HomeMy WebLinkAbout420134560340 ... DESCRIPTION: .- ~..r" YEAR AUD. # 67 15 YEAR TIDELAND 77 .'Se..- A'L-f ~/ ~l~ PLAT DAVID SEELTONS D.L.C.#: IJ.A ?IJ J,'.s".4PA ;'l).<~~ j I 'I' TITLE HD~DER C ~TRAcT TO: Catholic Cemetery I L, ~b( , , ACREAGE , , , , , , , I , , , ACREAGE , , I IMPROVED TOTAL, '7 97 $';9 UNIMPROVED , ' , I' , I, :_._d-4.",o.-_"~~....~""'" e-:1.: k_,;c~ I' " il .,....~~Jlli ....;-~ ~-' ,-- -- Li lOT Tract 34 - J7 BLK If' 3 ~ t=";( SEC TWP ~GE i DISTRICTS <fIDili'if , l.&.t,tS\$ , , RD SC PT UD FD HD CD , 1 30 s 3 H L i I 5~ H i 53 ........'j,.".d ',.... .- ',-",;'- ~'> ..," ;, c~". Page 5 in Plat Book . Formerly known as Tract 1 of SE SE, 13-20-4 Tract 34 Beginqing at the intersection of line between sections 13 & 24-20-4 with the W line of David Shelton's D.L.C. in section 13; thence Non W line of said D.L.C., 1102.35' to HI corner of I.O.O.F. Cemetery and establish the I.P.; from I.P. fun N 233.35'; thence E 466.7'; thence S 233.35'; thence W 466.7' to I.P. Tract 35: 100F Cemetery: Bgn at the intersection of line between section 13 and 24 with the W line of DLe 37 line of section 13; thn N 859.35' to ip; thn E 466.1'; thn W 466.1'; th S 243: to ip. Tract 36; Masonic Cememtery; bgn at a point where the W bndry line of DLe 37 intersects the line between sections 13 and 24; thn N 626' to ip; from ip run E 466.7'; th N 233.35'; thn W 466.7'; thn S 233.35' to ip. Tract 37: Mr Hope CenJlJet8ry; bgn at a point where the W bndry line of DLe 37 intersects the line between sections 13 and 24; run thn N 392.65' to ip; thn E 466.7'; thn N 233.35' to SE corner of Masonic Cemtry; thn W along S bndry of said Masonic Cemtry 466.7' 5W COrner of sd cemtry; thn S 233.35' to ip. L.~ '-'.'. . > .,.'_,;.._>.:......._L _Ii - ~',. . -.... ',_ ....;1,. II!" , DESCRIPTION: PLAT TRACT 38 OF DAVID SHELTOI I S D.L.C.1F37 lOT BtK EX 38 A . #.. ACREAGE SEC TWP RPE , , , I , . ,.. J flO~ 01.,1 . DISTRICTS I" i YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CO lIlAeT 0: RD SC PT UO FD HD CD l[S If.' ,. d. ~ 130 67 Shel ton Es ta te -<U..>- .. .... ;-- 1 S 3 llH L IbfJib J/t:<.t:,1 aLh~ (1""'d t". . vlZ /,/1, , :<; q "if " 1;!fs-;;tt-4d'''i'.3f$ S l'kf ~ .J 7' . I .. - ,-- - - - - -, I " ~ I' I , I I I , , ---- , , , ACREAGE ' ' VALUATION TO':All B~g E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TAL t/. fl "7 , 70 tJ..t; 7 , 2440 2440 7J/ ~Z ~5'Y() 9'g 9'1> ! , , -'-- 1r, , IAlS?vO '-f 9' Q'-t'J ~' 77 /<foft" J~()\</) , ~ 1 _, P n. c,D /"x..C> /'tOOO ~ 79 <:::;;'A 'I/.~? '{ I ~O70 ~o 70 xo .5s4 (SECE;(!/J,,!u'''~zSI.z 87 2%'7 2g70 -Z/!l?o '1,-7-/,~8' A. :... XI ,- , /05'75 /05"7::;- , ! I , , , , 1 ! ...-J.J, "._.11 I , i).! .. --, t.l -~_. - '~ __c_,_ c.'. ,,:--> ..,- ,,,',_c..._ -<......, <......"~.. ~ -.' ,'-.' , Page 5 in Plat Book . FORMERLY: Known as SE SE, 13-20-4 except Tracts & Mt. View plats. " That part of David Shelton's Donation Land Claim #37 lying W of 2nd Extension to Mt. View and S of Mt. Hope Cemetery plot. Tract 34; Cathol ic Cemetery; bgn at the intersection of I ine between sections 13 and 24 with the W I ine of OLC 37 in Section 13; thn N on W I ine of said OLC, 1102.35' to NW corner of IOOF Cemty and establ ish the ip; thn N 233.35'; thn E 466.7'; thn S 233.35'; thn W 466.7' to ip. ! ';'" -+ Tract 35; lOaF Cemetery; Bgn at the intersection of I ine between section /3 and 24 with the W I ine of OLC 37 / ine on section 13; thn N 859.35' to ip; thn E 466.1 '; thn N 243'; thn W 466.1 '; thn S 243' to ip. Tract 36; Masonic Cememtery;bgn at a point where the W bndry I ine of OLC 37 intersects the I ine between sections 13 and 24; thn N626' to ip; from ip run E 466.7'; thn N 233.35'; thn W 466.7'; thn S 233.35' to ip. Tract 37; Mr Hope Cememtery; bgn at a point where the W bndry I ine of OLC 37 intersects the / ine between sections 13 and 24; run thn N 392.65' to ip; thn E 466.7'; thn N233,35'; to SE corner of Masonic Cemtry; thn W slang S bndry of said Masonic Cemtry 466.7' to SW corner of said cemtry; thn S 233.35' to ip. ___d ____ ->-:..._t-,