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Y.ar Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.? .J SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUO 'PO - 53 88237 Jack R. Elson et ux 3 30.:2 s 3 !3- ~ 3F - .B... / If. ctP~4) n/-<u4 Ihn1. AtZ.d. >' Ib";"--- -'r! q :3 '.5:3(,,7,':/ ~~~ :g&./ --2L f60. ,. 9' 17hV R.u:~,~, //-0/" g( 1 '119 s 3 .l1 .L j{ lr ~/~"2::). '5aocJ . ..6.L (!t::. 3 </00 i1.~ X R .4. ,(U,_ II. ~ - - - I-- - - ~ ;J,tA'J)2 ~C AJJ'1/,j , "'at: 1/";-/1 ?:z - ( Ik, n. P jZr,:. .M. .,IJ )tLk ..l 1/~:l'3~'7 ~ 0' .;fJ CLA8S. FORE!)"!' .r D i'J t!J :- , ~("W ~~'1 9ft; 37'5'(.3(" /2ukv. tt:~... eMf<--'- /<-j},...., " " <-."'. -oL - - -- - ~ I/Z!:717'? c (dJP) i\ daM N' i""$~300 h0 , - - - - - - - - I-- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~=-""---;.---~-;,-~ ._~ --~'---- ~-------_':_--'~--------_':_-----------------~~~~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS OylUir Tlmbar Unimproved Improved TOTAL OylUir Tlmbeir I U.lm....od Impro...ed Impro....m.nh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE __~a tfrJ ~CJ ~eG In Lj-o,o"c. ';1-/),00 ch:J--v ;Lt70 52- 1"tJ. ,M j//J, ,,~J{) 300 300 SL A)tJ 00 610-'1,) .;too ;;( OQ "- ;;<1 ~ 3573> ';'S'1b .a - ~ .1)/) -ftJ'.bO ~ ~~ -- 7/)/)/1 7.;,"'''' 1i. A 1R'7s-a t,~~1'J ~7S'~ ~ ..v., , ~~1.tJI.) i~~ .775:" 1!ItPtIM ~a7S' 22 0:;' Pf'.:2.::l& aIJ1J6 3~~ - 1!L t61l% ~ " IMI'J t./YI'J'I'JJ ~ CLASS. FOREST ~() .l'Jn ~l).~() ~.LL /~f!J~ lU'" ~4~1. 7'- /s,:.) / s-,;- fl /82n (<g'8":; 7J- /9~() 11';'0 70 ;;'O,OiJ ,;.r, ,,:_J If( I'') / cf..".. , . ,- LOT BLK. -- - , lEe. TWN. RGE. rr'~- ~ , , ~~--. .....~ - -, _.- .. '. ~.=---- ~L :" "-~'"",-!,~.-".~~,~, -1-7: !I f/(, --, 'N?" .. . "', r. ;~,,-~~- -~ ~~,--.. . " , -..;. '" -:', s}f, ..J.. ~1.. / n ,(::/'",".......<" '/ I' "^',c,I':-et,/ L-tL"r- " \ T I I I I I I I I , --e.- - -. - r.:h"" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~t!'~ T Tlmb.r Unimpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyder Timb.r Unimpro...ed I Impf~v.d \ Improvements I 8. of E. - I BllildinQs} VALUE .itL . -MW 84.33 d? 17. (J () c1~. tlc:' /"i~O /97'"0 1---~'-- --- tl c=;';o. t){") -:::10.00 cRo60 ~o GlJ $:i. CLA S FORES 19</0 /95'0 - - V .::lei ~ ';;;06S- %/1 ,;J,O.OD ';<0,00 ~o 8'5: ,;(0 &.s;- ?~ ----- ,;JUIS .QOYS fIz._ ?-t> . () D ;;'O,OC) - L9.z /) /9..< 0 -.-- --,- -- - I -- ----. .---- ---- -- 1___- -- - ._- ----- -- ---- --- - 1--- ~--_. - _==1 ---- ----- e.---- - -"-- - ---- --- -- -. r__, -- - -- I l L , -"