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Y..r File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - DISTR!C!.~ / h I SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. ~I~I~_:_I_I_ ~ 74984 Linza f. "'ook Et, UX < --3.l~.3---l.-I__ 2L'/YG'Y6' '. ,. t/'-7. _/fI-#-__ _ ,:!-Y./;1~3bor ;~ I:~r~? ::;;;:-L;;]t,> fA'~ (I, '/, ______ ';&o:/~o'Z- 60 1%',(.0/>' > /J /,g, ~,,_,;,../ ~ / ____ .1,.;L ~ F -33J''1.?<1 ~ _., 1d ~ ~~.)./ '7 ~s- 07 ~I 3S'5'7?''l t: ~ ,--=--- "'::'~u6o...../a7 ,/M"tI-O~ W'4 ,1/ _____ .2.,7-;-,.);0/$".5- aw;L-/~_ , (.d.~_d..id J 11 L<I!:J '),U) 81 I l31/ ~.<" L 1-1 D i7 --I'==-~ S"t' ..21. ..k/ c,.:< "'- ('b 2a. 2if- 77 ~I ~1/ ---1---1 ____~..:~:..--- _ ___' _ ..C ___-. _"=,,.~"'___,',,~~,.___~,~,C_.~____._._ _._ ._________:.::....:__:.;;..4.____ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber Unlmprov&e! Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I UnImproved Improved IlmOrOVem.nts B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE' :2..~0 :2..:>0 ~() (,j'0 7"f0 d2,S-0 .;<, 5"0 .50 9fb S'1o ,;(,.5"0 ,;;<,S-O 5'0 90S- $l.5'S 250 ;;. ~o 50 /03.5" /OJ'Z;- 50 Y..:?1fJ 7'<fQ 60 //,6,<' /:"""" r !./"Ad1a, .;;J9/o ~/o ~.iU!.... ,-"".. - 1fi?2Jf1 ill J)t:; <JRt.fS' /39P/) 7500 .,{!:'7oo ?S-:<Od rs-oo :< 5700 3!:"~o~ Year Older ~~ ~% 1,% 'dO; .,{,50 .;{,S-o I LOT lEe, BLK. TWN. I 0 ,;':/ .:? / ~,,-' ,:..... RGE. 1'~LJ'I~~CfJ o':a :oll ~j .6 " '.. ' '-C_ ..:> ,~''"'. Beg at the NE corner of sec. 32; th N 8900$'29" W a distance of 898.67' along the N line of said section; th S 545.28' to I.P. of tract; th S 49020'45" w 330'; th S 40039'15" E 3~0'; th N 49020'45" E 330'; th N 40039'15" W 330' to I.P. , --. --- " -~-- - _.~',- -- - - ------',-'----- - -, -~--, -, -.- . . --',.~~,j.v~