HomeMy WebLinkAbout420131540040 DESCRIPTION: PLAT DAVID SHELTONS D.L.C.#37 LOT .rraot 4 BJc ..... #= ACREAGE ~jJ'.I7:1'f1I.ra~AI SEC TWP RG .~ i ., - " DISTRICTS A IOA~i'l/' j i_.J YEAR A~D. # TITLE HOLDER CDNTIl'\IlT : RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SllES$ , . 67 #166'50'5 Uni ted States of Am rioSl i. s ~O S ~ H 1 3/76 312048 " " " 5Lrr'~ ! I . , I : I I i I -, I I . , I , ACREAGE I VALUATION TOTAl. I BOF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL /,6(:) I 1(, /7 CJr7 , , 11, ,/7 n"'l,L , , , , i I , · i I i I I I , ' II! I ; l4..-~ -~ . ..11 JJ . ' . ::-. 7.4-" . , " -~ -.;'> _,0-' " , ',' ... .. --"'-',;," ""~ ",,'-~ ,-", ',-., ,'< Page 1 in Plat Book Formerly Tract 2 of NW NE & NE NE and Tract 18 of NE NE 13-20-4 Tract 2: That part of following description lying within the David Shelton's D.L.C.: Beginning at the point of intersection of the NEly boundary line of the R/W of HY. 9 wi th the E line of the NW NE, Section 13-20-4; thence NWly along said Hy R/W line to the S line of the Bonneville Power Adminstration's existing 125' transmission line R/W; thence lIEly along said RjW to the fly boundary of the Bonneville Administrations existing R/W for the Shelton-Allyn and Shelton-Fairmount transmiesion lines; thence SWly along said Shelton Allyn and Shelton-Fairmount R/W boundary to the Ely boundary line of the U.S.Bonneville Power Administration's existing Shelton-5ubstation site; thence NWly along said subetation site boundary to the most Nly corner thereof; thence SWly along the Nly line of said substation site to the E line of NW NE, section 13; thence Sly along said E line of said NW NE of section 13 to the I.P. Tract 18: A tract of land consisting of lots 6,7,8,9 & 10, Block 1 ,and all of Block 2 of Mountain View Addition and that portion of lIE NE section 13-20-4 as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the extended NEly line of Lot 10, Block 1 and the NWly boundary line of Mt. View Add, said point being 180' SWly from the most Nly corner of Addition; thence NWly on said line of Lot 10 extended a distance of 240'; thence SWly paralle with and 240' distant from said NWly boundary of said Addition to the W line of lIE NE of said section 13; thence S along the W line to the NEly R/W line of Olympic Highway; thence SEly along said R/W line to the NWly boundary line of addition; thence NEly along said boundary line to I.P. I/Ftf~/zo# A parcel of land in Lt 1 of Blk 1 of Mtn View Addn to Shelton, 13-20-4W.W.M., -;,r described with reference to WaSlington State Coordinate System-South Zone as fol101Js: COIIIIIencing at the intersection of the Ely boundary line of Bonneville Power Administration's existing Shelton Substation Site tr as recorded in vol. 104, pg 181, Book of Deeds, sd county with the Sly boundary line of the existing Bonneville Power Administrations existing Substatian site tr as recorded in Vol. 176, pg 66, Book of Deeds, ad county; th alg ad Ely boundary line S 260 29' 30" E 147.2' to TPOB; th N 630 29' 30" E 180'; th S 260 29' 30" E 27.5'; th S 540 46' 30" W 182.2' to a Bonneville Power Administration Monument on sd Ely boundary line; th ,alg sd Ely boundary line N 260 29' 30" W 55.1' to POB. ~;"~'~ ;"">};"''''~",,_.,''.:.o.:..ir:l.....__,ol>~_..~_'__ ,,-,.."~ ..... '.-'..""---?,, > :"_-'<"",~-,~';~'"