HomeMy WebLinkAbout420213100010 Yt.r FII. Ho. \ HAME 01 OWHER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'f',;L SALE PRICE: Rd. lloh. Port PUDIFPD 1594251 0 Roy ..,/'. _ .9-amache et - - - - - - 55 UX -> ~ F\ ) L - - -- lail ;Z~, 1i~4 . :.J- -::e- /~~;/S--. , . /1/ (./,1 ~ .ILL - - - - - --2L 1 ~.y,(Y/)' , // .;4 . ,,{.; . 'J'/~ "j, '(Ii-- fl.; / <-q ; - - -p- -2q;;;S-::>' ~'d ",D A. v . n-,.,~ LJ. '",J. l:;:?, .. ./1-'=7 :;",<;,?-",-" . <..1 Z- L~ ~ ". ;(';; -r...JZ'. r-- - ";q{?Y) -";1M,,;,? -:; '1L,Z ~ ~ f9~ -7 /",..// - - '-- - ~q ~ , e,.. -# ~ 1~ d.... 1'l'6'1 -3 .1k ..L ..H ~ :i 70S;;' J."iW J!/..;} .. 7.t/ rJ j)' ~,1, :I./I'.'j(;,' f?1 L l-?n'1 ? IIi .L ..fL dd/Gi',5' 1/13 'f/'f'o '7y IA. P.i fI Ii, I. __ ,,:t"j..~(ljp--'u') #h':J.~77 - - - - --' - ~,j) C/ J0L(U - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---"" -- -------_._-----_._._--------------------....._~--------._--- -;_......, . NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TlONS - Vtar Oydtr Timber Unimproved I mprovtd TOTAL Oyster Tlmbtr Unlmprovlld Imprond l,mprovemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 2.08 2".08 J " , ' :J! -- ,;l.o? .;2,0 S' /0 /70::: /,5"("; g'/, 2.LJ.? ~,t'; -50 /70 _~ c:< 0 M :<.0 f ;(.og bO .,<&. 0 3/0 It( .. ~- t.~ .3.:JS .sf,d ..,,, /. () I.. MJ:L ..~,tJ' ~ ,i'; - 1nfL - -1/ If) '. ~() :~.3S 13.. 7Slil> 1!/- ~r" .....Ri.~ /SiJIJ '/10 .. ZL /0\ L' - 'i'';U L; ,c; & '7"/,'7 31J,~ 1- , ~ K .. ::[.2 (.. .-; ,;:(51,'15 :.....'.1......5.... Xl /'C' f /,!)Go " ,/ '-I 9" 0 ~/1S-0u !:"I'I' . .,{ -, .y9~"~~ -':'/~.I(' -= 1 I. ( f" , .'l - , . , LOT BLK. 20 RGE. ~..,.,....-.~... - ..... , Tr. 1 of NE SW I " /T.;;;<..f( SEC. TWH. '" ?1 .. 4, :..J-..... I' I" Beginning at the NW' corner of the NE SIN, thence South alone the \'lest line of saii40, 300 ft., thence East parallel to the Horth of said 40 300 I't. more or less to the:Jesterly line of a private roadway as nOVl established and in use. Thence northeaSterly along the,;esterly line of said roadway to an int~rscction to the Eorth line of the lIE S:I, thence '.!est alont; the l:Orth line 390 ft., ;lore or less to thc point of beG. l-u ~L~ 3/fo'( =.----~----- . ..