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Y..r FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1/.,' Rd. Soh. Port PUD!FPD SALE PRice 54 Port Blakelv Lill Co. 7c- 0<' F ~ "7' ~ CLASS. FOREST ol oJo oX I':;' IICW R43.1 I';>" <I'i b 13 . ,- / --Y!Of IJ L,:J"-:J /J II. /85 1</7;.,;r fJ..d 6~~ //ta0 UJ-. c1':hu'[.Jd ' / v V L__~ W EM 3 J. l<i f ,>(;.50 ~w 13 "'- f?3-"-' v/ cJCO ,ff I 1$7 _ 3 Ll L iL 1'3 18 3 /3'" ------ ---- --I-- ----- ~--~e_ .. ==-=,;. ::..--.... Year Oyder Tlmb.r U"lmprov.d rmproved TOTAL I VALUATIONS NUMBER OF ACRES Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved I Improvements (Buildings) B.ol E. VALUE 2i ~ ok. !J/ ,iK Ia2 ~ J1IL '/79Jh 1!>- .Jf A~ f) /}, ~ ~J 2L U .1L fL.' I L(d"j~ .1;l.." @ ~ Z1. 7,3 3:.2..U 3;;),0 /060 4xbrJ ,;?~o{) /bOC '/h . LOT' . BLK. / ::- , 'I RGE. dleJ() 62(.0 j.5"6S 35"70 'PIt;) .5:9)l:;::j ~ '/ROIJ /1370 tftllhd . I 'IlJl CJ /dh7t:) ~'1i6 ~~7t) /~"7t) ~ ~_ _..~ ~I ~ ~- -" ~A.J- '! _ o -' I ~ i...{.,.l.."....-.. f...JUJ. --- '-- - . f ~.~.~.?:'9 0 10 0 ~.O:O:al~~ . -' CLASS.FORES'P Entirte.;; SectJ.on. exN.Ek & Tr. 1 BCW.~:7:'" 3 LO, 00 S'2C:O -::2D~S ;J'11J,/y; }) 0,0& .3to.oo I~.;zaoc 'IiI? 00 A_'l.~ 1.,./7N. 3e1ao 'fJ'0, 00 ~bt, ~l::.~ IdtJ9,M. ..~ 3570 '13/0 S..d7b Iii... .k".., (,1j'8'tJb /~?IJ kfJfB/J /t/3JL> SEC. TWN, " '",,19. 5 .:.' - .. .'-""", . , E<U1 " ,;>. "l ';/0 c> ., _iU':'." _ _~j:;7~ ~~ - _-~ r-:;~? J~.~=-- FORBS'I.' .. NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved 1&.0 . . ~ ]TI' /;4' __ RES H - - Be' ~~ _.I/.t?-'(L . 17 .z;; 7'. (j[) SI o. etAS i3 By '25 L./ llfJ &_ __, _1___. --.J . I , . O Al '0 tiT' b 'd d I Improvementt IT T ~$ Elf m er I Untmprove lmpro'uJ! lRlIildlngs) , I ' +9'1!."(;-Wf!1i3 ,7~5J~/7?.o - + . -1,;.13'.0. + - L! ~ t i3.9lc '-T --:~~ -,Jti2.tJ'__ ~f~tn---l~ ~~_~~9~ _ "",1.~.:>_ _ _&';1,- 3-=- .: ~ - -- VALUATIONS B. of e VALUE 'I7'i,a(L 0. <I,~ ':.: 6pj1<?.s _ 5.!2f;,~" .53t"!,, ___ . S~/;"I2_ -"'-7" /.=<::; / ,/, I,-.~/.- ./.- . . 1'..--- --- / r", -'. --- __~/___~ _~'-tJt./::;' ~- :~~'/..:- ~ - -'-- --- 5~j 7 b _6:~'1.,../ 7l,;" __n _~.~_ , I L V... FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS II::> SALE PRICEi Rd. llch, Port PUDIFPD - - - - - -2.!:L Joe Perry ~t 1- 18 L IT Sf: ~ ux - ,.-- ~ '5J?:1f r!lff ;j 1h7:. .17- 3 /ll' -, oJ / /'3..) '210, 1%,</// 11.--. /:" 17_ J /2~ -~ U; ~ 13 ~ ... ~""od. ~ 1'T.t:: t;/ /"" /. Jl I :-77. Jj/ 'k;&- ~.h , /' c:7 - - f- - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - '., c-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---.~ . ".. ..'..-.' . - - ~c::__ NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS v.... Oylttr Tlmbtr Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyd., Tlmbu UnImproved Improved IlmPfov.m.nb B.of E. (BuildIng.) VALUE 21 ~?,.2S 37,:21, /90 /90 ~ ,3'7.:i 6 37.:<5 /7'0 7~O '7.30 6k 23 -:;z;- /LI, iJO :{ 'l ~;j J /.C /.1,1. ) 7-5/"eJ 9.76- .....J , ffL :13, :J.Ci' If, ?Ie) 3'/:;<5 /7,1 /~O 7.L/ 0 /~5t? kzL :<3.~ 5' / tf. trt') 31..;(6- 170 Ir./O %7'0 /..;{<90 fz2. .3f, 75' C-/.S-o ~QQ.... /01,;).5" .j 10 r./b 0 Is!O 1'70 /900 ~ 14.~f JJdi It/.oo 1/';:.13 t/..3tJ '110 /~() ,pf/J Iff/a - ~ :t9' ~.~~ 3~.I" 30 ?t:J ~9tJ 9~" '- - t!; /,9, ~!lL &.1'5 /t'J ~b PYd ~~~ ~ 50 .r/ IJIj ~ 11.5"0 ~ ~ S: L Jt1 SZIO s-If,{j /#6' - IJ/~ t..n - ~I'J . !..l- n. ~,- I - '1' '? .-/ /~~; () .~ .7 U - I LOT BLK. . V ' "-u_ ' , i I I. SEC. TWN. ROE. , ..;.b .J --, . " <; , 1 * ? ,3. /6" ~ ,,,,-e. \ *Ex. Tr. 1 of Govt lot 1 "!1Zv,;;2 , 'fiati' y'fd.ttz-d (Jia ,::d:L'~~ ;; j Govt Lot 1 2 3 4 ~" ..-.--- , ~ ".' " 15.80 22.45 39.75 37.25 Year File No. 6'> NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Seattle Eoue l'tr-. Corn. E.T.Lonahoe ==-r- ..' :fea Oyster 21. t.~ fA -- NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved 2G LOT SEC. BlK, I ~ I 9 TWN. RGE. ~, '0 o:r Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber JG. I.. >l6'1:Y- @J..~-'~ '9 0/ I I e,.(. . u.'''''---. T,..",,+, , nof' f'''''~ Tj.+. , DISTRICTS //0 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 'T~I :;8 $404'5 , 1.l.3..2 _3... L /3 1------- ------- ---_._- --1=-- VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Building,) VALUE S-"L) 71T1J 1--7~ -- hs-" !----:p7:S..;- E? I C'::l ----.--1--.--.-- I ______ ______ __1._____ I ~o .- =-=I--=~~-= ---~---- --I ----"- --- ~-- _ _.1______ ._=:==:]---- ,- i -1--- -~I=_- I . , .--n .~~ I~ / .':'; BeGinning at the mas t E'~' corner of Lot 114 in p:!a t of Star La,}.:e 'TO. 1; thence IT 46"'59'02" \.[ along ;JEly line of scic' Lot, 211.11' to interseet a survey stal:ing line vrhich lies up' and of and is approx the shore line of Star Lake; thence :: 54clC"'<6" E along said survey staking line '}8.11'; thence 1; 28c59' E 22'; thence leaving ssic' survey staldng line S 5,<c16'2'}" 179.28'; thence S 1404')'50" E 64.15' to intersect the are of a curve at a p point fro!'] vThich the center Jies S l4D4'< '50" E "'<0' c'istant; thence Wly along s2,irl ('urve to the 1 eft thru a centr~'] angle of 8"'40 '52" an are distance of 50' to I.P.; ,-. -- - ~.- -'>'-".--'-'.-~..- - - ~ ----,-..,....---..----- ~ - - - --- . .-.-- ----=a