HomeMy WebLinkAbout620214200010 I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS If, /) S""LE PRICE R'. $ell. I P.,rt PUD I fPD I I " " " I? I lu ~-- fil J ~I ~ d l I u , , .._h__ ,,/ #51652 p p7nnn V.ar FIle No T----- NAME of OWNER '14 U3B30.. ,,-, -~ ", Uo I ; n 1-u~~~1~:r~Qsm Space 4/7 '-32.6Rn'i 1/7,' 3.'5.5((,< Jr'.a.n~:'; ,;t ",I1'k- 6" .1~l.'lr5o(p --~1"'7. ~ , 1\ }&u-' - . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES' I I TOTAL I Oyst.,. Timber Year Oytter nm~.r Unimproved Improved 11 ...r;.. 01 :2? 4/</ ,d 1?- J'>I~ \~'/u ,;27.t/d 11'1 Cr"" I~ 1 'PI &1 Xl UP. A_ . I. ,I '63 Nte ~I.I .'f?_ ;;>1.,,/4 ,? 7. </u IM~ (!.. 'Z/ b?u.1 ,t< t C 1.1, .;l J?,,~ ,;; r,7tJ .3000 .:. 'it; :i1"N :nr/'f ;)..7.'-/'1 ;;. 7,"7'1 ;;<7,4v .:2.? ,/4/ -+ VALUATIONS Unimproved Impro".d /.0 41~::>~ /& <;It, ~i- ~37() 37NJO '3 3;{ 0 I . Improvement. (BuildlnQ'i) i r.~; i I"} , I i)' V ~."...jfclli R"E.~l. 2i.()~J_'I_p{._C~..P-.~J ., 1UO'.~' , . .. . ~ ~ ctA,...,ltJllIi'L .. _ -.'" II? "t.liE . _'. '" J -r '"'" - "..Ji9f." - :; LOT ILK. SEC. TWN. . ~,'pO B. of E. VALUE /t,<!&5" /L, </&~ 3370 '57000 ~3.:(() .:;;!? (),'i :< '7 70 3000 Q.Q</5 All that portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 20 North, Range 6 West, W.M., daf: Beginning at the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21; thence south aiong the west I ine to the southwest ~MaR*x corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter; thence east, aiong the south i ine of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, 660 feet; thence northeasterly to a point on the north I ine of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, 1150 feet east of the said northwest corner; thence west, a long the sa i d north line, 1 150 feet to the po i nt of beg i nn i ng, excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. . - - - - "-- _. -~ ._~ .._~- ..