HomeMy WebLinkAbout423093490210 - ~_3.1QQl2... Cushman ASSOciates, A.~,--'=--aIkeL.~Ll12L 2 04 H ~~J8 j L ; H : #36374 2/77,22.L9.5_L____ 0 ~Lc.l<wBor:.dQ~ ,#-~'Li:g' . 1.__1__1_1_ 1153302 !!g{':'I-E_-~(,{;:L_, " }IO__4>f,,7ff1)J>--~?/ "P'HO'l fI 3!/?,I..L~fZ: /I":'-M~s;.dM1 1;.(, _~"'~.O~-~ " WIL<l~ ~ ~~) L tt- t! "''-0''00 _____________.. r T',mb" I U ' d I I d Improvements nlmprove I mprQVe (Bulld;n9S) 1 i/~3o I 7750 1.LJ:3...<2...1 n.-s:-/? /S:3o I 775(' 42:;;-0 Lzg 5'0 lo()ooI9</00 I ,--~--- -- u___ --- :----:==-~3 -----,-----~-- ----r------- ~I' I --, --- =c=:- I ' J,___ -- ----==--~~= -~.=-=------- --c--=-==+_--I-==l -~--- J~.. - I I~-- 'i I' i l :~~'9,.? ~,f? ?>~/t6d --....'..-----.- " -'!iili: - " --, -+--- ----- - r-----+------ -, r-- ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES ---y;.;;-r---OYder Timber I Unimproved Improved StlpPL ~- + ~.t,tt>. 78 J/'21-'" - 24H'} . -/2 ----'------'-= WT_-' 1!L ;'~,~p ~ 5$/ J(' Sf ~5 VALUATIONS . .75 /.17 i. ! I Oyster TOTAL /,17 /.17 , 1---- - LOT BlK. SEC. TWN, OG"- Il'" "1)= 23 4 T[~~t,2) of SE SW B. of E. VALUE 96S0 ;75.5'0 9SS0 /~/OO 199'0 T7 , 1 .------ . . (Tract I of Short Plat #16) That part of the SE SW 9-23-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd SID; th S 870 14' E alg the S I ine of sd Section 95.67'; th N 460 32' E 492.69' to TPOB; th continuing N 460 32' E 117.3\ '; th N 340 35' W 422.56'; th S 640 18' W 117.31 '; th S 340 35' E 458.79' +- to TPOB; EXCEPT publ ic roads, if any. . . Year File No. ah NAME of ':Z CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,:: ,;.:;- SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I PUD FPD I I ~ u:/4 . -1---1 I ~ Harr i~ ~Il' 1 9'} I (nrl:1 S ~ ) /d 2 12 H L L fR ' -- 6~ 1.10/,(4- A1F,1 , #;. - U.&, ;/" J / 2.. '1M. JL -3 L " J .#- - n. b~,;t II'" f V "a, .:;'; ,p-: ~ J .I. ',?:t h 61 /8'SfL - - - - <1r 61 k?,,2 L RI ko____ ~A!./ ,/ WLJll3 =L J/?6,! 67 1/7 "!o, &/ rL ('), _/ pL,../. /1' %l / f! ,-"" ~/'l :m !;f"r~ ~J~ / V- ,J n . '0 ~-~~ -=t:::l= """ .?fF7.:?-s k 1/f'iO.?31 1/~,I&Lj,^ -p'- !5a.eZ3 I LTC/pc .=J(i 3'/oOl!: ~~~ U /( /1 ---1--- ----1- - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - 1 .......:::L . ~' .'---, . -----..----'--...- - - ~ - ~ -- "-- .- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea' Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Order I Timber Unimproved Improved Imorovemenb 8.0!E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ 4c .-s/C ZOO .<00 ~ &'>00 .6&6- Jb <),.:/0 I/O.,;){) ~::;'<JO 300 '1 , /)'9 #tJ.oo ?Le!.OC; d2 }? c:J ~.?o !dl. s.9o sp.~ " ,; ~- ~:J5 r ~~ q: 1':>> fi /jr; ,&tJ . i/cJ,d/1 7'75" /,;J.;~O /~7.5' - I";; t)tIJ /.-1"-d J.lL J/.a. M .t/tJ . tf!) fib'; c:2 .i/ tJo ;;) 'life 2L S,;, j't, 3~7t, !'!*5'5" $f/,po 3#0 ?.:<. ~ e2'J,9f ;;)..f,Yf d2:V,6 .;:I7/b 2'2c 19- d 9' /9..0'7 3t60 /~o /79tJ 13- ~ :<'Ib I "7L. :<.(" ?~5'o; 1!f- 9-:J.b 9'.1 5' I>",nf{; I - ~~'MI 74160 7L t,''''''- ,.'Jc j': ' , LOT BLK, , I SE~. TWN. RGE. ' , { ........-- --, - - - r -,;. ''',.; . , ,.,..,.' ~', ' --'-' ,_. -'.' , ~. 'f~-' Th ptn of SW SE of 9-23-4W, W.M., descr as fol lows: Commencing at the south quarter corner of said Section 9; th East along the south line S 870 14' East 667.82 feet to the true point of beginning; th continue S 870 14' East 338.91 feet; th N 00 30' 29" East 670.66 feet; th N 870 13' 55" West 339.24 feet; th S 00 30' 29" West 670.68 feet to the pob. .~ I I I I I I I I I . .~- --- - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Impre>ved TOTAL Oyder Timbtr Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VAlUe I-' J,/,i9 - 1& .5E'b j,t.J-9 2ags 2c,95 8' ( 70()O 7000 11. + , / . (j ....-- "l ./ . \. .r - -~ ~ ' - 1/ ,- )/' t.-" ~, I." , /;/ '.,( -- --- - , -- - -- , - ~ " . , .