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Year File No, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 'I?O SALE PRICE ~ Rd. Beh, portl~ FPD (;~':L-:{7;/ - - 2b.2- 26159.-5' nori!=! Vpl1~t.T"nm r..T'i f'"fit.n!=l r.~n~l Rnv~ ('!() -2.. 4Q.4... ...H... -L ,L -L.. ~.a515 ~ 31649 WJ.2... ?70<1 ]] (ft;JfJ y. r. R~; 1 p.y - - - - - - "^-- "^ !71t,'tJi'f~gJ. ~?ur-- g (~~ << ,~ J,,/ .t9#~:J. (.'J - - &. On" 'fo9lj ~31'l/"g tI.u1:i, (} ;g~.et"1' (lJJ~ " N " # , . ~ lo:~ a ?7/ blf ~ gf ...L J1 -.L1L ..L.. if -- f-- - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ----~~~~~~-------------~~-~--------------~"--~---~~--~-----~~~~-~-~-~~~:-;~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber UnlmJ'roved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmblr UnImproved Improved Improvtmenla B. of E. (BuIldings) VALUE .LL 5// 5":01 ..1..00 ~OO M ,(';'~7~ 37:;- /70 7.3 "719 ~:?,/ I ~!;)' ,,? ;J 5 .:1 &, 0 .<'-")" ' K , , ,;;';;-- 175 , /, j;l /. '7 / :,- 0 -^ ' , '/ 7/ /"''' :;.s i' I'? :;- d?IJ;;- ~ '/20.) 'V,:,-" ~ 2J. /. P'1 //7 / tJ Po 0 /OJ>co ~ l';<tClOrJ 1:'<'':;00 , , LOT BLK. ! <( z.: I ~ R~ o6'1j;D , SEC. TWN, RGE. ~I J .4 Tract 1 of Nil i . / ~'; '~.. ,. ~-~. .- - . " , ...' . '-.' J.' ." ... .j. .,;' , .",-,.. .' . r-" , -,...',~ ~-'...."",. ~.,,"", -,.~.......-...._. -"....... That Dc,rti en of the NW .: n-P ~. ~+ . 1 A '?'I" A W~O+ n.p . ~ ~ - - __ A ......- W.M., in Mason CountYr WRshingt:nn, Ii PR~l"'i hpn J:I~ f'nl1 nWQ. BeB'inning at the nnrthp-ARt 0.ornpr of' t.'hp NW1- rd' ~~;n ~,Q,..t:; r"l'''. then~l/ '3 . 200g''iB'' "long the P~Rt. 1; np. of R~li n NW.l. " Iii ~+'.Qn,..jO nf' 3~2 ]11 feet; th""G" 1 N B7O'iO'02" W 70;:>.60 f'Ppt; t.npncp N ?40 ?1 I OR" R 74 5A f"AP+' to ;"'+~r99('t the south..r1v nf' +h.. T,,,.... FIn,,'; -+ - ,-+ -f'. which the c 1;.." N '),,010'1111" W"n'; 7"1 ?11 .poo+ A; . ; - - Ileneral northeasterly direct; on along RAirl T"O:::ln m~T"gil'1 hJr t:np fn11 ""dYl8 courses and distances: northeasterly Along " CllT'VP. t:n +.11.,::. 1 pf'+' +.h,..."l1g'h ~ central arude of no 42';:>7" fill fire n;Rt.RnCp. nf' 1A? 11 f'p'pt: +.n " rr.;n+ of t=ency. N 4qO 58',," E 'i,.93 fpet, N 400 01 '?7" R 'i.00 f'pp+.) N 4,,05A'33" B 214.50 feet: thence leaving said road IIlRrgin S R'io"lo'01" R 4?O 9A f',Q,Q+, c.lr"l'''g the north line of said NWf to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 1=--. if'"~"~,~-'-- - --- -- ----- --,--- . , - --- -~,;;;;~ iii-- .' .