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Y..r File No. DISTRICTS 130 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO '>3 12653' George Lamb 1 30e Sll__ L SFP 'iff ;>n'iJ 77 1}". ,/ L A' /7cW7, ,"A,,-/ /1J.4,a,M.i~ /3 __ ~ If/fLY/) /17. T _ tl. h -,r v~ / ) .J.:L 7 ---::7 l?r;J1,J' ,{:'a -- h</ ~;lJ</:; {h,,/(V.,d .? dd,__~J ' S't..1..2M. 5' 3~LJ1. Qi" "7'7::<4" ';jJJK 7f.,~ Ii../fh ,7 71YrJO '/f't/3'f13:? C,./(I '/",10 b "'f~ -~-- il:. (.t~, -- ----- ~,";"<'\..",......... '.'-' ---_..~~... . ------=-=- . ----:-......, .,.,........ -'- -...... -- ==-==_. ....... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I ""'mp",,,, Imp""", -+0 hO /;Z~ /.5lJ ,,,;)/ ~~ ~/)(; 571sP /7$""0 )7~t":; Yeer Oylt.r Tlmbu Unlmprond Improv4ld TOTAL Oylt.r Timber .5.4 .E.2 }gL ~ ,~ ~ 21- 81' "7.~ ,-' 7. .1,1 7-0-0 7-0-0 ~ . '-/1) ,~ ~,;;. Jh#Z, 7.tJo 7,<'0 7,<:>0 7,00 , , LOT BlK. SEe. TWN. 1/ y;;.'---" -- -~.,-.,~ ~, ~ l)3, t:~6:0.o,~@1'1 - ROE. ;"-'o'<.~- SALE PRICE -;P' k' ~?P ]V" _ ",,:.<',J , ..... /F.?3c;. iP" di'So 4" /60'::>~ " (,liS,,:>. ;#' b",~'" ~ ~, ....4;".>6'5' "- '7"SJ1 , \;"..' -.,,:-~_....,. - -<" "'-' b.PO lmprovemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 40 c,Q /~ /5"'0 .;}/ dtJ ,BJ#ft . 59$7J 17~(JO /7S'OO ,...-,,....:...,,...=. ~-- -.. The SW NE SW SW and all that portion of the wi SE sw SW lying N of the Wivell Road in Sec 3. Twp 19 N. R4 WWM. ;:!c10fLrJfj /r,,/w;Lv /J~~ ~ cJ,:{7d~ (;:1 --..."