HomeMy WebLinkAbout422125121018 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT McREAVY I S 1st Add .~ 1-'112-1z.1/ 1z.1s11 1z.11 loll 181 '# ACREAGE YEAR AUD, 8/85: _l!..48478 TITlE HOLDER Hood Canal St. Bank I ~--r-----.-~T ! I . ___ ..J _ ____________-+-_____ -, -i-~-----_1_ - - ~ '--+----- I t YEAR TIDELAND ,85 -+~ I I ACREAGE UNIMPROVED IMPROVED ..----.-- --- CONTRACT TD: TDTAl TIDELAND Ri)" SC 1 4G4 UNIMPROVED lOT Tr. 18 SEC TWP DISTRICTS :3 z..$r I PT UD FD HD CD H11H L 1AlUATlON IMPROVED BUilDING 37940 BlK 21 & 78 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES S #448478 "29COO WD B OF E TOTAL 27940 _.___"".,_;~-<.,.:.~ii~..,,-'> .".--";,, ~,-- That part Il)f Block 21, of McCreav,ys 1st Add. to Hc:odsport, as Rec. in Vol. 2 , of plats, Pg. 11, Records of Masen County, Wa., and of Vacated Streets, Averues and alleys adjoining Sd property Des. as follows: Comm. at the inters$c,tion of vacated Alleys in Scl. Blk. 21, Sc1 intersection being the Nly most corner of a Tr. conveyed to Merle B. LindgrEn by Deed dated July 8, 1971, and recorded under AF#261470 ; Th NOlo 35' 16" E along the cl of vacated alley in Sd. Blk. 21, 44.37' to the TPOB ef this Des. Tr.; th SOlO 35' 16" W 85.44' along 5,[. cl of vace.ted alley in Blk. 21 tc thE. N\Hy corner of that certain Tr. conveyed to Merle B. Lindgren and Norma J. Lindgren by QCD de,tee. Sept. 27 1973, and recorded under /,F# 283327; th N 880 38' 33" E along last Sd Lindgre.n Tl'. 100', +-, to hte Wly R/W lim, of SR 101; th NEly 80.70' +-, along Sd. Wly F/W line of SR 101 to co point Wt.ict bee.rs S 880 24' 44" E from the Sd. TrOB; th N 880 24' 44" W 105' +-, to Sd. TPOB. SuR. , /1//3Ca