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File He. NAIIE .. OWNER CONTRACT TO DIsTRICTS /7:2 SALE PRICE' y.., Rd, ...., .." PUD FPD Jl22~25 - - 64- ~ -" Jerald A. Hemir ger C.C.Clossen ~ 09 ~ L $200 :1 JJ:?<;'.1-3 /' /' ./,j~'A.. !!;. .4/..?<tN it 5/-' .29.'1 ~A~ /'~.. .;;/; -u.- . AA' .. 7(; ~;;t1$ , ~.f~ ) 7ft l3' 30'1 3 11f^ 1.. f--( //;p .A .A . .I ~ 2LB.L 15;~1/6 Bess i e Combs L"'>ThTE 1( I 3n9 3 II fo L If #72698 388 61 I%~ I/j!o~o 67CfL) Wnr/'lE ,1)EffW"'" 1.-, ( .5.-, \eo X ~, ~!5"'~O ;('.sz #85541 ll/8 421847 Callie Neal et al (see back) " " , " , EXA,.... rlAA" / '7" 'V - '-- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -=wI-- c. / ~ .. NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS y." Oyster Tlmb.' Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb., Unimproved Improved IlmpfOvem."b B. DIE. (Buildings) VALUE t;;. ,t.s'tJ /~ .;1.(} ~(J - -" "" ~ J.S'" .;10 --- - ~9- ~ /.: ~- ~ .:l7 " ,;,.?~ 1tl. /. .s-O /.$d .d 7E - - 9 "ttJ ~(} /fI~ 13- CJOO SoS"O .sriSlJ; 73 .... ~ -e- 1l /.;;t'f /~7 /u:3 /~~t:J /iI!1/t!JD //?~ ~< -e- -Et- ~ J1.. J (~ c., (~, / ' C','? / ( 7 Gd II "f.500 /! ,:, .;:: ):;/, :,: .; :z.L -F, --6-- -c,.--- .2f '-/-f.:,OO //1'/5 / q-t,,<js . 7;; 1.,7..7 1;27 --.:> o~ - 7'1 I~ 7J.':'l/' /1~4S- /5'US - 11 , :J LOT BLK. fLU -:lOr) X J.I. ;;;l.l1 }('-<{ \1 .. PIC. TWN, RIlL ..~~:..,~ .....'1:C..,,'"''-........____. , .. ,c_...... Trac:L-3_:.oLlli!;...~~c'C ___~.:.,-" -~ .... -'.... - ------ I '" ,~, .., (-'.... -~-",_._,~ ~.-, '-._'~ . . . -{I!,.!~ FORMERLY: NW SE NWly of R!W ex Tr. 2 Parcel I: The W 110.71' as measured alg the S line of the SW SW SW NE 8-20-4W.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom the N 195' thereof and excepting road rights-of-way; Parcel 2: NW SE NWly of R/w ex Tr 2 of N2 SE and ex E 110.70' of the W 221,42' thereo f . ~ , " ~~ - -- - - -- - - -- L,-;-; et al: Callie Neal .(sep. est.) Mazell Edwards (sep. est) Retha Gilmour (sep. est.) =1 L .-- rTl:J-ljj-/-' ~. ~,t., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved l1mPfovem,nh 8.01 E. (8Ilildin9S) VALUE I{o -- /..;27 /. Ol- 7 '-/ ~" () 11/<15 /S" 6 y,s- go '6 () ---{) ~I - ~3;t"J r 31 St> 3,-85() vi ! ~":)., " ,J / c:I - / --E+- .Q... --0- y;Z /3006 ;l.38S0 <In X.r;' (J ~ ~E(,__ ---- I, /1 /./1 I~ 300 :::88/'5,') ~1/5n !i._ - /3ooeJ .;) _i 1',,<) 36!SO - -.-- --- - -- I -- ~--_._-.-. .--- ---- -- 1___- -- ===1 -- -.-- _._-- -- - ---- 1------ I-~- --- 1-- - ----- - - - -- , ----- , I ! -