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\ Ye"r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,-j.,/ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO - - - - _64 1 '5'i4'iY Lee E. ]a\'lson et ux "l <lJ "l L W. . )'!, if ,f-J .J- '!Is '{;'fd..l'.z ~ 31/ .3 I~ L II "'''' ~ ~ 7il"u V 51'1 ( ~ff .3 1(.2 L 1/ ()._I ~ -I- $ 51:"00 "''1-988'''' k 1'1'141 J' , ~-I? ~7 #u/.f'~r:;JI.) ;y... .2 '/055"C /<GC I3A(JII") - - f-- - VJ....VJ rp\'J - l- I- - - - - - / , - .' . ...- .'--f.,.,,,,,,,,,, ..~\,.. ,- -- . , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -- , 'YIIlI Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. {Buildings} VALUE I '2i.2 If"" /.f I/o qs ~S- 1k. J..,. ~;,: to 1,0 -- 21l. ~ h ',"0 COIJ 2!f- 1/" 1..7.; /~()-e /.5l/M 7? 3,;-~ ~ 3_: .2L ~. (? Co Lj." <- IO"~Q /Ct"l":.(" ?!:. ,"'l"'-, k. 1-)"'/7 .230 -Z,f?t.. h7.2%' /~5",.~", 217.:',') ) " , ., -,-;, (.,'0) " -C,r -~ ';;1 "/00 n, ? ., . . LOT BlK. ~:.:iO~/'-? -/ :2-~~ ~_1i1; .4 SEC. TWN, RGE. ''7 2 of NW ,/570/ 2Q...,. 5 Troct NE . . . .- - . . .~~~ ....~~ -'''--- FORMERLY: S 416' of E 416' of NW NE (Tract A of Short Plat #1213) The N 246' of the S 416' of the E 416' of the NW NE 17-20-5W.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. Au~ ~/z1 -- . rJ .,. ...,/'-'-'----" _ -:4 I '--; ~};) ,.. ... i, ,)70/0<:7/ ':\ "';')"JX r.-''/ ys ~n"-""'I U,:S-:- -1 ~I"' 'nAl ::J.2.l'/ /.5:2:57- ~1/;.;soN(J.n. . " !''/$.', ,'/,,//,xp{r.<;. VJ/r#' '/~'C",./-.: '/ ,2)/67..ja.Jl/rJ.'~' (,(~." '/' '," ....)/J...V/ r/, "-' J '. J/, /' :;...r/'t.