HomeMy WebLinkAbout420271100090 Year FII. No. NAME.of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /3 If SALE PRICE ~. 3~h~ P;'j;"D ~ ~pFP 53 l42374 Theodore Richert et ux (P Ii, _7 A__ , ~ ----- ~ 1773':'--.2. /' 1!? L g.o"? S :L .1.b. ..L JL ICt-:J 0.00 6t /;:)'1'14:/ I~~~~~;, ~~~_ - I-- - - - ,.... 7:i ~4a;;;v) ) ,,-;/;~ ~ ~ N/ SS,9Y' 1(1;1. .;z 1.1J.:l, 'I /;,-,~ ~ F fl,..A A' ..J b J '" :..- .3.3h/7 ~ 39:?f.f? f)-u ,,;..-> c .8Jv,,, o't 7'/ '/(" f - - - - QC!J ) ~r.y - - \ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ",.(",,^,~ , - ''''';'''11 ---- ------=-=-""'" - ~~--~===---------===~ -------------=- =--- NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL ~ Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. orE. (Buildings) VALUE 2!. ;(,t c:) :</C: () ~o 30 c;-c ,KC; ,,;Lc) 70 90 .4 / rf,{)_ / tJeJ ,2t:O /t) 60 ?/J /..3{) m /'60 /00 ..,/ ;: 0 .5cJ ~62J ?c1 1;7/) -, {i ~~ :2.(,0 - /30 /15' 3/S- l& ~7, /~tJ ;t.:?~ ~9~ I~ ~/'6. . ~ /. ~Ij /.M ~.~() Wti> /~C) ./~S7} ,;:Jete !1$. I. _ ';' I/~A'~ AfJtJrJ ~d €7~ - IL .i2....kr ;1 (, c' ..5000 "'fe'., / .~ f,<;'':; 21. 1t;6{}tJ 70" CJ /96oc ~L, /I't-C 0 /75""OQ ;;,J,8/CJo . , LOT SEe, eLK. T\VN. RGE. ~"'/J1J7J'~ I' . ~":"""'""" .' 'I'wo,.,O ,- ~ , - -. ~~ ~; ,',.. (, . '...,:;"-" . ",lo,- . 1'1 " i -- If~ " Tract of land in NE NE of 27-20-4 ad follows: Bgn at SE corner of said NE NE; Thn W along W line 429 ft; Thn N parallel with Eline 429 ft to IF; Thn E parallel with S line 309 ft; Thn N parallel with Eline 363 ft. more or less to S R of W line of Permanent Hy; Thn NWly along said R of W line to a point thereon whioh is N parallel with E line from said IF; Thn S parallel with Eline 383 ft. more or less to IP. ~-,.'- ~-, f 6-c..L :)' '-1 '&~.3 y.... File Me. MAilE ef OWNEJlI: CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /. "-'I SALE PRICE' .:11$hf?~ lj Ad, Ia', Po" PUD FPD ~ 140169 70 Edgar R. Krona et ux 1 ':\09 s h L Is 121)1'.::1 tr fI} , .c. :.1 /J~ J~ }IS L 3,,7 S 3 II~ L li f- - - I-- - - - - - - - .-- - I--- - - - - - - - -- - - - 1- - - - - - - - - I . .,.,.',..,. , ,.......... ""C . -, - -- NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS y.... Oyst., Timber Unimproved Imp....-d TOTAL 0,"" Timber Unimproved Improved ImprovlIm.,.b B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5L I- 0/ /,0/ /e /D -. ..i2 -- 1.01 I.e / S- (j S/.J_ - JE.L /,0/ /,e/ . .L't')O /GJ 0 ~ J.M I. of /(U) ~~J~~ - ~J. ... -,., /.;1< ,0 //Pt'D I ~ '2Ii. l:: .% /~!filJ ';lI$tJ 1J'".llJlln ~ , ~_7- ~ ~ '^'i' ~.:I'IJ .,71.tfJ ..1Z 'i.'7N 'j- .:-:"':;0 .. ~ 0 - - ,- .- . - 4" ._~_ ..- - , I ieA' ",/'1/: ~ J". / - - / , - LOT BUt. lEe. TWN. ROL , ilIl -~' lili.. L. ... T,... "'l'" , f) I l' ,", llI" ill " ..... . ~.~".. Ii-' _ / 1"".-7" """p;, -, Beg at S edge of R/W of county road at a point which is 312' SEly from an intersection of S R/W line with N line of section 2?i th SEly along R/W 100'; th S 2030' W 222'; th S 8030' W 169.5' to ~~ corner of Evers tract; th N 16 E 208' to intersection with SE line of Storts tract at a point 144' SWly from I.P.; th NEly 144' to I.P. --'I~ ~__A : ' , ..,.--- .r-' h__~;