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Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 53i Dora Hansen Buller I I Y. .. if~-~ ~ 7zf;,I~ESI ==~j, ______L_' DISTRICTS . / -' C Rd. Sch. ~I.PUO;FPD--!~L=!- ; , I 1 309 _~L__I.h...fll I . I -1---1--1 .L~-: ~II!L./!I ----1-1-1- -1=I=i=I==1 -'1-1-[-1---1 --'--1- _1_____- SALE PRICE IfZ7 )ft,~iJ, "" 76' J':1 I 1-----:---,- __00.___ c'~~~..' o~__ _~~_ ",.__"___~__~~___>,___~___~____o~_~__~~__~___~~~_~-I~- _~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~------ - I ",Imp,,,,, , B.of E. Vur Oylt.r Tlmb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlt., TImber Improved Ilmorovement. (Buildings) VALUE fl/ ,y/,7!{. P-. 3C)7t( -YO 3SO 6;jo /10 ---~ ~ /9'0 ijD 3'. > <:> < <;- R1l , , sy 3-1/-1 2.. 3(".77' / 9'<> JiO 7 [f0 /tJ/O -.-- a 3.6:.2.iL _L- 3,} ,/:;.-' I/g' 0 .:70 ;7.9, U Vel/"0 .:[Z 41." ~'C 3,L,J/ /,00 q ~ 7$/ C:;tJ vfo 50 /JU VcJ. )'0 ,.Ol:e?( ;(1 1(;<.;( t3 11'5, /'~ /t1c1 ,9'~. /'-"/ cXO , ,;:{70 ~o :78'0 //.2 t'? b .fL :~ I .2 7cJ 50 .LJ / O_LG .)6 - M 'it t (' .30, ac> 6.7f 36,'}(I. ~ ~6o ...&.La "~"'-<.Q - !.eL 3",o-vl -7 1/.5""0 1 t:,t, 0 (.,77" 3 (.,7f/ / tf-b 0 3S-7o (g~ '-/,;<t'.i!.. ';0, o-v ~. 7{L n. 7 If d.</-O ---"-5'0 ,;)3'70 / ~(,o L-.,. 30_ o-Q... .1&. 'J.. ,.J I .2/J.711 ~.o;. 7~.7y ,LL~~/) /1Jt.() ~ - - M ..ll tI.; ~- ~ NJ ~r~ - 1#7 I~)~ 71!' n~ /~ 9,~ . M. .w ....1 57 1,2. 7~]# Lc Iir~ 4'1',_ '- ~~~ Mn ~z, ,-- iDE.{;;: ~NA ED - ?L();J. ~ ,-~ , '- -- ~S'r BLK. ' ~I ~.iIi.;t:>{)Nlti?f~ ~("() d -, ." " S'C. TWN. ! , 'a," .. ""\ . '~".-"-. . 4 . N1S.~* _"', f'! "':.ilGl\I ^ T",~ _-li... ,~ -'''f .~, , ' ,~, , ,I!i~" 14% 'J;Jd,Jl~p '/'tJ.5/ , " all ~ .bd<::l ~ -?%.. 6/--/ c' <.-n ,J/:'Z1YzC o-/./d ,oj / -dO 7", -t:L'u4( r"">..!Zcye. j7 ..y, c~cJ ~C //J>'/./ ;t NE NE also known as Lot 1 __u,,_. . . '--0>< "a-:__ ~_.- .f ,tf, olfu J-? ') ;f/)1/ ;;1- 3f ~ r~j1 ~"~.--.,,\'t- ,~. .- NUMBER OF ACRfS Ye.r limb., Unimproved I Improved : I -:i~OJt - , . j-7/'-~ -'---- - - _,_ - - 1- Oyst., 7'1 , 1- ~ +-- t 1 bl&~);___ ~, I -- -- t~~-- r-- J I ~c-__ ~(1 )l.:l cC,,- _ _ _ ~_ .,., I_ f' __~~__ zg '.:.f hc?{.? I r- i TOTAL Oyst.. I ' ,~ 7t. ~:z.:-- I/N~ + I I - t I .I- J f 1 I ~, L rsr b).(6 . I- f ~--- - t I . I I lL- -. .~~ . .- I '. VALUATIONS ;.t'3 b Timb.' I Unimproved Impro....ed . I 1 ",-"sf +- "I ~(,5I +513~_ 4'/0~+ , Improvements .B.'O~ (BuildiMilSl I VALUE -'-o/ff.G:-. --~,(,C. SfL4t>_ , do', "1 - , I - --I- l?/s:;-" t.:- ~V I, -~ I,' ....-.. . .. ---' ',. t- ,! ') ;; OJ_. -71;-:;;-1 . . -' -t + .. rINt-=-__Fmr~776 ._ c.. . i ->-- ,c.,_..,;"' ':::;'I_r .!_ -+ -, t + l- i- -". r- - - r- I / '/ . .., ~ ,-. 0 ---.-....-.- 1 __._ .5";~~. 'I / '~, . __.J-._'7. ."-'-- 16/-=-", -, -,- --" lli.._.-,:.,- I 1/"/ / d -1--,.. _ I : ,/,f'3~