HomeMy WebLinkAbout422144150140
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54 137981 Don & Agnes Nye 1 nlfZ) 2 31' 1'1':'-77/10
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Fonnerly Tr 2 of st lot 2
No description in Deed Book
The W 486.5' of the st of Govt Lot 2
Ailso st NWt SEt
Fo:merly tract 17 (above)
oornbined tr 14 and tr 17
tr 14 DAF:
Tract of land lying S of a line established by the following agreement Vol. 69 of Misc pg 79
On the E line of the above section 14; 411.10' (N 880 10 ' W) there is an iron post on the
beach; from said post produce a line N 880 10' W 130.75' to hub, located on W shoulder of
hwy; from this hub, produce a line N 680 W to w liIle of EJ, of Section.
fo:merly Tr 1 A of NJ, Lot 2
N description in D=ed Book
D=ed No 104D539
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