HomeMy WebLinkAbout324237500050 Va;; I -File No .-r--M--..-.-------NAME of OWNER ---,- CONTRACT TO R'd':"T~'l.,?rt;U~~-~-~~~S; elOO SALE PRICE' 11/7 27441C I I. ' 52 U.Q~~, T. Redman Fdnk Farr et al 2404 31..171 L, Hi #33494 3L7.5...,.?;~.8.'l'i3.K __Ta1.!!.lQ.--lD,c.Kf ...L~__",i,!.1lI..b...if.(1 #43112.0= 6/78_ .er~Jh; ~~!~,!!5/1.):>u ""/loV" .___J3..~ruce McFar ~n e1 ux (L~..DJ_~ :,--{~n~~~~~ 12/I ~0@..1. ~___n O(PrfD Michael L. Jac ~et al (SeU~ck $17000 R",.; ~%l ,3'jt.b~i .;(-aI~~~. __ "n h /. t1l r--1- ' M .-..--- - - '- TOTAL I I r I VALUATIONS . ~.Fo . NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Impro".ments I (BuildinQI) B. of E. VALUE J3...--,--r----- 5. 50 g/ 'I:r .:;-. s:z; 6.$0 J/IO~ I/" t; 00 lid "f tJD 4105' It, 500 L~ so 0 ..5 ..aJ 1---- 1- I---~. -----. ---- -----f-- -. I 1,_- :__,==1 1-- -'---. n_ ____~__~. 1---- 3 I I p;;z. J..{.d 3 75""0 '0:0 5"t2] Tract 5 of S. '1il9 . - . . - .- I : LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. OSE. 3 24 qD.~ o , A tr of land partly in Section 13 and partly in 24-24-3W.W.M., daf: Comrrencing at the SW corner of Govt Lt 1 of Section 24; th S 880 58' 54" E alg the S I ine of sd Govt Lt I, 72.73' to the NWly r/w I ine of State Highway #101; th N 380 II' 21" E alg sd NWly r/w line 350' to POS; th N 44013' 59" W 226.01'; th N 480 15' I I" E 122.26'; th N 360 53' 41" E 98.79'; th N 220 00' 31" E 154.76'; th N 420 16' 51" E 1/9.01'; th N 180 25' 27" E 78.72'; th N 060 34' 30" E 209.46'; th N 410 49' 55" E 159.56'; th N 330 07' 38" E 115.65'; th N 400 54' 58" E 113.74'; th N 750 55' 47" E 60.20'; th S 740 27' 13" E 80.08'; th S 550 50' 03" E 28.84' to the NWly r/w line of Hamma-Hamma Road No. 249'; th SWly and SEly alg the r/w I ine of sd Road #249 a distance of 400' +- to intersect with the NWly r/w 1 ine of State Highway #101' th SWly alg sd r/w I ine of sd highway a distance of 870' +- to POS; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. .- '. :-f- '. i' . t; To. . .. ) ~ ,. /-1 -' " _1/ r- ., A,.-;; , " " .', ' 77&<5''/$: ;5./J. -'.--.f~ '..-. -~ """'7""'~ __ + _ ;___ :}{f.' /~/ /'/;7 'l?c14.i h2/}N/< /-;Jr,c/,-:> 7"..? ... - AA-""-/.''j'" 1-/'9/2~ et al: Michael L. Jacobs and Phy II is Z. Jacobs .57m//., >/;