HomeMy WebLinkAbout324234200010 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 333 I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port. PUD!~ , ,.. , 70 24g208 Tanice Lemon Hillvard 2 04 "' L H 00- I ",'t,'t/I'T3 m,,",~.,o(~/h~ fj If1JD w .:z. ~ W il I...L JL tf-So ~;s I:J,Pf,J!<. - ~r;, </S(o,;J..j,t C. ~>to<a<J.- ---:YJ?.. . /J/, II I <k<( ? 17 / {f. ""<'- . .. . ,. . -- ., Yo., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES I \ VALUATIONS TImber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Ilmp"ovemenh I B. of E. (BllildinQs) VALUE I-.} ,~O ,Yo /"" .' .-- - ~ -.-- :;.; r,-- ~ , - / /5(", 7' , /t< 7/ 3.lj .r. .'1/7 , .y tJ r!<(4-17 -'i/" ...; ~ 7/1 /tJ-o x.. 9/_/0 9?;Ro ,;Ie> /';;?/t"/i I OJ. I"" /~I 3uI r <-10 4~ /g"150 IV' /6"0 is ~J7l?O --2/7l?O - lOT BLK. '4?X~Jf.?T) () ti J ~..l SEC. TWN. RGE. -. --..---- ~ ^ .~ .1 ",of' a".... .T.....'" .,;,. ..a. ,.,.,,., "C . ..dl. .. .._'......~ . ..' " . That part of S; Govt Lot 2 lying within following description: Beginning at the intersection of the E line of Govt Lot 3 and the S line of State Highway No.9; thence S 45038'03" W along the S line of said Highway for a distance of 192.25'; thence S 44027'57" E for a distance of 109.08' to the meander line; thence N 37001'25" E along said meander line for a distance of 337.95'; thence N 74009'34" IV for a distance of 78.91' to the S line of Primary State Highway rTo. 9; t1:ence S 45038'03" IV along said S line of Highway for a distance of 92.60'; thence S 01023'14" VI for a distance of 14.33' to LP. .....- . . .._._--~-- .-_. (!. ~ YJ1~ (1L..:j Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS tALE PRiCe Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPD - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~.~---------------------------------------------------------~----~--~-~~~-=~-~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved ImprO'i'td TOTAL O)'ltllr Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.menb B.of E. (Building.) VALUE lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~. ..... ,c'l. ... ."_' A1". ,,-, .1.'" . u_ --~.- " . -.--_..~-.- ..7'~. .. Ex.R/W L..- Year l ~~{~~!g '}qqo;/.Cf <;2 l1093C V. T. Redman !//72 -J7da/o , fl/,;~ I;n;.j ;J.l%' :7'18 S,If' Jh5!J1J& Cftf,S --r ':> "3t <; CLASS. FOREST 7::> 0>0::\/ '" DN e03 "f50 1f1 o/r- "/7P. 14511)7 NAME of OWNER et ux P1<...?rV '"7 ---::7 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ ~ 0 CJ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRieS 2 'S12_l_.1.....iFF ,4c.'" kf" +- /J ,,;? #A.L/ .3 .l:....." - ~/r, ,ill' ,I . 'UJ.~ f------ , 18 ..2 I::M:1 ~ a ..b......H... / o/I'1SJ<.lfE/b-"'-f.tJ . It 38"1'1L1 'T;cC/ tT.t/:g II-Z Pl:c"..... ---- R'M~~~~~:~~nn ~~V ifJ7726 ~hp- $66000 ~>~ _....::1..-__ ---a-----:UMBER OF ACRES--------------------------------~A~~;~~---------~----- Yeer Order ..53 57 5't ra: ~1 ~ Timber Unimproved Improved :u. J if ,Jr!. d ,),1. 5sL ' 7' 7/ 72 179 7~ 71; 7& 77 J; . -/ 1/ ,. \,i~S]OREsr . - RP.W 84.33 ,;;. " -., . ~ ~ lOT. ?:> .",,;f - 7 'l( SEC. TWH. RGE. -. '.- -_~_~~A,'. _~__. o_! TOTAL ~ l.;;tf ~f.-5-7'- c:<g 5'if. ,,' ~ "'1 .-~ " 1_ ;(- , ' 'f Or.let Tlmb.r Unimproved Improm lmprOVen1llnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE I~-O /~Ci 12/d ,.;:(/c:J 170 /70 c/// ~J"" ,.-.... F CI ;:.' /..-J r'~ / C',(<': - /-::;> - .f :::- J?~<_F =" -'-' ) I) )7"/ V 351'!! 3'.:i'7tJ /{" '2 ,75: IJ ..3 ., 575 ?,.;?,o'" .;2 S'..:D' .,;? / 75 .!57r j c..J- 57oS' / (." . ,/~ ~?IJ J,f': -:-c /_:;::.....:j ,73'-1 " cl.3'-i-:: 1,r71.2d / 71d- 0 ,.-'/ ~~r /Pi' 10"% , ~......- ~ .... 0,. \ ~ i -;0.. * Ex. mv 10 Acres Tr. 1 R/l'l 1I-33S'>'I" s.".. ~~-f.'~~ /' ~.. . l. ~----" , I. .j \ I . Yur Oyde, f?1J !,r --f--- -r-------- - NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved ,.? J? _H Improved I. I TOTAL 1 I 1~7...r,4 -.------ ---...--------- ------- -- -.-.----.---- ---1-------- Oyst.r -- limber -, -I TTl -/ I .- VALUATIONS Unimproved lmprav,men" (Bl,lildin9S) Improved /7/;20 - B. of E. VALUE 1'l7f~d' ..<; - -- - - - .. - I , - --'