HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081400230 .. Year Ale No. NAME of OWNER. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /:,1 SALE PRICE Rd, Sell. I Port PUD I FPD I ". . L/73 It.;'t:ljl 278175 C. J. Zieeler et 1L~ J W.Earicl::rr,an 3 31 3 12 L tJ $7750 " 'ilL &};t r' <), :S. . d. "I "..) - ~.1 .y~ a .::;0.-/ ~ h , {r-llL.c!'"" .A "J:, <:'/ / 13// '? /,;.. L 1# $>8:9.0 / /0 . ~ '-:J \v . . . roo, I 0,,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimpro....d Impro...ed TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmpro...ed Impro...ed Im[,ovem.nts I. of E. I ulldln~11 VALUE 11~ ,1)7 .,07 ~ .;1!~"-"'I '1(,1. 5t>I:Je> ~"O ~, . . /'fl qJ .07 , c,7 c~ .oC'C"o .x ~'" 00 ~i/ ,07 .tJ7 /5'000 /5000 LOT ILK, 1 :;, J -;J ''l . , '-I ,'2 ,/., ,">;1 ,j 0 .+.. . SEC. TWN, RGE. I 0"!.;2.! 6 :O~:.J.4 ~ 0 :O~.:oi 'u, . "" , .5 . .'l'rs,ct ;23 o:f' ,Goyt. Lot ).. ._~~"'~_. ___' ~'~,. " ".' ~ S'IIlc' 1/2 of i'rllowine described property: Beginning at a point on the HIe' HI'll lire of th, Shelton-Matlock Piehway ar',d v'hich ~~int is 1173.0' S and 711.0' '!I from tre corner to fractionnl sectirnr, R & 9, nn tre Sly shnre rf I:~<::e 1"Tah\'1Rtzel; t'lp.TICe run S 49028' '.7, fcllowing filnng the }~l;r R/7{ lire a distFmce of 100'; thence run. !~ 40o;?:' W, a distnncc of f;5', 1l1cre or leoo, to the Sl;:r shore cf Lake Nal1r,'fl.tzel; t1-:ence rlJr ~r31y alone the Sly shore line of Lake to a r8int thereor. ~~ich in ~T 4003?' W ~ro~ I.P.; thence S 40032' E, a distance of 651, more or less, to I.P. - ~ ~-~. ----- - -,_. -----~- ~ .-