HomeMy WebLinkAbout324262200010 DISTRICTS ""3 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO .-'- SALE PRICE 0: //;;';7 Rd. Sch. Port jPUD rPD I 54 152533 Artlmr 8. ~vcrett et ux ()frfl) 2 ill _1.... __ ....1. f/;;OO /.<,- :J./f7'lI rJ~j.vrv PJ. f!1~.' b1 ~f-' :.3 L i;PL 'J.fN3/6 re"Jd> -gIIJ' ::/l3?651? - !: - - - - ~ 3/::,-5/,,/ ~"' .... n'M ~ t,:: - #' 'Ja:' o-;r ~ .3)i/,:',tf :3 , '!. J, -i~ It, ~ 7;; r..tJ.1;...~. I/..I.,'{,,- ~ .'-'''f.e 3 I~$p~ ~ - - - - - d.d,P-<' 6(;/;fy ::z . /J.1/tJ f7 ,$ ~k. 7JJ.4",../~ ,;z ~ 2- II L I-i $ - 6;""r. 1~7-lZJ,1 ':"'),J7U WlIA,'n1,t j iL 'jL> ' ~) #:~ .2Qo Yo ~ , J.1 -'=- .fL fN ...L - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~,... - ..... ~-=~ ---_.==---- -- ________.______=--_.~....,...._.________.___. ,. ,. ;0__ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Y..r OyIUir Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvllmenh B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .r;f. ,sIo ,I/o ,;(00 ';<0(') M .t.fo , tJ-O .3 O/: 300 it!, p. -0/ . 375 ..37':;- i-'"L" !4 ~. ,) ~::> .. .- '. 7/ ,5'.'../:'? .':;oco .i!.!- f /" (/,'" lODGD hJ(J I~ k /C"~c-o /t' cct:) ..8L ....!....!:io , '-/0 ,;(3 j" ~ ..2,-:: ~, , /1(./ 30 :>Y:, 3co~", :',;;.J . ~ LDT BLK. ci\;L U ~ (~.:2.? ':~..:!# lIEC. nVN. RGE. . ~ -- ----. .. . .., ....,-., . " .., , '-"';;'jti.-...,__ . , ., .-~..,~ CO:-;",.1t t.he corne- cor.l7lon to Secs. 22, 23, 26 Sc 27, 'l.nri ',!hich corner is on the S "ide of t1'e P./ci of Primary St.1.tJ I:i -hray i:o. 9, as now 10c'lted, thence follo"in~ 'llano: the S 't,/'" Ijne of Hi~r",'J:1Y :. 79000' E 600' to t"e ;.: corner of "'r. 1, :nock 2, of the unrecorded !~lJt of A",lie ,';]il's Summer ,"o,"-e ':'r1cts, ~'1~ the ::'''1iti31 "'-cint of t"e tract of land h"reby described; U'ence SIlo E (va. ?3C .~) 182', ~.ore or less, to the S line of 1cv. Lot 2; 1nd bein~ the ~~ corner of s~ic1 Tr. 1, 31k. 2, of Illat; t1mce S ,330 ',i a lono- the S line of Lot 2, 100'; t' ence N llo\v to ? ,.,oint on tr,e S ::j:: l;ne of !Ii'lHay ,!;~iclc is 100' frorr. the point of be-innin~; thence t 79cOO' 2 lUO' to the initi1.1 ~oint. ) -. -----------...::~