HomeMy WebLinkAbout422013002000 \ File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,':::7--0 SALE PRICE Year Rd. Soh. Porl PUD FPD - - - - - - 53 lO444c Paul F. Barber 2 311 H 1 1 L IJ '"'- 7/ ~ cu. J?'3c1-?/,-~ ,;< I~ L L L L " d'P?,6'<>_ , " 75:' 3of19( . FOREST ,f( L ltio'f' /I I ..L L .1L R~W :RA AA '3;fo j;g1 13",~.M' -It -.:.t., 0: ..L A.. ~.Y ~ "'.< 6"'7 -~ ~'OoOt') .3 ~ .NC'!/'1o /J1. h Y in (!" .L.,. / ;;;, ,oU ~ of",- '~ 6-<7-;1 - - LJO",: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,--- .'~--:-~------~------~~---------~-------------_-.:...._-_. ... .....*e --- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oylbir Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 52i 10;Jt g 0,0 ..ydo <700 .5J Y'tJ.J!) ffJA!) c:: eM &(M JL /50.00 5' eJ.oo fL'rf'o :f'rf'o ~ " .:,- /../<J ;:,; cJ % O,iHJ , .d!fQ() kk J(), N) ~ 7::-:- ;}. 77;;- 70 5(J% 7.C~-;J 1&)0 !5'5c.;() -;"{ M fPbor:> .?C?O 0 7hOn 73 ;7'00 ~OO6 (, 9rY) , l!:L ,J - /":<1 1,.2~ao , a. .........BCW 14.33 ,g'() "0 >{i ') () 5G'o ~-7 t, a'1 7L, f. , (- /{1 n 7.";.;20 ~- /,,~.;z(') .k...- 7l-,-~" _ . .~. 7''/ x, " -;/;J,--~,..I ?~Co ~' ')Ill 770(1 77hr / LOT BlK. ;tn:n~('JiolOl , SEC. TWN. AGE. ,~i~T.zJ; J ( C~~:"FO~'F.SJ. -' "'-' ',,'k.. . '>'-' . , l/j.. ~~l(' ~. . ~'--i'~""~'fi.L -'* "'f,...,,-"" "".';-. .. <..,"'"..tc:' ,..,: "...-t....._"._._:_-'-,;:""~~_, .. , , . , - - .- ._~.- -1-. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS dl.':'C Yur I Ord.r I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved lmpr~v.d Improy.mtnh II. of E. (BuildinQs) VALUE r ~~. 1<'O~ (!j. ^I 'jr '-")''1~ C '(,;;"'/0 ( / ~i;\\ 84.83 ")cl ---- - 'ill: 7575' 7S7_~ 6'3 li-:>(' /0 I ,FO/O - gf .~) ,c' .:::- L ~/~),?~ . 25 -- 79.:? () 793 iJ f---- , 1- -- --~~ -~--- ---- -- , i ~~' I 1-----_. ---- ----- 1--' - i I 1-_- .- ---- _. :_,_.===l - ---- -_.~--- 1- ---- - -- '-r , .--- I , Yllr Fit. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE -5.l J}39t;;, Abner Sund 2lliHllL l:? 4141); .L..L.L I-- -1--- .1-- ----~~~_::~-~-~-~-~--------------------------------- NUMBER OF ACRES ....".~.._. . .....~-~...- -. .., V ALUA nONS Year OYlbr Tlmblr UnImproved Improvtd TOTAL OYI\.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvtd Improv.m.ntl B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ "-tJ, 5'0 4tJ...YO ;?, (lO 0 ::< 000 , , $", .:15'. .3S' 30.35 /730 1730 ~ '. -, .. LOT BLK. , , CIrr~ : : ~ : CIJ SEC. TWN. ROE. l . I.. , !ra>r..I.. :\ "" .c~. ~ Beginning at the meander corner to ~ractional sees 1 & 12, Twp. 22, Ran0'e 4 W of Vi.l'c].; thence following tre meander line N 290 E 4.30 chains; t~ence N 3.30 crains; thence N 28!0 w 4.50 chains; th N 450 E 4.50 chains; thence N 3~0 E 4.20 chai~si trence N 21lo E 8.20 chains; thence N 18}0 E 4.50 chains; thence N 2520 E G.10 chains; thence N 310 E 0.54 chains to the initial point of this descri~tion; thence following the meander line N 310 E 13.46 crains; thence N 290 E 11.20 chains; thence N 390 E 9,70 chains; thence N 160 W 8.70 chains; thence N 290 E 4.60 chains to the neanctcB corner to fractional sees 1 & 36, Twp. 22 and 23 N, Han~e 4 W; thence leaving said meilnder li ne E 5.00 cha it,Si thence S 30 49 t E 21. 38 chains; trence S 400 W 26.00 chains; trence W ti.OO crains to point of beginning, containing 40.80 acres and known as Tract 2 accordinp.; to the map on file in tre office of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, ~,iilshin~ton __. "...;0-.