HomeMy WebLinkAbout423324360020 DISTRICTS ?'J("!> Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. Po" PU FPO SALE PR ICE 53 Cit" cf Tacoma 1 40~ H 3 L H P 66 222581 Lake Cushman CD. Lse Geor"e It- 1:X (Joe " T .) 1~~g56g WlIP /85 N. Haffner E Lse . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imprc:wements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~..// -7:~! . ,- / / '7 .'/ <, .-/.- LOT BLK. 1/, 1 ~~ 11t:.lo' _I _I I SEC. TWN. RGE. 32 23 4 Tract ~ of SE4 ~//'H .' L - I I I ~ I I . I-l:GAI. [It:~CI<I~1'ION J.."...""y ii, 19~~ IIpp~oxin,"l" III lie,..,," tlc""tll ot L~k" Cu~l,,""n R",,;orl and W".." of ".ok" C"..h...."RO".1d""',J"..t,,dLot16.111ocl<G.I::....t..idoNo. 1 inL"k" Cullh....n Hdinl..n..nce Il."""r<..h.. Thde. ponion of Lt... nOrth h..lf of ::;"ction S. -r"""sldp 22 N<...th. R""<,18 4 N,,"t of W.Il. ..nd U,..t r,ortion of tho> "oult> h..lt of Section 32, T"'/n~hip 23 North. Rd."')" 4, Wcst ot W.M.. l~ln<J ""rth"rl~ or the 1...1", C"..h...." Ih,,,ort. "nd ..",.,,,,.-11' ot thl> I.""" CU~lll"...n fu,,,<I d"..cribcd....rollo...., C""'\Illo.:ncin'j ..t the ,"O!it ,"''''It,,,rly COrner "t. Lot 7. aloe" ]. ...s""....or'a Pl..tof L..k" C"..I"o,,,'<:....l'dll,, No. I..l'ccurdcd in VallO'." 9 ot 1'1,'L.. ..t P"'J"" 112 LhrowJh 1~6, "<!"unl.. of '\""01\ County, l'''lihi'''I,-on; tI,,,,,,,,, N 4~oS2'~7" W ,'lun,] ',cnlt,,'....te,-Ly ~:,~:'~.. o~" t:.~" I.~~~h~"~~:,~n w~~~~ : )~~.. ~'~n~~~L b~~,-~h~ ~~d~~;7 ~~~ of t: 29'10.00 t~"L di~l...nt; th"",:," "",thw"..LudY,...lnu'J ~,.Id "'a"', tl"-""<Jh a ue"tc,d "'\lIe of 1"13'3(1" ,Ill ,,'-c .1'''1,,,,,,,, ot 1107.17 r....t to a point Oil.. "",.vu ho.. which th.! cent",; b,,~n' N 47<>20'33" I: 2970.00 teet din..."t, th""c,, S 4'}020'Jj" OJ 60.00 f""t to illt.H.$"ct th" $outhw"st"rly m..qpn of th.. L....... Cush.....n no..d..t .. point on.. c....rv" to th.. ri'lhtwllh.. r..,Ii".. 01 j030.00 t.."t a"dthepointofb"'Jinnin'l;th""e"nocthw",,t"r1y..lon'Jth.. L..k.. CUihlO..n ~e,,<,,-t bo....nd...-y by tll" 'ul10wi,,'l ~ourS,,$ dnd dist"nc<:s, S n"20'J)" OJ 10.68 ,,,,-,t:o N 62000'00" W 00.00 feet. N 46000'00. W 400.00 reut.'"N"300.00 f....t. West 120.00 le..t, North 60.00 ruet. E...st 40.00 ,,,..t ",ore or 1"11.$ to int",.,;..ct the "uutour Iln.. 742.00 r"et..buve""". l"vel. S"ide1evdtionsh..llb"d...t...r..iu..d byr..(e"",,,,,totloeLn:ln2epl."lu,,Iu.beddedin the top or: L..I<., ClJ~h_n D..m No.1 n'",,' th" "..sterly s.d" ot !;a.d d..m, which Lranu, pld'lu" ia in!;crib..d wi.th th.. fl'l"c,," U.S.C.S. J-32 ..nd for th" pu..po~e of thi.. nd...-en<:<.' it ill und,",,'!;tuod th...t ."oid pl..gu.. is pl..""d dt el""..ti.on 741.50 I..et dlx"", ",""n s"" lev..ll th""c"lI"nh"rly ,,1011'1 ".dd cunlaur lill" to.. pai',t fro", ..h1ch .. pOint un the """ter ll"e of M"d,,<: V..... Dr;v" b.....rs f:"st 100.00 h."t ".or." or 1,,":1. S.l.d c""t"cl;n,, point lie.. ,;", " ,..n'J"ut (colOwhl<,h the Leyinn1n<J "f d Cl":V" with d """n"l ""'jl<:of. 1002"32' ..nd .. r...H".$ of ))0.00 f,,"t b.....rs S 00044'22' W bl.~l f....tlilst,ont"sshownonth"pl..tot r....kuCu..hn'dnNo.ll. ,,,cord..d in Vol..,.... 8 ui Pl..,c...t. p"""s J6 U"ou'jt. Ja. ...."o,'d" of N....."" County. W.....h In" ton: t h""c" I~...t; t 10(1. 00 f ..." ,,,,, r., or I "s" to "" i d "..ntarllnepoi"t, then"..S 6floOO'00"l: l03.13f"..tto lh"",....terly ItIdr'1inof the I.ake CU"rU""n Ro"d: th"""esu....lh"rly"longsaid'n...,Jin by tho follow<l\'1 "our..,,'" ..nd dl~td{J",,": S 170H'04" W 140.ij~ Icut to tho be'll""i,,'j of" "urv" to the lelt "lth d cadiu" of 230.00 t""t ."uth..rl~ ..1<>0'1 ".d<1 .",ev" Ihru""Jh .. ',,,nlrd1 '''''11'' ot J~051'2ij' ..n dCC dist..""" uf 144.08 r..et to d I'oil>t ..,f t""'J"""Y. S 11l"->1'l4" J:: S~.O~ feet \.0 th.. l.o"'lirlJlin\) or: d "un'" to the l..ft ..i.lOhatddiusof830.00 ["..t. "outh..dYdlongb..idcu,""tt"o"'Jh .."""tr.olang1.."fll03J'Jl" ""iJ,cdilltdIlC" 01 lli7.44 {"etto" poillt of la{J'l~ncy. S JO"'lO'~~" E "u de" distdU"" or, 78, 42 [""t to tbo be'linn.n\! of" curv" to th" ri'Jbt with" ,,,dBla of 210.00 ,.."t. souU...rly thouyh .. "~n'-r..l dn'll.. 0' 240~2'06" a" drc d;~t""c,, of 117.19 fe..t lo .. j>oillt o[ tdn'J'''''''Y. S ~018 '49" E 60.29 I.."t 1O0 th.. LC'Jinnin9 of " c",,,,, toth" left. with d c..diusot 330.00 f....t.southerly..l",,'JIl..idcu.-vethrou\lh..""ntcdldu'lle"f 10017'OS" an d. C di"tdoc" of ~1, 79 (",:,t to .. point or t""'J"o<,~', S 21 "3~':." E Ill. 70 (<!"t to t~Q b,-"i """"J 01 " "urv" to tile ri<JhlO with.. ,,,diu.. 01 2~0.OO feet. ..outh..cly dlou'1 "did curve lh,-ou'Jh .. c....leal "n<)le of 21"41' 13" dn UCC distiJn~e af 94. 63 rn..t to lOh.. L"'Jinnin'l of .. curv.tath" left ",ith "r"liiu,"ot 330.00 f"et,south"rlyalon9 "aid CU[V" through" ""ntral d"910 of 38a~2 'l6" an arc d1..t"/lc" of 221.BBf-"ttotheue'li.ntlingofac"rvetoU,"leftwilh..r...diua of 30l0.00f...et.southeclyalnll<Jsaid "urvtJth'ougha c"nlc..ldn'1111 of 1052' )0" dn dC db't.."c.. at 204.lt2 f",,~ to tbo p"iHt of L"'1;""i,,<]. ~ 0 "" Ul Cl) Cl) Ul "' I >; IV OJ IV 0 I rt -<= ~ W ~ 0 ft, 3: Ul Cl) 0 rt f-'. 0 "