HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081400030 , , Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /Ir- / SALE PRICEi' , ,'--,n:: ,':,:t<_, 7' / "/ -~ ~.; ,( -< Rd, 10', portjpUD!FPD - - ~ 11355r R. Fr:mklin et ux 1 1111 1 JL , L~ ;11/63(" " ,y/m jlh5',,/ ;1 tjff";,;? 1/ --'22. 6b ~ /7/.57 (? //" L/ , '.,,1,,- . ---- /,,7 !J!J2q, 'c>'!7";Jj c-&-- ----:;;P 1/ J7T 7 -:;F7 - - t. , "#:- j.,'f f~~7rJ 'jJ ,(1/ /H ' - ?? /6?~ S 2!i :3 I~ L H /3000, 7 7.'1 '1.3.1. h1/l V.P.J/M?AP :% :o/7A~ " t7!7J ' p'- /.;:7.5h - - /of(. ll? 0 '(2 ~. , .."-/.37'4>./' , I~ f-- 3o"A88. ~ jgg:;..3q hJ.. //,t( '7 ~ -3"'-//G 00,", 1343/b;/- 8(2~ (!r,~ ~00i - - - - - - - .ilL 13</:21'60 W~L~' ~~ efl / 2J.L - .3 1J.t .b. If_ ik- 3-/2"161 ~;p.LA ;r{17-. J'h! 7. u ~ ;>~..57l' /,5' ~ v ,y 7[0/0 t19J) - - - - - - =- -,., ,. . .;c '0' " ~., ';;'-"""'"1' "llH~ ......... rl .z--=-_=- . NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TlONS Year Oy,ter Tlmb.r Unlmpro...ad Improv.d TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unlmprovad Improved !Impro....m.nb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE -:2i 10'1 tc/% ?O go /1/0 2i. -- - . {)!5 ,0 fJ &Cl .9- ~o 51- 07 of ~...;-o ..:<..5'0 t,o ,oj! oR' ~?tJ //5 41 ,;:z .5 kg .o! ,08 .3~o (,;J..D 970 -"- ..3S'b f790 -;~dO Idt.. b<< ~ ,,/-- /~~iJ I/L7~ dl I.L .II :0/ .r- /,;;)~ I-1A~L- YL Ie 'i! 1__- .;2,3.if~ .s:~~ >>- . 3500 ~() b7~() ~, II, ..~ 7 (),o 0 ~t#!/() /.3Hc. ~ /S; .:. .'-::-:-; /o.;:'iu ,J~ ,~~) "I) . ,- / . I ( 3c>~<,.."o _q /;"".'"' CJ bl.:<.?o 2.; ,/ / , /1 ;;i, 3oco ;),.~c.-u %000 I I LOT BlK. I <X'() ';.I / "-I --./ - /" ( " , ' 6.-/ if: c) (....l - . '. --- . SEC. TWN, RGE. t'~t!)~'f?/~:O~~ . '.:" .. ~ . , " ,.".- .. ~' , . . ctional Sees 8 & 9, 20-5 on S shore of corne and runni'ng; 'lhn. alo~ ~ly boundary of Co. 1hn N 40 28' W 80 ft r less, to Thn folIo Ely to a pt N 40028' W . c 5 2' W 50 ft; fLake from p -'-.,. ahwatzel Nahwa tz el ; .' lJEW DESCRIPTIC~: Beginnine !'it t11e SW corner rf tract d~scribed in cOT,trClct made bo' Roe Franklin recorded ll.l"lder File No. ?11636: rllnni!'1..t: trence S 49028 I ',V plc!1-t'3 nly line of county road kno'Nn as Shelton-Matlccv: Road, 70', J11nre nr less, to SE corner of tract conveyed to Artl1ur Jacobson reccrded in VcIt@e 176 0= Deeds, Paee 484; t11ence N 40032' ~v eIong the EIy line of said Jaccbson tr~ct to t~e line 0f rrdinnry riCh water of L?ke Na~watzel; tlcence l!Ely aIogg said ~ine 0= crdinRry high watcr to 2. point ;'T 400 32' W of 1. P. ; tlcence S 40032' E ts I.P. ~~ 17"S /117 - ',:;-'" ',:~""""