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2020/09/22 - BOH Packet
4 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health :. MASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH PUBLICREGULAR MEETING—DRAFT AGENDA HEALTH Sept 22, 2020 is 10:30 a.m. Via Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/94418831601 Shelton, WA 98584 Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.9, in-person attendance is temporarily restricted. During this time, we will accept public comment using the "raise hand" feature in Zoom. You can also email msmith o,co.mason.wa.us; mail to the Commissioners' Office at 411 N 5t' St, Shelton,WA; or call (360) 427-9670 ext. 230. If you need to listen to the meeting via your telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. 1. Welcome and Introductions Peggy Van Buskirk Chair 2. Approval of Agenda—ACTION Board Members 3. Approval of Minutes of July 2020—ACTION Board Members 4. Health Officer Report Dr. Daniel Stein a. COVID b. Other 5. Administration Report Dave Windom 6. Environmental Health Report Alex Paysse 7. Community Health Lydia Buchheit 8. Other Business and Board Discussion Board Members 9. COVID Presentation Staff 10. Public Comments 11. Adjourn If special accommodations are needed,please contact McKenzie Smith,427-9670,Ext.589. From the Belfair area,please dial 275-4467,Ext.589;from the Elma area please dial 482-5269,Ext.589. Mason County Public Health 415 N 61h Street, Bldg 8,Shelton WA 98584, Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 400 ❖ Belfair:(360)275-4467 ext 400 ❖ Elma:(360)482-5269 ext 400 FAX (360)427-7787 MASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA July 28,2020, 11:00 a.m. Attendance(via Zoom): Randy Neatherlin,County Commissioner;Kevin Shutty,County Commissioner; Sharon Trask. County Commissioner; Gary Plews,Fire Commissioner; Kathy McDowell,City of Shelton Council Member; Kerry Davidson, Shelton School Board. Peggy VanBuskirk,Hospital District#2 joined the meeting at 11:28 a.m. Absent: Scott Hilburn,Hospital District#1. 1. Cmmr.Neatherlin called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. 2. Approval of Agenda—Cmmr.Shutty/Gary Plews moved and seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. 3. Approval of Minutes—Corrected May 28 and September 24,2019 meeting minutes;January 28,2020 regular meeting minutes;May 11,May 22 and June 16,2020 special meeting minutes Cmmr.Shutty/Cmmr.Trask moved and seconded to approve the corrected May 28 and September 24,2019 meeting minutes; January 28,2020 regular meeting minutes;May 11,May 22 and June 16, 2020 special meeting minutes. Motion carried. 4. Dr. Stein presented the Health Officer Report. There is an increase of COVID-19 positive cases in the County that cannot be attributed to only an increase in testing. Staff is conducting the contact tracing. Dr. Stein is working closely with the school districts to see if there is a way to safely open schools up in the fall. They are monitoring for Hepatitis C. He has been planning for his departure which is at the end of 2020 and is hopeful there is a new Health Officer before his departure. 5. Dave Windom included his Administration Report in the packet and there were no questions. He encouraged everyone to go to the DOH site for COVID-19 info. Update on the Health Officer search—Dave will reach out to the Thurston County Health officer to see if they want to also serve as Mason County's Health Officer in the interim. He asked if the BOH wants to establish a search committee. Dave suggested a three-person panel plus Dr. Stein to interview the applicants. Dr. Stein has also received information from potential applicants. Dave and Dr. Stein will review the applications. Dr. Stein, Cmmr. Shutty,Gary Plews,Kerry and possibly Peggy will serve as the interview panel. Dave talked about a new program for contact tracing. He commended the nursing staff for their professionalism in case management. Dave and Lydia have been working on staffmg. They are working with the school districts to determine how to safely open and meet the Governor's criteria. Dr. Stein interjected that Public Health professionals will have guidelines through DOH. Staff is working with Evergreen Mobile Park to remove them from well water and on-site septic and connect them to public water and sewer system which will also help with WRIA 14. Mason County received funding to work on rapid testing for Hepatitis C and this may expand into HIV as well. Public Health has$35M COVID funding that has not been awarded. 6. Alex Paysee included his Environmental Health Report in the packet that included updates from the following programs: sewage,drinking water,solid waste,water quality and the food program. 7. The Community Health Report was also included in the packet. Lydia reported there have been 5 to 12 new COVID cases daily and the hospital is offering staff assistance for investigations.Dr. Stein noted that it is taking time to get the test results back from the labs. There is a rapid testing option that costs about $1200 per sample and is used in only certain circumstances. Lydia reported on the Substance Use Prevention programs. 8. Other Business and Board Discussion-On-Site Sewage Committee Appointments BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS July 28,2020-PAGE 2 Alex reported there are four open positions and six applicants for the On-Site Sewage Committee. His recommendation is as follows:Appointment of Jim Henry and Paula Johnson to the OSAC as they are the only two applicants to the two vacant designer positions.Appoint Constance Ibsen to the open watershed position as she is the only applicant.Review or interview Thad Bamford, Shane Maples and Dean Goldy for the open installer position. The appointments are for a 3-year term and nothing prohibits reappointments for consecutive terms. Cmmr.Shutty/Gary to approve staff s recommendation for the appointments and interview for the installer appointment. Motion carried. Interview committee for the installer position is Cmmr.Trask,Council Member McDowell and Alex Paysee. 9. Public Comments—none received. Dave Windom reported on WCC's COVID screening process. 10. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m. ATTEST MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board Scott Hilburn,Hospital District 91 Kathy McDowell,City Commissioner Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner Sharon Trask,Commissioner Peggy Van Buskirk,Hospital District#2 Gary Plews,Fire Commissioner Keri Davidson,Shelton School Board Environmental Health Report For Board of Health September 22°d, 2020 EH Manager Updates: Environmental Health staff continues to serve Mason County residents with its various programs throughout COVID- 19. These past few months have been a constant juggling of priorities as COVID demands come and go. The rise in cases at end of July and August prompted more EH staff to step up and support response efforts. In addition to COVID response,permitting activities related to septic and drinking water continue to rise. Some of the permitting increases are as high as 28%(sewage)over 2019. Overall an increase of 6.6%across all EH permitting. Management continues to work with partners on securing amendments to our existing contracts for PIC(pollution identification and correction)in our water quality program. An additional Environmental Health Specialist was added back for implementation of the current scopes of work. Maria Micallef joined us beginning of September to assist Ian Tracy with this work. Maria comes to us from Arizona where she worked for an environmental health section in Cochise County. We were also awarded a$12k education grant from Dept. of Ecology for solid waste education. Staff will be working on mailings related to this project in the coming months around proper solid waste disposal and recycling. ...........................................................................................................................................-.-.........-.-...._....-.....-........................................................................................... ---- ..............................---..-.................... .......................... ........ .... ......... ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERMITS (MO/YR) 2019 EH Permits a2020 EH Permits 200 181 156 159 164 150 126 113 117 r--� -� 118 116 100 90 73 73 65 71 50 January February March April May June July Addition items for BOH review: 1. Open Installer position within the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee (OSAC) 2. Open County position within the OSAC 3. Change in OSAC appointment process �.z 0 1 8/20/2020 RE: Open Installer position within the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee Dear Board of Health members, On July 28th three applications were presented to Board of Health for an open installer position within the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee. On behalf of the sub-committee tasked with interviewing the three applicants,we recommend the re-appointment of Thad Bamford for 3 years. Interviews of all three applicants were completed on August 19th. All the applicants showed a respectable depth of knowledge and we encourage them to still participate in these public meetings and/or seek application with any future openings. Sharon Trask, County Commissioner Kathy McDowell,City Councilmember Alex Paysse, EH Manager MASON Comm COMMISSIONERS t 411 NOR'17-1 FI 7'II STRI✓GT i TON WA .8584 SL�BI, , Fax 360.427-8437,,.Volca 360.427.9670,t:xt.419;275.44 or 482.526J e� I E P 5Tr19 (1)M�� O rn. rOINTMENT Z! KING _ _ _ �n3r4 A 0o SS'J° � , '` ViDTING O .� (ORAREAIN THE COUyfY YOUtNE) I -- -----_~ :COMMUNTYSERVICE --- ------ 1�LpY_ ,1y7.(!FR -E�lRE-y-10 ---- i C { r1 . rsy I (ACTIVRIES OR MC61p[ASHIP6) p PA : COMPAN YRS I P4S 0 In:yourwo ds,what do you perceive Is.the role or.purp se oflhe Board,Co ktee or C unclf forwhlch youare applying: fe `�t/rct r-�z oar donimif'-4 � rm !�. �� .Z tt,c c(e l f my r�'►�. �ct-e.r5`,� -�"} �c.�1�.. What Interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or,Council?,,� Please llst:any financial;professional,or voluntary alfillations which may influence or affect yourposltton.6nr this 8oerd, (I.e.create a.potentlet conflict of interest) t71'lt~ Your;participation Is dependent.upon attending certain traininga made available by the Cour fy durfrig regular buelrteae hotira (such es Open Fubllc Meetinge Act and P bNc�Racgrds).7beIratninga would be at'no cost'to you.Would ydir be able to attend such trainings? _( � Realisticslly,how much time can;you ' P.ta.t ,p4sWon? tluarterty dAorrat Wedlly t7�a1y ,v,, "_, ,�, S > Scanned with CamScanne..r I .,- S ot; coay � MASON C,OUItT'CY COMMISSIONER . s t 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 CG� P Fax 360-427-8437;Voice 360-427-9670, Ext.499;275-4467or482-5269" ... �r.,a.v. 'k 1 I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO `�U�S �t r- bet ht a?% COMM t-4e e.- ADDRESS: PHONE; CITY/ZIP: 9 17 5-Y l VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 1, LJ (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IFo RETIRED; PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) :COMPANY: t "�` `�!�r�G YRS q Y(-5 POSITION: COMPANY: YRS POSITION: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the.role or purpose of the.Board,Committee or Council for which you are applying: o rove �� - LtnS`hat�e+�S oui-1001K -r\ S�e 0.v�� += �oun� S f�ce °� o ' udr K a5 t.,,e Q�e pY-, +tg ifocr r ylow ►0%54-e,,,A 0-� 4 pl-ty% 2)vt ott1 ""5 Q, tom �}- Cy� l 4,e .&Ark 0 LL"e= ` LA(C What interests,shills do.you wish,to offer the Board,Committee,or Council? j PA o+l!"f Please list any financial,.professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect.your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours .(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be. able to attend such trainings? �*• 5 Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthly eekly Daly Oftice;:LTse Oiity ;:, +'✓�� 8) _ .18 Zv Apnoaittneiit Date Signature Date Temt Expire Date. ". Cc CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask L CIerR: e RECEIVED iimsoN BOUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411.NORTH.FMTH STREET JUL 1"' 2020 SHELTON VITA 98584 t Fax 380-42.7 8437;Voice 3617-427-9670;.Exi:419;275=4467 or482-5269 Mason County 3 185d (yornmissionen i AM SEEKIN 11 G APPOINTMENT TOO s 4—.9" 5 a u.a Q- 00, NAME: ,L$01n �,7Cy ADDRESS: PHONE: ? CfTY/ZIP:Sh;J-Ebn VOTING PRECINCT:. !-4tihQ WORK PHONE: 01 Qt na�t►Vwfs+-1 EMAIL: V / (ORAREA,INTHECOUNTY YOUuvE) COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT.(IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Galok tpn+r4t.+inq. YRS r ' I :rq K OAS kXTp Aj, POSITION: Owf1t-c- SMS 9 Aeafi►n Ad beam% Chajrft,,L } COMPANY: Ge +ic. So,.ryi tR. LLC YRS S S r:FA 40" a n a vis+sr POSITION: m46 5 4.Ir---------------------- -------------------------- In.your words,what do you tperceive is the role or purpose of the Board,.Committee or Council for which:you are applying: To enImfit gavot -4LW,.r,A k;jT of . pUbbc resoACcss &S i44Aro.t-+- wi What interests,skills.do you.wish to offer.the,Board,st Committee,or Council? i •® �D,rt�Vi&L v�ia'h'�' •� r aotisc+S tr.rr► 4%A. Omt+iit,..% S rAq , i.nj%kiha Xrjftwja.ArC O fin how" As w+Ati a.S +1%- ` L44y ' ��#.�++.ra+oir..i .ifs t:ON�lr1Ya� �dasK+i�h in •+,.> .�.�,Id. ,Please List any financial,professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this:.Board: (La.create a potential conflict of interest) T h a4 I ,-Nrt _.+tv.poet"a smartie biossfftss? Your participation is.dependerit upon attending certain trainings made available.by the County°during regular business hours. (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be atria cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Wes Realistically,how much time can you give to:this position? Quarterly Monthly Vlle2kly Daily nx s �{ -99 ff�cetTse(2nl x d� AppomtmentDate�n ���` �d Signature pate , to ExgueDate: sMks Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY • COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health 9/22/2020 Re:On-Site Sewage Committee appointment To Board of Health members, The Mason County staff position on the Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee has not been filled since Wendy Jonas resigned in 2019. 1 would like to recommend appointing Rhonda Thompson to the county position (see attached application). She has been assigned to the onsite sewage program for over a year and working towards her inspector certification through DOL. She has participated in many trainings and continues to expand her knowledge in the onsite sewage industry. Rhonda has spent the past year attending several of these committee meetings becoming familiar with the mission and goals of the group. Alex Paysse Environmental Health Manager Mason County Onsite Sewage Association Bylaws Membership: Committee Makeup:Committee members will consist of up to 13 persons selected as follows: - One representative of the Mason County Homebuilders Association - One representative of the Mason County Realtors'Association - One Representative of the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers'Association - One citizen-at-large - Three Licensed On-Site Wastewater Designers - One certified Installer - One certified Pumper One representatwe of the Mason County Heolth Departure - Up to three representatives from Mason County watersheds Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) 415 N.6w Street—Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton:360-427-9670,Ext.400 - Belfair:360-275-4467,Ext.400 - Elma:360-482-5269,Ext.400 , 6oN coa x MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET 9 SHELTON FJ[TA 98584 z ' Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext 419;.275-4467 or 482-5269 �i 1854 w t I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee-County position NAME: Rhonda Thompson t ADDRESS: PHONE: CITYIZIP: n VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: Shelton985©IORAREA;IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) Shelton E-MAIL: ------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT:(IF RETIRED..PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY. Mason County Public Health(1.5yrs) '(RS POSITION:. Environmental Health Specialist COMPANY: Taylor Shellfish(6yrs) YRS POSITION: Research Technician In your words,what do you perceive.is the role or purpose of the Board,Committee or Council for which you are applying: To bring OSS industry leaders and other stak .hold .rs to the same table to discuss issues related to current regulations and/or permitting of septic systems.It creates an opportunity for important topics to be discussed and for to find that willcbrI111103 to-tmpprotect water quality -- and public health What interests,skills do you wish,to offer the Board,Committee,or Council? I bays-experience ip-the percxtittigg of or)sifeseptic systems ac)d-have-ar4.-ur)derstanding-6Me-A AC246-272A and Mason°County Title 6 Sanitary Code. I also help manage the Operations and Maintenance(O&M)program for the county. my interests-include protecting Water quality and supporting snelifish aquaculture. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect`your,position on this Board: (i:e.create a potential conflict of interest) -Non Your,participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the Countyduting.regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would he at.no cost to you,Would you be able to attend such trainings.? .Yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly X Monthly Weekly Daily Office Use Only L4 W lo Appqotillellu Date f Signature Date Term Expire Date.. Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY • COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health 9/22/2020 RE:Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee To Board of Health members, Membership appointments to this committee are currently being reviewed and processed through Board of Health per the committee bylaws that state: "All members shall be appointed by the Mason County Board of Health"(BOH) As memberships expire it prompts county staff to advertise,collect applications and brief BOH for review and appointment. When there are multiple applicants the review and appointment of new members may span between multiple BOH meetings. BOH only meets every other month,so the timeline of filling vacancies is increased. We experienced this with the recent vacancy of the installer position. Most county advisory committees and groups are appointed through the BOCC. We are proposing changing the review and process of applications over to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). BOCC meets weekly,where staff can coordinate advertisements and vacancies much faster. This change would align with the Mason County Boards and Commissions Handbook which states members are appointed by the BOCC. The proposal was presented and discussed during the August 111h OSAC meeting. Committee members unanimously agreed to proceed with bylaw changes. Updated bylaws can be presented at the next regular committee meeting for their review/approval. No formal action required from BOH,for discussion only. Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) 415 N.6"1 Street—Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton:360-427-9670,Ext.400 - Belfair:360-275-4467,Ext.400 - Elma:360-482-5269,Ext.400 MASON COUNTV BOARDS and COMMISSIONS HANDBOOK Compiled By: Mason County Central Operations 411 North 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 March 2012 fr s 1(3 y Mason County's Mission THE MISSION OF MASON COUNTY GOVERNMENT IS TO PROVIDE ESSENTIAL & MANDATED SERVICES WHICH WILL PRESERVE& BENEFIT THE HEALTH, SAFETY, & WELFARE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN A PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS MANNER THROUGH THE EFFECTIVE AND EQUITABLE MANAGEMENT OF AVAILABLE PUBLIC RESOURCES. MASON COUNTY GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES THAT ITS EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS ARE THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH THESE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED. Welcome to Mason County This information has been provided for you, the advisory group member, to give you the foundation, philosophies and policies that make Mason County a wonderful place to volunteer and work. Please remember that this is a general overview and does not take the place of each group's by-laws and procedures. Your input enables the county to maintain and improve programs and services and we invite you to offer your ideas and suggestions. Volunteers are a vital part of government's existence and are deeply appreciated. We wish you success in your volunteer experience and hope this information will be helpful to you as a volunteer for Mason County. AdvtsoryGro.ups _ As,are advisory group member youjoin:many:peopie in Mason Cgunty who serve as �tolunteer members of advtsory;groups. Advisory f�adies prow%tle guidance to dectsron makers and bring pubbc participa#►on into the process of government Members-are appointetl by the Board of Camrniss�aners to servesa terw w�lcl varyn length depending o(nhe baard � A citizen may serve on more than one advisory committee concurrently only if the committees on which they serve are unrelated in both subject matter and mission. Preference will be given to those applicants who do not already serve on a Mason County advisory board. A reasonable effort will be made to ensure there is an equitable balance of representation of business and community interests. Each board, council, committee or commission serves a different mission, with the advisory group members functioning as a team. Each group functions differently as directed by the governing statute. The information in this handbook is intended to assist new advisory group members as they acquaint themselves with the functions and processes of the group they have joined. Page 2 of 10—correction made 3/27/12 From the Director's Desk July 2020 Summer is winding down! Welcome to COVID day 212. Smoke is a hot topic as we see the results of fire events in Washington, Oregon, and California.The big smoke events in 2018 found.us unprepared to make a coordinated response.A great deal of effort and discussion went into developing a coordinated response and this year that was activated with a single smoke standard.We have made public announcements through Mason County All Hazards and a news release from the department making recommendations on closures of public activities due to smoke risk and allocation of logistical support for masks,filtration systems and air quality monitors. In some ways, COVID response already had canceled the large outdoor gatherings and sports events.Some local businesses have closed temporarily as the air quality hit hazardous levels. Early autumn rains would be welcome in beginning to clear the air and reduce the risk of fire allowing us to all breathe a little easier. Covid-19 response continues to be our largest priority while continuing to maintain our programs.Since July we have added additional contract employees to address the increase in case counts in July and August. Many of our new cases are non-English speaking so the emphasis has been on reaching out to this population with case investigation as well as outreach from Area Command. We reserved a motel room for the occasional situation where a person who cannot quarantine or isolate at home would have a place to go.Wrap around services are available to support someone in this situation as well as those who are quarantining at home who are unable to go out to buy food or pay rent. We have activated these services on a limited basis based on the need which has been low so far. By supporting people in their ability to remain at home it saves exposure and possible further costs to the system. We have been getting funding from the state and federal pass through dollars to support our COVID response as well as an influx of dollars to expand chronic disease work around Hep C.We have received two years'worth of funding which would add one person to work in Hep C in conjunction with our opioid response. My largest concern is finding a replacement for Dr Stein as health officer. Dr Stein will continue to support us remotely which is greatly appreciated.Though we have received applications,some were unable to work just one day a week and some were not qualified.We are re-advertising the position and looking at possibly sharing health officer services with nearby health jurisdictions as a means of supporting several small rural jurisdictions with a quality health officer. Our FTE's stand at 21.7 Dave Windom, MSHS CurrentStatusEpidemiologic CurvesCOVID-lik0liness Hospitalizations EPIDEMIOLOGIC CURVES Data as of September 12,202011:59PM PT Select an Option Confirmed Cases and Deaths b Illness Onset Date,and Hospitalizations Learn ( l COVIR-19 in Washington State ry P y p by Admission Date Moe ® ? i This chore shows the progression of the COVID-19 outbreak.in'Washington by cases.hospitalizations and deaths overtime Wilt is . .. 3 . ,known, s an epidemiologic curve The epidemiologiccurve is the curve referred to in the phrase Patten the curve ) f,Hospitalizations , a.. f` f Death £ Confirmed Case Counts -.- # , eConfinned Cases c►Data incompleta for recent dales—Confirmed Cases(7 day rolling avg.)-Incomplete data(7 day rolling avg.) i { _ . t ' Select County )> 20�,, .> Mason County n ` }Lewis County ' 15 i Lincoln jaunty i 10: i� 'N MasonogCounty I I Okan..-an Co " i. Pact c County j€ Pend Oreille C _ e €fir Pierce County � # z ( � D San Juan Coun ( 11 0'� i i ` amJ 1 hidall 1 I i. 9 Feb 2020 Mar 2020 Apr 2020:., May 2020 1un:2020 Jul 2020 Aug 2020 Sep2020 F, Date of Illness Onset 1 287 of 79 826 confirmed cases do not have an assigned county.Illnesses from the last 13 days may not yet be reported 77 �.�.._itft— ..�. triologic Curves Cumulative Counts DemographicsTestingCOVID-like Illness Hospitalizations ,gp TESTING Data as of September 12,202011:59PM PT m Select a County COVID-19 in Washington State Learn i b Numer of Tests by Specimen Collection Date $ .r _ - More i t Mason County v Testing was initially limited(but since late June we have averaged over.10000 tests per day.We continue to work on increasing test ovailabdityandaccessibihtyacross Washington. s a Number of Tests •PositiveePosit ve(Incomplete)6 tJegauve Negative rincomplete) Total(7 day lolling avg) Incomplete data(7 day ro#ing avg.) v" 206 . 150.; )l, d i Mar 2020„> Apr2020 May 2020 Jun 2020 JuP2020 Aug 2020 Sep 2020 yp # Specimen Collection Date { 296,348 out of 1,644,585 test results do not have an assigned county. { DemographicsTesting COVID-like �11 DEMOGRAPHICS Data as of September 12 20201159PM PT yF y � COVID 19 m Washington State Select an Option Learn= W Confirmed Cases,Hospitaliaateons and Deaths by Sex&Age Group 6W D-19 can a ect eo le o an age.Adults rn 1Nasf in ton have been tested and diagnosed with COVID-19 more frequently-than: e uentl thane are E ff P P f Y 9 9 9 f 4 Y children However,children mn still have and spread COVID-19 v Confirmed Cases by Sex Confirmed Cases by Age Group Race/E 1h 10ty w f 29% I fill � 1 4% 4% a f Female Male Unknown 00 19 20 39 40 59 50 79 50+.