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SEC. TWN. RGE. I It,; ~ -.~~~~qlRJtJeI
24 19 6 Tract I of NW SW W of W _ :.. /7';'/"0' .!....o.
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A ptn of NW SW, 24-19-6 W,W.M. Mason County, Washington, descr as fol lows:
8EGINNING at the NW corner of sd NW SW; th S 0000' E along the W line
thereof a distance of 1220.86'; th N 90000' E at right angles to sd W line
a distanct of 261.91' to the TPOB; Th N 00 00' Wa distance of 220'; th
N 90000' E a distance of 401.79'; th S OOOO'E a distance of 183.78' to the
NWly right-of-way of a county rd & a pnt of curve left & SW having a radius
of 429' & to which pnt a radial I ine bears N 21041'40" W;Th along sd right-
of-way & sd curve to the left & SW thru an arc distance of 75.19' to the
end of curve; th N 90000' W a distance of 336.01' to the POB
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