the materials, supplies,or equipment from the lowest responsible bidder,provided that whenever there is reason to believe that the lowest acceptable bid is not the best price obtainable,all bids may be rejected and the County may call for new bids. 4. Award. All of the bids or quotations shall be collected by the County.County shall create a written record of all bids or quotations received,which shall be made open to public inspection or telephone inquiry after the award of the contract.Any contract awarded under this subsection need not be advertised. a) County staff shall then present all bids or quotations and their recommendation for award of the contract to the Board.The Board shall consider all bids or quotations received, determine the lowest responsible bidder,and award the contract; or b) The Board may delegate authority to a County department to award bids for materials, supplies or equipment costing more than the authorized County department purchasing thresholds. 5. Posting.A list of all contracts awarded under this procedure shall be posted on the County webpage.The list shall contain the department/location of bid documents,name of the vendor awarded the contract,the amount of the contract,a brief description of the items purchased,and the date it was awarded.County staff using the vendor roster, shall submit the required information to the IS Department to add to the award list that is kept on the Mason County webpage. EFFECTIVE this_day of June,2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair TIM WHITEHEAD,Ch.DPA SHARON TRASK,Commissioner Page 6 of 6 Small Works,Consultant and Vendor Roster Resolution MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dan Teuteberg, Director DEPARTMENT: WSU Extension EXT: 686 BRIEFING DATE: June 14, 2021 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Spring 2021 Report on accomplishments of Washington State University Extension Mason County. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): N/A BUDGET IMPACT: N/A PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community meetings, etc.) N/A RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: - Spring 2021 Report— Washington State University Extension Mason County Briefing Summary 6/7/2021 V ta Extension Mason County Spring 2021 4 Spring 2021 Report Serving Mason County for more 00 years Washington State University Extension Mason County helps people put research-based knowledge to work, improving their lives,communities,and the environment. To realize this mission,faculty and staff plan,conduct and evaluate research and experience-based educational programs to improve the lives of Mason County residents. WSU Extension Mason County also employs the assistance of hundreds of volunteers and community partners and provides access to the resources available at Washington State University and the National Land Grant University Extension System. Partnerships Dan Teuteberg,County Director& Mason County and Washington State University have a 4HYouth Development Specialist co krA long-standing partnership in providing educational dan.teuteberg@wsu.edu programs and research-based information to residents 360-427-9670 Ext.686 throughout the county.This partnership ensures that - resources are committed from Federal allocations and ,rrw University funds to keep important educational programs WSU Extension Mason County available in Mason County. 303 N 4th Street,Shelton,WA 98584 360-427-9670 Ext.680 Other Mason County partnerships include: http://extension.wsu.edu/ mason ♦ United Way of Mason County ♦ School Districts—Shelton, Pioneer and Hood Canal ♦ Early Learning Coalition ♦ Community Services Offices ♦ Shelton Timberland Library Facebookpages: ♦ Saints Pantry Food Bank ♦ Mason Conservation District Mason County4-H ♦ Behavioral Health Resources Mason County Noxious Weeds ♦ Mason County Health Department ♦ Mason General Hospital Mason County Master Gardeners ♦ The Salmon Center Mason County Small Farms ♦ Washington Conservation Corps ♦ Hood Canal Coordinating Council ♦ South Sound Reading Foundation ♦ „p, -• ir - BY THE NUMBERS 2020/2021 • 416 youth engaged in 4-H Youth < ` Development t activities 31 trained adult E volunteers • 10 trained youth 4- H Youth Development volunteers • Make the Best Better" • 285 families engaged RESUMING FACE-TO-FACE ACTIVITIES through community outreach programs A cautious and gradual reopening of face-to-face 4-H activities began in April.With and at-home learning guidance from WSU and following all national,state,and local government mandates, kits restrictions,and precautions we are working with volunteers to provide safe and educational in-person 4-H activities. Prior to hosting an event certified volunteers are required to participate in a staff-led training,submit an event plan,and host a virtual pre-event meeting with participants.All events require approval by the WSU Extension Director and must include an educational component.To increase safety,we have assembled face-to-face supply kits that are on site for all activities.The kits include extra PPE, sanitizing supplies, required signage,and health attestation forms.On April 24 the Alicorn Adventurers 4-H club took a trip to Panhandle Lake 4-H camp where they learned about local forest habitat,tree identification,and tapping Big Leaf maple trees for syrup.The group also participated in a community service project while at the camp by Resuming making improvements to the livestock arena.At the activities starte• with a conclusion of the event there was a unanimous Members of the Adventurers forest hike at Panha • ' Lake feeling of happiness as youth, parents,and Alic• 4-H camp. volunteers were thrilled at the opportunity to get 4-H club clearing rocks from the outside and learn. livestock arena at Panhandle Lake 4-H project.Camp as a community service empowersKathy Fuller • to reach their full potential, Coordinator workingExt. 681 partnership EXPANDING OUR REACH The Mason County 4-H program was recently contacted by the Skokomish Indian Tribe with a request to collaborate on S.T.E.M.activity kits for youth in their community.With assistance from certified volunteers we assembled and delivered 170 kits that provided youth the opportunity to generate homemade electricity.The Lemon Battery 1 experiment is a classic science experiment and a greatO QUOTES way for kids to discover the energy in nature.When - N kids power a light bulb with the energy from lemons it -- "%just love 4-H because it makes things that they can't see, like the energy in our gives my daughter a food,very real and exciting.With this program we were Nance to explore so many also able to accommodate a sight impaired youth by ' box overflowing with 17o Lemon rojects and discover what modifying the kit to include a buzzer that she could Battery experiment she really loves." hear instead of a light bulb that she was unable to see. delivered to the ' ' Indian Carly, 4-H mom STAYING CONNECTED WITH 4-H FAMILIES `l have purchased supplies As we continue to navigate the restrictions of COVID-19,4-H staff have adapted to a for my own continued schedule that includes a blend of working both remotely and in the office,depending on learning. We will the needs of the program.We collaborate on projects continue to successfully host events and the usefulness as an and meetings in a virtual format. offer to 4-H youth." Regularly scheduled Office Hours Michael, 4-H volunteer and Council meetings are well attended by both youth and adults via Zoom.We continue to share "We are grateful for any resources for families to stay support you guys provide connected and engaged in learning for us to keep our kids' throughout this time.These minds active!" resources are available on our % Kisako, community parent website and Facebook page to all families in our community.While some 4-H clubs have chosen to "This is too fun!Miss pause their activities amid the 4-H member, Peyton,sharing her Public Maddie and her creativity restrictions of COVID,we also have Presentation on equine vital signs. are hard at work." 4-H clubs that are thriving in a Crystal, parent virtual meeting setting. living"I PLEDGE my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to greater Mason County loyalty, my HANDS to larger service and my HEALTH to better MENSION for my club, my community, my country and my world." Continued from previous page... Recently, members who have been attending virtual meetings have been learning about pollination,gardening,and community service.Supplies to build a pollinator garden were generously provided by a 4-H volunteer.With a supply of all they needed to build an Q, impressive raised garden bed youth followed directions, learned about power tools,and prepared the soil for planting.A perfect example of learning by doing! QUOTES 'What a fun garden project! Thank you for such a great idea and all the supplies/Give , her a power tool and she is amazing.... ' Diana,4-H mom 4-H member ilk. .. Harper makes sure her•• • - use a •- Harper, • . • her 'We are so excited for the garden .. •• drill •• garden. obotics program to start back prior to filling with builds his pollinator up again.In the meantime, we dirt and planting. gardenbox. bought a robot and coding kit to work on at home." 4-H SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED Carly, mom The Mason County 4-H Scholarship Committee conducted a virtual scholarship interview on April 6 and is proud to announce the award of a$1,000 educational scholarship to 4-H member,Shelton High School Senior and Olympic College Running Start student, Keelie Madison. Keelie is a ten year 4-H member,who has focused on creative arts and leadership projects throughout her 4-H career.She has served as a 4-H club officer, summer camp counselor,and mentor to many young people. Keelie will continue her education at The Evergreen State College in the fall and plans to pursue a degree in English. FLOWER FUN&TRIVIA TIME On May 6th youth were invited to participate in 4-H Flower Fun&Trivia Time via Zoom.The event was planned and delivered by 4-H volunteers who guided participants through the process of creating spring flowers and butterflies with basic supplies.Supply kits containing items to complete the projects were provided to all participants ahead of time. Interactive virtual projects are a great way to keep families engaged in the 4-H program and provide a sense of belonging during the restrictions brought on by the pandemic. Mason County WmINO"STATEUNWEISM loyalty, my HANDS to larger service • my HEALTH to better 1 � � -• .. • Grain � ..�►` � '� ., BY THE NUMBERS 2021 Indirect contacts through online learning and resource sharing: P► • Schools: 847 • Tribes: 1 ,105 • Adults: (CSO, BHR, SNAP- Ed Nutrition Food Bank, Senior Supplemental Nutrition • . Center): 1 ,951 SNAP-ED PARTICIPATED AT OPENING DAY AT SHELTON FARMERS MARKET Shelton Farmers Market opened May 1 st. Though still working under pandemic protocols, WSU SNAP-Ed provided several resources to low-income Mason County residents who visited the Market. The self-serve SNAP-Ed brochure holder was stocked with Oregon State University Food Hero Family newsletters which included recipes and information on how to select, prepare and store early spring,farm fresh produce.These vegetables included radishes,green onions/chives, lettuces/spring mix leafy greens, spinach and asparagus. SNAP-Ed also provided Food Hero coloring sheets matching the vegetables listed above. Flyers from Washington Department of Health(WA DOH)and Washington State Farmers Market Association(WSFMA)were provided for shoppers on how to use Pandemic-EBT at farmers markets along with the WA DOH poster:SNAP EBT at FarmersW. Markets and Market Match.WA DOH&WSFMA farm vendor flyers regarding Pandemic-EBT and Market Match were supplied to the Market manager, JenieLynn Wilkinson,to distribute to the farm vendors. Julie Guyton SNAP-Ed Nutrition Programs focus on providing Coordinator Ext. 684 dietary quality, physical activity and food Continued from previous page... Quotes Lastly,COVID-19 safety regulations and guidelines and booth "It's so important for my layout resources were provided to the market manager to keep ONIn.,lr./M� students to learn how shoppers and vendors healthy and in compliance. LZL .(I to eat healthy. This WSU SNAP-Ed will continue to provide materials highlighting = information is very how to best prepare,enjoy and preserve the bounty of ,ly,, valuable for our fami/ies. locally-grown fruits and vegetables as produce is ready for What you (SNAP-Ed)are market throughout the season. doing is having a big impact on their lives. HEALTH PROMOTION POSTERS IN THE COMMUNITY FEATURE Thank you for all you do!" SNAP MARKET MATCH AND LOCAL FARMERS MARKET Eva Lorberfeld, Mountain View 1 st grade teacher. The pandemic has hit everyone hard,with rising prices for food and unemployment high, but low-income individuals and families have been especially hard hit.Stretching food dollars is paramount in keeping our adults and children well-fed with nutritious,affordable food.One way to do that is for eligible folks to use their EBT/P-EBT allotments at farmers markets that participate in fruit and vegetable incentive programs.SNAP Market Match is SNAP MARKET MATCH one of those programs available at Shelton Farmers Market.To help promote the buying power of SNAP Market Match,Grays Harbor-Mason SNAP-Ed designed promotional hNv..tNM posters featuring the Market Match program and Shelton Farmers Market. Partnering with Mason Transit Authority,these posters(in English&Spanish)will be placed on 40 Transit roa /SNAP-Ed buses which run throughout the county.SNAP-Ed will also place these posters at food banks,schools,community centers,and clinics to help increase awareness of the benefits available to SNAP-eligible residents. �~ PARTNERSHIPS EXPAND TO BRING FRESH LOCAL PRODUCE TO SENIORS -- —��" Right before the pandemic hit,Mason SNAP-Ed partnered with B' .w Mason Senior Nutrition Program and the Shelton Farmers Market to find a solution to low redemption of Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers.Of the$12,000 worth of vouchers mailed,only $612 vouchers were redeemed at Shelton Farmers Market. Inadequate transportation was deemed the main issue. Fast forward to March 2021:SNAP-Ed designed a survey and South Sound Senior Services mailed them to clients.One immediate solution the Seniors indicated would help was to bring the farmer to the seniors.SNAP-Ed contacted the Mason County Senior Activities Center(MCSAC)to see if they would be willing to host a farmer every two weeks who would bring fresh fruits,vegetables and other produce to the Center for client choice. Pamela Bish Mason County Educator SNAP-Ed r r r . r CcicbratIng 25 years Continued from previous page... QUOTES All seniors would be able to buy from the farmer, but those with Market vouchers could also redeem them without having to go to the market. Many low-income seniors rely on "Looking forward to caregivers or Dial-A-Ride to drive them, usually Monday through Friday.This strands moving forward with many seniors on the weekends when the Shelton Farmers Market is creating a system to get open. Partnering with MCSAC will provide a workaround to that V fresh produce to our obstacle. MCSAC also generously offered to promote/advertise the �C1.�� CeiKer homebound seniors."- in events in its newsletter and on Face boo k,so as many seniors as 111u1\f l)1'\11 N\R IR 41 II\Ilfl\f l\Ilf response to conveying possible will partake in the opportunity. Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program SQUAXIN ISLAND TRIBE vouchers with scheduled SNAP-Ed met with Squaxin Island Tribe Native Garden and healthcare staff in Mason Meals on Wheels a revitalization of the partnership formed long ago.Staff concerns regarding deliveries': their Native members' health included the obesity rate,the increase in ...this is all so exciting!" sweetened drink consumption,the need for cooking skills and healthy WSU Mason SNAP-Ed, eating,food access, increasing affordable physical activity and walking and biking safety. Shelton Farmers Market With these mutual goals in mind,SNAP-Ed supplied links to several Community Health vendors, Senior Services Assessment Needs tools provided by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board. for South Sound and Once the Tribe has prioritized its needs,SNAP-Ed will assist and support the efforts to Mason County Senior achieve the desired goals. Activities Center are ooling resources to bring WALK WITH EASE FACILITATORS the Shelton Farmers SNAP-Ed staff is being trained as group walking I Market to seniors who Ar*R*W facilitators. Until pandemic protocols are lifted,all Walk With Ease may not be able to attend lessons will be virtually-led. Hopefully it will soon be the Market on Saturdays. •.-«•--++��--1i+-•--"---�•-«- safe to conduct in person classes. Low-income Stephanie Penland: • adults can look for summer recruitment for Walk Co-Director of Senior With Ease participation,getting physically active one Nutrition Program/Lead step and stretch at atime, building comfort, Assessor, Senior Services confidence,and stamina to enjoy walking and being for South Sound active. ,�....�..»^� Ar Pamela Bish J MasonWASI IN, SNAP-Ed ; EXTENSION pllyons@wsu.edu Cc I britin9 25 ycar. E BY THE NUMBERS - -� � ..:,, Imo► _ J � 2020/2021 ". t • 17 new contacts since August 1 5th. Facebook page has 71 new followers • 3 Home Horticulture Small Farms participants Supporting • . and Natural Resources • 28 Cultivating SuccessTM participants HOME HORTICULTURE TRAINING 2021 (tri -county area) 6 Septic System The WSU Home Horticulture Training wrapped up on April 24th. • Home Horticulture With three participants form Mason County attending and over 300 Workshop *1 Training statewide,the training was a hit.With training focusing on a wide participants A612 range of horticulture topics taught by WSU faculty, staff, Master QUOTES Gardeners and other regional experts, participants learned about basic botany, soil nutrition and fertility, plant health and care and more. "My wife and l enjoyed the entire course! We SEPTIC WORKSHOP especially enjoyed the early focus on the As we are still limited on the creation of holistic farm face-to-face activities and meetings,we ONSITE SEPTIC SYSTEMS plan and sustainability. are looking at hosting another online How they work Kendall and Kiley were septic workshop this summer. How to care for them When to get help both excellent facilitators Interested in learning about septic And more.... and we hope to work with management?Contact our office today! them again in the future." I Benjamin S., Cultivating I Success Whole Farm Planning participant © Mason County KendallI Ilk" Working with MasonCounty fosterCoordinator • . • Ext. 682 ! stewardship, and access to healthy food kendalf.carmanCawsu.edu ! Quotes CULTIVATING SUCCESSTM: "Cultivating Success is a great AGRICULTURE ENTREPRENEURSHIP class to take if youare thinking about taking that Cultivating Success has ended with all the participants leap from home gardener to a presenting portions of the business plan they created to the maalread taken er h t you local cohort.The WSU Mason County Small Farms group had have already taken that leap it partnered with WSU Grays Harbor Small Farms Program and can help you get where you provided support for Mason,Grays Harbor and Thurston want to be bypointing you in County residents with about 13 participants.Several of these the right direction with al/the CULTIVATING"' participants had taken the previous course,Cultivating many resources available in S U C C E S S Success:Whole Farm Planning this last fall.We are hoping to your county. The Agricultural continue working with the statewide cohort to continue to Entrepreneurship class will offer both of these Cultivating Success classes to our community members. help you figure out your Comments on Cultivating Success: business plan and give you some of the tools to make your business dreams viable. We signed up for the Cultivating Success course in order to learn how we might best Brandy H.,Cultivating manage and sustain a long held fami/yproperty. Our experience was profoundly positive. Success,Agricultural The course offered a wide-ranging collection of subjects presented bya series of Entrepreneurship and Home lecturers who were always interesting, informative and inspiring. Horticulture class participant The instructors and ourgroup breakout leaders provided guidance while offering encouragement and preparation to cultivate success on our wonderful Washington farm. "Learning about integrated We are grateful to have taken the course,as we have learned lots and developed management systems has invaluable connections in our community. Thank you to the Cultivating Success team and me actively mindful of the WSU for nurturing the journey. interconnectedness of everything;like, from the Sincerely, perspective of one's own Erin& Heidi J. realm, panning out further and further until its just a dot. Connected, inextricably woven, a tapestry." Mari L., Home Horticulture participant • • �1f •• • • BY THE NUMBERS • 46 active Master ,-. _ Extension Mason County Spring 2021 • 24 questions r .0 answered during 2021 clinic Master Gardeners • 118 community CultivatingPeople • Communities members educated at Through the Garden Gate online CREATING A POLLINATOR BUZZ workshops in 2021 Several of the Master Gardeners have been learning and engaging with our different pollinators. Up at Catalyst Park,the Master Gardeners gave new life to some of the Mason • 3,367 pounds of Bee houses and added some additional homes.We have entered two articles into the Fresh Organic Shelton Journal under the WSU Making a Difference about pollinators and how to help with Produce donated to their habitat both written by Mary Dessel. Our Master Gardeners were also invited by the Saint's Pantry Food Hood Canal Improvement Club to do a presentation on Pollinators as well. Here are some Bank in 2020 key facts Mary outlined for providing pollinator habitat in your own yard: __ - • We can help pollinators find and use plants by planting them in clumps rather than as O'Cmating -11mo.w�m. awnom.. PollinarorFriend/yGardens' single plants. zoom„.., We can also include native plants such as red flowering currant and goat's beard.Our Ws "—,u,,""°"`" pollinators have coevolved with native plants for thousands of years. Bumble bees are active from spring into fall.They need to find foods that are available in March as the Queens emerge and throughout the summer months as the colony sizes ��u. r�L hck14�•ynwllp:= ».�.. . grow. For example,Oregon Grape blooms in March and borage is a favorite food during the summer.Try to plant a wide variety of plants that bloom from early spring into fall to serve as a food source. • Bees see colors differently than we do.They choose flowers with blue and yellow petals. They cannot see red. . 2 Kendall Carman Engaging university-trained volunteers to empower Master Gardener Coordinator y .2. . Ulm k 16AL Continued from previous page... Mary Dessel works on rolling paper •. for the Mason a Flowers that are aromatic such as lavender will favor pollinators. Bees to lay their eggs • at a Flowers such as coneflower are preferred by bumble bees as they provide big landing Catalyst Park. platforms. • Tubular flowers such as penstemon have nectar at the base of the tube and are utilized by bees. Hood Canat hnpnw ment pub hosts... "Orating Pollinator Friendly Gardens" Fr 0 FAY t,`rcnatiy :'a"^.r,�' sw.c"-wN a.r-uy ZOOM presentation Sb Ctlw wear Trim Aepon tr.p. BICYy,aG Sum:...s by tNSU MASTER GARDENEft Lu,...•• ® ®®� PROGRAM Tuesday,May 4,2021 ` 7pm �".s. ia,.i.s.a s.n-oam. sw�ocm. ocmw�ra dccM Bayp. $u.baY P�pMNmr BoaGwaan —2. " Presenter fHOIyDessef j Use a wide variety of plants that bloom from early spring into late fall i To sae this presentation contact •w+...u�-.c,..,..,, hcicl4(AgmalLcom r rnn..4u►-.wn...,. : •,...-,._ for a Zoom Invitation I e ` CATALYST PARK .. Since the start of March and the spring weather, Catalyst Park has been a place of busy work. Prepping the garden beds begins by Etta removing the straw mulch, laying out the drip lines and adding in manure to the garden rows and beds.All this work is rewarding when the early spring crops,such as peas, can be planted to signify the start of a new season.As March continued, more prep work is done to continue getting the garden ready, including pruning of the fruit trees. New Wd demonstrations were discussed and Jack planting square planned, like some fun square foot r foot garden gardening beds to showcase using the ..: - 1 space of a bed with maximum utilization of space with different i types of crops.Salsa garden anyone?Another key demonstration will be the planting of the Three Sisters garden space with corn, A moo beans and squash in the upper garden. Having different types of raised beds,as well as accessibility,will also be a focus for the Master_ raised beds.With the season ramping up here now,the garden is .- +r Mason •house a place of rewarding work as the Master Gardeners are seeing crops starting to grow.Catalystor Mary and Sybil planting beets GardenerMason County Master WA%iINGMNSrAnUNWEWff Every Monday 12-3 • • : UTENSION E-mail: • • • Continued from previous page... Restrictions are still in place at the garden, not exceeding certain number of volunteers,facemasks,washing and sanitizing and social distancing.This also means that our garden is still not open to the public.Please stay tuned to our Facebook page Mason County WSU Master Gardeners,where we will share photos and videos of things happening at the garden! ,,�; y: l i s - it Busy crew weeding Diana, Erika, and Jack Christy planting lettuce Sybil with a bouquet of weeding radishes MASTER GARDENER PLANT SALE II % The WSU Mason County Master Gardeners and the Master Gardener \\ Foundation of Mason County teamed up to bring a different approach to Xllrel their annual plant sale by going online!With limitations on face-to-face activities,the Master Gardeners took charge at running the plant sale on an online platform with a drive through pick up.With a special thank you .ti for the donation of the space for our pickup,we would like to thank Andy Hunter at Lynch Creek Farm . and all the staff that helped set up tables and allowed the use of space.We had i 139 plant orders with about 1 767 plants sold.Some of < the many compliments from customers included their amazement of the plant health and size,as well as how happy they were to get planting all their newly acquired plants. Mason • Gardenery aster Office MondayWASHINGTONSTATEUNPIMM Every 6 : EXTENSION E-mail: • • V Extension Mason . 9�N CpVN � �D Tp + lR54 BY THE NMI, NUMBERS 2021 • 4 Properties Noxious Weed Pro ram inspected or landowners Mason County • ' e' Control Board communication for FIELD SEASON PREP presence/absence of giant hogweed In preparation for the 2021 field season, staff inventoried supplies and equipment,cleaned and • 7 Property owners repaired herbicide injectors and backpack sprayers,and restocked supplies.Staff also assisted with organized field binders that include our active permissions, safety work plan,etc. noxious weed FIRST TREATMENTS OF THE SEASON control "• �� �� With surprisingly mild,early spring weather, Mason County • 5 Property owners assisted with plant Noxious Weed Control staff were able to accomplish identification, numerous treatments on high priorityweeds, including lesser noxious weed celandine, poison hemlock,gorse,and spotted control, and knapweed. disposal 'row information Lesser celandine • • 35 Weed wrench Only . ,oiso treatments were , ,,;, the result of - �`�:� rentals -• • • treated last year.While we will successful outreach • 160 Seed mixes out to a cluster of to the publicany new plants,this is a big landowners through _ _ �` �.�• • 28 Citizen contacts site visits,as well as via phone, email, a newly updated lesser celandine weed alert posted --� social media or to our website. in-persons t Patricia Grover V..t' 'k Responsiblefor • Gnffying noxiotis weeds Coordinator Ext. S92 impacting our county resowces,irtiducling agriculture, PatriciaG Ca • • • • forestry, recreation • native habitats. �l w Continued from previous page... The manual removal of gorse occurred as a result of an II EDRR(Early Detection Rapid Response) report by a staff R member of the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group.Community outreach and collaboration Y I continue to be vital components to successful control • efforts of noxious weeds in Mason County. Quotes •+ l appreciate you ` answering my questions and giving me a course of action to take if l v +ha e any future concerns. jW KNOTWEED AND GIANT HOGWEED MAILINGS "We lost a lot of leaves, l have great hope of them . all dying. l will send pictures this evening. l want to thank you so much. l owe you a day of free labor let me know." MK Postcards were sent to 100 landowners along Mission and Little Mission Creek in north I Mason County in an effort to expand our knotweed control program.While much progress has been made along Mission Creek, Little Mission Creek still needs to be surveyed and ' treated for knotweed in order to reduce the impacts of this aggressive weed. Giant hogweed is a noxious weed species of great concern at this time of year. It is highly toxic and relatively uncommon in Mason County. Staff mailed 88 postcards to owners of NOxi0U5 WEEDS DAMAGE historic giant hogweed sites as well as a few potential new sites reported by citizens.Site °=R RESOURCES visits began in early May and staff will document presence or absence of giant hogweed during these visits. availableWe are I help landowners and land Mason • ,U managers with information, 1 1 deal WASHINGT EXTENSION• with invasive,non-nativeplant species. Continued from previous page... Where present,and with permission from the property owner,treatments will follow.With I grant funding and property owner participation,we continue to make progress in the eradication of this species in Mason County. m Quotes ''�' "Thank you so much for coming out the other day. l so enjoyed your - -- --� �-- - ' know/edge!!" KJ "You did an amazing job to eradicate that nasty Postcards, includea map ofknown giant hogweed sites,were weed outside of me sent to landowners inMason giant pulling 1 or 2 they are has beenreported. completely gone thank you." TITLE II - FOREST SERVICE Mike, a neighbor of a Our annual preseason meeting was held on April 1 Sth.This was an opportunity to review the property owner with tansy work plan for 2021 and learn about changes in personnel and activities that will be taking ragwort place in the Olympic National Forest this season.A public notice was published in the Shelton-Mason CountyJournal on April 22nd, 2021 in regards to treatment dates within the ONF(proposed to be April 26th, 2021-November 18th, 2021). SITE VISITS -. With most of our in-person events being canceled this year,we have shifted focus to increasing the number of one-on-one site visits with property owners in order to continue engagement in a safe manner.Staff have already facilitated 12 site visits and provided print- ed resources on a variety of noxious weeds as well as offered control on high priority weeds Lesser Celandine such as lesser celandine. Mason County are available to help landowners and land WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSHY managers with information, and resources to deal non-nativeEXTENSION with invasive, plant species. BEE-U-TIFY SEED MIX ® p Native pollinator seed mix purchased from the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board has historically _'pMCE f�At to Mo. been offered each year at events. Due s` *1 WIT. to the cancellation of events this year, we have had to think of creative ways to get the seed mix out to the public. Staff set up a pickup bin outside of the office where community members can pick up seed, provided seed mixes to the Belfair Garden Club plant sale, and stocked seed mixes at the free seed library in the H.O.P.E.gardens. Staff pose with the Bee-U-tify seed mix dropped off at the H.O.P.E.garden's free seed library. WEED WRENCH CHECKOUTS Weed wrenches have been a hot commodity at the WSU Extension Office! In 2021, there have been 35 check outs and an ongoing waitlist!Thanks to an article I= a published in the Shelton-Mason Countyjournal about the weed wrench borrow program and the impacts of Scotch broom in Mason County,and a dedicated WSU Extension Office staff, residents have successfully pulled thousands of Scotch broom plants. Many noxious weeds are beginning to bloom,and continuing education on the impacts of these plants and how to manage their growth is a vital component �- to a healthy community. available • help landowners and land qlfMasonCounty infonnation,services,and resources to deal EXTENSION with invasive,non-native plant species.