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,.. f(jf,-~- -;_..,- ~ j':~-~J. 0' , Ln ~fa.-i I' 0; Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO . . DI,STRICTS ."'U-..j SALE PRICE Rd. ISch. IPort IPUDIFPD I I 69 City 'of Taco~ /lLIlCUN 2 40, H 3 If? L H , (I.dl .Y'T !!; <.".',<~~ ,:: ~1-5,;lff' ,-- -' 'i153,R -'11/.,. .. ...",., -' ;i:J.".:.. I J.J :// /, 4'?S", ~ -:; I " .91 ~m -1-1 18 ff fZ '"' I ..3 J.... Iff,- I i"i"S5'7'? -f" 0 -00~ 3p-:s ~;. . A ../' 9'.:1. .9-:,::: '~~.-'i_",- . w. 'i,pS8Y 'dka?V-, .F. .s-.s-oO LJ I 7 ",.!d- . . ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improved Impl"ovlm.nl'1 B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 77 9(,~ 781 9'05' 1q 7r;,~ '(I 9hS- 1.5 g~o . LOT BLK. {XYlYl/f SEC. TWN. RGE. Tract 60 Iu\KE CUSIiMAN # 10 ' , -- - , ., . , . . , , ._- -- . - .. ~'-~- -"':."~.""""'kC-!:..4j ~, /u.,,- . -7 <,/c, 70 ~ 30 .s S~OO .