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Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / V tl Rd. Soh. Port PUOIFPD 3113-1 WF~A I-- -- :3 9 /1 ..d. /.2 L d.. .If L 3. If 3. ..Id...L J:L SALE PRIce 54 Simpson Logging ~o. ..LJ . -'A~ ) '75~v!"-U & ,') %s rpI0289 n aV \ f---- ---- f- --- ,-ekO ___ III .__1~ ",,,,.t, ~. .....~----'-=-----........_....__....__......-__.-.-...----_:..._":;; - NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oylter Timber Uftlmprovecl Improved TOTAL ()yde.r Tlmbar VALUATIONS /9'7- "/.;l... UnImproved I..proved I,mprov.menu B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 560 560 54 (4 2.l ~__'tS'l6'. 0 546.00 546.0C ,,-<.1'. '1 - .~,{ 5'1t. ()D f'1J" % aASSlFIP ,s'lL" J " ...,e'FIED 10'10 4370 i7Pb 46 ~//O /0'10 .f,'571) t?7$LtJ '-J1a 37() l==1= i i LOT BLK. TWN. ACERIl.G~ AND ROE. CLA::;SIFEJ-'~A...,Q.tl_I@Y.lill~;;: SIDZ CF CARD.. :~ !.?~Q/ 9~(j ~~~I~~8SN'IF./JCtA8siFiED ENTIRE_ SE'CT-- _.. ... . ~ . __ _ I !lEC. ~. 5 Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ DISTRICTS /~O Rd. Soh. Pori PUD I FPD 31] -3-1 VlF~A --f----- 3.. ;}! / _ d 12 .1:::..../1 %1 LM .J il.~JL SALE PRICS 54 Simpson LOf,f,ing Co. ~. - ~ ., 05/ /_) a, 1/ ----- ------ ---- =- -------\ " . .--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeu ay.tlf Timber Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Timber UnImproved Il'Allfowed Ilmllronmlnu (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE 54 -h!J- -- .zl 1'.. 80,O( 80,OC 80 /t,o tf/o /~Rt:) 80 It. 0 ~ tic)) /~O /. ! ~ REFOR S'l' _"0_, . . A' g{) 00 , 5rtJ.OD ,- ( " v.. ... I LOT BLK. / ,. - / ? ..., / - o ' '~...' - / ~ C-' ~ SEC. TWN. RGE. ! r ---r---___ ~ ~ : 1 I , (I ~ . , . .. -- . ",1 ',. nlol ~. 7/ -- ~ -_."'-'-" -.----~--~~._~-------- ---"".... ~.-