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/\ ( DISTRICTS 061 v.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. P-ort PUD FPO H_ --2iL 152862 T. C. Keene et ux .E.&. Eva 2 OIL -1- -- -1. - $500 .57 ?:j,f,f~ ~,;o . '&Mdf, , 7:..,.../ Burch Cf - izL ~qj'?2 / ~~ 8~./..........d --' OJ .,..1\ "l'1''\>- 'If f t-foif 3 :I. 1:.. fL Ij:'.l .5C5~ ~ .' ~ " ",' ., . 0 . . 11-7/ .:)t;J/./);.f 7f.:, I.. 7J) (l4 ~ "'.7,1'(,/11 "# I-- - "l';:;,o ~ 14_:'1% p"! r JuAlJ.V7l ~ btuy{e44.fJ .L2.(50 i1 - - ())D , f-- - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---~.----_.. ---- --~------------------_.......:.-.. ' .. _.~-- ---------------- ---~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Oy.ter Timber Unlmllrond Improved TOTAL ()ylltr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improv" Impfovementl B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ..:Li ,70 ,70 /{? -/-0 4- ,70 ,70 .5(j _<d '" .. h€J ~(f) I,tp .~o 5~" lfL 1~'A Z- /t)t:JO /~OO lL -~..., ..,."A ~ '77/}} :5"7 7~ U- IJ~DZ 79R~ 791'a zfL 9~50 9~~:'-o %L ,2a.. , 7(J 9~~o 7 .~ ~,. ,-..- / qL:;' /()COO / t) fj CJ(l LOT BLK. -- - --- V/JZI-'J:331ll1}lJ~ . lEe. TWN. ROE. ',.. " .21. 4 Tract 2 of S! SW . - . .- - ~. " ". Beg at the quarter corner on S line of sec 13; th N 89~26' W along S line of sec 13, a distance of 1103.91'; th N 6040' E 307'; th N 10015' W 144.09' th N 45028' W 300' to the initial point of this desc; th N 41015' E 260.06' th N 55045' W 100.75'; th S 41015' W 272.87' to N shore of lake known as "Old Hatcherey"; th S 29026' E along shore of lake 105.70'; th N 41045' E 59.68' to I.P. ---.~~.- -~---..=~