HomeMy WebLinkAbout419033490030 v,., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 133 SALE PRICE Rd, Ie" ~lpUO FPO - - -2l 10711E Louise Reeder r.P:?~d/V 'i hoc Sl .1..- SF p .". 1-- 67 1~11't15 ~ P7, I ,;1,,, 13 ~7XJ /7<,LG-!' - - - - - ~ 1;;1-1&'1" cYJ! ) P; In! v ~! II- """,. II It' ( '801 s ;J t3 1- ;rid7~<. .-' Y/tl- l}1j~[l u If 1,0 AJ J) "- ,-};. J, " I,. ..la.Mo'l~ 1/11..""" ~ ':~b1SZ V {Ui.fI.1 ',Ii." r" , ~ *.S1''fd/ - - - - ;(,jOi"> tJ JY ;f? ;J/! - jf. e;, /Ildl1 A I I " P I' , 8ro,...) 1.')4S - - - - - - :2!7/$'L'Jt.. r'!A, 3,f'~!5'l?o p,.; lI~a~89 /I!>('., 7..LJ..'L 365984 I "rry W. H"ddo h ...at... ~ LGe - ~ 110'/1-(, "a J.{1. . (!, ~ ~/,& ) " olJI?33Sa It w.O 5JZ52) - - - - -- .. f?34 77 , c(~ UJ ' (' "-<... !!l..L ;.( f? ~ 77 :tia.dc~1:... d <Vr - - - - - - 1J....-1J) - ~ - - - , - - - - .' - - - - p" "",. . ...... ." + ." ' '"'''' . " " ,,, .."...~~"..... -------- . ----- :Li ....1 ~ --~ -' , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oy.ter Tlmb.r Unimproved Improud TOTAL Oylt.r Timber Unlmprov..:l Improud !mprovemenu B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 1 )j't.,I I :?:I b 1'3: P... '70 -:70 ~ /..g, /)/1 1/3, tJo , :4- /eto /00 g 1:3. Q-V /3. {h.> 2/0 .;;?/D II./,; :2J ~ ~"n :1 t" (J ~ /..s. /)() /a. dO " ")7., %:FI) .~sj~ ~ htA 7- ~/6tJ "'!}/L." 975D 975e> 7'7 ~ ,? ,5"::. i;.J 0:; /1/5 c ..- ,. h/6 d~'r. ' cr "'~ .QQ dLS:-~_-' :J (;,5</0 93~o 2) .:25'.5 ~,:s- /C! 5'00 7bt> CJ 1f'loo J'7 ItJ500 J3?~() #;j3k~ k ~" 55 ,:r,S'; / tJ 500 i3()CJO S 3~()o / , , I ( I , , LOT eLK. i ~ t~~ ~?1.9.f.JJ)a iO] ': SEe, TWN, RGE. , . .. --'Ill .. ~~_. "~~,: '-.~r~p:,.""~'> ~~:~-"',,-, -.~~ . -~.,~--",---- . ,~ """I \- "..,,"'!r.' FORMERL Y: ,.,' All of SEt---.Of S1ft of Seo 3, Tli,pi9 N, R 4 W, WK. exoept that portion thereof whioh lies ~ry of the Old County Road. as it existed prior to----June 2, ~931, and Nly of the "Wivell Road" and also exoepting the~rQmthe W 30 ft. thereof lying S of the Wivell Road, and al~d<excepting therefrom that portion thereof whioh 11es S of~~ N ba~~~f Gosnell's Creek as the same flows over and aoros~aid 40 aore~aot. / . CTr, 4 of SP #415) That prt. of SE SW, 3-19-4 lying Nly of Cloqual I urn Co. Rd, and Ely of Old Co. Rd,. Ex. the E 8301. _~"U. !'''-u 3/157 (7) ~.~_. ~ -.. C' .._- -, - _~,~, -~--~~. .....' '. ,'j 1./ ,p.', ;/. t .,-: ....,:'- ,:-,:;' ~'/I !/, ?'I..,:C;f"'>::('t?'t-.."..."" 19- -- -:J-", :"/J) ~ Abt< '. ~ -tI 1/,' 11/ il C ;:]-t--;.,J l' :'.. /..: