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Ylar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .?',CJ SALE PRICE' Rd. 8<h. P"t PUDPPD =~: ---- -2iL Lillian Car~son Sheldon er; vir 2 .J2.lLL-1_L 7'5 30'1 all(,,, r.T .As''l,_.r', ::-" 6/CJD L? ~.dLL.Li....sJ.e..- IlCW ..JlI -,t S6/OJ.~ /~ -J';}3'i7't A!;b~r~ " ~ A'u~ ;r / "ol-f H ..LLLJL 4l<:LJ - - =1=:= - _I . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - .. - - f- - ----~-I ----,~----------------------------------_.._----------'.:.-._-----------~..._-~ NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS Y.lr OYlter Timber UnlmJjroved improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Impro...ed Improvements B. of E. (Bultdlnt1s) VALUE 2i 1M Ico /0 /0 ~ /,1;1 /tfo ..5d ..5C:J :2: % to 't1J ~ I~q;( /.;2, 0 /d~ 2L I<P /5'" , /4/1 /I)~ '1.;l ~S- (ff;;;p 23- /() '7~ S-C 1!L I/AA%' ~ /5'{f) /S" '15 ~:, FORES'J: // f)~ /. (J () '7,b 7tCJ 84 33 /> 7S- 7-- ._, ..1L 1.5 1.5 7i /c c) I?,' 7,/ / " '_: c; 9:.' co.. "V j . /:"i 'gD C;s-" Y.s- '1/ /, c ( - /- ) , rl ,....1 //J =- i C-J~ LOT BLK. I . tilZ :z.:Z._li~Oj)D~7:oI 1 SEC. TWN. RGE. c.;~. FO~S'I ..-.... ' .. 14 ..,..'...... Tr. 7 -... "' .. ~ ",., . : ,'. '. ... ~ ", P"" .. " .. -;;r~- .~ All that portion of Lot 4 lying W of a line 200 ft W of the W R/W line of Olympic Hy'. 'I .,,,..-- .- I I I I I I I I I , - -e , . -L- NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS / Y..H 1 Oyster Timber I UnImproved Improvld TOTAL I Oyst.r Timber Unimpro....ed 1 Impr,:)Vld Improvem.nts 8. of E. lBuildinQi) VA.LUE: ~ l-- },O CJ /00 /tJO /~O &3 ' FOTfEST ,,<-:- :;- /O.s- %'f /c;s- I ,/ cJ .s- - ff!; ;'00 /t;O /~S- /tJ~ - e---- - 1- --- --- ----, ..--- ---'- -- -- 1 - ---- e--__m .--- ----- ~- -- 1__- , -- ---. ------ --- ----- --- - 1---- ---~ - _==1 ---- ----- -1---- 1- --- -- t- - - -, ---. I -,--- -