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V.., File No. I NAME of OWNER ('..P,TC30Q :;-5'3 54 117921 Clarence Wivell .....20. / h H 2-" /f) #."./ /5 }(/.-,n;..i! ~ ~;; /}j(,d.(/ / h'1~ !3!n. .;11..,1, 00 3 it J.7:A1J,:;.Q b I ~;{;Z~ ." X? L, ',-rl , jll/.1 U 11/ ?;311.~O ~/'/I1 I J), _IT^,. ):r. J"Y\ in,") ,.,.....,., ." . C..F 1'1230 '1)~;( /;>l!! ~~'-' /1..1 h ....,. , ~ 'I,/[,WO t~ ~, -j ~, . "J-w.;Ssy.....) , v ~.1 d CONTRACT TO D'STR'CTS / </.;< Rd, Soh. port!PUD1FPD ---- 1 10<'; '3 L FF ?f 3 ~tJCJ d It, L 1-1 SALE PRICS ----- "70 (). oz) ~2 "-/7t" ~ - .?:?,:.; / ;1)32.39/ / /--<y' ~ /i. c:# J'! ?Ji JJ. ,/r ~ r ~/7' .J t:J '~, , ~------- 1------ ---- 21.LM ,L1.i...LJL :# S3,;n 9 ----- ----- /J, Y.3t, 7/,.", .:p7"'''''f) W~ .;.-___~,,-~-,;.;...::~-~=-=~~== == ==~-:--o~=......=... _=~___~___~_~~__~__':"'-'':'_:_'':''':~~~:-~~~~~~~_~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,("p.o Vur Oylter Timber Unlmprond Improv~ TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improncl Improvemenh B.of E. - (Buildings) VALUE .5'1 ./f ..\0 ';,.::,-0 :::zcJ ::<0 14L ..6d -SO -2d. /"-/'.25 //;15 /10 //0 ~ L-b1 /~() I~ ,~ <.r>-9 ~~" ~R~ ~ I~ 5'1~ ~?IJD J" - ,.:),t'J," 1'+..25 /.2. c:;"" / 73.\''1 :2'/71.6 ..... " __ ........'1 2L 271,5'0 3"00 ("'J h / t. :;-0 .:i.!:L /~, ~S;- ~.c:/ II, :.:.~ ;;.. -?;;'''.:;'::'; 3;/150 c";2.(,,tJo COT BLK, I :c.- o-" () I -,,, , , -- SEll. - TWN. RGE. .' --~ - - I c ,~ ~, f~A(:DjJl ~B.el j ~ . ;r.~6~., ., --- .J; .., "" ..... '.. '. ' .-....~7"- !.~~'~ - ---:---- E, of NW SW SE, Except E 220 ft'; of S 100 ft'; of See 12-20-5. '7'fso /l and N! of E! of SW SE, except v.i 100' of S 100' of Sec 12-20-5-5?7S-.4 ~~3h/ a ..iid-.. -." ~ (, p, J~) /JJOf~ ~~.:.c 3S3(Y1S _._-.~~ l'k. 5/ c z- 5 ~ :5.c 6:l....--tfJLoSt</ ~....... ;:03