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85 2IieV . LAKE CUSHMAN 116 y-, file 10 I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,"'XoY SAU! PRICE Rd. $th.IPon PUD fPD I 73 CITY OF TACOMA 2 40. H 3 If L H -ak. ' / " .1...' " ~.;:'- '" " I7lh>, --J [/,,' " L u '/&0/ ~ ,', %9 Ih!>>f (g' if g:: - A. ' C~~~ ~~'-- ct;;;" . 5 "". )jtJ U,~, .:tL ~190l. "tA-:ttL L '- etRl1 t'-\MIL- t. "" < .~. %0 :3"72.032 SLfl".' ,erA- 2 1$.,..", /'fz- ...3 <il.lw.:t- t. . L ~ Ie #'s ? .- /f.f~Z:: :' Sf/, 3" 'A"._ L1.I' " ,,;./.. "" .... , '111 ~ '1"~tJ.'" -LI= uN. Sj .. ,~~.." 81 I ./NJ '" ,~ IP- I u FZ . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . re.r Oyster TImber Unlmproyed Improyed TOTAL Oyst.r TImber UnlmPf'oyed Improyed Im~roY.m.nfl I. of E. ( ulldlnQI) VALUE . LOT ILK. SEC. TWH. 1GE. 85 lAKE CUSHMAN #16 , , -