HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335102025 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE #1 lOT 25 * 41= ACREAGE SEC TWP Idl-.t-31 [~)\~-~---,.- ~ :.-~__.~___ DISTRICTS ...s..~.'L i i CONTRACT TO: . RD SC I PT 'UO FD' HO , CD i -1..-== ='-="=l-~"='-~ "'F' I ' ! }ltYt;g~Tf4.CO'!4v,~ -ir~Tl{:~&<-<z< . 2: 404, H 3,Ik H! L YEAR AUO, TITLE HOlOER 74 iI /11 aIR S_i'f?;l. *1. !I~zfPi'/ /4'1'/0 s. I'Fi/.I/~/)k .. -' iA (.5H""~ 4) '1 ~.oN-'-Il+ :,~. (,"co'!:> ~}Rnj)E. ;::;;~r~x !,-I I 404 , --. - _n ~J ~5/) I -- -- _ --~-L BlK 2 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES S -- -" 70!'<1 1-\ .'3 II? 1-\ L F'2~~ff~~~ , -. I -- ------- t--- , ~ _ _..u_ -- i- ~ ..~.-= - . -T -- - -=+t- - ~- -- -=--=-=-~=-=-====t I , VEAR ACREAGE - i~I~E~~" --, U~;;PROVE.o l_IMPROVEO-1 TOTAL -- _.- ----r-- - - -- i ~ I UNIMPROVEO '/AlUATlON TIOELAND IMPROVED BUilDING -- - ~ . -- -, -t - t -. - I ; --- 1 --T-- I +- ,---1- -+- ---1------ - j - +- . -- -t- .. I ---~ --fi- .=t-. - - --.,... - -~-+-'-- Iii -~ -- --+-~-----14-----:-- " ,:1 I -t- -- ------+ -- ----+ ._~--- I I . -i I ---'- - ---t '- ---+ ------ + _.~ ----r- .-- - -j---- ~---r------ I ---r- I - -t- ii, , 1-- ----+------- , ..~ ._-1-- - - -1--- -- -+-- I ....J___ _... __. , -------+- - B OF E I TOTAL ,... FORMERLY: Tbat ptn of 32-23-4 W, W,M. in Mason Co.,Wa. daf: l'l&(:>INNING at the NW corner of Lot 23 in the Plat of Lake Cushman N9.'11 as re~oNl;ld in Vo I. 8 of Plats on pgs 36 - 38, records of sd Coun:t>v.'''th N 87000'29'''''10; 170,85' to the W margin of the Lake Cushman Rd; .M~N 17024'00" E 11.15' to th'ihbeginning of a curve to the left from whicj:>"'fhe center bears N 72036'00" W 170fslstant; th Nly along sd curve thr9uglr a central angle of 7055'00" an arc dis'tance of 23.49' to intersectA1ie boundary of the Plat of Lake Cushman No, 13 as recorded in Vol 8 of pr~ts, pgs 119 - 120 of re- cords of sd county; th leaving..sd road mar.>/.i'r!'N 44030'50" W 435.16' along the SW boundary of sd LC# 13; th'ri 3609.""50" E 146'; th I eav i ng sd p I at boundary S 74005' 05" W I SO' + - to...:l>f!'e. 742 foot contour line above sea I eve I . Sd evebation shal I be determin~ty refereQ~e to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam ~"'.,...( near the Ely"!;.i-d.e of sd dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on ~1'the figures U,S.G.S, J'~, & for purposes of this reference it is und,~r-B'ood that sd plaque is placed'at. the elevation 741.50' above sea I eve I; .ff! Sly a long sd 742 foot contour line to.i ntersect the N line of Lot 2"2 in sd p I at of Lake Cushman No. I I; th S 6S02DZQO" E a long sd N line' 23' + - to the SW corner of Greenbe I t Lot 43, adjacef1-t,.to sd Lot 22;...-:I't1~N 29039'5S" E 113.44'; th N 52000'00" E 180'; th N 33041 '55''''-L I~': i'AW ~l 0031;<.0." .[ :llJ1.~t~'.4&..~.~-... NOH Tract 4-C of Short Plat i'14l6: TRACT 4C 'WP: Lt 2, Lk Cushman lil3 That portion of Tract twentyfive (25), Block two (2), Assessor's Plat of Lake Cushman Eastside No.1, as recorded' in Volume 9 of Plats, page 110, being also described as Tr. No.4 of Short Subdivision No.7, recorded on May 20, 1974, under Auditor's File No. 289326, Mason County, Nashington, described as follows: CO~~ffiNCING at the Northwest corner of Lot 23, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 11, recorded in Volume 8 of Plats, pages 36 through 38: thence North 87000'29" East 170.85 feet to the Westerly margin of Lake Cushman Road: tnence Northerly, along said Westerly margin North 17024'00" East 11.15 feet to the point of beginning of a curve to the left from which the center bears North 72036'00" \vest 170 feet: thence along said curve through a central angle of 7055' 00" an arc distance of 23.49 feet to . THE POINT.OF BEGINNING; thence North 44030'50" \']est 435.16 feet: thence North 36000'00" East 146.00 feet: thence South 74050'50" West 180 feet, more or less, to the 742.00 foot 'contour line above sea level. Said elevation determined by reference to the bronze plague imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Easterly side of said dam, which bronze plague has engraved the figures U.S.G.S. J-32: said plaque is . placed ,at elevation 741.50 feet above sea level: thence Southerly along said 742.00 foot contour line to the center of a small stream. thence Southerly and Easterly along the center of said stream to the Hesterly margin of.the Lake C;ushman Road; thence.North along said Nesterly margin to,the p01nt of beginning.