HomeMy WebLinkAbout420361400010 DISTRICTS L3(J Rd. ~I Port i >UD FPD I~M' 119[,OJ'- 232025! William White et ux 3 09-;-13'! 31 L~~~_ ~llOO , _ __1_. ("-~' _______._____&7L LJ.P .s~...ULLLI.1iI- -i.-----FL-,---------- ,--' -l 'n-~--\--i.---m-- ='___~-=-'-=..-=== -- ==[.. -=-=-~:'J~=~-_ -- ----i---- -----1-+--,-----., ---__~-:=-=-.=-~-==:=.==- -----, ---- -- _ ---+t~I------ .---\-'-------.----.- ---.+ --1-== --f - -----:-=== JI"'--====~-~ ==:.=='=====--=.- 'i' ,t-~=T=-i= ,-- , -- ------.- '-,-'1'--'--' _______u_ I ' W':..,< ,.... . ,- . "c;;.r. NUMBER OF ~c:R~_______ _,,_, _~A(-.uATlONS ~.go Timber Unimproved,' bp eved' TOTAL I' Oyster' T!'nbe.. U-,'mp,.-.d Imp';J~.d Improvemenh B. of E. _.' .. r I I" "'. . (Buildings; VALUE ;~,- !"'--~,!,---,~"iP-(Ll' -I--=,---,!,- '.,- I' _~__'_,--_---"i-" "~-".,.. - 7f!,-- - ---- ,'M ---n__i.3,~S"-f'.z.---,-,- ---~~ -- .'-'1----- I_R L.o_ ~,ba,Q).,," -"""i<"- -~/ 2J -- ---"7 - .!ld(JZ_~___ 1/~ti.(L - '--l-----~'~~- f'~'v,,~ ~_:-- ____7"c)O I_____~,OQ_' , , -t:~~----- -T----~!~~- -~L-- I_-_=----=-=,=-==r=-=-~_ _:===___---!-- -- +---'-.j---. - f't'cJQ,__ ----.-- ----..--- =~ ~ ~:-..... .. =-+-~ -+-'= - --- I-.:~.::..== --l' .--.--=l'--'-- -,- ',-'-' I ' i ___un --+ -"I- I I . ._~. . ' (!1P(i~;';~J "'_..~ ..:~"'il 1b.1.:AIIl" ~.: a"iil'~&7 '''"'0".' Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Yo.n O)-ster -,- ! __~- ~'=r I ! I -\-----\- LOT BLK. SEC. RGE. TWN, ", III r .-,,;,~ .. < --~ ';0 '"', SALE PRICE / 'T ';>,iJ f- w 435' of N 400' of 5 610' of SE NE excepting therefrom that portion, if lies N of center line of a certain unamed stream which flows' Ely and Wly the Nly portion of said 40 acre tract. " .... any, which '\ over and across Ju J~ '7/52- " "," a' .~... .,- ~"- ~lt..........u