HomeMy WebLinkAbout420131300020 Year FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I.?J SALE PRICE Rd. Be'. Port PUD FPD - - - - w FF 4 -.2.l 85450 Rayonier. Inc. 1 "lOC S ..l. L -- lJ/1k., . '2 *~rd4'?L' .. --" } ::(/JC1 C; ;.! . ~ ;>- ?-e=-'l-~." ~ - . //_~ -/- 3 LL L ....... '/;17//// ~Q, / 1(.', :k: " 0. II. /, i /.J7~n J I-- - - - .;;? -f/.?cJ / ~ 3Se, :<73 fi""C'c: : 1\.1 ^ --- / I - I-- - - - - -- - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'14 ,- .. .~ __-<3'" . - - .-- .. - Jik NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS {, te) Ynr Oyli.r Timber Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImproVlmenb B. olE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ 31,<;1\ 3<;,'js-' /;/tJ cJ ~CJO --- /r; () (j ,{,6'0 ,50 ..3.:J,fc 3cU',? I/~; Sod ~ 39~95 3'1 SS- /S7S' r~ /!J'~ /ntD .P ~ ft... ~.+'~ ?l7..:1tJ ~'7...:J" .' "A; /:.::J./A.JfJ __ h_~ 2L ~J!L i~~.11 ~. W - '4ISS' ~ ..=17.~:.Ii" I....,~D _~A ""GiJ ftf..u. - c;t~G" 4..SSlJ I ~79S 1!t- //.~O I/. /)D' I"",~ 21So ,g,tr€> "70 ~&' . to (. xl 1JES10 Nt'.a '~n /I,O() 1135' 1/3S- t;;- t;u ;'/0 (-,'::" . ~-- ~ , N lit)o l/oJ 'f6.s ,8'; / ,- , b~ LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. RGE. ~L~~'DESJ~I\.I- Ta::..... . . ~Ji' -6 i;;?'r' II 'l~,-' ,.~:'tl ,; / Q '-' / ',,'1' I . ~ ... -. ,---, --- -- .~,-- - __c' ",,:v.- ~O"" - .{'::J6 .c~~_,.' , " -" ._~ .'&i'~ ~ ~,j ~ LllJ.-.L.LLLj . _I I .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (.,xO Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impromments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE gS- n"... //.110 fl. ('\":') ;;S'{) y.c,o Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD ,J ~/~) - - - - ~ /SI'l'l7 (ldj 1 '109 5 ..3 _L 3 . r~' - - . 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r ' . ., ...'. .,.........,.~._'~~~. ___k~______________=__~______________________________~~__________--~---------~~--'lII'---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Or.ter Tlmbtr UnlmlltOvtd Improvtd TOTAL OY-dar Timber Unlmprovtd Improvtd Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ,;S- . LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. rr~"... '. --, 1Y" 1 Q,t'" '....".\ -"~',~ ==~.lJ . ,,}.J.... ~., ""'.'''.''~ ;<:;.,' " """'11<- bef';. at a point 011 thc 'I. line of tr'e 1.uvia vr.alton's Li.L.C. dnd 2394.$2' uly "'rOl:, th, ",' cor. o~' s,lid D.L.C.; t '-'..Cel '" u'\JJ',.>j" 'v Jlolla:.~he 1.ti liI~~ u-,: ..J.~"'.~;" J Jistc..in~e of 17).,,_.;1; tl-lC~i,~l;:~. ~.O'-,:.,-;-l~UT: " .;,:llst,:;nCj C..L ..l)'-T.~4'; tJ.n.C~., '..L'.J+'44".:.:.o, ~ ',..i.::";jt--..tl.l<";,J ui. 0.).;';1:.', to the point o{ b'-'f';inning. (, -~-,._,. '-"-', -,' ,1~"'- , -c~~ , DISTRICTS /..;:1 Y.., File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. portlPUD FPD - #)1~41 7l.1.2... 271082 Ronald L. Dickinson et ux ...1.. ~ ~G 1 L H S1?'i0 If!;; 27fl7+ 7kic -I &,t'l- . ofS.. 30'1 H ><-5'.;17'6"% I I-- - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - =F - - . " , .'. .. .. ..-....- -----~......="'-=_. _==__=____~_~___________________~=____~=~r'_~_=_==__=___=____==~=~~ ' =___ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS You Oylttr Timber Unimproved Impro'l-.:t TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BulldlnlPJ VALUE ~ . tJ 9 .,,9 ~ .:1S'" 13. ..t)9 . fJ 9 ...-.... rtJ,tJ .,-. " / , / ../' ,/ 1---'-:--:"'--.. ~ i / 'I f j" . ~ . , L. ,/~ , , I '. -r- , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. o <. . ---,---.,- /.f /. ... / ft ,..:.::,~,{:<~; ~:~:'" .....:/.:~.{. -:""'I /:..ir-" ,. ~.~., ...' ; . 'P..., ...+ ., -'f' Q' I 1 , Jl "......".... " l Be inni at the intersection of the E line of M son S Shelton s Donation Line No. 37: thence on extension of said E line of MARiRon S~ree~ N 28024 46" W 122.27'. more or :Less. to the S line of "K" Street extended S fi10'l4'44" W; thence 61034'44" E 66.07'. more or less. to the W line of said DonAtion LAnd Cl~im No 37; the ce S 0000'38" W. alOng W line of said Donation Land Claim No. "7, lOR fiO', mnre or less to I.P. "l ;:;..-.e -,..;;;:,-:- Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,'/ SALE PRICE Rd. 5etl, I P"rt PUD I fPO I I 27436' I 10/ 2 Walter C. KniP;ht et 1 Og S ..2..-1 11 , #33451 ux L H I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Ve.r I Oyriu Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nts .. of Eo (8ulldlnQI) VALUE ~.2 .I~ ./~ .vo //:.9;'\ /7.:J 0 ~ -- .- ~ /~ /~~IJ .:19/'" 1.3 ~ - ~ ...,.. _I '''A 7- ~4tJ ....."\.10 ~.r.-r~ - 7c . . . LOT ILK. .., ..........&,.~ SEC. TWH. RGE. l....!- . ,.1~ ~.. 4. ._~n+' "I nf' q, Jij: -- / /1 c;,fI . . .......I"t!. , 5;f ~ . Beginning at the intersection of the S line of J street extended and the E line of Monroe Street extended, as sho~~ on the Plat of Mountain View Extension; thence along said S line of J Street extended, K h1034'44" E 100'; thence S 28024'46" E 60'; thence S 61034'44" 'II 100' to E line of said Monroe Street; thence N 2R024'46" 'IV along E line of said l,lonroe Street, 60' to LP. - -. -- ---.-'- -,-e "'- -- ---,- --, uc'..__