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.3;.f/./ro.! ..~.~ I - Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.33 SALE PRICE Rd, Soh, Port 'PUO FPO , is''tV..... - - - - ~ 1l...l1OJ J. W. Peronto et UX ~.E, l3u.xto.... '3 .lQ5 s '3 L Sf :a. 5'0 CI !..!:. 11/.1 LJ d. .. f'7 '" ,3~ Y. I--- 0/J 'V"'Swsw .LL d/J/71L c?}; fl jJ... A/ /J pt-- ~ 1.3 ~ !".k 3S1",~ ".;J.. ;;(' r?~ to 11. ~ f?( ...L 3111 ..s.. 3.... W -'=- iL h ~ ;)'7!JtFU~ I'.//J. JnC 0 . - ;7, .3')97" ..d. ~ - - - - ,: rl/Y), ~ fg~J~ r!- '(;) 7kJ"r J j- LA-<) - -- - - !/.:u- J-7nn 7JJ(~~lf%;: L Tlt?-O -- 1.4(35/{",g -%5' <!..J7or..1 7.udJv j f!w.e7 v ~L ' ~ 7'09'3/ {J ) SA:R l'"i) ~>G - -- - - - - \ - - - - - - - - - - - - ___~_u_':":-__':'~';__________~~__:_ ':~'~_-'~' ,~___:__ '.:,..-~=_.:~::. .- -. .~ '~-'-' .."""- .' , , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oylwr Timber Unlmprond hnprond TOTAL Order Timber I U.'mp"".d Improved Improvemenll B.ol E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ -<341 .:< [3, <13 /~o /,;:(0 dS. $.43 5E).3 ,;(0 ~d 5J- =J 1/,-:? 3,//'3 63 So .-Cd. ---.3.- 913 3 </3 /~ 7-80 7:i., , ~, "% /~1- /.;Js;" 2IL !:: A-hI / t1l-?/J ~.. .:2 A / N~ .Zl 9~o /'lJ<br 23- ~" 1./1) 9~() 9' ,ft:J ! ,&'?,.. -'"- ~,- ~~ d~~ " 3.'{,3 3'-i3 rf73n ,,;J.3/'1 ~ CJ .3 ,<"& t) 1;0 5'430 ,:;7 ''15" i33:.:s4 q) 3.'1? 3 '13 /30"0 t,g/,,('JD ~/bO<'1 4 ..3,4-/3 3,'/3 /3oco 70?,)CJ :? 3 %Do 31/ v~ -",,' ' (~ . , 9" f:.~ (' 1='3.."10 )795'{) , ;.,...J( -:... ~ ". j:: ~,' 9g ,9% gooo /32100 ,dI,3cO i LOT BLK. t ~' ~ i :''Z,,7,ozr..-'f}{'R' l. SEe, TWN. ROE. ,.41 J J:.IIAl' . _ ,A .. , ,~~' ': . " " .., <'" -,,,,~..,,,. " "",. ;~~ -::!--~, -c. ""'-';"8~'~ ;-'~. " , ,- . - j' ,.-~<~, -- ~....~ ."~~:-'-:~~ .., , ~, 11/~C ti~uJ t,~ - O,(7&, ,:2..~ ;# v?O<'/ C; f'S- - ~ ~ U_ "..u...u-i 3/17- (Trach A of S,P,#130~ ALL THAT PORTION of the SW SW, 3-19-4 W,W,M., in Mason Co. Wa, which lies S of the Sly r/o/w line of the Co, Rd, commonly known as Wivel Rd & SWly of the following descr line: COMMENCING at the SW corner of sd Section 3; th :::' 88017' 11" E along the S line of sd Section 3, 1098.72' to the TPOB c,f this descr line; th N 29017' 00" W 164.86'; th N 28036'58" W 74.34' + - to the Sly r/o/w line of the Wivel Co, Rd & the terminus of this described line, ~ .i c, - --- ----.- --:;....-..;-_.0-------,. --_ ___ L~ Ex; 7..::_~ 't/"'; {. r; i