HomeMy WebLinkAbout420257500240 ------_._---~,_.~_. - You Ale No I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /3 'I- I SALe PRICE - ~ Rd, 5ch. I P?rt PUD 1 fPD I I 31d, - ~ 249229 I-~od I 30' S L H i ?.;1,JiPf7-' -------. ~ ~ -~-- 1L~ ~40!l-JQ f-' 00 James C-CaroI L. Sa Ie I 5 \ . , -, -.--... -- ;) '-t' -.--- ~... -~--- _.------- ._..__._------ --- .--...--.---- f-- ,- - --- . - .. .. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~-Ju Y.or Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber UnImproved Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. (Bvildin~s) VALUE L --> '1 :/iJ q- /cJ 3fP" 3QRO 79 77C,(j 77(,,0 '-:. , , , ; -, , ,:' ,;:-' (I /:",-" _~~,~~60 ~ - . j SL ,;{''-I~D I~ 60 '" 3(,'/-00 .''; [', 7tJ I, t' . ~ ~ .. , I:, ("r '. 3&1/00 1-. ~I '/0:; f--- - - , -. - - -- ~--- ----- 1-----1-. - - - , I LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE. ~~::;"57S DO~qQJ I" _20 4 ~_""'_'_' ,.__ J Tract 24 of SUrvtlf V~l 3 J'B 40-42 ",.~,,,'_'-'-<'_"''-'-'- __<. ..:.,....;.-_;...;.~Iiifi..._..-:-,.....-J..~ ~ ",'"...:..l ';;-'iWii. fl'if'\i ~. ,"<,.....,,'.., >.." That por of the N! of the SEt and the st of the NEt of See 2S-20~4\l. \1/.14. desc as follows: C<JolMENCING at the NW cor of sd Nt of the SEt; th S 00018'10" E 1371.03' to the s.I cor of sd Nt of the SEt; th N 6800S'SS" E 490.82'; th N 48050'24" E 314.91'; th N 09035'24" E 332.99'; th N 4604S'19" E 347.17'; th N 31029'27" E 39S.59' to the pob of the tr of land hereby desc; th 3 58030'33" E 20.00'; th N 73044'11" E 384.90' to the SW1y r/w line of St Hiway #SR-101; th NW1y a1g sd $W1y r/w line IS20.50'. more or less, to the N line of sd 3t of the NEt; th N 88042' 23" \l a1g sd N line 21. 38' to the Ely r/w line relocated Deegan Rd by the St Hiway Dept; th 3 08059'38" \l a1g sd E1y r/w line 230.87'; th cont a1g sd E1y r/w line, S 29038'50" W 210.05', more or fess, to a pt which bears N 30016'14" W from the pob; th S 30016'14" E 1114.62' to the pob. EXCEPTING therefrom rd R/W ..::.... . I , -..,\),,.