HomeMy WebLinkAbout419022300001 Year 11/8 446662 Year Oyster 85 LOT SEC. .2 File No. NAME of OWNER Nicholas R. Baldwin ET AL . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL CONTRACT TO Oyster BLK. TWN. RGE. , 1'11/1'11012 21.3101010101/1 19 4 SW NW ( 1/4.1nt. ) DISTRICTS /3 Rd. Sch. Port PU FPD 1 30 S 3 13 L H VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved 11000 ImprOlements (BuildIngs) . SALE PRICE #93264 QeD j. ?GJ B. of E. VALUE HOOO r ET AL: Ronald F. Baldwin, Marilee Marsh and Carol Fie . ------.:-- . . ~\ File No. I NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.33 SALE P~ICE Rd. Ia'. Port PUD FPO - '. ---2l140141. Don I.~ Saeger 1 109 S 1 I~ L sF!' .. 71 L 10 'i' S 3 .11 .L .Ji. I-- - - - - - - - I-- - - >-- - - - - - - -- I--- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - .~.._--..- . -;.':"__:_-~. ~----- --<>-_.:- ~-.--<>--- -_.::.._----~------;;;; ----------~ ,-.:.:..:..- - - _.".- ,,;;;;! NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - .-; You Oyalalr Tlmb.r UnlmproYld Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r I U,Im...."" I",proved Improv.menb B. 01 E. (Building.) VALUE J),,-, L-)CJ ~CJ .2.0 cJ . ..:2 00 $. ~OV /'13 37'0 5.E. ::2 cJ t7 , 'J.2d 720 4- 390 /d)tJ -9't1." /9K ~~t!; S~'0 :?r:: c 22 9 co-(? ,.c;o ,5.:i:< 0 ~'70 5X S;f/J/J /, .tJt1 ~/)O .3LJiJ ,'7cJ /.;(00 /4:0/J di. 39.M )tlC/ 4<' 0 . o-t; SfS ,-Jc;/ /.2 00 /F:J$" ti 3'1.Q-D /.o-v sf a en) g~ 3v-v 5'0 /7C$ ~," '7 0 --,; 5'"R<. Sf) 0 Sl> ;(,60. .aS3~ kl 1./6 ~ ';6Q S(l) ~~ 3"0 A < :1.! ;Z S.:JS ..3Z<- L4 3S/t> ~.5' H - ::1Q.A'/'j /.tJd #I.AiJ " ~ - --- ?'~(J '7RtJ /5"4ifl2 - U /,;.sg Sl~o 9'7&" 77R" /51~1/J 23.. ~ 5P'7tJ 9~~ 1Z&L ul/'~ "" '11i1. ,~_ "'f +- . ..". /99 ,~ ~ , 'Lor- IItK; ---- .~~, " <> g~-J -- -- - - , IEO. TWN. RGE. r I . . l I . y"" . .. :-'7 -':,""_~---; ..~ .' . <-<-.- . ~',~,'~- ~.~- -"I!it ;'~':I> ~,a..!L-""" -~ P!vJ ,/o/fC _ok LOE/?TScr/Etr qe..;;J- .3SS'f9"L Ex ~ .,tJ~T OF ~H=ST<1M" 4<M.€6 J.:'4( ? Lt V, #.2 77l / St< 11;/ I-'O.{ ; if/J TO (kVN"f Fe/?. !<:tJ/'ItJ ,q't<J //;:#1'2/94-1- (07/le:!:) I I I I I I I I I . -'- :::-- .. - . VALUAT10~S ._-==--. --~~ .~ "'-~UMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster TImb.r Unimpro...ed Improv.d TOTAL Oyd.r Timb.r Unimpro...ed Improv.d Impro....m.nts B. of E. - (l!IuildinQ') VALUE .:zit 31-. qo - t"l:'l .3'1, '1t:J ~:r7S~ .3iJ3c>o St.oS?J ~J 79 /$.79 500 23. 7'1 / &,<JJ.. 4' ,:I}o3t:JO 4h.!!35 ~ .51'% 11,3b 1/-.00 21,80 /4675 80.:JC't!J - M"1S $0 <'CL /~,% 4-.00 /7. 8 (P 12175 .&o3t:Jo 1'-~47S RI /33& '-/00 /7..!ih 27170 ,t;~c_~ 791.7CJ .----- f). - ,;l7ITO ~ o.z'1C J'7<f~o 83 U.hhl~,LI ('-,1.- (J ~ r. t 1'/, /3 /1,00 /2, /3 13 :f 9t. Z:?3/J/) l/,.,n29tJ is'?S90 1..""'" , ...., 1F ,q 12- -..Q.. /.:::::>.. -=- "...-: --.~ ~ ... ./ n - ~ - . J V. .,:J .H -JEF / '--.2- 50 ..5E N/o' /3-317 ) - - -- 1--- , ,:;,. - , -..'-' . '. .. ... ~ - -------'------ -.------------ - __L___________n____ _______ ~ I _______ .__ - 1__- ------------------------ ~--- ------ - ==l -'-------~~-==-- - - -- -- == ---:---- 1---- ~-- , II I ..... fti';-:-: .. :: \ I I]' Tract!- I of SE NW it --;:-;'r"-FiI. N(>,'-r-----".-...--~---N~-;~ OV.~NER----- I" CONTRACT TO ___~_~_~~R~I_CT5; l.3.s_ 3554941H J Rd. I~I!?!!- PUl?.j FPD j : , 3/81 :3__87~_ 7_3 i;,d:l ~_ Loertsche r e:Lu.~-'.1al_______ _2..3.QLS_ -.3-iJl-i.L-W:t- =]~=- _. ==-.- %/1 kj2 ~Li'n ._.. ---- --I- I ____L __...____ ----------- -- ----------- --- ._--- - - ~L - ---L-_ Y.ar I Oyster . VALUATIONS -. I I 1- I NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved Unimpro...ed I Impr~v.d Improvements I (Bllildlng~) TOTAL Oyster Timber go 11/3 ---------- iJ /'-/3 <j-;- _ -f;7- 2,1/-3 .7. </-3 ;,00 /$/0 ~Qt!O --, /.0'; ~- _L--_________ _ __c.._ (C-- LOT sec. BlK. TWN. RGE. _7 19 4 -- ,"-, SALE PRICE 1161130 1177"44 B. 01 E. VALUE /6/0 ';<QcJO ,_-.J -- That ptn of the SE NW 2-19-4W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd SE NW; th N 20 45' 53" E alg it's W line 99.33'; th S 860 59' 22" E 30' to the SW corner of Homestead Acres Div. #1 as recorded in Vol. 10 of Plats, pgs 13 & 14, records of Mason County, Washington; th S 860 59' 22" E alg the S I ine of sd plat 96.49'; th S 00 02' II" E 36.55'; th S 870 39' 24" E 744.50' to the SE corner of sd plat; th continuing S 870 39' 24" E 458'.72' to the Eline of sd SE NW; th S 20 46' 53" W alg sd Eline 76.84' to its SE corner; th N 860 59' 22" W 1331.45' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the W 30' for Co. Rd known as Loertscher Rd. AF#355494: The S 40' of the W 105' of the SE NW 2-19-4W.W.M. c. ---=-"-=-~~ ~.